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I love my baby!

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  • 8 month old baby not sleeping anymore! Help!?

    Ok moms I need your help............ PLEASE!

    My 3 year old Started sleeping 12 hours at night when he was 7 weeks old. my 8 month old Lilly on the other hand.... not so much. She sleeps ok. But for the last few weeks she has been waking up 2 -3 times a night. crying and crying hard. i tried feeding her more but it did not help. I tried giving her heavier food an hour before bed thinking she just might be hungry. (she is a good eater. she is about 23 lbs) But that did not help. I'm not a big fan of letting her cry it out.... 1. because our house is small so when she cries, everyone wakes up. 2. she is just too cute. 3. she cries for like an hour. thats too long. So crying it out does not help. And if she does go back to sleep on her own, she is up again crying an hour later. WHAT DO I DO? is it just a phase? She see's her doc in a few weeks, but docs don't always know everything so I wanted your help. Any ideas what I can do? She doesn't even nap that much during the day. Maybe 2 hours total and that is nothing for an 8 month old baby. Please help!!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Thyroid Problems? Please help?

    I have an appointment on friday to get my Thyroid check, but I wanted get your thoughts on too. For the last few months I have been sooooo tired. I could sleep all day. I get 7-8 hours of sleep at night so I know it's not lack of sleep. My hair is falling out. I have these horrible mood swings. Sometimes I find it hard to control my temper.

    I had a baby 7 months ago. I had postpartum depression with my first so I know what that is like, but this is not the same. I know that you can have post hair loss after having a baby, but I'm loosing more then that. I can run my fingers thru my hair and it just comes out in clumps.

    I know this sounds a lot like postpartum depression, but trust me...... I really dont think it's that. Something just does not feel right in my body. Thyroid cancer runs in my family. 2 grandmothers and my cousin have it right now.

    If you have any experience with thyroid problems please give me your thoughts.

    Thank you

  • Pain in right breast 4 months post baby?

    I stopped nursing my baby girl over 3 months ago. She is 4 months now. I'm still producing a very small amount of milk in my right breast. But it's a very very small amount. My question is that my right breast hurts. It feels like surges of pain. Enough pain to make me grab my breast and say ouch! I felt for lumps and did not feel any. Is it just hormones? Is this normal? Should I be worried? Thanks

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 4 month old baby crying it out?

    My little girl is almost 4 months. She is a great sleeper for the most part. Only cat naps during the day. I put her to bed at 8pm every night and I dream feed her with rice cereal in her bottle at 11-ish before I go to bed. she wakes at 5am to eat again. But sometimes she wakes at 3am to eat. The last few nights I have been letting her cry it out when she wakes at 3am. She cries for about 3-5 min and then right back to sleep. My question is....... Is it ok to let her cry it out? She is a big girl and I know that she does not NEED to eat at 3am because she only drinks 2oz and then goes right back to sleep. My son slept thru the night at 7 weeks old and never woke up until 7am so I'm a little confused with my daughter. When do babies start sleeping longer? Am I going to have to wake up at 5 am for the next year? lol Thanks for the help! :)

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 3 month old baby with really bad gas? Please help!?

    For the last 2 weeks my 3 month old daughter has had really bad gas. She lets out the biggest toots! Louder than my husband! LOL I can tell she is very uncomfortable. She wiggles and cries until she toots. She was sleeping thru the night until last week. She wakes up all night crying. I go in and pick her up, she toots really loud and then goes back to sleep. She is not hungry, just has to toot. I have tried gas drops and they did nothing. Could it be that her formula is giving her gas now? She is on a milk based formula. I tried soy, but she just pukes it up. Other then the gas she seams to be totally fine with the milk based formula. I changed bottles and I have also tried gripe water. Should I call her doctor? Is there an RX for babies to help with gas? Please help. I want my happy baby back. Thanks! :)

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 3 month old baby nap schedule? Is it possible?

    My daughter is almost 3 months old. And I can not get her on a day time schedule for anythings! My son was on a great schedule by 3 months. He was so easy to put on a schedule but not my little girl.

    She is on a great night time schedule. Bath every night between 7:30 and 8 and in bed by 8:30. She sleeps from 8:30pm to 5am for a bottle and then back to sleep until 8am. It's great! But during the day I cannot seam to get her on a routine. Sometimes she eats 5 oz at a time and then only 2oz at a time. She never naps more than 1 hour at a time. Any ideas? I really want to get a schedule started. It makes life so much easier! :) Thanks!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Had my TUBES TIED! Please read!!?

    So I had my last baby via c section 8 weeks ago. I had my tubes tied as well. I am reading all these horrible stories online about how miserable women are after they get their tubes tied. Bad periods, massive weight gain, moody, depressed......... are there any good stories out there? Is there anyone that had it done and feels fine? I gained 50lbs with this baby and I only have 9 left to lose. I'm so scared that I will start gaining weight. I work really hard to stay thin, I come from a family history of over weight people. Please tell me I'm not going to become over weight and moody because of getting my tubed tied.............. THanks

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • First Period after C section? Bloated?

    My baby is 8 weeks. I got my first period yesterday. It's really heavy. I feel soooooo bloated! I got up this morning and I look 5 months pregnant again. My tummy is all puffy again. Is this normal? I have light cramping. I did have a c section. Not sure if that matters or not. Just wondering if this bloating is normal. Should I take it easy and not workout until I stop bleeding? (I have about 10lbs left to lose) Thanks for the help! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • First Period after C section? Bloated?

    My baby is 8 weeks. I got my first period yesterday. It's really heavy. I feel soooooo bloated! I got up this morning and I look 5 months pregnant again. My tummy is all puffy again. Is this normal? I have light cramping. I did have a c section. Not sure if that matters or not. Just wondering if this bloating is normal. Should I take it easy and not workout until I stop bleeding? (I have about 10lbs left to lose) Thanks for the help! :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 2 months postpartum. Period Cramps?

    I had a c section 2 months ago. I stopped bleeding 4 weeks after. I have felt great from the start. Never took any pain meds. But now that I am working out again, I have had period like cramps for the last few days. I am no longer breastfeeding. Is my period coming or is it because I am working out? Other then the period like cramps I feel great. Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 5 week old baby with reflux. Please help!?

    My baby girl is five weeks old. Last week the doctor told us that she has reflux. He put her on a med that did not work. Yesterday they changed her to Prevacid. She had her first dose last night but she still cried and was restless until about midnight. How long before the med works? Also, she wants to eat 5 oz every two hours around the clock. Her doc says thats too much and she wants to eat every time her tummy hurts. Have any other moms gone thru this? It's so miserable for me and her. I would love our thoughts on this. Thanks!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Will I ever sleep again? Please help!?

    My baby girl is almost 3 weeks old. She is drinking 4oz every two hours. When do new borns start sleeping longer? I'm starting to feel sick from lack of sleep. I have a 21/2 year old son too. He was the best sleeper. Is there a light at the end of this sleepless tunnel? Thank. Yawn.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 2 weeks post c section?

    I had a c section, my tubes tied and a small tummy tuck done all at once. I've lost almost all the weight, but my belly is still big and puffy. When will it go down? I still look 4 months pregnant. I don't remember how long it too to go down with my first. Is it my uterus? Is it gas? Your thoughts please. Thanks!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • 2 weeks post c section?

    I had a c section, my tubes tied and a small tummy tuck done all at once. I've lost almost all the weight, but my belly is still big and puffy. When will it go down? I still look 4 months pregnant. I don't remember how long it too to go down with my first. Is it my uterus? Is it gas? Your thoughts please. Thanks!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • C section and tubes tied? Still really swollen?!?

    I had a repeat c section and my tubes tied one week ago. My belly is still really swollen like I'm about 6 months pregnant. I'm nursing and I was hoping that would help the swelling go away faster. I don't remember being this swollen with my first. My hands, feet and legs are still swollen as well. Is it because I got my tubes tied? Did this happen to you? Thanks for the help.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Newborn only waking up to eat?

    My daughter is 5 days old. She was full term born via a planned c section. She wakes during the day for about 20-30 min at a time only twice a day. She sleeps all day and only wake to eat every 2-3 hours. At night she only wakes to eat also. She is never up and awake at night. Is she sleeping too much? My son is 2 1/2 and never slept when he was a newborn. so I'm not sure what is "normal". Thanks for the help!!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 38 weeks. Labor?? Lots of pain! Please help!,?

    I have been in false labor two now in the last two weeks. Both times I was contracting 2-4 min apart for hours. The hospital kept sending me home because I would not dilate past a 1 no matter how hard my contractions were. But tonight it's a whole new Feeling. I know that my baby is sunny side up and It make the pain worse. I feel like I have non stop period like pain that is just getting stronger. I'm contracting about every 5 min or so. But it's the non stop period Pain that is new. What is Going on? I'm havIng a c section on the 7th and I'm totally torn if I should go in or not. I know if I call L&D they will tell me to go in, but I have a sleeping two year old and I really don't want to wake him up and drag him to the hospital with me. Can anyone give me some advice on What to do? Should I just tough it out until the 7th? Could This be the start of labor? Please give me your thoughts. I never went into labor with my first. I don't know what it is like. Thanks!!

    8 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 38 weeks and tons of pressure on my Butt and sharp cramping?

    I have Been having BH all day. Other than that I was feeling really good compared to yesterday. Then out of the Blue I started having major pressure on my Butt and sharp pains in my Back and sides. Kind of By my ovaries I guess. It comes a goes. This is my second pregnancy But I never went into labor with my first so I'm not sure how it feels. I saw my doc 3 days ago and I was not dilated at all. Could these pains mean that I am dilating now?I have a c section planed in 2 weeks. But I'm getting pretty uncomfortable here. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Tummy tuck during C section?

    I'm having a planned c section with this BaBy. This will Be my last pregnancy. I'm having my tuBes tied, having my old horriBle scar removed and a small tummy tuck as well. I was wondering if any of you have had that done? Were you happy with the results? Was the recovery time longer? I wold love to hear your stories. Thanks!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Snorning and a new born? Please help!?

    we are about to have baby # 2. My husband snores so loud that even after 10 yrs of marriage I still can't sleep thru it. I'm so worried that his snoring will effect the sleep of our new born. With my first born I had a bed in the nursery and slept in there. But we live in a smaller house now and there is no room for a bed in the nursery. Can a baby sleep thru my husbands crazy loud snoring? Please give me some advice. Thanks!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago