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  • Affirmative Action vs. Cutting Taxes for the Rich?

    Affirmative Action is passing a law that makes sure everyone is fair and non-bias during a selection process in hopes that the workplace/education facility is more diverse. However, at the end of the day managers and administrators are going to select whoever they want. Same thing with cutting taxes, Just because you cut taxes does not mean more jobs will be created. Because at the end of the day its going to be up to the executives and managers what to do with their money. Am I wrong to believe this? At the end of the day its all up to those who have the power. Not the law that holds them in hopes of a right decision.

    7 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Should i just give up on this girl?

    Ok so i liked this girl alot shes the first girl ive felt i truly connected with in yrs... In fact she inspired me 2 move out of my parents (she does not know this) we have great talks and have done things together when we met she liked my roomate but i stepped it up and know everytime she comes along she is drawn 2 me... However i never made a move... Now in my opinon our relationship has deteriated the last month or so... I like her but the sexual tension, the fAct she has a bf, and her annoying behavior ( only when she comes over without a heads up) has made me quiet hostle towards her... Really i dont want her around unless i invite her...however she came into my life for a reason because i avoid relationships with women like the plague ( emotional immaturity i know) And i never thought i would connect with her on such a level... But the magic is wearing out her relationship wih her bf seems 2 be getting stronger...and ifeel like a looser because i couldnt get hook up with some1 i truly connected with and who obviously liked me as well at 1 point.. I dont like to quit and i know this girl was brought into my life for something bigger than what already has happened... And in the end i truly care for her but i got my self respect to uphold.. So should i just quit and move on or can some1 tell me how i should re route my game plan?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why are people calling the Health care Bill Obama-care when it really should be called something else?

    Obama is not writing the bill he is not even suggesting anything to it accept the obvious short comings of the healthcare system....i think they should call it Corrupt Dem/Phrama Care because it's written by those who are paid off by pharmaceutical companies and trial lawyers...

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • So what are these real solutions and ideas that Palin has that will get this country back on track?

    since SOOOO many conservatives/ GOPers are SOOOOOOO confident in her. What exact ideas does she bring to the table that will get this country on track. and please don't say lower taxes or drill baby drill that is already recognized as a long term mantra of the GOP. What fresh ideas does she have for this country?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • As an American who are you most disgusted with? Geitner,Bernanke, and Goldman Sachs or the Afghan people?

    afghan people = poor and uneducated hasn't stole or done any harm 2 a US citizen. OR

    Geitner, Bernanke, Goldman Sachs = stolen and defrauded us of billions, continues to stay in power to make the average US citizen a debt slave...

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Who is the bigger hypocrite Glen Beck or Al Gore?

    Al Gore goes around the country preaching about global warming yet he is responsible for more carbon footprint than every1 that's going to answer this quesition combined and probably then some


    Glenn Beck who says I cant find one situation in which our current health care is to blame for any wrong doing against anyone yet in 2008 Glenn Beck after some surgery was complaining on how we need a drastic change in our health care system (he was crying when doing this). Or when he denounces community organization as being dangerous yet applauding the tea party movement.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How vital is the opium trade to the global economy?

    apparently we are not in Afghanistan to just stop a few misfits from coming 2 the US to learn how to fly...the opium trade is encouraged by the US occupation because it stimulates not only Afghanistan but other countries as well...but in the end how vital is the trade to the global economy....

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is it better to be pursued or to pursue for a guy?

    i like this girl and it seems like im going to have to be the one who is doing the pursuing....meaning i have 2 be on top of my game...dinner and a conversations and worst of all waiting longer for her to put out and if she ends up not liking me i can strike out completely ....when a girl pursues me its quite easy...i can just invite her over and get lucky and then choose to keep her or not shallow its just that when i have to pursue a girl its tough...i know guys that pursue girls and get lucky all the time...however i liked to be pursued because i know the game is in my court...anyways its not about me but generally what is better?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • The Bush Administration is to be blamed for the economic meltdown, but isn't Geitner adding fuel to the fire?

    with his incompetence and corrupt ties? stimulus and the policies are just sending the middle class downwards

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Sarah Palin the Republican version of Obama?

    okay they have major policy differences. but they two became popular because of there celebrity like appeal. IMO both these people really don't have the brass in them to make the real changes that this country needs.

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which team has more competition in their time? 95-96 Bulls or the Lakers/Celtics/Magic/etc... of 09-10?

    i think there is way more competition today then there ever was in the 90s...but honestly when the Bulls won 72 games there was no real competition for them maybe the Magic w/ Shaq and the Jazz but we have the Celtics/Lakers/Magic/Nuggets/Spurs and even the Cavs...and though these teams may not win 72 games i think if we threw them in with the 95-96 Bulls i dont think they would have a 70 win season either going up against the Big 3 in Boston, and the super teams of the Lakers and Magic....

    1 AnswerBasketball1 decade ago
  • Which one of these reasons is the main factor in which why Americans don't support the health care bill?

    a. it just will cost way too much

    b. people just don't trust the government (obama admin) to make a bill that truly benefits the people

    i think the answer is more b than a...ya it may cost a lot but i think most people wouldn't mind paying for it if it meant that they would be covered if anything bad happened...however with the stimulus that was dedicated to special interest and the background of those involved in not only the administration but the health bill to be highly questionable (wh*res for the insurance companies) i just dont think people trust our government to make a health care bill that is truly for the better good of the people...

    14 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Are Health Insurers financially raping us the people in retaliation to Obama's ambition to reform health care?

    Almost every i know has had their premium double if not triple this year...personally i pay more for premiums and my co pay went up 6 fold...the last doctor's visit it felt like i was at a mall paying for all these tests and medicines...and i just went in their to see why i was loosing hair...i saw an older lady whose tab was 600 dollars and she didn't look too ill but a bit older...

    on another note...i understand we need mandatory car insurance because if an accident happens their is more than one victim but lack of health insurance the only victim is yourself...

    however...i wonder if the investments made by health insurers dropped because of the market crashes so they are raising prices in order to make up for losses...or they are just retaliating on obama and his ambitions to clean up the industry...

    if i want to make a superior sofa or tennis racket i should be able to charge as much as possible and make as much profit as i can....but if im selling the tools to save human life from natural illnesses created by god, nature whatever well i realize i shouldn't save one's life and sacrifice their pursuit of happiness at the same time...

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Are Health Insurers financially raping us the people in retaliation to Obama's ambition to reform health care?

    Almost every i know has had their premium double if not triple this year...personally i pay more for premiums and my co pay went up 6 fold...the last doctor's visit it felt like i was at a mall paying for all these tests and medicines...and i just went in their to see why i was loosing hair...i saw an older lady whose tab was 600 dollars and she didn't look too ill but a bit older...

    on another note...i understand we need mandatory car insurance because if an accident happens their is more than one victim but lack of health insurance the only victim is yourself...

    however...i wonder if the investments made by health insurers dropped because of the market crashes so they are raising prices in order to make up for losses...or they are just retaliating on obama and his ambitions to clean up the industry...

    if i want to make a superior sofa or tennis racket i should be able to charge as much as possible and make as much profit as i can....but if im selling the tools to save human life from natural illnesses created by god, nature whatever well i realize i shouldn't save one's life and sacrifice their pursuit of happiness at the same time...

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • To those who believe that Hannity and Rush are NOT racists, do you think if today was the 1960s?

    would Rush and Hannity be marching for equal and civil rights or would they be on the radio fighting against it?

    do you honestly believe they would have been supporting Rosa Parks when she decided not to get off the bus? or would they have labeled her a trouble maker?

    just food for thought...

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think for profit prisons should be banned?

    do you think it violates the constitution? (5th and 8th amendment)

    considering we are a nation that values freedom first and you think its really right for a private entity to have control over the freedom of our citizens...what about the extra financial strain on the state that has to compensate for profits that private prison contractors wish to make? also in many cases the employee's of these prisons have the same power as judges and parole officers which is against the more laws will be passed in order to incarcerate the citizens in order to make sure the prisons stay populated in which results will (and already have) lead to wide scale judicial should we ban for profit prisons?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How high do you think unemployment will get?

    a. 10 percent

    b. 11 - 14 percent

    c. 14.1 = 18 percent

    d. 18.1 - 25 percent

    e. through the roof man the ROOF!!!!!

    personally i think it will hit about 12 to 14 percent before it goes down...the Dow is up but only because of cost cutting..i think the Dow will hit 12,500 before unemployment picks up...businesses got their backs against the wall more than ever, and the FDIC is almost out of funds and bank failures are still more to come, This recession doesn't look like it will be ending any time soon.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • DO you think If i asked Micheal Moore for 200,000 dollars he would give it to me?

    i mean he says we should all share the wealth...and he is doing real well because his movies are quite successful...and i mean 200,000 dollars will lots of good for me, my family, and friends...and i promise i will share it as you think Micheal Moore will hook me up?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • This girl I kind of like wants to come over but I want to take her out how do i let her know i want 2 go out?

    ok no i know 2 most guys you are thinking "are you crazy"? but my place is a mess and my friends are always over and she wants 2 come over probably at a time when all my buddies are hanging out... i know its my place but i live with my roommate who is my best friend so obviously when he see's me entertaining a pretty girl he is going to come out and see what's going on and most likely another one or 2 or a dozen of our buddies are going to be there....and then knowing my friends (because i do this 2) they will all be competing for her attention..which will then most likely blow my chances with this gril

    but when i talked 2 her she said she wanted 2 stop by and hang can i tell her that i want 2 take her out...anywhere a park dinner, movie whatever as long as its not at my if the date goes good she is more than welcomed 2 come back 2 my pad after than i will have an excuse 2 kick my friends out...but if she's just coming 2 hang out than my friends have a reason 2 stay because it will just seem like another guest coming over...but my problem is telling her i want 2 go out instead just kicking back at my pad..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why Do Pundits such as O'Reilly say Ahmenijad wants to kill every Jew in the world,when he did an interview...?

    with Larry King...who is just doens't make sense...yeah the guy denies the Holocaust and thinks Israel should disappear.. but saying he wants 2 kill every Jew in the world isn't that just misinformation...

    28 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago