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  • How can I see the replies to my comments on Yahoo news stories?

    Whenever I get an email from Yahoo saying there were new replies to my posts on Yahoo News stories, I click on the link to see the replies, and it takes me to the news page, but the comments section doesn't show up! How do I see the replies??

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • Help with a dog with mirror/reflection aggression?

    I am fostering a dog who was exhibiting some dog-aggression while he was in the shelter. Since he has been home, he has been GREAT with other dogs, as long as he meets them one-on-one...we think a lot of his issue was being in the shelter too long.

    However, he has showed some aggression to seeing his reflection in my full-length mirror, to the point where he will actually attack the mirror! I have to keep my mirror covered so he won't attack it. I've tried using treats, and positive reinforcement, every time I show him his reflection in the mirror. But it's like a self-replicating thing...he's nervous about seeing a new dog, so he sees a dog that's nervous! If I stand back and just let him explore the mirror, he just stands there staring at himself, then eventually starts growling, and if I don't intervene, he will lunge at himself.

    He's a GREAT dog otherwise, but I fear this mirror aggression might make it hard for him to be placed in a good home.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How can I train my dog to tolerate a belly band?

    I am fostering an adult dog, and he's generally well-behaved, except that he's not 100% potty trained yet (understandable since he's been in a shelter kennel for the last 8-9 months). The adoption group I'm fostering the dog through suggested getting a belly band for him to use when I have to leave the house.

    I bought a belly band for an adult dog, and I put it on him, but he keeps biting at it, walking funny, sitting down all the time, etc. How to I get him to tolerate the belly band?

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • If "God makes no mistakes", then why are there transsexuals who feel they were born in the wrong body?

    I don't mean to be discriminatory or hateful, I'm just curious because I'm listening to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way", and I heard that line "I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes" and that question just popped into my head lol.

  • How long does it take to hear back from Pottermore?

    Just sent in my email and registration to sign up for Pottermore...they said they would send a confirmation email, but that was an hour ago and i haven't heard anything. how long does it usually take???

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • How do you pronounce last names that have no vowels in them?

    Names like "Ng" or even "Nguyen" do you pronounce those names? Forgive my American ignorance! I've just always been curious, and if I ever come across someone with that last name, I want to know how to pronounce it correctly!

    5 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Anyone else have no desire to be a mother?

    I think babies are cute and all, but I don't really get what all the hype is about. I see other women my age (26 years old) with babies, who post pictures and videos all over facebook, and are always buying their kids stuff and talking about all the cute things they do. And if my friends aren't having babies, then they're talking about when they're going to have them, or their baby nieces, nephews, etc.

    Babies are cute, but I don't really have much desire to have one myself. Lol i think I have the same feelings about dogs and cats as other people do about babies. I post pictures of my pets all over facebook, and I think they're so much fun! But at least you can do things with dogs and cats, like play with them, take them to the dog park, all around town with you, etc. Babies just eat, poop, sleep, and cry. They're just so needy!!!

    Anyone else have the same feelings?

    14 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Wouldn't it be more economically feasible for artists to not swear in songs?

    The other day I heard the ORIGINAL version of Enrique Iglesias' "Tonight I'm Loving You"....but instead of "loving" it was a swear word. So that got me thinking -

    In order to record 2 versions of the same song (i.e. the "clean" version and "dirty" version), wouldn't that mean spending more time in the studio? And doesn't studio time cost money? So wouldn't it be more economically feasible for him to just record a "clean" version, since that's the only version that can go on the radio anyway?

    Just wondered :)

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • What to say in this situation?

    As a little hobby of mine, I have been volunteering at a local shelter. We have a dog who came in last September with some behavioral problems (a lot of which I think stemmed from the fact that he was not neutered). I started volunteering with this shelter in January, so I was not here when the dog first came in, but I was told he had improved a lot since September. I continued to work on training with him since January, and let me tell you, he has made a 180 degree turnaround! We are still working on a few behavioral things (not marking all over everything, not mouthing when he gets excited), but overall he has become a really great dog!

    I am going to be fostering this dog at my apartment on behalf of the shelter starting in May. However, my neighbor worked with him BRIEFLY (I'm not sure how much, might have only been for 1 week) just after he arrived with us, when he was having major behavioral issues. She told me that she does not feel comfortable having him around the apartment complex, or having him around her own dog.

    What can I say to this girl to let her know that he has really opened up and become a great dog?? I don't want to create a rift with my neighbors, but I feel like he needs the chance to get out of the shelter life and into a real home that will treat him well.

    Everybody who has worked with him closely has come to love him and thinks he will do just fine at my apartment. So do I listen to the 6-7 people who know the dog best, or do I listen to this one neighbor who doesn't like him?

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Will it hurt my car to leave the Emergency Brake on all the time while it's parked?

    I recently moved to a new area that is extremely hilly, and I bought a new car that has an emergency brake on it. I won't bore you with the details, but I have to park it on a small hill all day for a few weeks, so I have been leaving the emergency brake on all the time it's parked. Will this hurt the car if it's parked on this small hill for about 3-4 weeks with the Emergency Brake on?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • How much should I sell my textbooks for?

    I have 2 textbooks that I have barely used. Both of them are in 'like new' condition, with only some light highlighting on the first 2 pages of each book. Otherwise they look brand spanking new.

    The first one I bought for $90.00, and the second one I bought for $84.00.

    How much should I sell them for?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • How much should I sell my textbooks for?

    I have 2 textbooks that I have barely used. Both of them are in 'like new' condition, with only some light highlighting on the first 2 pages of each book. Otherwise they look brand spanking new.

    The first one I bought for $90.00, and the second one I bought for $84.00.

    How much should I sell them for?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Any tips on making the transition from a kennel to an apartment easier for my foster dog?

    I am fostering a dog for a local rescue group in a few weeks, and he has spent at least the last 7 months or so in a kennel. As far as I know, he has spent his whole 6 years of life before that on the streets.

    He is potty-trained (rarely goes potty in the kennel), and has generally good behavior in the kennel, but I can see him getting stressed under such a drastic change of environments!

    Is there anything I can do to make his transition from the kennel to an apartment easier?

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How to acclimate a dog-aggressive foster dog to other dogs?

    I am going to be fostering a dog for a local rescue group in a few weeks, he is a great dog however he is dog-aggressive. The problem is that in my apartment complex, the whole building is fenced-in, and there are at least 5-6 other dogs in the building. When people let their dogs out to go potty, they just open their front doors and the dogs go out on their own.

    How can I acclimate my new foster dog to these other dogs that are off-leash? Obviously I will keep my foster dog on a leash every time I take him out, but I can't control what other people do with their dogs, since the property is fenced-in.

    I have let the rescue group know this, and they said to just try it out for a while, and if it doesn't work with my foster dog, they can find a new foster home for him. I would really like to make it work, because he could get adopted faster if he weren't dog-aggressive. In the kennels, there are a few dogs he likes, so I think he has potential to overcome this.

    12 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How much should I sell my textbook for?

    The textbook originally cost me $40 - i bought it new, it doesn't have any marks in it, so it is in "like new" condition. I am selling it to a friend, and the only reason I am selling it is because I want to rebuy the digital version on my Kindle. How much should I ask for the book?

  • In my mini fridge, do the lower numbers on the dial make it colder or warmer?

    I've got a dial in my mini refrigerator that has the numbers 1 through 5 on it. Which way is the coldest and which way is the warmest? Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Is it true that alcohol in alcoholic drinks kills harmful bacteria in ice?

    I am going to the Caribbean in a few weeks, and I have heard that you shouldn't drink the water or even have ice in your drink. But someone else told me that the ice in alcoholic drinks is ok because the alcohol kills harmful bacteria. Is this true?

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • How to talk to a dad who won't listen?

    My mom and I have wondered for a long time if my dad maybe has generalized anxiety disorder for many reasons. He also drinks a lot - he doesn't always get drunk, but he will get tipsy sometimes and just act really weird. This has gone on for years. My mom and I recently sat down with him and tried talking to him about it in a very loving way, but he got really defensive and completely shut down. I think maybe he feels like we gang up on him, but we try not to. I've tried talking to him alone, thinking that maybe he will listen to his own daughter, but he always shuts down and gets mad.

    I love my dad a lot, but his problems are like the elephant in the room that he doesn't ever want to talk about. We've suggested that he go see doctors or counselors if he won't talk to us about it, but he is completely against it. It's driving a huge wedge between him and us, and especially between him and my mom. They fight a lot more than they used to, and I'm just worried that they might be on their way to a separation or divorce. My mom mentioned it once casually, but my dad thought that was ridiculous. I don't think my dad believes his problems are as bad as we say they are.

    How do I fix the situation???

    1 AnswerFamily10 years ago
  • How often do you go grocery shopping?

    And how many people are you feeding? and i'm not just talking about those short trips to get bread and milk, i mean FULL ON grocery shopping.

    Thanks! i just feel like i'm constantly going full on grocery shopping lol.

    11 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What kind of plant do i have?

    it's about a 8 inches tall, with spotted light-and-dark green leaves that grow sparse along the stalk, and has recently started sprouting a few small white flowers here and there along the stalk. the stalk is almost like a cane plant, but it's a small plant, and all the cane plants i've seen look big. the tag that came with it just said it was a "tropical house plant".

    2 AnswersBotany1 decade ago