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  • Using laptop screen to build a projector question...?

    I have a very old laptop (ibm t21) in which the backlight of the lcd is broken. I was thinking then that it would be a good project to use that lcd screen and an overhead projector to make a video projector :). However, my question is how do i connect this screen to a video source (a pc) after i take it out of the computer as the screen was attatched to the laptop through a flat cable and i need a vga connector to hook it up to a computer. Do i need some converter? Any help or sugvestions would be appreciated :)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Which operating system is better Windows xp pro or xubuntu 9.04?

    I have an old computer (600mhz celeron processor, 256mb ram (upgradable to 512mb), 10gb hard drive). Most of the applications I use are on xubuntu and xp. Mostly want speed with little hangs as this laptop is used only for basic tasks. Thanks.

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Should I install xubuntu, or stick with windows xp pro on my system?

    I just got an old laptop from a family member a couple days ago (256mb of ram, 600 mhz celeron processor, and 8mb video ram) that has windows xp pro on it. It runs surprisingly well, however I want to try linux (preferably xubuntu, because it will be my first linux computer and I need it to run well on my old computer). Most of the applications I use are ported from linux anyways (open office, gimp, inkscape, firefox), so I don't have a problem there. The most important thing to me would be a speedy operating system that doesn't hang often. Do you think it would be a good idea to switch to xubuntu?

    Also, it turns out that the copy of xp pro on this system is not genuine, as I ran the tool from microsoft (the people I got the laptop from don't remember how they got xp since the computer is so old, but it seems to have come with ME and was upgraded. However, the only thing that that seems to mean is that I can't get updates, but the rest of the operating system works fine. I think that means that if uninstall xp, I won't be able to get it back.

    PS: I tried the live cd, and xubuntu looked good but I can't really make my decision based on that as it suffers a performance decrease because it is running off a cd. Thanks and sorry for the long question.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Looking for an older version of a splitcam? Or software that works well in turning a camcorder into a webcam?

    Hi, I am looking to use my camcorder (connects via firewire) into a webcam. I used to have this software called 'splitcam', but the newer versions don't work very well on old computers. I've been trying to look for the version that I used (I think it was version 2.5 or something, and before version 3), but I can't find it. Do you know any place I might find it? Also, if not, does anyone know of any other free software that will allow my camcorder to act as a webcam for skype? Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What is the fastest free screen sharing software?

    Hi, I need a screen sharing program that will let me share the screens of my desktop and laptop. I would like it to be free (after all, who has any extra money left in this economy), and the major thing I want is for the program to be fast. It doesn't have to operate over the internet, I just need it to operate over my home network. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Itunes can't find my music even though it is in the music folder?

    Hi, so recently I had a problem with itunes so I reinstalled it. After I reinstalled it though, almost all my songs had the exclamation point next to them meaning that it couldn't find my music. I have all my music in one folder on an external hard drive and I specify that folder as the itunes music folder in the preferences. How do I make itunes find all my files, because I can't do it manually since I have like 2500 songs? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Reading from a text file into 2 dimensional vectors?

    Hi, so for a programming assignment, I am supposed to read in a picture from a txt file (looks like this...)









    and I have to read that into a 2d vector. Now I understand 2d vectors to some point, but I am sort of confused with push_back and resize in 2d vectors. Here is my code so far...

    #include <iostream>

    #include <fstream>

    #include <vector>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    ifstream infile("C:/Documents and Settings/rich/My Documents/Programming/picture.txt");

    if (!infile)


    cout<<"File could not be opened."<<endl;



    vector<vector<char> >picture;


    int rows=1;

    string line;

    while (getline(infile,line))


    for(int x=0; x<line.size(); x++)





    for(int x=0; x<rows; x++)


    for(int y=0; y<row.size(); y++)




    return 0;


    Although it has no errors, when I run it, my computer beeps three times (which is weird) and displays the picture wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • My c++ program has no errors, but won't display anything?

    Hi, for my programming class, I am supposed to make a battleship-like game using 2 dimensional vectors. I wrote a program that should at least work partly (although will probably need some tweaking). When I ran it on my old laptop (win 2000), I got a message saying that lab7.exe (name of my program) needed to close. Then when I moved it onto my desktop (win xp), I didn't get an error message, but the program wouldn't display anything and returned some obscure number. I am using code::blocks as my compiler, and it says that I have no errors, so the program should at least run (correctly or not). I think it is easiest just to paste my entire code, because I have no idea why it isn't working, although I know it is a pain to read on yahoo answers because it doesn't have any spacing...

    #include <iostream>

    #include <vector>

    #include <cmath>

    using namespace std;

    void placeship(vector<vector<int> >&board, int startrow, int startcolumn, int direction);

    void hitormiss(vector<vector<int> >&board, int rowposition, int columnposition, int &hits);

    void displayboard(vector<vector<int> >board);

    int main()


    vector<vector<int> >board(8);

    int torpedos=15, hits=0, startrow, startcolumn, direction, rowposition, columnposition;


    for(int x=0; x<board.size(); x++)


    for(int x=0; x<board.size(); x++)

    for(int y=0; y<board[y].size(); y++)


    placeship(board, startrow, startcolumn, direction);




    cout<<torpedos<<" torpedos remain. Fire where?";


    hitormiss(board, rowposition, columnposition, hits);



    }while(torpedos>0 || hits<3);

    return 0;


    void placeship(vector<vector<int> >&board, int startrow, int startcolumn, int direction)









    else if(startcolumn>4)





    else if(startrow>4)




    else if(startcolumn>4)









    else if(startcolumn>4)





    for(int x=1; x<4; x++)


    if(direction==0 || direction==4)


    else if(direction==1 || direction==5)


    else if(direction==2)






    void hitormiss(vector<vector<int> >&board, int rowposition, int columnposition, int &hits)







    else if(board[rowposition][columnposition]==1)







    void displayboard(vector<vector<int> >board)


    for(int x=0; x<8; x++)


    for(int y=0; y<8; y++)




    else if(board[x][y]==1)


    else if(board[x][y]==2)


    else if(board[x][y]==3)






    Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Science fair project,ethanol?

    I have to do a science fair project for my school and was thinking of producing ethanol from different plants and comparing the results. Does anybody know if producing little amounts of ethanol is possible without equipment (could i do it in my kitchen?)? And what materials do i need

    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Converting strings of numbers to integer values?


    I have this programming assignment where I have to input two 12-digit integers into a string, and then convert them back to ints so that I can add them together. I had asked a question here earlier about a function that my teacher gave me to use on this program...

    int asciiToInt (char ch)


    return (ch - ‘0’);


    and so it apparently will take characters and turn them into integers, which is what I want. However, since I have strings do I have to convert them into vectors of characters first? If so, how do I do that? And if not, what do I do?

    After I do this (which I am hoping that I will be able to do), then my teacher said that since the largest value integers is like 2.2 billion I won't be able to just add the integers together (that is why I have to input them as a string). So, I am assuming that I would store each number in a vector of ints and add each digit place. Will this work? Thanks for your help in advance!

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Converting strings to ?

    Hi, quick programming question...

    I have a programming assignment for my class (c++) and what I have to do is input two strings of integers between 0 and 100 billion and then convert the string into a vector of integers and add the two inputed numbers that way. Now my question is, how do I convert a string to integers? My teacher did give us this one function to use...

    int asciiToInt (char ch)


    return (ch - ‘0’);


    but I have no idea what it does, as I have no idea what ascii is (looked it up on wikipedia but doesn't make much sense to my problem). My teacher also gave me this function...

    const int NUM_DIG = 12;

    and the comment says 100billion + 1 digit, but I again don't know what "const" is. Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with my program errors?

    I am learning c++ and I need help on my programming assignment. Here is my program that I have so far:

    #include <iostream>

    #include <fstream>

    #include <vector>

    #include <cmath>

    using namespace std;

    void calculatemean(vector<int>number, int total);

    void calculatemedian(vector<int>number, int lowermiddle, int uppermiddle, int middle, int evenodd);

    void calculatemode(vector<int>number, vector<int>maxvector, vector<int>mode, int max, int maxnumber);

    void calculaterange(vector<int>number);

    int main()


    ifstream infile("C:/Documents and Settings/Stefan Schembor/My Documents/Softmore Programming/randomints.txt");

    if (!infile)


    cout<<"File could not be opened."<<endl;






    int val, menu, total=0, lowermiddle, uppermiddle, middle, evenodd, max, maxnumber;

    while (infile >> val)




    for(int x=0; x<number.size();x++)



    if(x%10==0 && x!=0)



    cout<<" ";



    sort(number.begin(), number.end());

    for(int x=0; x<number.size();x++)



    if(x%10==0 && x!=0)



    cout<<" ";




    cout<<"1. Mean"<<endl<<"2. Median"<<endl<<"3. Mode"<<endl<<"4. Range"<<endl<<"5. Standard Deviation"<<endl<<"6. Stop Program"<<endl;




    case 1:

    calculatemean(number, total);


    case 2:

    calculatemedian(number, lowermiddle, uppermiddle, middle);


    case 3:

    calculatemode(number, max, mode, maxvector, maxnumber);


    case 4:



    case 5:




    return 0;


    void calculatemean(vector<int>number, int total)


    for(int x=0; x<number.size(); x++)




    cout<<"Mean = "<<total/number.size();


    void calculatemedian(vector<int>number, int lowermiddle, int uppermiddle, int middle, int evenodd)







    cout<<"Median = "<<(number[lowermiddle]+number[uppermiddle])/2;





    cout<<"Median = "<<number[middle];



    void calculatemode(vector<int>number, vector<int>maxvector, vector<int>mode, int max, int maxnumber)


    for(int y=0; y<number.size(); y++)


    for(int x=0; x<number.size(); x++)






    for(int x=0; x<number.size(); x++)





    for(int x=0; x<number.size();x++)





    cout<<"Mode = "<<maxnumber;

    for(int n=0; n<maxvector.size();n++)

    cout<<" "<<maxvector[n];


    void calculaterange(vector<int>number)


    cout<<"Range = "<<number[number.size()]-number[0];


    Now, I am certain that my program needs some work but I want to at least compile it successfully to see where the problems are. Here are the errors that I got:

    error: too few arguments to function `void calculatemedian(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >, int, int, int, int)'|

    error: at this point in file(pointing to my calling of my median function)

    error: conversion from `int' to non-scalar type `std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >' requested|

    ||=== Build finished: 3 errors, 0 warnings ===|

    It looks like the problems are in the calculatemedian function but I can't seem to find it. I don't know if this is enough information for someone to help me with my program but thnx for your help.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Create a menu in c++?


    I have this programming assignment and I need to make a basic menu, but I forget how to make one. I just need a very basic one where you would enter a char to get to the different menu selections. Thnx in advance

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ reading text file to a vector?


    So, I have this assignment for my programming class where the program has to read the txt file which has number grades followed by letter grades and I have to put the letter grades and number grades into two parallel vectors.

    example Txt file:

    96 A

    72 C

    84 B

    65 D

    89 A

    60 D

    78 B

    86 B

    75 C

    61 D

    85 B

    here is the basic outline that my teacher gave us:

    #include <fstream> //for file I/O

    #include <vector> //for vector class

    using namespace std; …

    vector<int>scores(how are you going to size

    your arrays?);

    vector<char>letters(some positive integer);

    ifstream infile(“results.txt”);

    if (!infile)


    cout<<“File could not be opened.”<<endl;

    exit(1); // terminate program


    int val;

    char letter;

    while (infile >> val >> letter)



    Eventually, this program should...

    1. Calculate and display each letter grade, followed by the average

    of scores for that letter grade.

    2. Finally, calculate and display the averages for all the grades.

    Now I am confused about what to do because I don't understand how I know what size to make my vector and I don't know what this does: while(infile >> val >> letter).

    Thnx, Eschems

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Will this graphics card work with ?

    I just bought a new computer, it was a dell inspiron 530 with a q8200, 4 gb ram, vista. I bought this system despite people telling me to build my own computer because the computer ended up only being $500 which was much better than anything i could build especially because I would have to buy vista. So my total budget is around $600 and i was thinking when i bought the dell that i would add a low end graphics card to replace the integrated graphics. I was thinking of the hd 3650 but I dont know if it will work with my computer (the psu is either 300-350 i cant tell). Mostly what I want is just to have the aero graphics run smoothly, a little video editing(nothing in hd), and some casual modeling in blender. (I dont really play any games because i use my xbox for that. Thnx for your help and also if the 3650 works, are there any better graphics cards that would work for $70. One more thing, does it matter if it has 256mb or 512mb and whether it is gddr2 or gddr3. Thnx again.

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Dual booting windows and linux question?

    So, I have an old laptop (ibm thinkpad, pentium 3, 256mb of ram, and windows 2000). I wanted to try out linux on it but i am a little confused. So far, I downloaded opensuse(i heard that it was best for minimal system requirements) and burned a live disk. I put it in my computer and it let me run linux, but very slowly, i am guessing because my optical drive is not very fast. So now I want to install it onthe computer but I am confused about partitioning and dual booting. Also, I only have 6gb of hard drive space on a 20gb hard drive. Ultimately, I want to be able to dual boot linux and windows 2000 but I am not sure how to partition my drive or if i even need to. Thnx for your help!

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is this a good deal for a computer?

    Hi, I am going to buy a new computer for my family. It will be used primarily for web browsing, online videos, email, and I may play some lower end games (not cysis or anything like that). I was thinking of buying the dell inspiron 530 and customizing it with the dell online store. Right now the specs are Intel® Core™2 Quad processor Q8200 (4MB L2, 2.33GHz, 1333FSB), 4gb ddr2 ram at 800mhz, 500gb hard drive 7200rpm, vista 64bit. Also, I was gonna stick with the integrated graphics and then buy either an ati 3650 or nvidia geforce 8600gt graphics card to save some money. Is this a good deal for a computer and what part of my computer could use the most improvement? If it isn't a good deal and you have a good idea for a computer, please offer me your suggestion. Thnx in advance!

    Also, here is a link to the computer

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • What is a better processor?

    I am buying a computer and dell allows me to customize it. Originally they give me a E7300 (3MB L2, 2.66GHz, 1066 FSB) core 2 duo but I was thinking of upgrading to a Q6600 (8MB L2, 2.4GHz, 1066FSB) core 2 quad for $50 or a Intel® Core™2 Quad processor Q8200 (4MB L2, 2.33GHz, 1333FSB). I can't tell which one of these quad core processors is better because the q6600 has a faster processor, 2.4ghz vs 2.33ghz and more cache (although I don't know if that is important) but the q8200 has the faster front side bus. Also the ram that comes with my computer is ddr2 and only operates at 800mhz so I don't know if the faster FSB does anything for that. Also, I just wanted to make sure that upgrading to the quad core is a good idea (i'm not a gamer by the way)

    Thnx in advance

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Best graphics card for a system with a psu of only 375 watts?

    I'm thinking of buying a budget system from dell, the inspiron 530, with a q6600 processor and I want a graphics card for it. My system only has 375 watt psu though and I think it is too difficult to upgrade it. Best if $100 thnx for your help

    3 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Adding a graphics card?

    I am thinking of buying a dell inspiron 530 desktop for my laptop. With customization, I would get a q6600 processor (quad core), 4gb ddr2 ram, windows vista 64bit, 500gb hard drive, and they also allow me to upgrade from the integrated graphics card but they only give me three choices for a card. Based on answers to a previous question I asked, I decided that I would like to buy the computer with the integrated graphics card and buy a graphics card seperately, maybe the ati radeon 4830 or nvidia 9800gt. Now my question is, will I be able to do this even though I have no experience with adding parts to a computer and are most graphics cards compatible with most desktops? Thnx.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago