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  • Does this not discount the 'financial arguement'?

    Congress is pushing this $700 Billion (that's million with a B) rescue plan (both Democrats and Republicans). However, for the longest time, opponents of the war have argued that the war is too pricey. The total of the war up to hence (2003-2008, making 5 years) has been calculated at $550 billion about, maybe more. Per year, this comes out to about $110 billion. The bailout, along with the various insurance, housing etc, bailouts would probably come to $800-900 billion, if not trillion range over the course of a year.

    I'm just wondering, does anyone think this discredits the whole 'this war is costing us too much?' arguement? Remember, this is purely based off of economics, not the human cost. While 4,000 is too many (1 is too many) that is not what is being asked.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which would you rather live in....?

    a communist dictatorship or a fascist dictatorship?

    This is a serious question.... if there were only two countries, and you had to pick one, which would you view as the lesser of two evils?

    I've been wondering, with how people talk now a days which one would be more 'favorable' over the other? I would like to add that with.communism, harsher dictators are common. There is of course Hitler, I know, but antisemitism was a phenomena within the Nazi party, Spain didn't practice it, nor did Italy to that extent.

    I know America isn't in great shape, but still...

    Respecting that we do have the possibility to have a right wing freak, however, it seem almost out of 'thought' almost that there could be a left wing dictatorship.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Liberals please answer this....?

    How can people on the left be so hypocritical? I try to stay moderate, but everything the left says makes my head hurt. I mean c'mon!

    You guys want seperation of Church and State, no prayers in school and so on, ok. Then you want to teach evolution? That's contradicting my faith, but thats ok?! I can't say "merry christmas" but Ramadan is a school holiday now?

    You say you support America, but you belittle our government at every turn. Granted, the government (BOTH DEM AND REPS!) make mistakes, but do you seriously need to sit there and say amen to Bush be called "el diablo?" Show some pride! And then you say you support the US, but we've lost the war, too bad?

    And how about Darfur, we can't help out Iraq and get rid of its evil dictator without there being a "warcrime" yet, we have to help Darfur (which we should)?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do we hate Bush more than...?

    Ok, this is a dead serious question. I want some INTELLIGENT questions, if not some of you to think for five minutes.

    Why is it that people have more questions on here and in the real world on TV, about how Bush is an idiot or he is the worst president as opposed to more questions about say how we should want to defeat the enemy? Maybe, how can we WIN (underlined) in Iraq? How WE as a nation can continue to prosper?

    Why is this? Why do we have so many citizens that hate our president more than those who want us all DEAD?

    Osama bin Laden helped fly a plane into a building, yet Bush is the villan. Saddam Hussein gassed and killed thousands of his own people, yet Bush is a dictator. Sunni(or Shi'ite, I get them confused) extremists are out there blowing themselves up, yet Bush is the murderer?!

    Can someone explain to me how there is no hypocracy here? I want to understand why it is that you can condemn a president as "Nero" yet turn a blind eye to those trying to kill us.

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago