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Crocheted PINK Reindeer!?
I know for a fact I saw the cutest pink reindeer and the pattern was for sale. I searched and searched for this pattern. Does anyone know of a link to it? I really want this pattern. Thank you in advance!
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoTeens? A Question About Christmas?
Teens, with the economy the way it is now, many parents are finding they have to cut back on regular household expenses and with the holidays coming up it's not getting any better. How do you feel about less presents? What do you think of homemade presents from your parents? For example, I make lots of crocheted gifts. For instance, I'm making my daughter fingerless gloves, which she says she loves. I also made my kids tons of gifts as they were growing up. Most of these gifts have found their way to special areas in the kids rooms or homes. Three of my kids are adults and I have one preteen still at home. Do you feel the gift is less of a gift if it's made at home? Do you think getting less store bought gifts is bad? What are traditions that you and your family enjoy? Do you think gifts is more important than tradition?
I ask mostly because it's going to be a very tight Christmas here this year. My kids always got homemade gifts and they say they like them. I hope they do because I work very hard to make special things for each kid. Do you think they it's more important to be home with your family rather than getting material items? I'm just curious to see what you as teens think.
11 AnswersAdolescent1 decade agoDo You Give Your Kids Teachers Gifts?
I was reading something in a magazine and it had a quote that said "why should I give my kid's teachers a thank you note if they are doing a job my taxes pay for?" I was a bit offended by that even though I am not a teacher. I have always sent my son's teachers thank you notes and little gifts for Christmas and last day of school. I make a lot of handmade gifts, for instance, we once gave his PE teacher a baby blanket for her up coming baby. Am I weird or what? LOL I just think teachers deserve a pat on the back from time to time. What do you think?
8 AnswersParenting1 decade agoDo You Think The US Should Put A Control On The Amount Of Children?
Do you think that the USA should put a control number on how many children you're allowed to have? If so, what do you think the cut off number should be? If not, why? I'm just curious and wanted to see what others thought.
16 AnswersParenting1 decade agoDo you have a recipe for lollipops?
I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to make as treats for Christmas. I'd love to find a quick and easy lollipop recipe. I made them years ago but I lost the recipe! Thanks in advance. Links to sites is good too!
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade agoCan You Freeze Cookies?
I am making a couple batches of cookies today, they are from a mix. It's going to be about five to six dozen and I don't want everyone eating them all in one day! Trust me that could happen lol. Can you freeze them? Is it better to put them in a plastic container or freezer bag? Thanks in advance! I doubt it matters but I'm making oatmeal and chocolate chip. Any suggestions?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWhy Are Children Labeled So Much?
Have we as a society gotten lazy in raising our kids? Doesn't it seem that kids have every problem in the book? ADD ADHD OCC ODD?? I mean what happened to five year olds not sitting still because they are FIVE??? Why has it changed so much in the past twenty or so years? Are we over medication our children? Are we producing adults who can't get by without a pill every morning to make them "normal?" When did this happen? Are schools to blame, parents, who??? Why are we labeling our children so much. And furthermore why do "some" parents wear these labels like a badge of honor? It's like, "I'm not a bad mom/dad my child has ........" What the heck, how are we raising positive and productive adults if we keep giving them excuses for something that may just be acting like a kid. I do realize that there are kids out there who really DO have problems. But you walk into a classroom and 15 out of 20 kids have some sort of "disorder"
13 AnswersParenting1 decade agoA question for walkers?
This is a repeat question because I didn't get any answers so I'm trying again!
What in the world do you do for blisters? I feel like I've tried everything!!! My feet are so sore. I HAVE to walk. I have to pick up my son two miles away. I also walk 2-4 miles on DVD's and two miles or more on my treadmill each day.
I bought the socks that say they are the best in preventing blisters because they hold no wetness. I live in the desert so I sweat a lot. I use special powder and foot spray. I've put bandaids on the sores too. It doesn't help.
Mostly I want to know about preventing blisters and if anyone knows of a shoe that is a fair price [say 50 ish???] that can help with the blistering. It really hurts. I can't just not walk. I have to get my son and I do the rest to help me with some mental illness issues. It really does help. But it's starting to hurt too much!
I walk about ten miles a day. I'd like to hear from others who walk a lot like that. Maybe to others that's not even a lot. LOL To me it is.
Thanks in advance for your help.
2 AnswersRunning1 decade agoHave you been cheated on?
My husband's "happy" pills have disappeared THREE times. Each time he has some lame excuse that until now I believed. Now he's picking fights with me. Hasn't talked to me for about 18 hours. We have NO sex life. He constantly talks about two women from work. Esp one of them. I know I am stupid right? He's probably cheating on me huh? I'm tired of feeling alone. He never works late but he does have lunch with this woman from work. He tells my son and me that we can't go out to eat due to money problems. But he goes out with her. It's constantly her name. He must talk about her twenty times a day at least! I asked him about his pills. The first time he "tried it on his own" the second he was cutting them in half and half of them went down the drain and now there's some missing again. I haven't brought it up to him yet. At this point we're not even talking. I don't know what to do!!! Please, opinions? I'm not asking IF he is cheating, you wouldn't really know that. But I'm asking IF you THINK he may be.
Oh, and he ignores my son and me. It's my son, not his but we've been married for six years since my boy was three.
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhy Don't Fathers Have A Say?
I'm wondering why fathers don't have a say when it comes to abortion. I think they should have the right to choose too. I know, I know its a womans body I know that. I think the father should have the option of raising the child. Maybe like the father could say that he'll take care of the baby and raise it. I know a lot of people will say I'm wrong but I don't understand why a father isn't allowed the option of taking care of the baby.
BTW I'm a mom to four kids if it matters.
8 AnswersParenting1 decade agoOne More Q About Preteens and School?
My son is very shy and I have to admit it's because of me. I have a few "problems" and it's hard for me to go out. Because of this my son never saw me making friends. I want him to make at least a few good friends. He's getting old enough to where he can do some things on his own and I REALLY want his middle school years to be happy. He's joining band and either sports or debate. How can I encourage him to invite people over or go their homes or to the movies or something. I don't want to push but he has been lonely all summer. I've taken him to the pool and stuff but he just doesn't talk to the other kids. He says they are immature. He is "advanced" so maybe that's it? I don't know, I just need advice so he'll have a good school year! Thanks!
3 AnswersAdolescent1 decade agoGoals For Teens And Preteens?
I have an 11 yr old son going into Middle School. We got his schedule yesterday and it says he's in GATE classes. I was a bit surprised because one score on his STAR test was low where as the rest where 85-95. He's also in Band too, for begining. He wants to join debate too! He's going to be busy! What type of goals do kids set for school or work or even family? I'm curious to know if he's about average. I don't want him to do too much. Band is a regular class but debate is after school and I know he'd do well since he tries to logically argue with us since he's been three! Anyone else have a full schedule? He may want to do a sport. I said if he does a sport then he can't do debate this year because the practices would run into one another and I want him to have time to relax too. Homework has never been a problem before but I think middle school has more doesn't it? I just don't want to over load him. I'd love to hear from teens and parents alike! Thanks
4 AnswersAdolescent1 decade agoOwner Points In Nintendogs?
My son and I both play Nintendogs. We keep reading online about "owner" points. Are those the same as trainer points? If not, how do you find out what your owner points are?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat Are Your Favorite Cookbooks?
I am looking to "spice" up my life a bit and want to know what cookbooks others like.
14 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoCrochet Mickey Mouse Ears?
I know I saw a pattern for crocheted mickey mouse ear that was sewn on to a beanie type hat. Does anyone know the link to it? I think it was a pattern you pay for. Thanks!
4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoWhat Is A Fat Quarter?
I know it involves sewing and quilting. Is it a certain size precut square? I want to try to make a quilt with my new machine but I am terrible a cutting material. Can anyone give me the basics on fat quarters? Thanks!
3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoWeight Loss Percentage?
I used to weigh 202 pounds, now I weigh 175. Can anyone explain to me how to figure out how much weight I've lost in percentage? Thanks!
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoExercise Dvd?
I started an exercise routine and diet on December 3rd and I lost 18 pounds but recently I've had a harder time losing! I still have about 32 pounds to go and I exercise every day to "The Biggest Loser" "Walk Away The Pounds" and a Denise Austin DVD. I read that you need to do different work outs each day. I am really committed to my weight loss for the first time in a long time. Does anyone have any DVD's that they like to work out to? I am just looking for suggestions because I am growing bored of my work out routine and I'd like to add something to it but I don't know what. I do a lot of cardio and really enjoy cardio. I really need to target my ABS I lost about four inches but need to lose many more. I want to be healthy and pretty again. I wasn't always fat. Any suggestions would be really nice. I'm looking for cardio, abs and thighs and some strength training. Thanks for any help! And Happy New Year!
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoCan I use my Pedometer to measure how far I biked?
If I put my pedometer on just like I do when I walk can I also do the same for my bike? Would it work the same way?
9 AnswersCycling1 decade agoDo You Make Jesus A Birthday Cake???
I was just reading some answers and I read that someone was going to make Jesus a birthday cake. Does anyone really do this? Where do you put the cake once it's done? Do you sing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas?
I'm really just curious about this. I never heard of making Jesus a birthday cake. To me that makes the faith sound a little silly.
39 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago