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  • Why is the ground and sky lit up like the moon is out when the moon isn't out?

    I'm actually really confused because I've never seen this before. I live in the middle of nowhere kind of country too so no light pollution to mess with the sky.

    I also noticed that I can only see 5 stars. It used to be 3 but then the other two just seemed to appear after I turned to look out the window for a second glance.

    ...they're also flashing. I've seen satellites and airplanes before so I know what their lights look like but this is a little strange. I don't know whether I'm being paranoid right now or something weird is happening at my house.

  • AVG blocked a program, can someone help me open it?

    Soooo I tried starting up Windows Movie Maker for the first time since I returned my computer to factory settings and with AVG set to Hardened mode, it asked me about it.

    I have a password set so only I can allow such things to happen...aaaand I accidentally typed my password in wrong. So it seems to have basically blocked the program from ever opening which is actually a pretty good thing if it wasn't for the fact that I WANT to use it and have no clue how to unblock it.

    Help :(

    2 AnswersSoftware5 years ago
  • Are you going to vote for Trump or Hilary?

    I'd just like to point out that Hilary is dead set on getting rid of the Second Amendment. As in, she's literally going to sent people out to gun owners homes and forcibly seize their guns. Does that not sound a little bit wrong? Hitler pulled **** like that too. The Second Amendment is there to PROTECT the First Amendment and if our Second Amendment goes then what exactly is going to protect our right to free speech? Nothing. It's going to turn into a "Don't speak bad about the government or bad things will happen" situation if she's not stopped. Plus there's the whole thing about IT'S ILLEGAL TO TRY AND CHANGE THE ORIGINAL AMENDMENT which can be added on to her crimes that pin her as a TRAITOR TO THE COUNTRY.

    Yes, Trump is an **** BUT he's not going to attempt to strip the country of their rights. Between the two, Trump is the lesser of two evils. When it comes down to it, we're stuck between voting an **** into office or a traitor to the country set on forcibly disarming law-abiding citizens.

    6 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Do you think witzelsucht is an actual disease?

    Apparently witzelsucht is supposedly a disease where a person is constantly making puns and inappropriate jokes.

    I myself think it's bogus and people just decided to make it up to try and scare people who were making puns and jokes all the time into stopping...or trying to fix their "disease"

    2 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • Why are some parents allowed to be in the room when their child is born but some are not?

    My dad was in the room when I was born and you see births ranging from educational videos to the Hollywood variety where some are allowed in the room while others are not.

    I've heard of parents taking classes to be allowed to help deliver their children but are there any other "special" requirements to be in the room?

    9 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • Is this the cause of a virus or my ISP being ridiculous?

    This only happens sometimes but there are times when I'm sitting here on my computer and the wireless internet disconnects all by itself. It's completely random too.

    One of the reasons I'm asking this is because my ISP is horrible but we have no choice since it's literally 1 of 3 ISP's in this area and they're equally as terrible but this one is cheaper. We're stuck with them and for some reason every single year for the past 4 years we've had to have them come by and either replace the line or give us a new modem. It's actually acting up again for the past few days now too.

    Buuuut on the other hand, it's only MY computer that seems to be experiencing these annoying disconnections. I'm not sure if it's a virus or the fact that I have it set so it doesn't automatically connect to the internet (I got sick of Microsoft installing s*it without my permission even when Windows Updater was turned off) unlike the other laptop in my home which is Windows 10 anyway.

    So my logic on that is because it's not set to automatically connect and something does go screwy with the internet then my laptop won't fix the connection on it's own. Or it's my ISP being s*it again...or a virus.

    What do you guys think?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking5 years ago
  • What does English sound like to foreigners?

    Just a bit curious about this because I've always imagined we sound like bored, nasally nerds who speak incredibly slow.

    And, at least in my opinion, we sound a bit monotone at times compared to other languages. It's probably why I like subbed better than dubbed anime. I mean, English voice actors sound so bored even if something intense is happening while Japanese voice actors are flipping the f*ck out lol

    English: Oh nooo, we're in trouble!

    Other languages: OH S***! WE GOTTA GET THE FK OUT OF HERE!

    Languages5 years ago
  • What are some cardio exercises that don't involve running or gym equipment?

    Basically indoor cardio exercises and if possible, ones that don't make a lot of noise like jumping jacks kind of noise. I live on the second floor and don't really want to tick people off...

    Plus while I'm sure running is the best idea and I actually don't have much problems with's more of a "I don't trust the area I live in" type of running issue. I don't know anyone who would want to run with me and would rather not go running alone and end up being kidnapped by a creeper.

    So what should I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports5 years ago
  • Are there any good computers that don't use Windows?

    Probably an ignorant question but when I try to Google this, I'm swamped with search results of: "Upgrade to Windows 10!" or some other stupid Windows 10 related bull. It probably doesn't help that I've been using Windows computers all my life.

    Anyway is there ANY type of computer out there that does not use Microsoft Windows at all? I'm sick of this Windows 10 crap and every time new updates appear in windows updater I have to check all of them to make sure they're not installing anything I don't want in my computer and THEN checking my installed updates to make sure they didn't install said unwanted programs in anyway.

    KB2670838 wouldn't fkin stop installing itself automatically and WITHOUT PERMISSION until I resorted to changing it so Windows Updater doesn't check for updates at all AND changed it so my computer doesn't automatically connect to the internet on startup.

    Seriously, I shouldn't have to resort to doing this much to prevent what I once thought was a somewhat trustworthy company from forcing all of their spyware into my computer. I have nothing to hide but the fact that they're trying to force their new products on my ticks me off. And I've heard they're going to try and make Steam incompatible with 10 so they'll make another extra buck off of people buying games through them instead of a MUCH more trustworthy third party.

    4 AnswersSoftware5 years ago
  • What's the word I'm looking for?

    I know there's a word similar to this but I just can't remember what.

    Basically I'm trying to find the word for: when a writer/author/director/etc. insert and object just to showcase one or two characters.

    As in, they just dropped an over the top monster in just to be like "Hey, check out how strong these guys are!"

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • What's your favorite game that gave you all the feels and why?

    Personally my favorite games that made me feel SO much was The Walking Dead games. If you play those games with the mindset of "Okay, if this was real then what would be the most realistic choice I should make?" it makes you ridiculously sad but addicted to the game and you NEED to see how it ends...and then Telltale goes and makes you cry T-T

    Especially the second Walking Dead game. Poor little Clementine had to grow up so fast and goes through so much in such a short amount of time in that game...well, after the timeskip anyway.

    So what's yours?

    10 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • Does this "recipe" sound like a good idea?

    It's less of a recipe and more of a combination of foods. Canned chicken noodle soup mixed with white rice. I wanted the chicken noodle soup flavor but a bit more substance to it, so does this sound like a good or bad idea?

    15 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Can wood mites ruin my air conditioner?

    I've looked online but apparently "wood mite" and "air conditioner" don't exist together. All I find it things about every other type of mite except wood mites. They were a pretty bad pest last year but I managed to kill them off for the most part by spraying the h*ll out of my windows with insecticide but I'm wondering will they ruin my AC if they get on/in it?

    They're tiny little suckers but will the cold from the air conditioner kill them or could they actually ruin my ac?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden5 years ago
  • Isn't it illegal to change the Constitution?

    I wasn't the greatest in History class but I could've sworn I was taught something along the lines of "It's legal to ADD to the Constitution but it's ILLEGAL to change the original Constitution"

    And by change I mean do away with one of the original amendments entirely. Amending the amendments, sure but the word 'Amend' means 'make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date.'

    MINOR changes. Trying to get rid of the Second Amendment is hardly a minor change.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Why do humans get distracted by imperfections on a person or animal?

    Now when I say 'distracted' I mean that their attention is automatically drawn to an imperfection. And when I say 'imperfection' I don't mean that in a snooty kind of way, more like 'distracted by the out of place thing'

    I'm not even talking about something major, something simple like a discoloration in a person's hair or on an animal draws attention to it in one form or another. Or a character with some sort of noticeable scar that shows all the time and your eyes are just drawn to it for some reason.

    I assume that part of the answer is simple curiosity to know why and how the imperfection occurred, but why does it distract a person?

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Why do some people think that animals have no feelings and are complete idiots?

    It really does confuse me as to why people think this about animals because if you spend a few hours observing any type of animal you can easily pick up that they're not stupid. H*ll my dogs make ME feel stupid occasionally. I remember once I tried using a laser pointer to see if I could get him to chase it but he literally took one look at it then turned and stared at me with a "Really dude?" look on his face. I also messed with one of my other dogs before and when he finally caught on he gave me a look that basically said "Stop it" and for the record, there was no growling or showing of the teeth.

    Seriously, animals are NOT stupid. Sure, they can do stupid things but humans to pretty stupid things too...and it's WAY worse than any stupid s*it animals can do.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • How tall is a 2 year old wolf?

    I've been trying to find this out but all I keep finding is how much they weigh. I want to know how tall they are when they stand on their hind legs and how tall tbey are on all fours. If someone knows tben that'd be awesome

    4 AnswersZoology5 years ago
  • Did Youtube or Google+ change some settings since yesterday?

    I m curious because yesterday I could go on Youtube and click on a little bell icon next to my name and see all the people who responded to my comments...but now it s gone.

    Did they remove it? Or do I have to go through some obscure settings to activate it again?

    1 AnswerYouTube5 years ago
  • Is there a place to download Avast Antivirus other than CNET?

    I don't trust CNET at all but unfortunatley that's the only place I can get Avast for some f***ing reason. The reason I stopped using AVG was because I stopped using AVG is because I could only download it from CNET and NOW I have to download Avast from CNET?!

    What the h*ll! I don't want spyware and malware to come bundled with my antivirus software!

    5 AnswersSecurity5 years ago
  • How do I fix my Yahoo 'nickname'?

    So for some reason my nickname is now ? and I can't seem to change it. When I go into settings my nickname is still what I want it to be but when I come to Yahoo Answers it's suddenly been changed to ?

    Anyone have any ideas how I can fix this?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers5 years ago