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  • Are the Republicans telling this woman to just shut up and die already?

    And thousands like her? Is it just because they want to give Obama his 'Waterloo'?? Given their bases' oft-stated positon on this very answer board that we 'already have the best health care system in the world'?? Given their party's position on trying to lower coverage costs via a public health insurance plan to compete with private insurance; How can I see it any other way?? I guess that woman just needs to learn to LIKE slow financial destitution and death-! The GOP Way!! Right-?!?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can conservatives keep a straight face when they claim we have the best health care in the world?

    Didn't they get the memo that 1/6th of Americans have NO health insurance at all?? Perhaps they missed the fact that health care costs in this country have risen at 7 TIMES the rate of inflation in recent years??? If we're the best; I'd HATE to see the worst-!!

    33 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why are conservatives doing a victory dance over Obama's upper 50 approval ratings when their last Prez...?

    ...left office with upper 20's approval?? And didn't they used to say 'polls weren't accurate and/or didn't matter' back then-?? Anyone besides me find this ironic? Perhaps the endless conservative ranters here will explain their 180 in a way I can understand...?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • President Barack Obama; REPUBLICAN-?

    I'm sorry; But if Obama does this, He's lost my support; Period. I will vote for whoever his primary opponent is even if it's the ridiculous Dennis Kucinich. Compromise is all well and good on occassion; But leaders and political parties have to have some core principles, too-! The American people DID NOT give the Democratic party the kind of mandate implied by the first filibuster proof Senate majority in decades just so that we could piss away our bedrock belief in the right of every American to affordable health care - And lack of a public plan will NOT make health care affordable! Better to put the screws to the moderate Dems and see if they'd like their careers to mean anything besides having won elections - And Yes; RISK losing the effort at reform - Than to compromise on this issue. If Obama and the Dems sacrifice such a crucial point as this with such a huge majority; The American people will rightfully instantly lose faith in our ability to deliver on anything of real importance no matter the circumstance. I predict a compromise on this will return control of Congress to the Repubs in 2010 and make Obama's odds of re-election much longer, as well.

    It sounds like this is Rahm Emmanuel's brain child - Apparently; Rahm's played too long in the playpen of compromise, Congress; To remember the rules of the place he worked before and does again now - The White House. One of which is that the President has something Congress doesn't have - The bully pulpit. And if you never use it; You lose it. That doesn't mean you abuse it; Like some recent Presidents have. But you damn well BETTER use it. It's rarely more called for than on an issue like health care. Obama will be making a huge mistake if he lets his Chief of Staff lead him by the nose on this...

    What do you all think about this? I'm always interested in opinions on health care. And will Obama lose standing with you as a voter if he gives in on a public health care plan??

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama supporters - Is there anything in the President's agenda you oppose?

    For example; I voted for Obama myself, But I oppose the current cap and trade bill. I just don't think anyone wants more expensive energy right now no matter what the justification; Me included. However, I support most of the things the President has done or wants to do - For example, health care reform I strongly support. Is there anything the President has done or wants to do you haven't liked? And please none of you claiming to be supporters who really never did...

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama opponents - Is there anything in the President's agenda you support?

    And if so; What? It just seems to me that the Republicans in Congress are generally the party of 'No' since losing power. Only 3 of them supported the stimulus and I can't recall many bi-partisan votes on any prominent issues. Is the opposition in Congress not fully representing your views; Or do you think they're spot on in universal opposition? (And I'd prefer one or 2 issues mentioned as opposed to a long litany of Obama bashing that some always seem inclined to do in response; If you think they are right to oppose everything, Just say so and leave it at that please - Or you're likely to reduce your chances at my best answer...)

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Were Ronald Reagan & Bill Clinton the only successful U.S. Presidents of the last 40+ years?

    In terms of sheer historical fact; I think the argument could be made for this:

    Johnson - Did not seek 2nd elected term due to low approval; Left unresolved Vietnam conflict to successor

    Nixon - Watergate; Still receives lowest marks for integrity of all past Presidents according to polls

    Ford - Nixon pardon hung over entire brief Presidency; Lost election bid to Carter

    Carter - Presided over economic doldrums and Iran hostage debacle; Defeated for re-election

    Bush Sr. - Presided over weak economy; Defeated for re-election

    Bush Jr. - Numerous calamities on his watch from failure to prevent 9-11 to Katrina to 08 economic crisis; Left unresolved Afghanistan & Iraq conflicts to successor; Was elected to 2 terms but left office with longest period of less than 40% approval in history of modern polling

    (Despite the rants of conservatives; Let's be fair and say that it is far too early in Obama's presidency to call the jury in)

    As I make these points, I should point out that in recent polls rating past Presidents; Only Reagan and Clinton receive majority 'Above Average to Excellent' marks. I am not necessarily trying to make any partisan points here. I was just interested in whether or not you agree with that theory based on the aforementioned facts; And; Agree or disagree, What your thoughts were on the topic...?

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is the release of American reporter Roxana Sabeiri a hopeful sign for Pres. Obama's strategy to engage Iran?

    It remains to be seen whether the engagement will achieve our long term objectives; But I don't remember the last time we got anything we wanted from Iran from Bush's "In your face" strategy...

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are all 15% of Americans who still approve of Dick Cheney Yahoo! top contributors?

    Because even though Obama generally polls in the 60's; Answers seems to have become a non-stop Obama bashing board...

    Can anyone here explain this paradox to me?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Bristol Palin on an 'abstinence promotion' tour mere months after saying it was unrealistic...?

    Does anyone REALLY believe this teen would NOT be already in the midst of her 2nd pregnancy (Most likely by ANOTHER father - Her ex-boyfriend now says Bristol is not letting him see their baby!) right now; Had her mother not been elevated from a virtual unknown from backwoods America to an overnight contender for the next Republican Presidential nod-?!!

    Could anything more obviously expose how insincere the Palin family is about the 'family values' Governor Palin espouses publicly than Bristol's teen pregnancy and the way they've handled the issue?? (Remember when they marched Bristol and her then still beau out for the cameras at last year's GOP convention and all parties INSISTED the couple were eventually going to marry?!)

    Interested in all thoughts on this - Can't wait for the Palin fans' spin on this ongoing hypocrisy...

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is former nude model (Miss Cali.) Carrie Prejean really a good spokeswoman for the 'family values' crowd?

    Not necessarily taking issue here with what she said at the Peagant; Or whether it was fair for that to factor in her finish there. Just wondering if the 'values' conservatives out there really want someone with her checkered moral track record doing all these public appearances for them. Unless they are willing to concede that they are happy to address the sins of minorities but content to overlook the sins of their own?

    Interested in all thoughts here. (Fully expecting plenty of conservative rants in the mix; They dominate this board about as badly as they've been dominated in the last couple of elections, after interested in all answers anyway...)

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does the Republican party of NO really mean 'Give us our own way' when they ask for 'Bi-partisanship'?

    Is the following a perfect example? What do you think about this:

    "...Recently, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) wrote in Politico that “health reform should be developed through a bipartisan process,” echoing the demands of Republicans who have complained about President Obama’s bipartisan outreach. Yet at a meeting with Obama last month — after the President offered some concessions on health reform — Time’s Karen Tumulty reports that GOP lawmakers refused to compromise at all:

    So, right there in the Cabinet Room, the President put a proposal on the table, according to two people who were present. Obama said he was willing to curb malpractice awards, a move long sought by the Republicans and certain to bring strong opposition from the trial lawyers who fund the Democratic Party.

    What, he wanted to know, did the Republicans have to offer in return? Nothing, it turned out. Republicans were unprepared to make any concessions, if they had any to make...",8599,1...

    For my part; I think Obama offered the Republicans a chance at something they've long wanted & He was going to take heat with his own base for it had they many any concessions themselves in return. I see what's called LEADERSHIP in such a move. From the Republicans; It seems I never see anything but obstruction.

    Other's thoughts...?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • As the most vocal Ex-Bushie to criticize Obama; Is Dick Cheney confirming what many suspected all along-?

    That he was the 'REAL' President the last 8 years; And Bush was just a figurehead??

    Before you answer; Consider Bush Jr.'s deafening silence since leaving the White House...

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What tortured legalese do you think the Republican Supreme Court will use this time to steal the Minn. Senate?

    ...race as they stole the 2000 Presidential election for Bush? This time, They'll have to come up with some truly creative mandate to overturn a standing 300 vote lead in favor of their candidate instead of just ending a recount that was rapidly turning against their candidate. Wonder if Roberts, Alito et al will be able to come up with a classic to rival this little Scalia, Thomas et al ditty:

    "Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances, for the problem of equal protection in election processes generally presents many complexities." - From the majority ruling in Bush V. Gore

    Perhaps after the SupCo finds some ridiculous way to hand the election to Coleman they'll simply add to that ruling "This allows us to manipulate those varied complexities in any future election processes so as to always rule in favor of the Republican candidate under the guise of equal protection?!"

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Preference: An executive who works well with their legislative body or contentious relationship or in between?

    I suppose the most prominent examples right now would be President Obama - Who has gotten most of what he's wanted from Congress so far although not with much support from the other party. And Alaska Governor Palin - Whose feuds with the Alaska legislature have made near constant headlines since her return to the Governor's mansion from the campaign trail. The best example I can think of at the moment of a current executive with an 'In between' relationship their law-making body might be Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California; Who has clashed resoundingly with the California legislature at times but has also found common ground with them on a lot of environmental and social issues. But all these are just examples. I'm just hoping for some thought provoking opinion of what type of relationship between the executive and the legislative makes for the best type of government...?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Republicans have accused me & my fellow Democrats of drinking 'the kool-aid'?

    Now I hear Republicans are tea drinkers.

    I guess my question is; With Al Franken the newly elected Senator from Minnesota; With Scott Murphy leading in New York's 20th congressional district race; With the Democrats in near-filibuster proof control of Congress; And with President Obama enjoying fully double the approval of the prior Republican President - Does the tea make all that taste sweeter for you Republicans??

    And just in case you're wondering; My kool-aid tastes just FINE...

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should President Obama propose an amending of the stimulus package?

    Allowing for the states that accept their full allotment of stimulus money to receive equal shares of all money from the package that other states refuse?

    I hear people saying all the time "I'll take it if (Palin, Sanford, Generic refusing Governor) doesn't want it." To me; This would be the best way for the government to somewhat serve that expressed desire. The money has already been approved by Congress anyway for the express purpose of economic stimulus; Not (immediate) deficit reduction or any other purpose. Rather than just have the already approved funds never be issued by the treasury; Shouldn't those who are inetrested in using it as intended be allowed the opportunity others are passing up? I would support such a concept and would hope my representatives in congress would also.

    I am interested in all thoughts on such an idea...

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will all close elections now go to the Republican by default through the Republican Supreme Court?

    Read Republican Senate leader McConnell's public admission that he wants to turn Franken v. Coleman into another Bush v. Gore:

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Steele vs. Limpbaugh; Limpbaugh vs. Gingrich; Meghan McCain vs. (M)Ann Coulter?

    Are you enjoying the ongoing soap "Republicans Eating Each Other Alive" as much as I am?!?!? Do you agree that you can't BUY entertainment this good these days???

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago