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How long after birth does your dry up?
i wanted to breast feed but it hurt to much so i started to bottle feeding i've diecied to express and ordered a breast pump but it wont get here for another week im really worryed that my milk will dry up before it will come and my son will do with out. i gave birth 4 days ago
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years agoIs it ok to take carbedilol and Amlodipine together?
my nan's doctor has prescribed he with amlodipine and she already taking carbedilol is it ok to take them both together we have been trying to get hold of her doctor to find out but he never calls back so is it ok to take them both together or should she stop the one
4 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years agoi keep having 2 week periods?
i came off the depo injection almost a year ago and ever since iv been having 2 week periods its a dark brown colour ans clots in it my period was never like it before i went on the depo i cant get to the doctors right now but have an appointment for 2 weeks but it is playing on my mind any ideas what is causing this x
2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoiv been on my period for 2 weeks now?
and my blood is a really dark brown and thick with what i think looks like clots its annoying me now cause i am trying to conceive, my period is normally a dark red and and 5-7 days long does any1 no what this is and is there anything wrong
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agoradio codes ford transit?
can anyone find radio code for 2008 ford transit radio serial number v010949
5 AnswersFord9 years agoI was on depo injection...?
for 2 and a half years and had no periods for at least 2 years then in the last week of july i started to bleed like a period only it lasted 5 weeks seen my doctor about it and she suggested to stop the injection and let my period get back to norman and go back on it ( my last injection would of been on 20th september but didn't have it) but me and my partner have decided we would like another baby i have had no periods since but having bad cramps all the time did a test a few days ago and was neg any idea of when i will get my period and what is going
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years agoWhat hot drinks can i give a 2 year old?
Iv been giving my son tea decaff tea since he was about 9 months old he's just had his 2 year review and the hv told me that tea make kids anaemic he drinks milk and water for cold drinks but i would like a hot drink something similar to tea any ideas thanks
9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agowhy is it cant get a job in asda?
iv lived in briton all my life im white and i was born here yet i have to prove that i am aloud to work in briton by either havin a valid passport (mine is out of date) or a p45/p60 (witch i haven't got lost it while i was moving) and a birth certificate
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years agoformula 1 song italy 2010?
what is the song that they play on formula 1 italy season 2010? my partner loves it but cant find out what it is
2 AnswersFormula One10 years agohelp with my external hard drive?
I think my external hard drive had a virus its full but every folder has turned out as a shortcut and I cant open any of them is there anything I can do
2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade agowhy do i keep craving meat?
7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoIf you drink larger out of date by 2 years will it harm you?
11 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoMy 2 year old son won't let me brush his teeth?
and now his teeth are starting to go bad. He loves the taste of toothpaste but when it come to brushing he will put his hands in the way close his mouth, my husband can get the brush in but he has to hold his 1 arm between his leg and the other under his belly then hold his lips open i cant do this and don't think it really fair on him but if any 1 else has any ideas that could help would be great. Iv also tried making fun games, keeping a brush round at all time he just chews on it and i also tried brushing at the same time as him
11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoMy sky+HD remot control has just stoped working?
i've put new battery's in it cant afford to buy a new 1 right now any ideas whats wrong? if not would a sky+ Controller work or does it have to be a HD one
3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade agoDoes any one know the sky code?
for sky remote controller to work with an LG T.V
3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade agowant to become an avon rep but?
i don't want it to effect my child tax benefits how meany hour am i able to work?
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agocould anyone tell me what the best torrent sites are?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agothink i might have a water infection?
i normally only need a wee twice maybe 3 times a day today iv been about 5 times so far and when i do wee its like stingy itchy feeling i no it not thrush iv had that before also stared having pain on the left side of my back but i have back pain every now and then
4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agomy friend son might of past impetigo on?
my son had his 1st birthday friday we had a tea party 4 him my friend brought here 9 mouth son over while i was out of the room my son pinched his dummy and drink but he had a sore on his nose my friend toke here son to the doctors 2day turns out he has impetigo my son hasn't shown any sines of anything could ant1 help
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago