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How to stop email from sending spam?
My email keeps sending spam to everyone in my inbox-- either blank emails or links that I would never send. I don't know if it's coming from my computer or Yahoo on my phone (I don't know if that makes a difference). Anti-virus scans have yielded nothing-- what can I do?
3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade agoDoes my dose need adjustment due to weight loss?
I've been taking 100 mg.of Zoloft since the end of March,with amazing results. I feel so much better, and that the "real" me has come out. Anyway, since then, I've lost 45 pounds (this is a good thing--I have a long way to go). My question is, could my lower weight make the Zoloft dosage too high? Lately I've only been able to sleep about 6 hours a night, and I feel excited all day long. Yes, I'm going through some major, exciting changes in my life, but I almost feel manic in my enthusiasm. Any ideas? Thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agoHow many hours a week to work/volunteer?
I lost my job because my store closed and am about to start an online library science graduate program at the end of the month. I will be full time, taking 12 credits a semester. I want to work part-time and volunteer at the library, but am afraid to look for a job until I know what my commitment to school will be like. Any ideas on how many hours a week I can work/volunteer while making school my first priority?
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoAnyone familiar with Clarion and/or Drexel universities?
I've been accepted to the online MLS program at Clarion, and I have a feeling I'll be accepted at Drexel as well. Then I'll have to make a decision...Clarion is a quarter of the cost of Drexel, but I've heard better things about Drexel. Any feedback would be appreciated!
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoCan you recommend some different music?
I'm so sick of all my music! I like a little of everything. It doesn't have to be new music-- I pretty much know all of the current hip-hop and am tired of it. I like almost all types of music, so any recommendations would be appreciated!
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoDid I injure myself while working out?
I started exercising at the beginning of April and feel great. Two nights ago, though, I did a circuit training workout that I think was a little too intense for me, and my pecs and shoulders were aching. They were still a little sore today, but I didn't want to go without exercising. So I did a 30-minute workout using lighter weights and now my shoulders, neck, and upper arms ache more than they did before. Should I be worried? Also, how long should I rest before working out again?Can I go for a brisk walk tomorrow without making it worse? I don't want to undo the hard work I've been doing- I have a lot of weight to lose and have lost 20 lbs so far.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoCan she sue me for her half of the house?
My sister and I co-own a house which we inherited from my grandparents. I was going to buy her out, but I can't right now because I have no job. My sister and I got into a huge fight and she tells me she's going to sue me. But for what? She doesn't want her half of the house anymore, but I don't want to sell the house. I'm happy with the current arrangement, with the house being managed and generating rental income which my sister and I split. What can she do to me if I don't want to do anything with my half of the house?
8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoHow to buy half a house with no job?
My sister and I co-own a house which we inherited from our grandparents. She no longer wants her half, so I want to buy her out rather than sell the house. We get 1,000 of rental income per month from the house, which of course would be mine alone. I need a mortgage for about 75K, my share of the house, and the rental income would more than be enough to pay the mortgage. I also have a chunk of money in the bank. The problem is, I was laid off in January and I don't intend to go back to work full-time, but plan to go to grad school instead. And my bank tells me the rental income doesn't count unless it's been steady for two years, which it has not. How can I get a mortgage right now? My sister is pressuring me because she spent all of her money and now she's making it my problem.
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoHow to update resume?
I just got laid off from work because my store closed. My question is about my resume: I prefer a chronological format, but I fear it may be confusing because I worked for this company from 2005-2008, then moved to another state and worked a different job 2008-2009, then came back home and resumed working for the first company but in a different location. Should I list the same company twice, even though the job duties were the same both times? (retail management). Thanks!
1 AnswerTechnology1 decade agoMy computer has a virus?!?
Here is my original question from yesterday.;_ylt=AiOuo...
The thing is, I cannot access anything. I can't access my own computer's programs, such as windows security and Norton anti-virus, which is supposedly working. I can't download anything from the computer, such as a new malware program. All these boxes keep popping up saying my files are infected, etc., until I can't make them disappear and I have to restart the computer. Also can't figure out how to put it in safe mode. How can I fix this if the virus is blocking ALL of my actions except simple web browsing? Thank you.
4 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoMy computer seems to have a virus that my antivirus didn't detect. Please help!?
I have Norton Anti-Virus, and when I open it, it says my computer is protected, except the backup needs to be done. But whenever I try to run a scan, or fix the backup, or try to do something on the control panel, I get these fake "security warnings" and it says it cannot execute the application and do I want to activate my antivirus software? How is my program not detecting this? My computer is essentially frozen, and I'm freaking out because I routinely check my bank accounts online and pay my bills. How do I get rid of this thing?
7 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoGrad school advice, particularly GREs?
Okay, I'm really considering it this time...going back to school after having received my BA nearly 12 years ago. Scary! I'd like to study library science, and it would have to be online, since there are no accredited programs in Virginia. Any advice on getting into grad school after being out for so long? The GREs, especially, scare me to death. And I don't know about getting academic letters of reference, though I could certainly provide professional ones (I managed retail, the last five years of which were in bookstores). Thanks!
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoWhat to get employees for Christmas?
Any ideas on what to get my staff? I can't afford much- less than $10 per person. I have about fifteen employees, three young guys and the rest women, ranging from their early 20s to mid 60s. At least a couple don't eat candy, and I want to keep them all the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
4 AnswersChristmas1 decade agoWhat do you think the lyrics to Rihanna's "Russian Roulette" mean?
I'm curious to see how everyone else interprets the lyrics. Thanks!
2 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoFeeling of something stuck in my nose?
I've had a cold since Wednesday and am in the sniffling/stuffy nose/coughing phase. What's worse is that I feel like something is stuck high up in my left nostril, which there isn't. It can't be a booger because everything's coming out clear and I've been blowing my nose every five minutes. It's so uncomfortable that it makes me feel like I have to sneeze, but I can't, so I blow my nose and cough more. I've been taking cold medicine, and have tried flushing my nostrils with saline spray. I even stuck a q-tip up there to try and clean my nostril out- and I touched the part that is sensitive and itchy, and I wonder if it's some kind of swelling? Any ideas? I'm miserable!
5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoHow many of us have the name "anonymous?"?
And I thought I was being original! Turns I've seen at least one, if not more, avatars named "Anonymous" on YA.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHow can I upload pics from my camera to computer without duplicating old ones?
My computer is only supposed to upload the ones it hasn't already, but it wants to start over and copy ones I've already uploaded. I don't want to delete the old pics from my camera's memory card, but I don't want a bunch of copies on my computer. I only want to upload the most recent pics. I'm using Windows Media Gallery. Thanks!
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoHow to start to get depression help?
I know I'm very depressed and anxious and should have dealt with this a long time ago. I'm at the point where I know I need help, but I'm not sure where to begin-- do I start with a doctor's visit? I don't have a regular doctor. Or do I go straight to a psychologist or psychiatrist? Will a psychiatrist want to offer counseling or will I just be put on medication? Thanks for your help- I need a push in the right direction.
5 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWhat are your hobbies?
I feel like I need to do something else with my spare time besides play on the internet and read books. I could use some inspiration! Thanks!
8 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoWhy did my money market acct. earn so little interest this month?
Usually it earns about $220 a month, but this month was only $71! What gives? Did the market fluctuate that much? What are better alternatives for investing my money? Thanks.
2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago