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  • Tax withholding?

    7 AnswersUnited States6 years ago
  • Cheating question?

    Given the opportunity, after heavily drinking, and with no one but a guy and a girl around, and even though the girl is not attractive and the guy has a beautiful woman and children at home, would most any guy take the opportunity and go ahead and sleep with the girl hes drinking with if he thinks no one will ever find out? Is this normal, typical, male behavior? Straight up honesty please, yes I know it depends on the guy, etc. etc. but in general, can I get some guys to answer? Can I get anyone to explain this to me???

    My boyfriend of 3 years and father of 2 children cheated on me, we broke up for 2 months and have decided to work it out. I am having lots of trouble with this...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • About Cheating?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years, we have 2 kids together and I just recently found out that 6 months ago he cheated on me with his cousins girlfriend. He was in a long term relationship before me and this was the norm between him and his ex, that was how they got revenge for being angry with each other. He has said in the past he did not want to do this anymore. At the time of the incident we fought, he was mad and was drinking. Other than finding out about this infidelity the last 6 months have been great. I am heartbroken, I asked him to leave and he wants to come home. He says he made a mistake and hes not that person anymore. Do you think that someone who has been a cheater can ever change?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Square footage?

    What is the square footage of a 20 x 20 foot room? Do you just multiply?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • Home construction (fiberglass)?

    Does fiberglass insulation get old? I have had a few rolls of fiberglass insulation sitting in a shed for a couple of years, should this be a problem now that I am ready to use it? (ceiling)

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • Baby Naming?

    I just thought I'd randomly ask, for fun, for any name suggestions for my third child. I have a son: Nisto and a daughter Celina. And suggestions for the baby? :)

    8 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Children when nearing 40?

    Hello. I am 35 years old, expecting my third child in September. I am debating about whether or not to take precautions so that this will be my last. My partner would like another child, however, we are getting older. If we had another baby, we would probably be 37-38. Has anyone had children this late? How did it go for you? What are the risks? Any personal experience or advice welcome!

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • When to call off the relationship?

    I am in a very hard situation with my boyfriend. We have been together for about 3 years, we have a daughter who is 1 and a half and another baby on the way. He has been raising my oldest son since he was a baby as well. Before we got together he had a drinking problem. Once we got together I told him I didn't want to live that way and he has been working on stopping but just cant seen to stop. Every time I am away from him or when he gets stressed out he takes off and drinks. Last week he told me he needed to go out of town (to the next city over) for work and will be gone for a week. He left yesterday morning, and I have not heard from him since. He has no phone and bought a prepaid but couldn't get it to work when he left, however I feel like he could have figured something out in order to call me. Before he left I was crying and he told me he will not drink, everything will be okay, etc. Now I haven't heard from him. I am sick and tired of being sad and disappointed. I am so in love with him that I feel sick to my stomach, and it upsets me that I am also pregnant and about to have 3 children soon. My boyfriend had a very hard life and I don't want to give up on him, but I don't know exactly what to do. Another reason this is hard is because his little brother passed away one month ago, he was murdered. I don't know what to do.I love him so much, when do I say enough is enough?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Relationship and the past?

    I have been with my boyfriend for a couple of years, we have a 1 1/2 year old daughter together. He was in a serious long term relationship before me in which he seemed to learn how to hold everything inside really well. I am having a very hard time with communication between us. Recently, I ran into my sons aunt (who my boyfriend and I both know from HS), through conversation it was revealed that he used to see and sleep with her sister, my sons other aunt. This happened before we were together, a very long time ago, but he never told me about it. He never tells me about anything. I have very good intuition and have always noticed a sort of awkwardness between him and the aunt who is the sister of the one he actually slept with. I asked him several times over the past couple of years why I felt awkward and he never revealed anything about this. I am very hurt, I am very mad, I am very upset and not sure what to do. Do you think I am justified in being upset? When I confronted him, he said, its in the past it was nothing so I never mentioned it. However, he had to have known it was something I was getting at when I kept asking about the awkwardness. Plus, its my sons aunt, we don't see her, but she is still someone who is in the picture indefinitely. Am I over reacting? Am I in the right or the wrong? I just feel like withholding information is similar to lying. I'm just upset and really confused. Any advice

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Frequency of sex question?

    How often do you and your partner have sex? I would like answers from those in monogamous relationships, who have children. I have a higher sex drive than my partner (I am the female). We are 34 and do not have sex as frequently as I would like. Just wanted to gauge the norm, and see if I might be the one with unrealistic expectations. Thanks all :)

    p.s: I chose to put the question in this category because I wanted more serious replies from parents and not the silliness that sometimes appears on the other boards.

    10 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Breakeven Analysis Question?

    When calculating a firms operating breakeven point should should the initial capital be factored in or is it just direct operating expenses, price per unit and operating cost per unit?

    Then, would the breakeven point be the point at which the sales cover only the operating expenses, regardless of how long it takes to pay back the initial capital?

    Thank you for any clarification!

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • Can you get pregnant while being on your period?

    I know that when someone is on their period is when the sack the baby would live in is being flushed out so Im wondering if it is still possible to conceive while a woman is menstruating

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Purchases of Inventory?

    Is Purchases of inventory another way of saying cost of goods sold, or are they completely different? If they are different how would I go about determining the cost of goods sold using an income statement and a balance sheet? Thanks for any expertise..

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Math help please and thank you?

    Please solve?


    Im not a high school student im trying to calculate cost of goods sold using gross profit margin but my math is slightly rusty and i am tired =( thx for help!

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Drinking Crystal Light?

    does anyone know if it is fine for a toddler (1and a half) to drink crystal light every day? my son doesn't like water, i offer it to him every day and he refuses it all day long we live in the desert its over 100 degrees every day and i want to make sure he gets enough fluid but i also don't want to give him anything that might be not so good for him either..thanks for any expertise!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • One year old bundle of Joy?

    Hello mamas! So what is your bebe doing at one year old? walking, talking? how often and what does bebe eat, how often does he/she bath, and what are sleeping arrangements like? how did the bday party turn out? My son is 13 months and doesnt walk yet just cruises, says a few easy words byebye mama etc. he sleeps in his crib and wakes up once or twice for a breastfeed. he bathes every other day. Im so happy with him hes the best cutest little baby ever!! Just wondering what your schedule is like and what some other 1's are doing =)

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • One year old son's weight?

    Hello all. My son turned one Jan. 25 and hes really tiny and only weighs 17 lbs. everyone always comments about how small he is. Otherwise he is adorable and his development is right on track. Has anyone else has such a small guy at 1 yr? Does it sound normal? Dont say ask your dr. if thats your answer- i know that already. Thx for any insight =)

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • First Birthday Party Help?

    Hello, my son will be 1 on January 25th. I'm throwing him a big outdoor party and I dont have the faintest idea where to start. I was thinking of making a carrot cake and having music. Can anyone share suggestions or successful ideas from your baby's first birthday party? I'm kind of lost, I'm not sure what to put on the menu, if babies can play games, etc. Any help, suggestions, experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thx mamas!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Have you ever had a clogged duct?

    Breastfeeding mothers; have you ever had any experiences with a clogged duct? ahh i have this VERY painful small lump on my breast and I'm wondering if this could be a reoccuring problem. My son is 9 months old and weve never really had any problems up until about a couple of weeks ago. I dont know how it happened but it was SOO painful and took about five days to clear out. I didnt really know what to do so I just kept rubbing it and feeding him on that breast, thinking this would help clear it out. (which it did) So I thought that was the end of that and now it happened again this morning. It hurt real super bad all day I had sharp shooting pain every time and for the entire time he was feeding. This sucks! Does anyone have any advice or experience? How can I keep this from happening again? Thx Moms!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago