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Lv 1135 points

Theresa Wright

Favorite Answers0%
  • Can't reset Windows 7 Toshiba laptop?

    So I've been trying to reset my Windows 7 Toshiba satellite laptop for the past few hours now, but for whatever reason, mine is nothing like any of the tutorials. When I turn on the laptop while holding 0, I'm taken to an HDD recovery screen that lets me either start Windows or run a memory diagnostic. How do I restart it?

    Exact model: p755-s5390

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Help with gaming build?

    How's my build? Any way to improve it without raising the price or lower the price without hurting performance?

    2 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • Which is the better gaming build?

    Which one is better? Have any modifications/recommendations to lower the price without hurting performance or raise performance without raising the price?

    3 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • Help with my budget gaming build?

    I need a graphics card and motherboard with SLI/crossfire support and expandability to at least 16gb of RAM that doesn't raise the base price past $850. If you have any other suggestions to lower the price or raise performance without raising the price, it would be much appreciated.

    The graphics card has to support at least two monitors, has to have at least 2gb of VRAM, and has to have a clock speed over 800mhz. Higher clock speeds or mroe VRAM would be appreciated if you can get it within my budget.

    All help is appreciated, but I'd like it if you didn't direct me to other builds unless it's absolutely necessary.

    3 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • Help with my friend's gaming build?

    So, my friend has been a console gamer his whole life, but now he wants to switch over to PC gaming to play with me, and I need to build a PC for him for under $350. This is what I have so far:

    Is there any way I can improve the build WITHOUT RAISING THE PRICE AT ALL, or lower the price WITHOUT HURTING PERFORMANCE AT ALL?

    Also, if there's some way I can fit a decent monitor in there without going overbudget that would be great, too.

    (Sorry, I just felt that that was really important.)

    3 AnswersAdd-ons7 years ago
  • Help with cutting down price on budget gaming build?

    With the help of numerous websites and reviews I have this, but it's too far from my target price. Anybody know how I can cut it down to $750 or below without hurting performance, or raise performance without adding to the price? I plan on using it for gaming and video editing, and I'll also need a pair of high-quality headphones w/ high quality microphone attached and a motherboard that doesn't hurt my wallet but can still work if I want to expand my ram or add another graphics card later.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware7 years ago
  • Help with my budget gaming build?

    I already have a keyboard and headphones that I can use.

    What do you think? Is there anywhere I can save money without hurting performance, or ways I can gain a bit of performance without adding too much to the overall cost?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware7 years ago
  • Help with my budget gaming build?

    Can somebody help fill in the blanks with this budget gaming build?

    I've decided to keep everything really low budget, but go all-out on the graphics cards (while still keeping it reasonable.) I pretty much just need a compatible motherboard, some good storage (500+ gb), a good optical drive and I need some good, low-budget speakers. Also, if you want to change something to save me more money without hurting performance, or get me some better performance at the cost of a very small amount of money, I'd like that very much. I'm not too experienced with computers, and I plan on using this all for gaming. My goal is to be able to run Payday 2 at decent settings. Everything you change/add is much appreciated, and I'd like it if you just changed the build and left the link, along with an explanation of your changes.

    Oh, and I already have great headphones and a good keyboard picked out.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware7 years ago
  • Black screen on login?

    When I log into my main profile on windows, all I get is a black screen with a cursor. The last thing I had done before this issue was download a thing from the internet called the "Paid to Exist Backpack," it was a zip file, which I extracted to my desktop. It was a bunch of PDFs, and I opened the first one, and then everything I had open started shutting down, so I use the power button to shut off my computer. I shut it down with the power button again after finding that using my regular profile shows nothing but a black screen, but my Admin profile still works, and Safe Mode still works. I ran all my antiviruses (Avast, Spybot, and Malwarebytes) and fixed everything that came up there, but the problem persists. I had a lot of files there that I really need back, does anybody have a solution? I'm a bit panicked at the moment.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • Is this a good PC build?

    My biggest fears are it overheating. This is sort of a dream PC for me, but I just want to know that if I ever win the lottery (or some similar situation that gives me the money to buy it) that it'll be good. Is there anything better I can substitute? It's intended for gaming, and price doesn't matter, it's just a dream pc.

    2 AnswersPC7 years ago
  • What's the difference between these two Segas?

    What's the difference between them? Are they different models? When were they released? I'm just confused because the Sega I see people like the AVGN use looks different than the one in my garage.

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Gear7 years ago
  • My computer keeps playing audio from my microphone?

    I got a new recording software for free to record gameplay videos for youtube, but after watching through my last video my computer started playing whatever audio was being fed into my microphone. Whenever I say anything, or type on my keyboard, or click, or do anything else, for that matter, it's played back through my speakers. Does anybody have a solution?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Which is the best game?

    Here are the games:



    7 Days to Die

    The Dead Linger

    Can you order these in order from best to worst? I want to know which ones I should get, though I already have The Dead Linger.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago