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  • I’m a female barber and I like a regular customer?

    He’s a regular customer, swear first time he came in he accidentally smacked my bum and I turnt around and said had you not of been sat in My colleagues chair I would’ve knocked your head off your shoulders to get the response of do you know who i am - I didn’t realise who he was at the time but given his history there was a massive ‘gulp’ 😂..turnt out he apologised that day and introduced himself and since then he’s been flirting with me which is fine, I like it! I’ve cut his hair before and he was telling me about his experience in another local barbershop, I was saying how my cousin pretty much had the same experience and that’s why I do his hair at home now and that’s when he asked me for my ‘price list’ I knew what he was trying to get at and said he probably wouldn’t be able to afford me and depending on what he liked - both of us laughing and being cheeky to one another.. week or so later, his neighbour who is also a regular and sometimes comes in with this guy had his hair cut and dropped a hint about my price list, clearly speaking of me outside of the shop, i just laughed and called him a cheeky sod and I didn’t go for guys with topknots longer than my hair 🙈 few days later I go to lunch and this neighbor sees me and approaches me with his phone, it was him! Asking how I was and  about my price list and about pink fluffy handcuffs for me to say in a funny way I didn’t like the padding and him saying he will draw me a picture of what he wants

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • I was pulled into the deputy office at my daughters school for asking other parents for advice?

    My daughter is 3 she started school in Sept, I have had nothing but problems with her teacher, basically behaviour issues, which to me has never been a problem in the past, pre school would've picked up on it? She would've been doing it at home also?within a matter of weeks she kept my child behind on purpose a couple of weeks back when she was clearly upset and she undermineded me in front of others, I punished my child I.e no tv or sweets because of it, called the next day if there was a problem to call me, she also went back on her word to the previous day of what she said. I let it go, she done it again to her nan instead of phoning me as her mum which I was annoyed about. I asked my Fb for advice because I felt like she was picking lil out all the time stating how I felt, not once did I name her or my child's school yet I'm pulled in last week over slander? Her teacher sent me to the deputy like a naughty girl - that's how she made me feel but wouldn't tell me what it was regarding and gave me attitude to go along with sending me. Now a meeting is tomorrow about concerns about her manner and how she's gone about all of this but this fb thing is bugging me, I shouldn't have to feel guilty about asking for advice from other parents perspective not only that that's my personal business and not theirs? So not only has confidentiality been breached but also being pulled in over something that's irrelevant? If anything I was talking to a mum regarding her child and not mine.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • 6 months pregnant, an abusive 'partner' venerable?

    I have a two year old girl and I'm pregnant on my second child to a guy who's abusive to me. I've had enough. I've seen solicitors to get stuff in place etc and he hasn't taken it on board. Today he shouted at me with such an angry tone in his voice whilst I was driving he made me cower and become very upset to the point of being dangerous. I also had my daughter in the car too. He tends to do it while we're alone and puts on a different personality infront of others so they don't see what he's like. He's constantly angry, raging too. Being pregnant also has made me more stressed,it's him screaming in my face, swearing infront of our child and in public at times too. I can't seem to get rid of him no matter what I do? Solicitors won't do anything much right now either. I feel so guilty once again because he's done in infront of my baby and feel like I've let her down? I've got the guilt on my shoulders? He refused to leave my car too and made me drive him home right to his front door. It's all good giving someone like me advice in my position but what about who's been there to give advice who knows what I'm going through. I feel hurt, upset, scared and venerable..all because I was reversing out of a space, I was looking where I was going but a car came flying past me from no where and he kicked off at me. He always kicks off over the smallest of things, constantly living on egg shells. Luckily he doesn't live with me but still can't seem to get rid of him all together?

    11 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 years ago
  • Questions about licence conditions as rape victim?

    My rapist is due to be released at the end of this month after serving 18 months of his sentence in prison.

    I have been arguing with probabtion for nearly two months regarding my offender seems I feel the cps and the police haven't done their work correctly.

    First of all I have had no correspondence through out the investigation, court or even now I was always kept in the dark and as a victim that's frustrating. Why? Secondly I have been refused a restraining order even given under the circumstances of being raped? I also have no reason to why it wasn't approved...I now have to see a solicitor about this as I don't feel safeThirdly licence conditions I'm not allowed to know every condition he must abide by only the ones that refer to me. Why is this? Even though some aren't relevant to me I should have the right to know every one otherwise how do I know he's not going to break them or not? I'm not allowed to know his released date exactly, why? I'm literally on the verge of loosing my mind I have an exclusion zone in place for now but that's only there for 18 months I still don't feel safe? He ruined my life, I should know everything of what he intends to do for the foreseeable future for peace of mind and more importantly my safety? I don't get why there is so much protection for sex really offends me being a victim that's kept in the dark and not allowed to know everything but yet my rapists is allowed to know everything he can about me? Seems unfair!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • My dad knocked his veneer out is it salvageable?

    My daughter nearly ended up in a&e tonight if it wasn't for my dad acting fast, my dad dived in front of her so she didn't take a serious impact and ended up knocking his veneer out, is his tooth salvageable? He has the tooth which was knocked out but veneers you need a base to build on? But it's like the tooth has snapped? Or is it supposed to be like this? Due to a facial impact, I'm guessing there will be damage to the roof itself :-( if it is salvageable how much am I looking at to get it repaired? Dad said the dentist may rebond it but if not they will have to drill the root out etc?

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • boyfriend told me he was sexually abused as a child?

    really feel confused right now, not so much angry just confused and a little hurt. i am a rape victim, my rapist recently pleaded guilty to his charge and was sent to prison. me and my partner has seperated in the past couple of months, due to us going through a rough patch. i seen an email of his which was an invoice yesterday saying he had bought lube and a dildo, i thought he was going to say he was seeing a girl and bought it for her, but he said the toy was for him to use on himself? we were together for 5 years and now have a child together, i feel like i didnt even know him? he told me last night he was sexually abused by his cousin as a child at the age of 7 and it wasnt just the once either, due to this, apparently he craves this lust for it? but hes not gay? or attracted to guys? i feel so confused right now, being a victim myself i do believe him, but i feel like our whole relationship was based on secrets, he kept this to himself for 20 years, i cant begin to think what its done to him mentally but he explained thats why he smokes drugs to try and relax because he feels ashamed, embarrassed which is normal as i feel this too. i dont know how to take him? i dont know whether i feel comfortable? i was the first person he told last night and he has also told his mother today what happened to him too. rape is one thing, but being a child when it happens i feel worse about it. it has made me wonder if his cousin was also abused?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I hit back, I couldn't take anymore abuse?

    I have been mentally abused for a long time. An argument started today over nothing, my ex was making a big deal out of nothing and the only reason why he was here was because of our daughter. I never asked him to move in or stay. He always puts me down, makes me feel crap about myself. It's not the first time this has happened when it last happened he moved out, I didn't ask him to come back? He's made me feel like I never made him happy, if he's unhappy he makes a point of it and makes everyone else feel unhappy, but then he's quick enough to want sex, he's never paid for our daughter, never paid his way whilst living with me, never paid me rent. Today he started on me because of my cat? How silly? Started shouting at me and I asked him nicely and calmly to leave, he wouldn't and in the end was stressing me and winding me up, then he was using reverse physiology on me saying how it's all my fault and was in my face, I hit him, I know I shouldn't of, was I well within my right too? It got physical last time but I didn't hit back, today I did

    1 AnswerFamily5 years ago
  • What is his defence going to ask me?

    I'm a rape victim, after two years of waiting I'm due to attend crown court in less than a month to give evidence. He was one of my best friends, we was on a night out, his mum insisted he walked me home, we have never had a love relationship before it was strictly friends. My alcohol reading was 84 they couldn't get a reading on him? I reported it straight away, he has stuck to saying 'he doesn't remember' i was asleep when it happened and woke up with my face in my pillow. They have all the evidence they need. He has adhd? I'm not sure if that's going to help him in any way? He doesn't have any previous convictions and also has a baby now. As far as i see it being the victim he knew what he was doing, thought because I was sleeping I wouldn't wake or remember anything?

    What can his defence ask me? Are they allowed to bring up my sexual history even if it's not relevant to the case? I will admit I was in a relationship and my ex is down as a witness? I did cheat on him but it was only the once? Will that be brought up? How long will a rape trial last usually? I know I won't be allowed to see anything until I give my evidence but to be honest I just want it over with and to come straight home, I don't even want my ex there to give evidence as he wasn't there that night? So I don't understand how he's down as a witness? Can I just turn up give my evidence and stay home and wait until the cps give me the verdict over the phone?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • I've been accused of slander?

    Basically I was assaulted by a bouncer in my place of work Friday, no I didn't phone the police because I was fine but I did attempt to make a complaint to where they were working. No joy! So I asked on Facebook for all the bouncers names to attempt to identify him, nothing bad was said on there just that I was assaulted and was going to report it to the police and sia. I was told a name because a girl I know has been hassled by them non stop, then someone else messaged me asking if I knew and I said yes it was glen? Turns out it was a Leo instead and glen in the boss of the security company and he sent me this I've been asked to forward this message on to you, its from Glen Smith. He isn't able to do it himself as he is not up to date with computers and is not on social media websites. "Katie, it was not me who allegedly assaulted you, it is a criminal offence to wrongfully acuse someone of a crime, and as a result of using my name to my employer and also slander on social media websites that could have an affect on myself or business you have placed yourself liable for prosecution. Copies of the items where you have named myself have been forwarded to both the police and my solicitor. Also I hope you are legitimately working at the Indian restaurant I.e in the books paying national insurance and tax and arnt claiming benefits. Glen Smith, Director of Turret Security LTD

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • What to expect when going to crown court?

    My attacker is being charged with rape this Wednesday its been a long time coming, in a way I am relieved that he's been charged but I'm doubting he's going to walk away free from this. First of all I would like to ask realistically how long is he going to get? It's his first offence, he raped me whilst I was asleep after consuming alcohol on a night out (his mum insisted he walked me home as we were best friends) the police have told me it's a life sentence but he's obviously not going to get that? I don't want to give my hopes up? Also, what shall I expect from crown court? What questions aren't they allowed to ask me? I know his defence is going to twist things and make me out to be the bad one, but I want to keep strong and have an open mind. Seems the police are keeping me in the dark about things, I don't get why they haven't remanded him as it's such a serious offence and he's bailed back to his parents house which is literally down the road from where I live, he's been living in England the past 18 months but has been coming back to Wales to answer bail all the time but because I'm living so close and I've been told he's staying a week down here I feel like I can't go out now because I'm scared? Why can't the police see that? Why couldn't they of just remandedm him for the week so he can face magistrates and keep him on demand? After all he has been charged and when he goes back to England there's nothing stopping him going on the run?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Something just came out of me and I have no idea what it is?! Help!?

    I had a miscarriage in September, I was 9 weeks and 4 days, that baby was perfectly formed, I had problems after because I chose not to have a d&c and for it to happen naturally, I bled for over 8 weeks since then I haven't missed a period and my cycles have been regular every 28 days, this period has been hell! I've been so heavy, my bath last night was bright red and that was day 4, I've gone through really thick pads which have seeped through my knickers and pjs, tampons are out the window because I leak every 2 hours :(! Doesn't seem to be getting lighter either, I'm not in pain just the normal period pains and back ache and tiredness, my mum and partner have even concerned today, I had a tampon in for about 3 hours and felt the need to take it out, when I took it out there was a white growth, it was rock hard with a bit of string of flesh attached to it, I don't know if I've miscarried again? I haven't missed a period and been regular like clock work :(! But the growth was noticeable! We have been trying since September :( and I've always had negative tests

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • Confused when does the egg release after fertile mucus?

    So we're ttc I had egg white discharge a Saturday, I got my ovulation tests through the post today and got my positive LH test on the first test but I don't have any egg white discharge? A little confused, is this the time when the egg releases even though I don't have egg white discharge? My cervix is high and I can feel the hole and it's also soft?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • No nasty comments, I need advice Ladies! What is happening!?! :(?

    Before I start, please don't judge, I'm in a mess right now as it is and I hate myself and feel so ashamed, so no hate.

    I was forced to have an abortion on the 15th of September (last month) most traumatic and worst regret of my life, I wanted my baby so much but with emotional blackmail and threats I was forced by my ex to have a termination.

    I stopped bleeding on the 8th of this month, went to the follow up appointment and it was fine and was given the all clear. I haven't been sexually active as I feel traumatised and ashamed of myself for what I put myself through, I was using contraception but antibiotics cancelled it out.

    My question is that I started bleeding again 4 days ago, it's at a normal flow maybe a little heavy for me at times but it doesn't seem to be getting any lighter or colour change. It's bright red but it looks like egg white mucus is mixed in with it? So I'm curious if it's my period or I'm ovulating? I wanted to wait until I had a natural, normal period before choosing another form of contraception apart from the pill. Oh and is it ok to use tampons now as I stopped bleeding for 8 days ?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Really need advice, please don't judge?

    Before I start, this is a sensitive subject to me, my head is all over the place and I really need advice. Please don't judge and no harsh comments.

    I've been with my partner 2 years, there's 6 years difference, I'm 18 he's nearly 24, I'd say we were happy and going really smoothly, we have a beautiful 2 bedroom house (which I pay for). I'm a full time student at college and its my last year, I consider myself to have worked really hard considering I was homeless a year ago. I work nights of the weekend an I really try my best to get somewhere in life. I was brought up by my dad with my older brother, my mum was never around because of drug problems in the past, she has been on the road to recovery for a few years and we're finally creating a relationship as I never had a mum growing up which was hard. I wouldn't say I've had the easiest life, I'm sure people are a lot worse off than I am. (I have never complained of my up bringing and how hard I've had it etc, if anything I turnt out to be ok, I hope..)

    My partner on the other hand has had it so easy and he doesn't see that, I don't critise his up bringing, I wish I had parents like his, he was very spoilt as a kid and more or less given everything on a plate to him which has caused his attitude towards life etc like it is now. He can never hold a job properly down and secure it, he smokes weed (I'm against drugs 100%) and I make him smoke outside as I'm a non smoker. When he can't have his own way my god he throws a paddy and spits his dummy out until he gets his own way. But when he's working and not smoking he's amazing!

    Underneath the negative points of my partner I can't help but love him, he's my best friend as well as my partner, I guess you can't help who you fall for in life.

    Anyway the reason to why I'm writing on yahoo is that 4 weeks ago I found I was pregnant, I was taking my pill but I was poorly in July. The day I found out I was shocked, everyone was, but I bonded straight away with my baby growing inside of me. I am 9 weeks pregnant today :)! But I have been given the ultimatum by my partner if I have a termination he'll stay and support me but if I choose to keep then he's walking away, either way he's making himself look bad? He's been so hurtful and selfish and then making out I'm being selfish because I want to keep our baby? He thinks its the easy way out? When its not :(! I hate him right now, we had a massive argument yesterday because I told him how I felt..he's not even willing to try whih hurts, we seen our baby last week and he didn't show any emotion he didn't care? I wanted him to accept it so much but he isn't coming round :(! The first part of the procedure is tomorrow, I can't face telling my family as they'll know he's making me do this and I feel guilty and ashamed, I don't believe in termination and he doesn't care how I feel? Because of what is aid yesterday he said we were finished because i pushed him to the edge? And I'm the one selfish and need to do what's right for everyone when it's not right, he said its whats beat for both of us blah blah blah...I will admit on one hand some o the things he's said I agree with but I feel I dot have a say? :(! It's breaking my heart! I shouldn't have to choose between our child and him? It's not fair, I Sao if he loved me like he says he does he wouldn't be doing this. He replied because he loves me this is why he's doing it? Don't make sense?

    He doesn't get it? From a woman's point of view it's her going through a termination, it's an easy way out for him, he won't even think about what it would look like, if it was a boy or a girl, to be able to hold it etc I feel he's taking my chances away from me :'(! If I go through with this I will never know if it was a boy or girl or even to hold it :'(! I feel very hurt right now and I don't know what to do? I'm petrified going through pregnancy on my own and giving birth on my own when he should be there, I wouldn't ask for a penny off him but for him to be there emotionally as I never had 2 parents and he doesn't want to, he said he can't. He said yesterday 'I love you. I don't want to finish with you Katie, but I'm sorry I will if I have to.' What's that suppost to mean? I haven't spoken to him since that text. I feel so angry and hurt right now :(! Advice please? :(! No harsh comments either please

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago