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  • Am I at fault for feeling this way?

    I've been married for 2 years and I've been with my husband for 6 years all together. We have no kids so it's just us. I'm 30 and my husband is 42. I get home Monday thru Friday at 7pm , my husband gets home at 3pm. We rarely spend time together during the week but we're both off on weekends. Every Saturday my husband goes by his parents house to help them with repairs or just to hang out with them. He leaves at 8 am and comes home at 2pm, then he goes and take a nap until 5pm. This is a pattern, every weekend. But before we got married he used to go visit every 2 weeks versus every weekend. I'm bored at home, and all I do is clean the house and go grocery shopping and have everything done so when he gets home we can spend time together, but it doesn't work that way. I'm getting fed up with just spending Sunday with him because we''re both back to work again on Mondays. I always ask him to go away just for the weekend but he always says we'll plan something but nothing get planned, no matter how many times I mention something. I'm really lonely being with him and I've told him how I feel. But he says I complain all the time for nothing and he has to help his parents because they are old. My parents are deceased and I'm an only child. What do I do by myself ? I'm tired of arguing, and complaining. I'm just really lonely and I don't know what to do , and I'm tired of the my weekends are wasted ...

    I used to go with him to visit them but I thought it should be his one on one time with them .

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Am I Wrong or are they making too much of this?

    My grandad passed away last week and it's been very hard getting through this. The funeral was Saturday, and the immediate family had to be there at 9 am for the religious part, while everyone else came at 10. Well my husband and i got there at 8:30am, and he said he'll wait in the car since the immediate family has to do the prayers and he will come in at 10. Everything started later then expected so the religious part finished at 10:30, my sister in law comes in at 10 with my big brother and his kids. I put my bag down on one chair and my jacket on another in case people come in and take our seats. Well after the first part was over people started coming in. My sister in law puts my bag on the ground to sit next to me, and I said I'm sorry honey but that seat is for my husband. She said oh, you're not supposed to hold seats at a funeral and her kids are sitting in the front row next to me, mind you they have 5 kids in the front. I told her to tell one of her kids to go behind me, she said, whatever , forget it. Apparently my brother is annoyed because he called me today to tell me what I did was wrong, he said my husband is no one special in the family, I wanted to tell him the same about his wife , but I bit my tongue and let it go. Now both of them are not speaking to me. Am i wrong for doing this, its a hard time for everyone but I don't understand why are they being so inconsiderate right now.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I don't know what to do anymore?

    I've been married to my husband for 1 year, but we've been together for 7. We have no kids so it's just us. I'm 30 and he's 41. I love my husband dearly and he's my best friend . My husband works a lot of hours sometimes 6 days a week. My husband works 7-3 and I work 9-5 so I know when he gets homes he's tired. But I manage to get dinner ready everyday, my husband does no housework at all, he used to but just stopped. So when I'm off on Saturdays, I get up at 6am to do everything, grocery, cooking, cleaning, laundry, I try to get it done by the time he gets home so we can have time together. But when he comes home he's always so tired, so he takes a shower and takes a nap, and I watch t.v. in the living room. We haven't had sex in 6 weeks because he always complains how tired he is and I don't know what to do. I ask him to stop taking all this over time so we can spend time together but he won't. Our finances are separate, We split all the bills 50/50, he has his money and I have mine, he makes more then me but I like our finances that way.Its been so long since he touched me and I am getting so fed up. I talk to him about it and he picks on fight on the weekends so I end up sleeping in the spare room. He says I'm selfish but I think he is. I do Everything for him and and I feel like hes just being an a$$. He wont go to counseling because he says everything is fine. I don't want to live like this forever, I feel like I went from being a wife to a room mate.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Husband turns me down for sex ...?

    Married for 4 years, I'm 30 and my husband is 40. For the past 6 months our sex life has almost vanished. It went from 5 times a week, to once a week to once a month now if I'm lucky. I'm frustrated with him so much. I talk to him about it and he says there's nothing wrong that he's just tired from work. I try every night and every night I get turned down. I feel so unwanted and I don't know what to do . I don't know what the problem is, I'm 5'2 115 lbs, I go to the gym after work everyday to maintain myself. We have no kids, so I don't know what else I can do. I'm almost ready to file for divorce, I really need some help !!! Don't get me wrong I really love my husband I just don't think I can spend the rest of my life like this.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • What's the right thing to do?

    I have a 13 yr old child that lies constantly causing my fiance and I to argue constantly. I've been with my fiance 5 yrs, my daughter is the love of my life but she's pushing me to the extreme. She started lying months ago, I've gone as far as punishing, grounding and taking everything but the air she intakes, lolz, 1 month ago she left home with sweats to school, however my fiance saw her coming from school with different jeans on, when she got in the house she had on her sweats. I found out when I got home she took the new jeans I bought and those were the jeans she had on. SO i grounded her about the lying and sat her down and had a heart to heart with her . I let her know what she's doing is unacceptable and she has to stop this lying bull$hit. I told her 1 more lie and she will NOT go on her senior trip. She's graduating this year and got excepted to great H.S.. Well yesterday she did the same exact thing, took my jeans again and left home with sweats. She came home like nothing happened but My fiance saw her again. He called me and he lost it. He's tired of the lying and so am I. SO he told her, guess what ,you just lost your senior trip. I got home from work so stressed out about it. I feel so bad because I wanted her to go, I paid the damn $85 for her to have a good time now my money is down the drain with no refunds from the school. I am stressed out and I don't know what to do. Should i take away her trip , I know she really wants to go but she knew the consequences. I feel like the world worst mom, btw I called my ex hubby, her father and he called her and starts joking with her like its funny . He's supposed to back me up and my fiance is furious that her dad thinks everything is a joke and her dad wants to be her friend and I'm the MEAN one. I'm hurt about this and I cant get over it .

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What's the right thing to do?

    I have a 13 yr old child that lies constantly causing my fiance and I to argue constantly. I've been with my fiance 5 yrs, my daughter is the love of my life but she's pushing me to the extreme. She started lying months ago, I've gone as far as punishing, grounding and taking everything but the air she intakes, lolz, 1 month ago she left home with sweats to school, however my fiance saw her coming from school with different jeans on, when she got in the house she had on her sweats. I found out when I got home she took the new jeans I bought and those were the jeans she had on. SO i grounded her about the lying and sat her down and had a heart to heart with her . I let her know what she's doing is unacceptable and she has to stop this lying bull$hit. I told her 1 more lie and she will NOT go on her senior trip. She's graduating this year and got excepted to great H.S.. Well yesterday she did the same exact thing, took my jeans again and left home with sweats. She came home like nothing happened but My fiance saw her again. He called me and he lost it. He's tired of the lying and so am I. SO he told her, guess what ,you just lost your senior trip. I got home from work so stressed out about it. I feel so bad because I wanted her to go, I paid the damn $85 for her to have a good time now my money is down the drain with no refunds from the school. I am stressed out and I don't know what to do. Should i take away her trip , I know she really wants to go but she knew the consequences. I feel like the world worst mom, btw I called my ex hubby, her father and he called her and starts joking with her like its funny . He's supposed to back me up and my fiance is furious that her dad thinks everything is a joke and her dad wants to be her friend and I'm the MEAN one. I'm hurt about this and I cant get over it .

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Family Drama, What do I do?

    My little brothers girlfriend told me last yr that she hooked my big brother up with a girl at the bar and she'll make sure my big bro will leave his wife of 10 yrs cuz she doesn't like her. Well my big brothers wife and I talk everyday so of course I will not mention this and break up their marriage. So I called my big bro and told him what I heard and he needs to stay away from our little brothers girl because she is talking a lot of crap about him and his wife. I thought if I warned him he would watch what he says around her. Now my little brothers girlfriend calls me at work and says why I told my big bro what she said. I said he's my brother and i thought he should know that you talk a lot of crap about him and his wife and you are just my lil brothers girl, not his wife so I don't owe you nothing. I can't believe my big bro told her what I said when I was looking out for him and his wife. I never mentioned it to his wife because they have a good marriage and I thought if I told him he would watch himself. Mind you my big bro tells me everything my lil brothers girl says so her and haven't spoken in 6 months and I keep my distance. Am I at fault for telling my brother to watch himself around our little brothers girl, I thought it was the right thing and now I'm the bad one in this situation.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Stressed and upset about my ex - husband?

    I'm a divorced mom of a 13yr old. My ex husband pays $250 per month child support. And that does very little. I pay her medical insurance and the cost of her braces. I took him to court before and he was suppose to pay $125 per week and cover medical and dental for her. He had a fit and quit his job and stopped calling and coming to see her. 6 months later he called and said that I screwed him and that's what I get. He said he will start coming around to see our daughter if I go to court and drop the child support. Stupid me did just that, and he started seeing her and started giving me $250 per month, this was 5 years ago. The money is not enough for anything and I'm barely surviving. My fiance whom I am getting married to this summer says that her father should pay to support her and it's not his job to take care of my child, and He'll do what he can. But I should take him to court. What do I do, when I talk to my ex he's always an *** and says he pays me too much money and If I take him to court I'm causing problems for him seeing our child. I'm stressed , someone give me advice...

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I'm at my breaking point ...?

    My mom passed away when I was 9 and my dad passed away when I was 21. I'm 31 divorced mom , my daughter is 12. She's the love of my love. I recently got remarried 2 months ago. My husband and I have been arguing over stupid stuff. He's 40 still has both parents and I see their love for him. He goes to visit them 2 times a wk, they're 15 min away. I miss my parents so much, because I come to the realization that I have no one I can talk to. He recently got laid off of work so I'm the sole provider for everything(mtg, bills). I feel like we drifted a part. We were together 5 yrs before we got married. He changed so much that we can't have a normal conversation without an argument I know its because he's not working that's why he's so hostile. I don't know how to fix it, I want to save this relationships but sometimes I just want to walk away with my child. I'm always stressed at work , I dread going home. I've been sleeping the couch for 2 nights, my child doesn't know because I hide this from her. I don't know what direction to go, I'm so confused. It hurts when we fight because lately he screams and curses and I just walk away then he locks me out the bedroom, and I give him all that I have. I need advice, I'm so alone. My daughter is going with her dad this Weekend so I'll be home with him. And I really don't want to go home ...

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I don't know what to do ?

    I recently got married in July of this yr. We have been together for 5 yrs. Living together has been a little hard at first but we adjusted. He's changed a lot and I don't know what to do. He recently got laid off in Sept so financially is a little tough. I make enough to cover the mortg, and household bills. He's been collecting unemployment, so it helps. Lately he just seems so angry and I don't know what to do. Last night I got home at 7pm, stuck in traffic for an hr so I was annoyed. As soon as I get home he wants me to help install the ceiling fan. I said wait a min, I just want to change my clothes n wash my face. He got annoyed, saying when I get home I don't help him. I said listen I get up at 6 am, I just got home give me a min. He thought I was yelling so he started yelling , then he Swung the ceiling fan like he was going hit me in the face and walked away. He's never done that before. I don't know if I can stay with him, I never knew he was like this.. What am I going to do now ? I've only been married for 3 months.. Please help..

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Mothers day drama ? Why me?

    Yesterday I got together with my sister and brother for mothers day. both our parents passed away so we normally get together for dinner with our kids. I have 1 that's 12yrs old, my sister has 4, 14, 8,6,4 and ,and my brother has 2 , 3 yrs old and 1 yr old. When I got there my sister and her boyfriend and my brother were drunk. I should have left but I stayed to hang out with my family. Then I go check on my daughter and she's crying. SO I ask her what happened, my sister told my 12yr old daughter that she thinks my daughter is trying to take her man. WTF, I go ask my drunk sister and she's yelling that my daughter kissed everyone on the cheek even her man, and I need to watch my daughter because she thinks my child(her niece) is trying to steal her boyfriend. I lost it. I told my sister she's a drunk *** and she should know better then to think that. My daughter is a friggin child , my daughter was crying all night even this morning, asking why her aunt would think like that. Now this morning her man calls to apologize about my sister, saying she''s drunk and I have to forgive her, we're sisters. I told him I'm done with this embarrassmentt, it was mothers day, We lost our mom when we were 10 and 11, my brother was 6 months old. Now we're older, I'm 31, my sis is 32 and my brother is 22. I thought we were all family, how could she do that, I'm so hurt..

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • why are relationships so difficult?

    Today is our 4 yr anniversary , just a regular day I guess. My fiance is very hard to shop for, every occasion I try to get something he can use. He has tons of clothes I got him for Valentines day so I went to Bed Bath and beyond and got him a complete bed room set to match his decor in his bedroom. We don't live together, just to let you guys know. I spent $ 260 , i thought it was worth it because he has nice taste, and I bought throw pillow and matching sheets all together I spent almost $400. Do you know what he got me , nothing.. He said I'm hard to shop for so if I think of something I want he'll give me the money to get it. He did this for Valentines Day even my b-day which was 3 wks ago. Why is he like this ? For the past 2 yrs he used to surprise me now he does nothing romantic. Is this what my marriage is going to become, is there any one that can understand what I feel right now. I feel like my relationship and the romance is fading I can't remember the last time he was romantic, I try to keep it up on my end with candles and etc etc. He stopped trying .. how do I get the old him back. How should I tell him how I feel ?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Sister is about to be dis owned ....?

    Today is my birthday. Last week my sister called and asked if I can come over after work and she will make me dinner, so we can hang out. I told my fiance and he said great, have fun he'll work overtime today and be home late. Now my sister calls me and says she wants to go to dinner with her boyfriend , and she wants to me come over Saturday. I'm upset and so is my fiance, he said she's selfish and etc.. not so good names. SO he said he'll leave work right now and we'll go to dinner. I'm so upset with my sister .. and I really want to say something to her , but I think I should leave it alone. what do you think ?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Am I to a bad mother?

    I'm getting married July 23, 2010, I've been with my fiance 4 yrs. I'm divorced and my ex husband and I get along really well when it comes to our daughter. She spends every other weekend with him, so she came home last weekend and said her father said she can wear a little eye liner when they go to family party's(she's almost 13). I said I have no problem with that as long as you know it's only for that, NOT for school or any other occasion. Then Wednesday my fiance called , he picks her up from school and drops her home, my home( we Don't live together), fiance says she looks like she has make up on under her eyes. I said when I get home I'll ask about it because I'm at work. I ask her ,she says, she told her friends she can now wear eyeliner, her friends wear make-up, light eye shadow or whatever. I told her I thought you knew you could not wear it in school. She said her friends wanted to see how she looks with it on and she washed her face in school but still had a little left. I told her next time I catch you with this again, you're grounded for a week, if you cant listen. She said sorry mom they just wanted to see how i look, it wont happen again. Well fiance called that night , i told him what she said. He said I am so gullible and I let her get away with it because grounding is not the way. He was implying I hit her or something. He started yelling non stop on the phone and I just hung up.He said I want to be cool mom or something. I don't let her do anything , She comes home straight from school, no friends call mon-thurs because of school work. She doesn't go out, she has no cell phone, her grades are 90 and better. Am I a failure as a mom ? Fiance makes me feel like that all the time. Now I'm questionging this wedding ?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Am I the one who caused this ?

    Fiance and I have been together 4yrs, planning a wedding for 06/2010. I'm divorced with a 12yr old. We live separately and see each other on the weekends. I told him in November that I would get my daughter a cell phone, she's been begging for almost a yr. So I talked to my ex husband and he agreed, he said try her out with the go phone and if she behaves he'll add her to his plan next yr. SO monday my fiance called me and asked what am I getting my daughter for christmas, I told him the phone ,i already bought it and wrapped it. He started screaming at me. He said she' couldn't have 1 and I still got it for her. I don't know how to be parent and I follow people. I shouldn't get it because she'll change and I don't listen to him. SO I told him how dare he tell me how to be a parent. I do everything for my child on my own, you don't' take care of her , I do. So why are you talking to me like that. He said the reason he's been dragging his feet on the wedding is because I don't listen to what he says when it comes to my daughter. So I got upset and hung up one him. It's been 3 days and he hasn't called me. Should just take this like our relationship is over and just give him back the ring ? i don't know whats wrong with him and I'm tired of all this (crap)

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do you think about my sister ?

    Hi guys, I have a question. I'm divorced single mom of 1 , my daughter turned 12 yrs old last week. My sister has 4 kids, 13 7, 5, 4. Every birthday they call me and tell me what they want and I always buy it for them. However my sister doesn't buy my child anything. She always calls and says, hey its' (xxx) birthday and they want this, can you get it for them. So I say yes. My daughter got a little irritated and said that I shouldn't buy her kids anything anymore because she never buys my child anything. I don't think it's right . I mean she has 4 kids and financially I'm strapped. What should do, should I just leave it the way it is and just keep buying them gifts or should I stop. If this helps I don't see her kids that much, maybe once a month I visit. I'm dreading Christmas as well.... Is it me or do you think my sister expects too much ?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should I stop buying gifts ?

    Hi guys, I have a question. I'm divorced single mom of 1 , my daughter turned 12 yrs old last week. My sister has 4 kids, 13 7, 5, 4. Every birthday they call me and tell me what they want and I always buy it for them. However my sister doesn't buy my child anything. She always calls and says, hey its' (xxx) birthday and they want this, can you get it for them. So I say yes. My daughter got a little irritated and said that I shouldn't buy her kids anything anymore because she never buys my child anything. I don't think it's right . I mean she has 4 kids and financially I'm strapped. What should do, should I just leave it the way it is and just keep buying them gifts or should I stop. If this helps I don't see her kids that much, maybe once a month I visit. I'm dreading Christmas as well....

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Family is falling apart ....?

    My baby brother who's 20 has been with his girlfriend, she's 22 , for the past 5 years. They have 2 kids together. However she is always causing problems within our family. She always tell me things my sister has said about me, even about my neices and nephews. First she told me my neice (she's 13) has a boyfriend and they are having sex and doing all this crap. So I told her I don't my daughter who's 11 around her too much because she might rub off on my child. She told my sis a totally different story. Then she told my sis that I said about **** about her, which i never said, but she tells me stuff that my sis said, that she never said. I'm tired of playing this game with her. This has been going on for 5 yrs, the only reason I tolerate her is because she has 2 kids by my brother and I love my brother to death. Last yr we had this same problem and my brother really gave it to her, they argued about it and he told her to stop gossiping. But now she has started again. She told me , my sis said that my fiance should have pcked her, and if he were to hit on her she would do him, I never took that seriously because i know my sis would not say crap like that. But I always had it in mind that maybe my sis would probably do that. I asked my sis when she called to tell me all the stuff my brothers girl said ,that I said, and she denied it. My question is I cannot continue to accept my brothers girlfriend because she is too much. I mean my sis and my brother are all we have. Our mom passed away 20 yrs ago

    after labor with my brother, so he never knew our mom, and our father passed 6 yrs ago. So we try to take care of eachother. Keep in mind , I'm 30, my sis is 31 and my brother is 20. What should I do, My brother and I are very close, I love him, But I'm so tired of all this drama. I am way to old for this crap..

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Am I really mean or is she just lazy ?

    My sister in law is 22 yrs old and has 2 kids with my brother. One is a 2 yr old the other is 8 months old. She is extremely lazy. When I first met her 5 yrs ago, she was 5'1 110 lbs. Now she's 5'1 155 lbs. SHe complains all the time about her body and how she wants to lose the weight. I am 30 5'2 115 lbs, but I exercise everyday and eat healthy. I know cholesterol and diabetes runs in my family so I try to take care of my health. I ask her everyday if she wants to go for walks with me, I walk 1 hour every night when I get home from work. When I get home I park my car , throw on some sweats and off I go, I start around 7 pm every night. She lives 5 blocks from me, so I always offer to go with her, my brother even started to go to the gym because he's unhappy with himself. So he tells her to go and he'll watch the kids before he goes at 9pm. She always has an excuse why she can't go and says that the walks are too long. She asked me this weekend if we could go out, she bought a dress, size small that makes her look like a fat hooker. And I hate it. I tell her all the time to stop buying extra small clothes but she likes. I hate being seen with her because people always stare and make fun of her. Now I don't want to go out with her anymore because of what she's wearing. Am I wrong...

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need advice, Should I or shouldn't I?

    Well this is my dilemma. My father past away 6 yrs ago , I was the beneficiary of his bank account. So i paid for the funeral and made all the arrangements, after I was left with $ 10,000 from his account. I gave my brother and my sister $ 2,500 each . My step-brother and I really did'nt talk much, but he wanted $ 2,500 as well. I did'nt give it to him because he was did'nt keep in contact with my father so I felt he did'nt deserve anything. He had a get togther on sunday and wanted to make ammence knowing we haven't spoken for 6 yrs, my sis kept telling me to try to get along, since our mother passed and our father passed we really don't have any family. Since I went to the get toether, I started thinking maybe I should give him $ 2,500 since he's my brother and mybe we would have a relationship. What do you think, should I or should'nt I give it to him.. I do love him and his wife of 15 yrs is having another baby, which means in 1 week he'll have 4 kids. He works 7 days a week,When I saw him, I wanted to cry he looked so different, he had a mild heart attack a few months ago. He's 37 and I'm 30 , I have 1 child. He has alot, but I still feel bad, all his kids were hugging and kissing me, syaing they missed me, and my daughter would'nt even let go of him when we had to leave. He kept kissing her and hugging her too. What should I do, the money would'nt hurt me, I know it's not alot but maybe it could help him...

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago