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i am so glad i found this site .its nice to read the compassionate responses!

  • professional dancers i was asked substitute for a professional?

    Belly dancer I am one my self am a professional as well..she booked me for her regular performance for tomorrow at a rester aunt.Ishe booked me a week ago.i accepted and put it in my calander.her private party she was supposed to dance for got she canceled ME so SHE could preform at her regular gig with ONE DAYS NOTICE.she did a take back !gave me a show she booked me then took it back.when a dancer is booked as a sub for you shes booked.i was in her shoes before and i let the other dancer do the show.i would never cancel on a dancer on the other side if she booked me to fill in and someone offered me a show paying more money i could nt cancel my substiute show and say sorry i know i said id dance for you but something better came up so i cant.I am so angry right now .she has given me work in the past off and the question.should

    i ever say i will fill in for her again?she acted so unprofessionally and i am a strong principal person.i feel if i ever substitute for her again that

    i am saying what she did was ok ,lessly that she will do it again.i am a professional and not getting 100.00 that i was planning on hurts me finantially as well.what do you think what should i do about this situation

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • how do you know if you are the marring kind?

    i once read that "marriage gets you ready for marriage"

    i also heard that there is no "right person" but two people that love and are ready to do what it takes to make it work. what do you think?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • a question for men.I have lovingly expressed to my?

    boyfreind that since I cook for him 4 days a week and pack our lunches to save money.... that i would appreciate it if on sundays occasionally he would prepare food for us with out me continuing to ask him.I have reminded him often that i would appreciate this.When I wake up after him and hes watching tv i usually just go ahead and do it but its starting to really rattle my cage..There is such a fine line between being

    demanding,badgering , nagging and reminding.

    Men how do you like women to communicate their needs to you ?If you do not respond is it because you are not interested in making contributions that particular way or because maybe you feel like the woman is being demanding?How do you suggest I make my point /what kind of dialague would you appreciate from a woman if she needs something .What words are compelling to hear that dont sound

    naggy upsetting or rude.Do men simply need reminding often because

    priorities differ?Looking to become a better girlfriend and not a nag but i also do not want to be a door mat.

    your suggestions that are not sarcastic are most appreciated.thank you.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ive got the blues alone at work?

    Usually a grateful upbeat person think its hormones

    how do i cheer up felt down for the last few days.What should i do?

    Cant seem to shake it off.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • turning 40 bombarded with people asking me why i dont have children?

    they bug me and try to talk me into getting pregnant.I was marred briefly no baby had several many year long relationships no baby.ok i cant have babies ok.i dont know how i feel about it it just is what is is i may never have a baby im pretty much ok with it. then in steps others.weekly i get asked some times three and four times.When are you going to have a baby?i cant i say and attempt to change the subject mind you i never bring it up in conversation people and friends just randomly ask its kind of rude sometimes its from complete strangers when they ask me how many children i have and i say none its why why not did you see a doctor aren't you going to try then its need a baby will regret if if you dont will change your life all time favorite YOU NEED A BABY or you will be a good mom.that sounds real nice and all like a complement but im getting bombarded i am sometimes treated like i am shallow or that i am this strange woman because i havent gone and spent thousands ( no insurance also) to find out why i am not getting pregnant i am not marreid and not even enguaged.when this happenes two three or more times a week it makes me sad,i question my judgment and am also a little insulted people cant leave it alone.i would never do that to any one men even use it as a twisted pick up line trying to "insult" my man saying its his fault .ridiculous his fault and that hes just not the right one or he would have succeeded this really burns me up!!!! i then find my self sad where i was other wise content in my life and my acceptance of my situation out of my hands starts to feel like my fault this happened to me yestereday and even the day before.dont want to defend my situation to everyone and am tired of

    asking ,concidering going to counseling to help me deal with my bi polar feelings about it.but help what should i do ?i often think if many people keep telling you something that its some sort of message like a sign sometimes i think people are just nosy controlling manipulative and think that you should be more like them.what do you think what should i do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my dance student has become my freind its getting to be hard to?

    take money from her for dance class i give her private lessons 2 times a week i have reduced the rate and i try to serve dinner after.i really try to prepare good class material but she is starting to become one of my best friends.i am starting to not want to take money from her mind you i am a professional dancer with years and years of dance training

    so i know there is alot of value to my time and teaching but its

    just feeling yuckey to charge her.we chat before then when it comes time to teach i put my instructor had on and give her my all but when it comes to her paying she is so classy about it she lays is on my coffee table and goes i am feeling more and more as the months go by that i dont want to charge her.what to do.

    i have no other students as i work during the day study for massage exam at night and do shows during the weekend not a lot of time to market for more students or any more budget for advertising right now.

    what should i do?

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • do you know people that are perpetually irritated?

    so you know people that are always annoyed seemingly at everyone and everything?if you do how do you deal with these people that are in your environment that you cant get away home ect.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Is your mom still the fun police even thought you are and adult?

    just a few examples im so over 30 just to let you know

    at my sister's wedding i blew bubbles to my 3 year old nephew durring the receptionshe made me stop because the bubbles would get on the carpet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kill joy!the last week i was just trying to engage my 2 year old nephew in conversatoin i asked him which seat was going to be his when it was time for dinner? she snipped and that she would be choosing his seat .like he would have remembered or really cared I was his i was just talking to him and asking him questions to bond with him have only seen himthree times they live so far away.

    any way back to the question when you are having harmless fun does your mother just seem to squelch it ?how so ?how do you deal with it ?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • help with insomnia please read?

    Please before you give advice I have already done the following,

    i have lowered caffeine stopped drinking it after noon,

    i have tried the homeopathy it messes with me and gives me night terrors took it for a week i woke up screaming.over the counter stuff makes me groggy the next day as does benidryll.

    every small noise wakes me up from the best of sleep ,my neighbor coughing( yes the walls are thin and i can actually hear that ) cant move locked into a lease,car stereos driving by ,any thing !i sleep with ear pluggs in but low rumbily noises like peoples tvs wake me up.i tried sleeping with music on quietly but when it changes tempo or volume i wake up in a boyfreind snores poor guy gets sent to the couch as i cant tolerate him waking me up all night,a fan doesnt cut it,

    the problem isnt falling asleep its waking up constantly and after the third or forth time waking up i get a headache then kind of feel anxious as i work alot and study and teach at night i take small naps but even then i get woken up by people talking out side i even live on the third floor sometimes i think this makes the acoustics more loud

    help what can i do im getting circles around my eyes.

    i have delt with this since i was 7 years old.

    went to the doctor they told me to drink warm milk and drop the caffeene but head!

    what should i do

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • dancers how do you market yourself and strive for excellence?

    i watch dance vidio.s go to classes watch proformances

    and listen to different music

    what do you do to keep your routines fresh how do you motovate yourself to practice

    what are you doing to promote yourself and take your career to the next level

    ps i belly dance salsa dance and swing dance as well as instruct if that helps

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • im having a 40th bday party?

    Its at a greek resteraunt and im not providing food or beverage

    but I am providing entertainment and small gifts to people attending.

    Is it in bad taste not to feed the 30 people attending

    are they going to expect me to provide food

    how do i handle this i cant afford to feed and beverage up

    every one


    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • How do you ignore sugar cravings?

    I have always had a sweet tooth.I am now using stevia that natural no calorie sweetener in my coffee and I dont want to go artificial,but

    I am really trying to shed a few pounds.I get alot of exercise but if

    i keep eating a desert once a day its not coming off.Help!!!

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Because you love someone dearly.....?

    would you be prepared to go the rest of you life not getting some things you always found important like the fluffy stuff the cards little gifts (were not talking expensive material things)the tokens of affection the surprises like breakfast in bed spontaneous help with out know when you prepare the dinner and the guy just does the dishes or if you cook for his kid and he doesn't help clean up after.or you get up early to make breakfast for his kid so he can sleep in and you do this for months and he never does it back or you pack lunches and write love notes and stuff like that but you don't get it back what im saying is love strong enough to just over look the little pinge of sadness you get when you just didnt feel like the romance is being tended to when you already have gently and clearly , specifically stated it time and time again

    how important those things are do you lower expectations and just learn to appreciate everything else after you keep getting disappointed.

    when i graduated trade school i guess i expected a little congratulations card or a Note out with drinks especially that i did it while working two jobs,it never happened it made me sad.

    should i just stop having a pitty party and just accept that in this relationship those things just wont happen for me?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my boyfriend has a child who is great and lovable...but?

    He is an only child he is 9 and i really strive to be kind to him as all children should be treated i enjoy his company he is whitty and smart.its cute how he always asks me questions.he chatters alot thats more than ok but .... when I talk to his dad about anything and things dont always concern the child he will chime in answer questions that i did not even address him to answer and coment on things i am speaking to his dad about he interupts constantly i know he needs alot of attention and he gets about really 80% of the attention when we are all together he doesnt see his dad enough he lives out of state so i understand they should be alone alot and he deserves to be the center of attention but how can i get him to understand that some areas of conversation are not his concern with out being rude or hurtful or cutting him out.i adore the father so of course i adore the child and this behavior is starting to get fustrating.

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What can this dream mean?I had a lengthy and uncomfortable dream...?

    that i was getting ready for one of my dance shows the owner of the resteraunt where i dance said that my photos weren't as good as the other dancers and that he wouldn't let me dance there any more.

    then i dreamt that i was getting ready for my show and i couldn't find my costume and it was taking me hours to get ready. i got into the shower but to be efficient i took a cup of coffee in with me to and chipped my tooth while i was trying to wash my hair and drink my coffee at the same time i finally got ready missed my first show and my tooth fell out i was trying to explain i couldnt go on stage like that.

    in real life....

    I have been really busy lately with school work and my cultural shows i graduated school and now my shows which i had so many of last month fell to well none for this month just some back ground.

    this dream really disturbed me and i cant shake

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Professional dancers only?

    what to you do to get yourself out of a routine rut?

    what kind of classes to you take?

    I watch allot of u tube videos but i need some fresh perspective.

    I feel my dancing has gotten repetitious and stale when i practice even to different videos i still find my self just going back to the basics when its time to preform.Do you ever feel this way what do you do?

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • do you think it is a good idea to tax the living goodness out of companys ?

    That outsource jobs to other countries?do you think this would help fix our economy keep immigrants make them legal let them pay taxes and keep us jobs inside US lets start producing here again!! to create more jobs and increase personal spending it this line of thinking nice:)

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • i have the blues today and i dont know why?

    I usually wake up happy I make my bed being thankful I have it.The sun is shining I have 2 jobs in i time when sadly many people are not working.I have Friends they are busy and don't see them often.I have been working out so that should be helping.I don't drink much so i don't think its a crash from that.How can i feel grateful and sad at the same time what can i do internally do help me shake my blues loose i even danced yesterday wow if that doesn't cut it......Any advice

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • starting my dream of teaching bellydance in Palm Harbor?

    what should i do do recrute many students and what ideas do you have to keep them interested

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago