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Just using this as a way clear my mind when I am switching projects at work.

  • Directions to Gravity Hill in Rose Hills?

    Ok, we just had this whole conversation about the gravity hill that's in Rose Hill's Cemetary. We are determined to go, but we need directions. Does anybody know how to get to the specific hill? I know how to get to the cemetary, but not to that hill.


    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Cuanto tiempo dan para recoger el IFE?

    Tramite mi credencial del IFE a finales de Noviembre, me dijieron que podria recogerla despues del 28 de Diciembre. Cuanto tiempo me daran para recogerla?

    4 AnswersGobierno1 decade ago
  • Tiene validez mi ciudadania Mexicana?

    Naci en Estados Unidos, asi es que tengo ciudadania Americana. Pero como me llevaron de niño a Mexico, tambien me registraron y tengo una acta de nacimiento Mexicana. Aunque vivo en Estados Unidos, me la paso mucho tiempo en Mexico.

    Recientemente saque mi licencia de manejar Mexicana, y estoy tramitando lo del IFE. Estoy haciendo todo esto para poder invertir en Mexico y comprar varias propiedades. Pero me dijieron que como tecnicamente no naci en Mexico, mi ciudadania no es valida. Y si en un caso me llegan a investigar, me pueden quitar todas mis propiedades en Mexico. Sera cierto esto?

    6 AnswersLeyes y Ética1 decade ago
  • Trabajo en EEUU, pero soy ciudadano Mexicano. Como le puedo hacer para sacar un credito hipotecario?

    Vivo y trabajo en Estados Unidos, pero quisiera comprar unas propiedades en Mexico. Pudiera sacar yo un credito hipotecario con un banco mexicano? Cuales serian los requisitos?

    4 AnswersRentar y Bienes y Raíces1 decade ago
  • How long does it take for a credit card payment to clear?

    Ok so I went to the dentist this Friday and I paid with my credit card. The payment showed up on my account statement the next day, which was cool. However, I just checked my account balance today, and it is no longer there. I had more than enough credit available, so I know that it was not rejected. I called the credit company and they told me to contact the dentist office. I called the dentist office and they say that they show my payment being received and I should just wait a while for it to clear.

    I have never had this happened before, so I don't know if my card company is taking their sweet time processing my payment, or if the dentist office messed up and gave me a free root canal!

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • FHA home loan and my FICO score?

    So I applied for a FHA home loan, but I got turned down because my FICO score was too low. They said that I needed at least a 680 to qualify. However, looking around in the internet, I saw some information that said FHA doesn't base its decisions on the FICO score.

    I am confused... do you or don't you need a FICO? If I do, do I need a 680 like Quicken Loans just told me?

    My FICO is 650 at the high and 600 at the low. I am looking to buy a 250k home, and have enough for a 5% down payment. I make 70k a year, and my bills are only $750 per month...


    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Why cant people see that the housing market needs to crash?

    The dream of owning a piece of property is already out of the hands of many Americans. Here in LA the average house is still worth $450k, which translates into a $2,500 monthly payment. However, according to 2005 statistics, the average household income is $3,750 per month!!! How are people suppose to be able to afford such a high mortgage?

    In speaking to the regional manager for Bank of America's lending division, I found out that the lending guideliness are only 4 x yearly salary for home mortgage. Meaning that the average Angelino can only afford to buy a house in the $160k to $200k. How can they when the houses are so overpriced?

    If the government doesn't allow for the market to come down, and instead artificially holds it in place, then this credit crisis will only get worse. People will continue to buy above their range and sooner or later it will completely crash. The only difference is that it will be worse if the government prolongs this.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Porque a Fox se le critica a todo, pero a Portillo y Salinas nada???

    Estoy de acuerdo que Fox debe que rendir cuentas de sus hechos y especialmente de donde saco tanto dinero para su rancho.

    Pero, porque con Salinas o Portillo (que esos si fueron rateros de primera) no dijieron nada? Porque no dijieron ni pio cuando agarraron al hermano de Salinas con mas de $100 millones de dolares?

    11 AnswersPolítica1 decade ago
  • Soñe a mi ex a pesar de años sin vernos?

    A pesar de que no nos vemos desde hace mas de un año, de la nada aparecio en mis sueños ayer. No estaba pensando en ella, y mi sueño no tenia nada que ver con ella. De repente se aparecio ella, ahora no se que hacer.

    La trato de localisar para ver si todo esta bien con ella, o solamente descarto todo esto como un sueño de locos?

    6 AnswersSolteros - Citas1 decade ago
  • Nos conocimos mediante Respuestas... ahora recomiendenos en donde tener nuestra primera cita?

    Querida comunidad de Yahoo,

    Hace unos meses, empece a tener comunicacion con una muchacha que respondio a una de mis preguntas aqui en Yahoo. Nos hemos estado llevando muy bien, y por eso los dos estamos pensando en tener nuestra primera cita.

    Ahora los dos pensamos que como nos conocimos mediante Yahoo, pues seria apropiado que fuera la comunidad que nos recomendara en donde tener nuestra primera cita.

    Los dos estamos de acuerdo en que debe que ser algo durante el dia, y en un lugar publico. Vivimos cercas de playas, restaurantes, y casi cualquier tipo de actividades que pueda haber.

    Asi es que gracias a este sitio nos conocimos, ahora ustedes diganos a donde ir en nuestra primera cita!!!


    A & E

    7 AnswersSolteros - Citas1 decade ago
  • Si conoces a alguien por internet....?

    Conoci a una muchacha por internet, y en realidad me esta cayendo bien. De lo que me cuenta ella es una linda persona, y pues me a llamado la atencion. Quisiera conocerla en persona... no necesariamente para formar una relacion, si no para conocer a esta extraña la cual espero con gran anticipacion sus emails todo los dias.

    Que puedo hacer yo para inspirarle la suficiente confiansa para que ella se anime a conocerme en persona?

    7 AnswersSolteros - Citas1 decade ago
  • Alguien me acompaña al concierto de Heroes del Silencio en Los Angeles?

    Habia comprado los boletos para ir con una muchacha con la que estabamos saliendo. No resulto, y ahora tengo los boletos pero no tengo con quien ir.

    Me encantan los Heroes del Silencio, pero lastimablemente todas las muchachas que conosco no les gusta. No quiero perderme de este super concierto. Por eso quiero saber si hay una señorita linda que le interese. Yo tengo los boletos, y hasta pago las bebidas.

    No espero nada en regreso... (claro que si algo resulta, yo estoy sin compromiso alguno). Hasta si todo sale bien, a lo mejor vamos tambien al concierto de Soda Estereo! Que les parece?

    6 AnswersSolteros - Citas1 decade ago
  • Qintana Roo Kilo Triathlon Bike?

    I am mostly a mountain biker, but I need work on my cardio on a daily basis so I need to purchase a road bike (the track is right next to my house).

    They are selling a 2005 Quintana Roo Kilo triathlon bike for $650, what is your opinion on this bike?

    Also, the bike is 53 cm. Since I am 5' 10" (17 inch on a mountain bike), I should be riding a 55 - 56 cm. How much is that size diference going to affect me? Is it that much of a big deal when it comes to road bikes?

    I don't want to ride it professionally. I just want it as my workout bike, and for that price I think its a goot deal.

    Thank you


    3 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't Al Sharpton apologize to the Duke lacrosse players?

    When the case first became public, he was quick to hit the airwaves calling them rapists and criminals.

    Now that it has proven to be all just a bunch of lies on behalf of the accuser, why doesn't he issue a public apology with the same strength that he used to denounce them?

    84 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I need help building my mountain bike?

    Ok so I have a beginners bike that I got for $200 at Wal-Mart. But now that I am getting more into the sport, I need to upgrade. I don't have the money to go out and purchase a $3,000 bike, so I figured that I would upgrade my bike piece by piece until I have a sweet bike.

    The only thing I have purchased so far are WTB Dual Duty rims, and I am wondering what my next purchase should be. I don't have the money for a frame, so that is out of the question. I am looking into purchasing Avid Juicy 7 brakes, a RockShock carbon fork, or a Race Face crankset... but I don't know if I am heading in the right direction.

    That is why I am turning to you guys for help... What should my next upgrade be???

    5 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Violación y muerte de una indígena de 73 años a manos de soldados?

    Acabo de leer esta noticia ocurrio en Veracruz y neta que me lleno de una rabia y tristeza a la vez. No puedo comprender como las personas pueden ser tan sadicas, y desalmadas para hacer tales cosas.

    Lo peor del caso es que fue a manos de soldados que se suponen estan para proteger a la comunidad. Como quisieran que fueran castigados severamente, pero se que al final nada mas le dan una buena mordida a las autoridades y como si nada paso.

    Que opinan ustedes de esto?

    6 AnswersActualidad1 decade ago
  • Women in the real estate business?

    A close friend of mine has been working in the real estate business for about 6 months. However she is struggling to make it. She is a hard worker and trust-worthy individual, but she is having problems in two areas.

    She has worked with two different agencies and in both of those agencies they are always pushing her to engage in unethical practices (such as forging documents and misleading the buyers/sellers). Of course she is not obligated, but if she does not do so she will not have any business.

    The second issue is that when it comes down to networking, male agents only want to network with her if she goes out with them. The moment she turns them down she looses that contact.

    Is there any advice you could give me so I could pass on to her, or is this how the R&E business is?

    Thank you in advance


    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Girls... Lets say that I ask you out for lunch and you know that I am interested in you?

    Lets say that I have known you for years, and you know that I am interested in you because I just recently told you this. I come up to you and ask you out to lunch/dinner/movies etc. You agree to go out with me. Does this mean that the interest in mutual, or you are just out for a free meal? In other words would you let yourself be pursued even if you have no interest in that person?

    Thank you in advance....

    (I am just trying to make sense of the situation I am in)

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Horror stories on being a landlord?

    I am in the process of either purchasing a house or some income property (7 - 10 apartment units). I know of all the good that comes with buying income properties. However I need someone to play devil's advocate and tell me of the downside of being a landlord. You know things to watch out for, what can I expect, things like that.

    Thank you in advance

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What interest rate should I expect with 620-640 FICO?

    I am in the beginning stages of buying a house. I am a first time home buyer and have enough for 20% on an average priced house. I just checked my score and they gave me 3 scores; the lowest is 620 and the highest is 640. So before I go into the mortgage bank office, I wanted to see what my rate would be like...

    Thank you so much

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago