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IrishPrincess <3 my BC shep

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Hi guys i am currantly back in college studying holistic nursing which i find really interesting it is a 3 year course so i am doing my first year now. How are you all doing? I will answer all questions to the best of my ablity so i look foward to hearing from you guys sometime. i also have a beautiful border collie puppy called shep hes 6 months old and hes a bundle of fun. hes so funny and hes always up to no good but he has a heart of gold. I have to say that i like everything films music i love sopas especially hollyoaks. I tend to hang out in facebook so if you want to add me please email first as i like to know in who i am talking to. i also wrote a blog on YOu can find me and my brain burbles at So thats all i have to say for now so bye for now and take care PS there is no need for cruelity to anyone or any animal not in this world and not in this lifetime.

  • are tribal designs still cool to get?

    I was just wiondering are tribal tattoo pieces still popular and cool to get the reason i ask is that i see a lot of people getting them persoanlly myself i hate tribal design pieces but i was just wondering why do people still get them of they are still not popular

    15 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • mumford and sons song lyrics need help?

    i just adore mumford and sons songs so so much and i was just wondering how does the following song lyric go. is it this one ohh tell me now where was my fault in loving you with my whole heart

    or is it but tell em now where was my fault in loving you with my whole heart.

    the reason i ask is because that im going to get a back piece done tattoo wise and i really want to get the right wording for this peice. seriouss answers only please

    2 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • a tattoo question serious answers only?

    I recently got a new tattoo on my lower back of a star. now i have been keeping the area clean and its really healing up well and its look good. now i want another piece on my lower back so i was just wondering should i wait for my other piece to heal before i get this new piece done or whats the best thing to do. the new tattoo is healing really well its just that i really want to get a new piece done and soon. FYI if you hate tattoos dont bother answering this question as im so sick of people saying tattoo sucks blah blah ok.

    10 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • im in 2 minds whether to be in a relationship or not?

    This is a long question so i hope that any1 who reads this has the right or helpful answer. I left my Bf about a year ago. we were together on and off for 3 years and it wasn't a good relationship that we had together. now i have been single for a year and i have been on a few dates with men that i have been friends with. now im at a crossroads in what to do next with my life. i was hoping to travel abroad this year for a few holidays, but im just wondering am i punishing myself by not getting into a relationship with any1. its just that i have my own plans and i said that i dont want to see any1 if im going to travel abroad. but i am getting lonely and im just feeling should i date sum1 for the sake of dating sum1 or should i leave it. its just that i have been hurt before and i really cant handle it if i get hurt. so im just wondering should i stick to my guns and stay single or should i go out and meet sum1.

    serious anwers only please

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what is the name of this cd?

    im currently looking for a cd that has been advertised on british tv. its a male violin player that does rock classical music. as far as i know hes tall with blonde hair and has blue eyes. icant think of his name for the life of me. if any1 can thank of this guys name can they answer this quiestion. its not the andrea riue guy its someone else.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • will will ever be friends again?

    Me and my best friend who happens to be a guy have had a massive fight. YOu see we have been friends for 10 years ok and things haven't been going well for him of late. Hes been seeing this girl and things are not working for him and this girl. Now i have said well if its not working out i just just take sum time apart.

    So anyways hes been taking sum time out and hanging out with me. Now wile all this happened his gf got really angry and started to say that he should not see me anymore. I got really pissed off when i heard this and i said i have known you longer than her and you cant treat me this way.

    now we have had a massive row and we haven't spoken since. i think personally myself i don't want to loose him as a friend but at the same i don't think its fair that he should treat me this way. So i am just wondering will we be ever friends again? i reallydon'tt want to loose him but what would be the best thing to say to get us talking again.

    if im being honest here i think his GF does have a massive problem with me being friends with him but at the same time i think that i have known him longer.

    Now i have tried to talk to the girl but at the same time she does not make it easy for me at all. shes alwaysputtingg me down and she plays up to my friend when im around him.

    so i am just wondering will we everspeakk again and also if we were toTalkk again how would we go about saving our friendship.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • should i be worried about this tattoo related?

    hmm ages back i was at a friends wedding and the best part of her best friends were covered in tattoos. now i have 3 visable tattoos on my arms ans shoulders. nw the day was good in general but why do certain people feel the need to say ohh i hate tattoos and they dont suit girls. but you see my agrument is my tatts are a part of who i am,

    but why should i always feel the need to explain myself to people. its just annoying me of late that im getting judged over my tatts. i mean why do certain people do it for. its not like my tat cause offensive but it feels like im getting attacked for no good reason at all.

    does anyone who has tatts feel this way to?

    15 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • getting a lower back tattoo?

    i will be turning 30 soon and i want to get a lower back tattoo. I have the design that i want down and my friend who i a really good tattoo artist will be doing the job. i am just wondering from expereince of course of anyone who has got a lower back tattoo done wa the tattoo painful or what.

    I always have 6 tattoos done on me and they were all fine i did feel a slight tenderness when i got my shoulder done so i am just wondering whats it like to get inked on the lower back.

    serious answers only please

    11 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • is this a normal thing to happen after a long term relationship?

    For the last while i recently come out to a close friend of mine. I told her i was bi sexual and she was very accepting of me and this new lifestyle choice. Dont get me wrong i do still like men but of late i have been liking women more. I have even went to a few gay bars and have checked out whats the night life is like and i really like.

    But i am just wondering with me coming out as a bi sexual is this a bad thing to happen? i mean i have always liked boys and girls but i think for the lat year now i like girls more. Im just wondering also if i wa to come out to my family how would i go about in doing this. Its just that my mum always knew i was straight but of late i havent felt anything towards guys i think if anything i like girls more.

    Serious answers only please

  • been single for a year at a loss of what to do next?

    Please read on.

    I have been single for the last year now and i don't know what do to about it. I mean im friends with a good few people and they keep saying that they cant get over the fact that a young lass like me is single but i am just wondering. Is been single for a year a bad thing on my part. My lat relationship broke down due to him cheating on me and ever since he has done that to me i have been very wary in how i date. I have been on dates but i don't bother getting back in touch with them as i don't want to get hurt again by people who make and break promises.

    I am just wondering if and when i can start to trust people when it comes to dating. Its just that im finding it o hard to trust people of late mainly because of the fact that i have been hurt before.

    serious answers only please.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • relationship issues please read on?

    Over the last while i have recently come out of a long term relationship. Now the break up and me and my ex had was really tough and its left me ina sort of mess. Now we have broken up for the last 6 months but im very messed thanks to it. Im not sleeping at all and i have become very withdrawn and depressed as well over it.

    Im also finding it hard to talk to my friends about anything and i have recently shut people out thank to this. Im also very down within myself and i dont know what to do.

    I think perosnally myself with the whole relationship has left me questioning everything about my life and where i am going in it.

    Im also finding it hard to trust people as well. i mean i have been on a few dates but im way to shy to say how i feel.

    im also wondering when will this sadness leave me. i have blocked people from my life and i cant help but feel so sad

    i was just wondering what would be the best thing to do in this situation.

    serious answers only please

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • hollyoaks storyline regarding india?

    How is everyone finding the hollyoaks storyline regarding india. I have to say after watching it last night. Its actually scared me half to death that india fell for this cameron guy. Does anyone not find it frustrating that she should of taken her friend with her. I think if anything if i was india i would of not helped the guy at all with his broken car. I think that hollyoaks is doing an excellent storyline here. but if anyone girl here in ya was india would you A do what she did and meet a guy on a dating website and meet him alone. I think personally myself i don't think i would ever do it.

    Also what bit in this storyline frightened you more. I think for me the bit that stands out is when little tom got friendly with him dressed as santa. im sorry but this guy seriously freaks me out.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • the hollyoaks storyline regarding india?

    How is everyone finding the hollyoaks storyline regarding india. I have to say after watching it last night. Its actually scared me half to death that india fell for this cameron guy. Does anyone not find it frustrating that she should of taken her friend with her. I think if anything if i was india i would of not helped the guy at all with his broken car. I think that hollyoaks is doing an excellent storyline here. but if anyone girl here in ya was india would you A do what she did and meet a guy on a dating website and meet him alone. I think personally myself i don't think i would ever do it.

    Also what bit in this storyline frightened you more. I thin for me the bit that stands out is when little tom got friendly with him dressed as santa. im sorry but this guy seriously freaks me out.

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • should i be concerned about his drink?

    hmm a little while back i met up with a friend of mine. Now we went out and had a few drinks. now we were not drinking so much as i had to go to work the next day. BUt anytime i had one drink for example he would have 2 drinks. for example for my 1 glass of red wine he would have a double whiskey. Now i didnt have much to drink that night but he got pretty hammered. Now when i went home alone that night. I sent him a text to make sure he got home safe. I did hear anything back but when i got in contact with him the next day he told me he drank a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of wine. Now when i hear this it scared me a bit. I am thinking here that this guy has a serious drink problem but how would i say this to him without upsetting him.

    i did casually say that night i was with him you wanna go easy there tiger the nights still young. he just laughed at me and said ahh sure i have a drink problem.

    Now im just a bit nervous about being around him so how should i deal with this issue. I am thinking about dropping him asa friend as i cant be around this unwanted behaviour and also i do have a few issues of my own im trying to work on.

    so how do i tell this friend that i dont want to see him without hurting his feelings

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • dating advice need help?

    I have recently got out of a relationship that lasted for a few years. Now the thing is we have drifted apart and we got to the point of hating each other guts. Now since i have not spken to my ex. I have been taken some time out for myself over the last few months. Now i am thinking of going out and having fun in the new year.

    So what i am asking is really what is the best way to go out and have fun without being hit on by random idiots. I am not looking for aomeone right now but if i do want to go out and have fun. what or where would be the best places to go to and why.

    I only want serious answers only please.

    thanking you all in advance

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • a quick questions for the twihard fans?

    answer this question if you have seen eclipse the new twilight movie.

    In the eclipse film in the flash back of where jacob and bella are sitting by the camp fire listening to the story of the wolves and the undead ones. do i see the actor that plays aro fighting with the indians or is it the Felix viotere guy that i see in the scene. im pretty sure its aro but than again i could be wrong. can anyone answer this question for me. please only asnwer this question if you have seen eclipse and you know the books and films.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • what would be the best way to deal with this?

    a little while back i was bullied on FB thanks to an ex adding me. The bullying started with little jibes on the causes that i had joined and i also put a few things up on my account regarding a few issues that mean a lot to me. Now my ex is a massive raciest and hes a bit of a tool as well. he has said a few things on his page that have caused a few things for me to be concerned about. now the following things that he has said has upset me. For example he talks about a few disturbing things like beating up his partner and he has said that he could easily start a war or row in regarding this current economic situation that the country is in. BUt i have more or less told him that this would not be the answer. now hes been very sly to me and has sent me messages saying that hes going thru a hard time and that its my fault his lfe is so bad. But seriously how is this my fault. i have told a close friend of mine about what happened and he wasn't to happy about it. i meant to also say that this guy has stalked me as well and has been at my home even when i wasn't here so in a way im massively concerned that he might hurt my mum or my dog. i cant actually tell my mum what has happened because i don't want to upset but i might not be left with a choice so i was just wondering what would be the best thing to do.

    Now here's another thing to i have recently broken up with some1 and i am thinking of heading into a few aussie themed bars in town but my nutcase of an ex might try and stalk me again nd follow me into town. So i was just wondering how do i go about dealing with this situation. I have since reported his page and he has been emailing me saying that hes going to make me pay for what i have done.

    In a situation like this what would be the best thing to do and how would i go about doing it.

    Serious answers only please

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • is this a common problem in shelties?

    my friend has a beautiful sheltie called andy who is 16 months old. so he was running around the garden and playing from what i have heard andy fell off a few steps and he now might need to get hip surgery down. my friend vet has told her that this is a common problem in shelties its called hip displaica has anyone else ever heard of this? I just thought perosnally myself over his accident he didnt get hurt all that badly but when my friend told me that he might need to get hip surgery i was a bit worried. i was just wondering is this a common problem in shelties?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what would be the best cds to get?

    in order to learn the italian language. its just that i have an italian friend who is teaching how to italian and i am teaching her to to speak english. so i was just wondering what italian cds should i get in order to learnt the language. i have looked at rosetta stone and they are so expensive. i was just wondering what language cds should i use in order to learn the italian language. serious answers only please

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • what is the first sign of a female dog expecting a litter?

    a neighbour of mine recently got a little ball of fluff dont know what breed of dog it is but she has now told me that she might be expecting a litter of pups. I cant actaully see or feeling anything but she already had a boy dog who managed to mate this little dog but she was spotting when they first got her. so now the thing is the male dog is protective of the female dog and no one can go near the female dog if she is expecting a litter. what would be the first signs if she is expecting. i actaully cant see anything but my neightbour has brought her to the vets and they have told her to keep an eye on the situation. now i have advised my neightbour to get a welping box ready for the female and i told her to have the vet on standby but if she is pregnant

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago