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If I get a bad grade in one of my classes this semester, can I still transfer in the fall (I've already been accepted)?
I'm taking five 3 credit classes, and some music lessons. I've got decent grades (As or A minuses) in all of my classes except for one. I'm taking a class with a terrible professor who does not teach us anything and grades us very harshly. I'm transferring in the fall and have already been accepted. However, I know that I have to send in my final transcript after the semester ends, and I'm afraid they'll change my mind if they see that I fail a class (which I wouldn't be surprised if I did fail that class).
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)6 years agoWhat's a good name for a fictional radio show?
I have to write a 60 second promo for a fake radio show. I want it to be a station that plays classic rock. What should the name of the show be? Also, bonus points to anyone who can come up with a cool catchphrase for the show. Thanks!
2 AnswersComedy7 years agoAlmost 20 and never been kissed, had a boyfriend, etc.?
So I'm 19 and haven't been kissed, had a boyfriend, gone on a date, etc. I'm from a small town and went to a typical high school in which everyone stuck to their group. Jocks dated jocks, drama kids dated drama kids, etc. I didn't have too many friends in high school since I felt like I didn't really belong to any of these groups. I had one best friend who was basically the only person I hung out with. I did have some other friends, but we'd just talk in class and never hung out outside of school. I was hoping that once I got to college there'd be a better chance of me finally meeting someone since there'd be a lot more people around, but that hasn't happened. I am a bit of an introvert, but I'm not antisocial or shy or anything. I just don't want to go to parties or get drunk or anything like that in order to meet guys. I've never had a guy come up to me or flirt with me. I've never thought I was ugly or anything, but now I feel like I'm really plain looking or something. I don't wear makeup, but now I'm starting to think that maybe I should. I'm also Asian if that makes any difference, since I'm from a really small town where almost everyone is white. I just feel so pathetic and ugly since no one's ever liked me. The most I've ever done is hug a guy when we graduated high school, but that's all. Any advice? How can I meet more guys? When did you get your first kiss? Is 20 really old to have never been kissed?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow to introduce new kitten to the household?
I might be adopting a new kitten later this week. However, I already have an 8 year old female cat. Could someone please tell me what the process would be to introduce the 2 cats to each other? I know that I need to keep them separated and then gradually introduce each other, but could someone please give me a more specific answer. I've never done this before, so I want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I adopt this kitten. The kitten is a boy, by the way. Thanks!
1 AnswerCats7 years agoHow to convince my parents to adopt a kitten?
This summer I have been volunteering at my city's local animal shelter. In other words, I've been spending all of my free time playing with a bunch of kittens. There's this one little tuxedo cat who is literally my soul kitten. The first time I volunteered at the shelter, this little guy came right up to me and climbed all the way up to my head, where he then started to kiss me. I NEED THIS KITTEN. I already have a cat that we adopted 8 years ago, and my dad is pretty strict about not getting another pet. I don't understand why. If he's afraid of the commitment of having another animal around for 10+ years, he shouldn't worry since I'll be graduating from college in 3 years and will be taking the cats with me when I move out. He said that my current cat, Ember, will flip out if we get a new cat. But I've read that if you get a younger cat of the opposite gender, your current cat will adjust much faster. Apparently if you have a female cat and bring home a young kitten, the cat will usually mother the kitten. My mom would totally love a new kitten. She even told me that I don't need to convince her, I just need to convince my dad. I seriously need this kitten! What should I tell them so that I can keep this beautiful kitten? I will literally do anything for this kitten. I will pay the adoption fees myself, I will feed the cats and clean their litter boxes. What else can I do? Thanks for the help!
5 AnswersCats7 years agoWhat should this email subject be?
I just talked to the owner of the bookstore in town about possibly getting a job there. He told me to email him later this week to discuss a time when we could properly sit down and discuss what days he needs covered, my schedule next fall, etc. So I wrote the email, but I'm not sure what to put in the subject line. I had something like "meeting time," but I thought that sounded pretty dumb. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years agoI am adopting a cat. How should I break it to my parents?
My dad doesn't want a cat, but my mom would be fine with it. I'm going to be graduating from college in 3 years, so after that I'll move out with the cat, so it shouldn't be a problem right? So I'm going to adopt this kitten from the shelter I volunteer at. How should I tell my parents?
7 AnswersCats7 years agoWhat should I major in?
I just finished my freshman year of college, and in regards to my major, I am very confused. I started out as a music major my 1st semester, only to be extremely discouraged. I ended up switching to broadcasting/MBA this past semester. One thing that I'm positive I want to do after college is start my own business (that's why I'm getting my MBA). Should I just drop the broadcasting part and major in business? I know that the odds of me starting a successful business are not good and that I could lose a lot of money, so should I major in something else and minor in business? I am honestly so lost right now since practically every major I'm interested in is unrealistic or would have a very low pay (ex. music, broadcasting/communications, creative writing). I love music, but I don't want to be a teacher or music therapist. If I did broadcasting/communications I would love to be behind the scenes, either filming, doing audio levels, scriptwriting, etc. but I feel like it's pretty unlikely I'd actually get one of those jobs. I love animals, but I doubt I could be a vet since I'm bad with blood and needles. Right now I'm considering doing the psychology/MBA program at my school since I find psychology very interesting and took a psych class and loved it. I've thought about law, but I'm not sure if that's a good job for me since I tend to be a quiet person. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)7 years agoWhat should I get my parents for their 30th anniversary?
I'm a college student, so I don't have the money to get them something really nice unfortunately. However, I still want to do something unique and special for them since it's their 30th. Any suggestions?
5 AnswersFamily7 years agoBookstore job application?
I'm trying to get a job at the local bookstore, and I found out that to do this I must send a letter to the owner of the store, saying why I want this job, why they should hire me, what can I bring to the business, etc. I really want this job since I'm a huge bookworm and love to read, the owner is a family friend (I'm from a small town where basically everyone knows everyone), the store is close to my house so I could just walk down, and I know some people who work there. I'm having trouble starting the letter. I don't want it to sound too cliche. I'm sure most people write, "Hello. I am interested at working at your store because…" and I want to avoid sounding like everyone else. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years agopros/cons of conglomerates & synergy?
What are some pros and cons of conglomeration and synergy?
1 AnswerAnthropology7 years agoWhat can I do with a zoology degree?
I'm a freshman in college and I'm thinking about majoring in zoology since I've always had a huge passion for animals. What kinds of jobs would I be able to get, and how well would they pay?
5 AnswersZoology8 years agoIs it realistic to study pre-vet?
This is my first year of college. I entered school as a music performance major, only to discover that this is not the path for me. During this first semester, I have been seriously questioning which educational path I would like to take, as in which major I should switch to. Apart from music, I have always had a passion for animals. I've always said that if for some reason I don't pursue a career in music, I would want to do something with animals. So now that I'm 100% sure I'm changing majors, I have been doing some more research on possible animal-related majors, such as biology and zoology. I have also been seriously considering pursuing a career as a veterinarian. The SUNY school that I attend has a pre-vet program that allows you to take the prerequisites for vet schools. There are two things holding me back…the competitiveness of being accepted to a vet school, and the cost. I am a decent student (my high school GPA was a 3.9/4, and I have all A's in my college classes - including biology), but I'm wary about whether I should pursue this career path, only to find that I can't get the education I need, whether it's because I'm not accepted to veterinary school or because I can't afford it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
2 AnswersOther - Education8 years agoWhat kinds of jobs are available in VA/MD/DC?
I'm a freshman in college and am currently undecided on my major. The one thing I know for sure about my future is that I plan on moving south to the VA/MD/DC area (ideally VA Beach). I was wondering what kinds of jobs are available in this area. I'm hoping this will help me choose a major. Thanks for the help.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoWhy can't I sing anymore?
I used to love singing. However, for the past couple of years, I haven't been able to sing. My voice will crack and literally prevent me from singing. At first I thought it would go away, but I haven't been able to sing now for at least 2 or 3 years. I think it might be allergy related but I'm not sure. I have terrible year round allergies, and have trouble breathing through my nose and constantly sneeze. Also, it was so bad that it started to affect my hearing last year. My ear was really sensitive to loud noises because of excess fluids in my ear or something? I don't really remember what my doctor told me, but anyway I never mentioned the singing problem to anyone because it was embarrassing for me to admit that my voice cracks. I'm a music major and have to sing in front of everyone in my next piano class, and I'm very nervous. What should I do? Should I just suck it up and try singing, or should I explain to my teacher that I am having trouble singing? Thank you for the help.
2 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years agoShould I transfer spring semester?
So I'm a freshman in college right now, and I hate it here. I never wanted to come to this school in the first place, it was my last choice. I've really tried to like it, but it's just not a good fit (small town, nothing to do, no clubs/organizations to get involved with etc) Anyway, what I want to do is transfer to the suny school in my hometown for next semester. However, my parents won't let me apply. They told me that I have to stay at least a year, that I can't quit something half way through. I can understand what they're saying, but I feel like it's different for me since I actually never chose to come to this school, it was a last resort. It would literally be so perfect if they would let me apply/transfer. I could either live at home for the spring semester, or room with my friend who's going to school there, they actually have the program that I want (I recently just decided on my major), and I already know the professors who teach in that department. Is there something I should tell my parents that will convince them to let me apply and transfer? Or should I just apply anyway and tell them after? Thanks for the help.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoIs it worth it to take out college loans?
Right now I'm attending a SUNY school that I never wanted to go to. I've wanted to go to JMU (James Madison University) since I was a freshman in high school but my parents were always against it because it was too far away and too much money for an out of state student. But, JMU has a great music industry program (which is what I want to major in), unlike the school I'm currently at. Just everything about JMU feels right to me (besides the cost of course). So basically what I'm wondering is, is it worth it to go to the school I've dreamed of attending the past 4 years, a school that has a great program for my major, is in an area I love (I plan on moving to VA after college anyway), has an amazing marching band (I'm a "band geek" and miss marching band so much), and has tons of school spirit which is something I really want in a school (my school has essentially no school pride...we don't even have a fight song), even if it means that I'd be in debt and have to take out some loans. I think I'd probably have to take out $15-20,000 in loans. Is it dumb to be in debt, even if it means going to a school that's absolutely perfect for all of my wants and needs, or should I just stay at a school I hate that has a bad music industry program because it means I won't have to take out any loans. Thanks for the help.
2 AnswersFinancial Aid8 years agoHelp with college choice?
So I'm looking to transfer to a different school. I'm from Central NY and am looking for a school somewhat in this region. What I'm looking for in a school is:
-has a good music industry program (I want a program that's a little bit of everything - not just business. I want to still take music classes and lessons, but I also want some business courses and music technology/production courses as well. Songwriting would also be a plus)
-has a marching band
-has lots of school spirit
-is located in the northeast (although I also love the VA/MD/DC area)
-is somewhat affordable (since no college is really "affordable")
I absolutely love JMU in Harrisonburg, VA...they literally have everything I want in a school. The only problem is that they are really expensive for an out of state student, so my family could never afford it. But I really want to transfer to a school similar to JMU (ex. great marching band, school spirit, music industry major).
Thanks for the help!
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoFreshman in college...should I transfer close to home?
So I'm a freshman in college, and I've been here for about a month now. I'm very homesick, I still have no friends, and I'm just very lonely. There's a suny school in the city that I'm from and I'm wondering if I should transfer there after I finish my first semester here. The only reason I didn't apply there originally is because they don't have a good music program, and music is my major. I never even wanted to go to the school I'm currently at...things just kind of played out that way and left me with no choice. I'm really unhappy here...I don't like the campus, the surrounding area, the lack of school spirit, and I literally don't have any friends. And, the suny school in my home town really is a nice school, and then I'd be home, near my family, with my best friend, and I could be saving money by living at home. Should I just wait the whole year to see if I still want to transfer?
5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoWhat girl first names sound good with the middle name Allie?
I especially like unique, yet pretty, names
4 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago