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west end musical girl
opinions on these names?
Love biblical names for boys and we are really struggling to find ones we like so what do you think?:
Asa ( pronounced ay-sa)
Joseph (Joey)
could you suggest any more names that would go with any of these?
8 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoare these names too similar?
are Parker and Piper too similar for sisters ?
also can you give me a list of modern girls names beginning with P
thanks xx
3 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoopinions on these names?
Asa (Ay-sa)
Austen ( Aus-ten NOT Aus-tin)
2 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhich are your favourites ?
please pick a least favourite and favourite first name for both of these lists and say why you like/dislike them :
Mary Ellen
Austen ( pronnounced Aus-ten and not Aus-tin)
7 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat do you think of these names Boys and Girls?
Mary Ellen
4 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoNeed some girls names?
This is for my cousin who is having another little girl in october. She has two children a boy and a girl called James and Elizabeth and she wants some classic girls names that go well with her other two childrens names but have cute nicknames.
She likes Ellen and Harriette ( Hettie) but really needs some more suggestions. She doesnt mind if both her girls have names that begin with E
14 AnswersBaby Names9 years agopick your favourite names from this list?
pick your favourite 3 names in order of preference.
Mary Ellen
22 AnswersBaby Names9 years agowhat are your favourite double barrel girls names?
just looking for some ideas!!
we love Mary Ellen and Ellen-Rose but we need some more ideas
thanx xx
8 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoThis or That girls names?
Mary Ellen or Ellen
Hattie or Hettie
Hettie or Hetty
Philippa or Pippa
28 AnswersBaby Names9 years agodo you like this name for a girl ?
Mary Ellen Rose (she would be called Mary Ellen)
i have always loved the name Mary Ellen since the waltons but i really want to know what you all think!
what do you think of the name Pippa and do you have any middle name suggestions ??
thanks xx
11 AnswersBaby Names9 years agowhich name do you like better for a girl?
Mary Ellen or Ellen-Rose
For first names. she will most likely have light blond hair and blue eyes
(do you think Mary Ellen is too much like the waltons? because i have always loved the name!)
10 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoCan you suggest some twin names? and Bonus Question?
Can you please suggest some twin girl names to go with the name Michelle Francesca (Mia). They dont have to be matchy but can be if you want.
BQ: do you think Michelle and Mattea are cute for twin girls or are they too similar ?
5 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhich name? (girls name)?
Michelle Francesca (Mia)
Nelle(Nell) Francesca (Nellie)
to go with sisters Leah Alison and Rae Gwendoline. oh and this is for my sister who is pregnant (she asked me to do it !)
3 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoOur Bubbles have arrived ! ( Sorry i am slightly late in posting this !)?
I am delighted to announce the birth of our identical twin girls Sybil Jane and Siobhan Marie. They arrived on the 29th June. Both the girls have light blond hair and blue eyes and are identical but Siobhan has a small birthmark on her forehead which goes bright red when she cries!. ( Thank goodness for that as we wouldnt be able to tell them apart !).
I would have posted this when they were first born but i have not had time !! first time mom to identical twins = Mommy and Daddy being very stressed out and tired, but we are loving every minute of it.
thank you so much to everyone who helped choose their names. Siobhan was originally going to be Ruthie but we had a last minute change on names !! so once again a massive THANK YOU <3
PS: if you guys are wondering why i call them bubbles, it was because my two year old nephew got mixed up and asked me why i had two bubbles in my belly instead of why i had two babies !!
3 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat would your reaction be if you......?
If you met a toddler or a baby with the name Michelle ? what nicknames can you think of for it ? ( Not Ellie)
5 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat do you think of these girls names and BQ?
even though we have chosen the names for the girls, i was wondering what you thought of the following names? all of them were ones we considered.
Philippa (would have gone by Pippa)
BQ: do you have any other names that are like these ones (in other words old fashioned vintage)?
13 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoThought on these names and BQ?
Please can you give your opinions on these names:
Cynthia (Thia)- recently fell in love with the name
Philippa (Pippa)- love Pippa but unsure on Philippa. I also have an uncle Phil which would be slightly awkward since our whole family is very close.
Daisy- again not too sure about it.
Nell (Nellie)- love both names but feel that Nell is slightly more formal
Ted- Love this name!
BQ: are Cynthia and Sybil too close for sibling names because we are naming one of the twins Sybil but we also love Cynthia so perhaps for another baby? or are they too close?
4 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhich name is better and BQ?
Which name do you prefer?
Catherine (Kitty)
Caroline (Cara)
Cassandra (Cassie)
BQ: what do you think of the names in general?
most detailed gets best answer!
6 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat would you name your children if.....?
What would you name your children if....... you were living in a large estate, you were extremely wealthy and from a very upper class family living in the year 1910, Great Britan?
You have 6 children and you choose the genders. Also, all the boys have two middle names and the girls only have one middle name.
The name have to be VERY old fashioned but upper class.
Mine would be: one boy and five girls called
Henrietta Margaret
Marjorie Louise
Cassandra Elizabeth
Jane Charlotte
Catherine Anne
William John Charles
23 AnswersBaby Names9 years agowhich name do you like better?
which one to go with the middle name Niamh (Neve)
9 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago