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  • How do you think of a good thesis question for a essay analysing a clip out of citizen Kane ?

    Hi I am on a foundation degree course in Film and TV I have been told that I need to do an essays, analysing a clip out of citizen Kane This clip although it misses out some of the start and end. I have now been told I need to make my own thesis question that would put across an argument or something. I am really confessed, I am new to the whole essays thesis question thing I thought of a question like"how is the theme of loniess explored " but then I don t know if that will be alble to put across an argument I am lost and convessed on what question to use ? I have dyslexia so struggle with essays as it is lol. Any Ideas much help appreciated

    P.S I am sorry if I have missed out spelling mistake whilst writing this question

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Dog snapped at postman will they take my dog of me and put him down?

    I wasn't there when this incident happened but apparently my mum was talking to someone in the street and didn't notice the postman walking past, by the time she noticed it was to late he snapped at him. Now today 2 days later there has been a threating letter sent through the door saying they have told the police and a dog warden. My dog is fine with other people he just doesn't like the postman and he's never bitten anyone before just barks. He didn't open the skin and they was no blood just looked like a pinch. I am really worried they going to threaten to put him down or fine us. My dog is usually a friendly dog and it was a big surprise he did that. Has anyone had any similar incidents that has happened like this with their dog. Will they just give a telling of and that's it or do you think their going to threaten court. I am really worried I love my dogs to bits. We have had him since he was a puppy and he is now 5years old.

    8 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • What do I talk about ?

    For art homework I have to write abut a piece of art work basically I got to describe it and I am lost I have no clue were to start I am rubbish at these things and i hate it. I would really apprentice help I am also dyslexia so it makes it that much harder. I have to write about a Chloe Pine piece of work and it is called "carrying her blood" this is what I got so far This piece of artwork is called "Death carrying my blood" produced in 2002. The drawing depicts two skeletal figures whom look like a mother and child holding each other. It is quite a liner drawing and the media used is a mixture of ink and charcoal. that is all i got I don't were to go from here so any help will be grateful here is a link to the drawing I am talking about

    3 AnswersOther - Visual Arts8 years ago
  • How do I get my disk to work again on my computer?

    I had this computer disk for a while now and its worked fine before. I don't now what has happened now but every time I try to play the disk it doesn't work or just has a flash on the screen then it stops working and I have no idea what's happen I have done nothing differently on what I can think of but for some unknown reason the disk is not working anymore. I have never had a problem with it before and its always worked well before :S any computer experts on here :)

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • how can multi cultural influence and effect people lives in the uk?

    For my homework I have to fill in a booklet answering many questions and I am stuck how can multi culture influence and effect people lives? anyone know something good I can write down :)

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • What A level subjects would I need to study psychology at University?

    I am currently interested in psychology. I have just finished a GCSE in psychology, and was thinking about A levels so that when I finish A levels, I could study psychology at University. I know the main one would be to study psychology at A levels but would other two A levels would I need to study?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How do I write about an open day vist to the university I went on?

    For college I have been asked to write about an open day visit to the university I have been on apart of my Unit 10 work. I don't know how to plan it out or what to say I am not very good when it comes to things like this I don't know how to set it out. Has anyone had to do similar work to this and what do you write about

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • why did I dream this its really odd?

    I have never done anything wrong in my life, like I have never been in trouble with the police or my sister. I have had one dream where my sister was in prison and got in to drugs which is odd because she is nothing like that she doesn't even drink lol and then the next day I had a dream I was in prison lol. what dose a dream like this mean

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Any one know of any sites where I can watch a TV programme that has not yet be released in the uk yet :)?

    I am a big fan of Once upon a time and its an American TV show so its out later in the UK than America I think there have finished season 2 and us UK fans are still on episode 9 :(. I don't usually trust these piracy websits usually but up till recently someone sent me a link to movie2k and I realised it was that easy to see the whole season early and thought I would try it today and its blocked :( so anyone know any other sits :)

    6 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • Am I going in the right direction when talking about a piece of artwork?

    For my college course I have to talk about pieces of art work done by other artist. I need to discuss the line, tone, shape, etc. I really don't now what I am talking about but I am having a guess I don't get what they mean by line or tone I really do hate talking about pieces of art work. but I have had a go here is what I wrote and at the end of my description they is the link of the picture I am talking about

    This painting is called “the school girl” which was produced in 1906 on a small scale canvas. The subject matter is a young girl at 14 years of age. The school girl is dressed in the height of fashion with her broad brimmed hat, tight sash and puffed sleeves. The model was Lillian Montgomery. It shows a close up view point of the girl and the girl fills the whole page. The painting is a part of the impressionist movement due to the short thick strokes of paints and how the light is used. The colour Platte is quite limit in this painting and uses mostly greys, blues, white and browns but complement each other well. Due to these colours this has had an impact on the atmosphere as blues are usually used to show depression. I find this is a well painted picture and I find the artist demonstrate the different textures well as for the hair he uses find brush strokes and for the clothes he adds more lines to demonstrate the folds in clothes. I also think he has drawn the girl well as everything is in proportion with each other and nothing looks out of place or over exaggerated.

    4 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • What do Art teachers mean when they ask you to decribe line in a painting?

    I am doing an art and design course and I have been asked to describe a painting and it says to discuss the line and tone and things like that I am really stuck. I not good at this. I always thought a line was _____ any help I will be thankful :) here is the link of the painting I have to talk about. the painting is called The school girl

    2 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • Can you help me with my art homework pleause ?

    I have to talk about a portrait of two women and I have to describe the tone, light, line and colour of the portrait and I really don't get what they mean by talk about the line and tone and things so if any of you are good at talking about art work would really like some help 10 points for best answer :)

    here is the web link of the painting I have to talk about PS sorry for my bad spelling and grammer I have got dyslexia

    19 hours ago

    sorry about the link I thought it did thank you for mentioning it and thanking for the answer here is the link and that doesn't take you there its called Two Sisters by Cedric Lockwood Morris

    3 AnswersOther - Visual Arts8 years ago
  • Can you help me with my art homework please?

    I have to talk about a portrait of two women and I have to describe the tone, light, line and colour of the portrait and I really don't get what they mean by talk about the line and tone and things so if any of you are good at talking about art work would really like some help 10 points for best answer :)

    here is the web link of the painting I have to talk about PS sorry for my bad spelling and grammer I have got dyslexia

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • Need some Art homeowrk help :)? 10 points on offer?

    I have to talk about a portrait of two women and I have to describe the tone, light, line and colour of the portrait and I really don't get what they mean by talk about the line and tone and things so if any of you are good at talking about art work would really like some help 10 points for best answer :)

    here is the web link of the painting I have to talk about PS sorry for my bad spelling and grammer I have got dyslexia

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • A good description for a made up character?

    I am doing a animations project and apart of this project involved looking at animals and making a character out of them that involved both human and animal qualities I did a collie dog that was a farmer and I now need a good description about the character I don't have a clue were to start so could someone give me a made up description about a character of a collie farmer

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Why dose America love Ireland so much?

    I don't have a problem with Irish people at all but to me it's seen as any other country like Wales, Scotland England or any country on the earth but every time I see TV programs or films the US seem to fall head over heals for them it's like with St Patrick day they go nuts for it just wondering what the big fascination is ?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Need some help with personal statement for university :)?

    Hi I am doing a personal statement for university and my tutor said I need to explain what I am hoping to get out of the course, and to be honest I just want to be a set designer at the end of the day I just hope it gets me qualified to be one. Its like you woundn't go to medical school for five years to be a painter its obvious becaues you want to be a doctor. I don't now really how to expand on the bit were I just want to be a set deisgner

  • Macbeth Essay English help pleause :)?

    hi for English I have been given a question "how dose shakespeare create an atmosphere of doom and suspense" I have to do a essay on this :(. I really do hate essay I am hopeless at English. Well anyways I have started on Act one scence one and on the plan I have been given to follow its says to comment on the witches powers, I don't now how to go about this but and I don't now how I could link it to the main essay title. so an help I will be thankful :)

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • need some help with homework?

    I got a description of the internet about a plant I need to write about this plant apart of my homework but i cant put things in my own words. Could someone dull down this description for me :) so it dosen't sound like it is staright of the web :)

    Gunnera is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants, some of them gigantic. The genus is the only member of the family Gunneraceae.

    The 40-50 species vary enormously in leaf size. Gunnera manicata, native to the Serra do Mar mountains of southeastern Brazil, is perhaps the largest species, with leaves typically 1.5-2 m (5-6 ft) wide, but exceptionally long, up to 3.4 m (11 ft), borne on thick, succulent leaf stalks (petioles) up to 2.5 m (8 ft) long. It germinates best in very moist, but not wet, conditions and temperatures of 22 to 29 °C.

    Only slightly smaller is G. masafuerae of the Juan Fernandez Islands off the Chilean coast. They can have leaves up to 2.9 m (9 ft 5 inches) in width on stout leaf stalks 1.5 m (5 ft) long and 11 cm (4.5 in) thick according to Skottsberg. On nearby Isla Más Afuera, G. peltata frequently has an upright trunk to 5.5 m (18 ft) in height by 25–30 cm (10–12 in) thick, bearing leaves up to 2 m (6 ft 4 inches) wide. G. magnifica of the Colombian Andes bears the largest leaf buds of any plant; up to 60 cm (2 ft) long and 40 cm (16 inches) thick. The succulent leaf stalks are up to 2.7 m (8 ft 10 inches) long. The massive inflorescence of small, reddish flowers is up to 2.3 m (7 ft 6 inches) long and weighs about 13 kg. Other giant Gunnera species are found throughout the Neotropics and Hawaii.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • need some help with Art and design homework?

    Hi thanks for clicking :). I have to do a project on mardi gras then for my final outcome I have to make props to do with the costume thats the easy bit ,but the bit I am most stuck with is the reseach I really don't now what to witeabout they gave me an old design from mardi gras in the late 1800's and with this image I have to talk about the designer, make links with her designs and someone eles. I am fine with writting about the designer its just the making links bit I dont understand. My tutor suggested I look at Beatrix potter but I really dont know were to go with it. here are the links to the designs the first design Is were I have to interpt the probs and the second is the betrixa potter duck. any ideas how I make links with her work and the mardi gras deisgns

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago