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K B Big Dawg

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  • Are a Pisces female and Leo male compatable?

    I just started dating a Leo male 15 years older. Things are going great. But read the astrology and generally Pisces and Leo's are not a good match. Any input or experiences 😊

    2 AnswersHoroscopes6 years ago
  • My friend started dating this guy 3 months ago?

    Now she is going to move in with him. Her and her two young children. I told its to soon and she said no he is her sole mate. Has anyone had success with a whirlwind romance lasting a lifetime?

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • A friend stole boyfriend at a party?

    I took my boyfriend to a friends birthday party. I seen them exchange phone numbers. Then today I seen they went out last night by the photos in FB. I unfriended him. But I also think I should her as well.... Should I act like it doesn't bother me or unfriend her as well

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • This guy I meet a few weeks ago texts my best friend..?

    Meet this guy a couple weeks ago. He somehow got my best friends phone number as well. He text her all the time mostly to talk about me some things cross the line. I know for a fact she would never betray me but...I don't think he shou;d be discussing things about me or what he wants to do with me to her...its just creepy and weird and a betrayal. A lot is a sexual. Would this creep you out?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I have a military queston..?

    I think a friend of mine is being lied to. She dated this guy who claims to be a Naval seal and a Capt. He also faked a email claiming to be from his daughter notifying he died last Saturday. In this email he claims the army picked him up in a procession to an army base this Monday (24 hours after he died.. supposedly) then flew his body to a naval base where he would taken to be layed to rest at Arlington National Cemetery with honor on a freak in Saturday at 1:30. And asked her to fly out in this email. Well I checked the web site he is not scheduled to be buried there nor do they do funerals with honors on Saturday. I am afraid he is tricking her to go there and something bad could happen to her. I met the guy once he is a loser and no way any kind of war hero. How can I find out his really military information and prove to her he is a fake. The Arlington National Cemetery says it takes months to schedule a burial

    1 AnswerMilitary7 years ago
  • Why am I so jealous?

    I broke up with my ex boyfriend we were engaged. But we fought all the time I was in love with him. But he lies a lot (once you find out then it's hard to believe anything)and he has cheated in the past. When we moved in together we split the bills. For a couple month we didn't sleep together he said he thought he had a Heath issue? So I check the phone bill and seen he text a bunch of different women all the time. Not just once a day some had 68 text a day. He also told me 2 times a week every Tuesday and Thursday he went to lunch with a guy friend unless they have esp neither called or texted eachother ever nothing for months. When I confronted him I asked to see his phone I wanted to know what they all had to talk about all day... Everyone was deleted so he had been deleted all and any conversations

    As I didn't have a problem packing up and leaving ... Text from just friends never need to be deleted. Now 5 months later on my own. We have mutual FB friends I see him with new women all the time and it breaks my heart... I don't want him back but I don't understand why it hurts me so bad.... I haven't dated anyone. He is out with women 20 years younger ugh. I should not be jealous. I should be glad he is gone and moved on. Any advise why this hurts so much

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Renter in house are setting fires on patio?

    I have a rental house. I went there yesterday and noticed a huge burn mark on concrete 3'by4' black charred concrete one foot from the exterior of the home they apparently light a fires in cans To keep warm when they sit outside to smoke. Should I report it as arson they there careless could catch the whole house in fire

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Why do 45 year old men date 19 and 20 years?

    I have a coworker a guy who is 45 and when he and his old guy friends go out... Like almost every night they hang out and date girls that are 19 and 20 Some of them have daughters that age. I think they are gross I would never have dated a guy that old at that age. I am just shocked they are just average looking and the girls they find are pretty ... To pretty for old guys. Why do men do that.??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why do 45 year old men date 19 and 20 years?

    I have a coworker a guy who is 45 and when he and his old guy friends go out... Like almost every night they hang out and date girls that are 19 and 20 Some of them have daughters that age. I think they are gross I would never have dated a guy that old at that age. I am just shocked they are just average looking and the girls they find are pretty ... To pretty for old guys. Why do men do that.??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Have you ever dated a psychopath?

    I broke up with this guy very emotional and verbally abusing He text and emails me horrible thing... Then in Facebook am twitter post funny photos and quotes all the while sending me scathing emails

    I am beginning to think he is a psychopath ... Has anyone ever dated a psychopath and what were your experiences ...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I just passed real estate exam. Any advise on?

    I passed my test found a broker to work for.

    Anyone with advise on how to jump start my new career. I have notified friends and family.... No one is in the market right now

    Any advise on where to start on finding business? Actually any advise would be wonderful. Thanks !!!

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Would you end a relationship with a liar?

    Do liars ever change? Have you ever dated a guy or girl who lies. My boyfriend lies sometimes about big stuff and sometimes about small stuff. When caught he blames everyone else and never takes responsibility. Other than that he is devoted and very charming and fun to be with. But I don't believe a word he says. Any experiences with this?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Do long distance relationships last?

    I dated this guy off and on for 5 years. He lived about 500 miles away in Houston. I moved there and hated it. I am just not a big city person the traffic and humidity were terrible for me.

    When I moved there shortly after that we started fighting a lot. It made me miss home even more. I would break down a lot and cry,,I missed home so much. I stayed 10 mth then after the last fight packed up and went back to my home town. I love the guy and miss him terrible. But would never move back. He keeps asking me to come back. But there is no way I would live there again. Has anyone else left a relationship...because they don't like where there partner lives.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Has anyone had shingles that keep coming back?

    I had shingles 2 years ago and every so often it returns. Mostly I think with stress

    It's always the same spot Small area than the first time Now just the size of my palm. But still incredibly painful. I read that can come back once or twice but this is the sixth time Could this be something else Could the doctor have been wrong Any advise from some who has gone thru this would be helpful.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Ex boyfriend is posting stuff on Facebook about breakup?

    This guy I dated that verbal abused me then my daughter (not his child)

    He called her horrible things like stupid an idiot etc.

    only once when she ran to my defense while he was name calling me

    I broke up with him and moved away

    He has been emailing me he misses my child and would like to try to repair there friendship But he is posting on Facebook that I (her mother) is a negative person who should keep my mouth shut and I live in the past. Then he seriously thinks I should let her spend time with him While he vilifies her mother

    I don't even know how to handle it. He claims that he would never talk to her like that again Should I get a restraining order. Anyone else ever experience someone like this and what advise do you have.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago