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Lv 44,524 points

Tom Tommy

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  • Austrian econ followers only, what is this avg inflation?

    From the debates and discussions I have had I have been forced to change my mind, and am starting to think that most supporters of Austrian Economics have no idea what they are talking about. Looking at these fictional CPI numbers please tell me what you think the average annual rate of inflation would be:

    Jan y1: 205.46

    Jan y2: 211.34

    Jan y3: 216.95

    Oct y3: 219.45

    Austrians only, do it somewhat quickly, and show some type of calculation so that I know you didn't stick it into an inflation calculator, and thanks.

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • So Yanks fans, it all comes down to Hughes, when will the season end?

    I think the season will be over by the 3rd inning next game. Hughes is horrible; the Yankees cannot develop young starters. Even Pettitte has said he came into the league and essentially didn't improve for years. He said he even went backwards for a few seasons by trying to be too much of a power guy.

    Another year, another lackluster rotation, and another series where they are sending out a below-average starter in a must win game.

    Good job Cashman.

    1 AnswerBaseball9 years ago
  • Isn't a catch-22 when women say they want a man w/ a sense of humor since women aren't funny?

    Women always claim to want a funny man, or a man with a sense of humor. There is only one problem with this though, women simply aren't funny, and cannot recognize comedy, or funny things. So women can't like a man because he has a good sense of humor, or because he is funny, they can only like him because he makes them laugh. If he makes them laugh he most likely does not have a good sense of humor since most women don't get comedy, and do not know what is funny.

    What a silly predicament.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to clean condoms I find for future use?

    Hi, I live by an alley where prostitutes ply their trade a lot. There are always needles and used condoms in this alley. How can I clean these condoms so that I can safely use them later? This would save me a ton of money, because I drop a lot of loads which can get expensive.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is dumping Beckett, Crawford, and Gonzalez in order to make room for Clemens a mistake?

    That's right, the BoSox are making room on their roster to pick up Clemens again so he can finish where he started. Is this a mistake?

    3 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Should the Red Sox fire Francona to fix this mess?

    Oh, wait. I guess they should fire the genius Epstein who built the team. Oh, never mind.

    6 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Shouldn't the Ryan Budget plan include war with Iran since Romney has already said he would go to war?

    Obama's administration, through Panetta, said that they would not allow Iran to build nuclear weapons. Romney has said that they would not allow Iran to have the capability to build weapons. Romney is embracing the preventative theory of war that Bush advanced, and has said that they will go to war with Iran. Right now Iran could be said to be on the verge of having the "capability" to build nuclear weapons.

    I don't think there is any legitimate way to look at the Ryan/Romney plan without including the costs of a war with Iran, the associated increase in oil prices, etc.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is selecting Ryan going to turn out to be dumber than McCain selecting Palin?

    Try to look beyond your fringe right-wing views, and look at what the general population is in favor of. Romney is not liked by the far right, but they would have voted for him anyways because they are so dumb there is no way they will ever vote for anybody but a Republican. You could literally have Hitler running and if he said he hated gays, loved Reagan, and had an "R" beside his name they would vote for him. Young people, women, minorities, middle class people, poor people, all dislike Romney.

    Romney's one key demographic was old white people, but selecting Ryan, a person who has put down in writing, under his name, a plan which would end Medicaid, and has talked about ending Social Security, has put Romney's one major voting bloc into play for Obama.

    Palin was pretty disastrous, and I doubt Ryan will make the idiotic gaffes, and have the ego Palin had, but it might turn out to be a dumber pick than when J.M. selected Palin.

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why isn't Turkey being more careful w/ Syria since Syria has Iraq's WMD?

    Oh yeah, because Syria doesn't have Iraq's WMD, and conservatives have been wrong about every major issue in the last 2 decades.

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why is inflation so much lower under Obama than Bush, is it a conspiracy against Ron Paul?

    Ron Paul and his followers have been predicting, incorrectly, for over 30 years, hyperinflation. The average rate of inflation under Bush was about 60% greater than it has been under Obama. Why is inflation so much lower under Obama than under Bush?

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is anybody still dumb enough to cite or trust Shadow Stats?

    I constantly hear libertarians cite Shadow Stats as a source to verify their deluded fantasies about the hyperinflation we are in. Of course in reality we are not experiencing hyperinflation right now, nor will we be facing it in the future. Most people would not trust a data site that makes you pay to see their data, but the libertarians do because it is one of the few data-driven sites that they can use to support their confirmation bias.

    So, let's look at some actual numbers. First, the BLS, MIT, and Google have all released inflation numbers for the U.S. based on independent studies, and they were all almost exactly the same.

    But, they are all wrong according to Shadow Stats; unfortunately SS released some of his data to an online calculator at, and it can be used to look at actual prices.

    From 2000, using SS's numbers bread should now average $2.03/lb, in reality it is $1.42.

    Ground beef per lb should be $5.61, in reality it is $3.32.

    Milk should be $8.21, in reality it is $3.47.

    The only item I've seen that is close is gasoline, and that is a commodity which is volatile, and is still higher than the actual numbers.

    Why anybody trusts this site is beyond me, it's like acknowledging that you are an idiot.

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Will the new revelation that Scott Walker has a "love-child" hurt him in the election?

    That's right a woman has come forward and said that Scott Walker has a child from college with a woman he isn't married to, even though he has tried to make himself out to be a paragon of virtue during his campaign.

    I don't really care about this kind of thing aside from the hypocrisy of a person doing this, and then never really being there for the child, but it makes it 10X worse when they blab about family values, etc.

    I don't think this is as big as the John Doe investigation which has already led to convictions of multiple former Walker staff members, and is rumored to be centered around him, i.e. Scott Walker = John Doe, but you never know, people love sex stories. The rumor is that there is big John Doe news coming Monday, but I think they are holding off until after the election.

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why are the refs calling interference now?

    The reffing in the whole playoffs has been atrocious, it has been the worst I've ever seen it in the NHL IMO. So, why are the refs all of a sudden starting to call the games differently and giving obstruction interference penalties in the finals if they haven't been calling them all playoffs? If they had called these penalties in the playoffs earlier the Devils wouldn't have gotten out of the second round.

    Why not just "let the players decide" unlike the regular season when I guess the refs must decide the games?

    1 AnswerHockey9 years ago
  • Are Yankees fans finally ready to admit Nomar is better than Jeter?

    That's right Jeter sucks. Who cares if Boston never won a championship until they traded Nomar? Who cares if Jeter's average this year is higher than all but two years Nomar played? Who cares if Jeter has 1,400 hits more than Nomar? Who cares if Jeter has a higher fielding percentage despite staying at the hardest position until he was older than Nomar? Did anybody see how sick Nomar was today on Baseball tonight explaining the scorekeeper's role in determining hits and errors?

    NOOOOOMMMMAAAAHHH Fah Evvaaahhh!!!!

    2 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Why don't conservatives ever address policy issues when answering questions?

    For example, why did unemployment increase by 85% under Bush, but decrease by 11% under Obama? Why did Bush increase debt by 80% compared to 40% for Obama? And why did the economy last month create over 600% as many jobs as the net increase during Bush's entire presidency?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why did the struggling economy only create 605% as many jobs last month as the avg increase under Bush?

    Average net increase in jobs per month during Bush's term: 11,000 jobs

    Jobs created last month: 69,000 jobs

    Looking at non-adjusted numbers (the new favorite of the wing-nut right) unemployment increased 85% under Bush, and has decreased 11% under Obama.

    Going back to Bush's economic ideology will just cause another massive crash, and increase unemployment yet again.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Does Romney really have any chance considering he has to pretty much sweep the swing states?

    Comfortable and leaning Obama states electoral votes = 243

    Comfortable and leaning Romney states and electoral votes = 170

    In all the leaning states aside from Oregon the margin is pretty large in the polls.

    Swing states, electoral votes, and Obama margin in polls:

    Arizona 11, -7%

    Colorado 9, 5%

    Florida 29, -0.9%

    Iowa 6, 9%

    Missiouri 10, -4.8%

    N Hampshire 4, 10.1%

    N Carolina 15, -2.6%

    Ohio 18, 6%

    Virginia 13, 6%

    Wisconsin 10, 4.2%

    Give Iowa and NH to Obama, and AZ and MI to Romney. It is Obama 253, Romney 191. Obama only needs 17 more electoral votes to win. If Obama holds 1 of the states (VA) he leads by 6%, and 1 of the states he leads by 4-5%, it's already over. If he takes Florida (tied at less than 1%) it's over, if he takes Ohio which he leads by 6% it's over.

    Romney has to win both big states FL and OH--Ohio which he already trails by a larger margin than OR, a normally Democratic-leaning state--plus he has to win in other swing states which he trails by 5+% in right now.

    There is almost no chance that Romney will win in the next election unless you want to believe there will be a magical shift and Romney will surge 7-10% in the polls in swing states, something which rarely happens.

    Obama can focus on 1-2 key states with most of his energy and money and he will win; Romney has to focus on 7-10 swing states, plus a few other leaning states to win.

    The election is already over unless there is a huge event to swing it Romney's direction. Even the media's interest in having it remain close so that they can have ratings and advertising dollars may not be enough to keep this close until the end.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • The election is essentially over, Obama won, so what conspiracy theory will the conservatives use in November?

    If you look at the polls and the electoral college numbers Romney already has almost no shot in the election. The media gets a huge amount of their money from elections, so they will act like it is close, but it's not. It is a bigger blowout than when McCain failed disastrously.

    If you look at electoral votes from solidly Obama & solidly Romney states Obama leads 161 to 131. If you look at states leaning one way or the other Obama leads 236 to 171. In these states Obama's average lead is almost 10% while Romney's lead in his states is about 7.65%. If you look at swing states the only important state Romney leads in is Florida, and that lead is less than 1%; Obama leads by around 5% in a few states, and by 5-6% in Ohio and Colorado.

    Being generous and giving Romney the swing states he leads in now, plus the close ones that lean towards Obama (close being a 5% swing towards Romney to make it interesting) and Romney still loses 277 to 261. This is saying that Romney holds onto his <1% lead in Fl, and takes 2-3 states where he now trails by more than 5 points. Realistically Romney has to make up a huge amount of ground to come within 50 electoral college votes of Obama.

    The election is already over barring a major catastrophe for Obama, so what will the conspiracy theory be when Romney loses?

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why has Obama's economy created 254% more manufacturing jobs during the last 3 mos as all jobs under Bush?

    During the last 3 months the increase in manufacturing jobs have been 30k, 41k, and 16k. The average number of manufacturing jobs created during the last 3 months are 254% as much as the average jobs created per month under Bush in all sectors (avg. 11,400/mo).

    During this time frame the number of manufacturing jobs created have been about 8 percent as many jobs as the total net increase in jobs during the Bush presidency.

    Conservatives, don't leave idiotic comments. I will answer your moronic statements, so be prepared to hit edit and explain why you are wrong.

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why have more than 2X as many jobs been created in the last 18 months than during Bush's entire term?

    The net increase in jobs created is over 260% higher in the last 18 months under Obama than the net increase during Bush's entire term, and conservatives can't form a coherent argument against these facts.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago