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I like to play dinorun alot! It's my favorite game! I don't know why people don't like vista, it works fine for me. I want to learn everything about Trojan.Vundo so I can save Gumby45's computer!

  • What program will detect Download Manager?

    Ok, ok, so I got eager to download a texturepack, which went through which made me install Download Manager without asking but it has the installer. Now I need something to get rid of it before I end up with some useless crap that slows the other stuff down. Nothing abnormal has been spotted yet, and I'm running Malwarebytes on full scan, but I need something that will DETECT IT! I also renamed the installer to something much more satisfying.. (Hinthint: Sweet honey iced tea..)

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago