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  • Smallville series 9 & Heroes?

    Series 9 of Smallville on UK tv...

    was not on E4 on Tuesday 30th @ 9-11pm or scheduled in the planner for the 6th Jan.

    anybody know when it is coming back?

    same with Heroes on BBC2

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • can somone pls give me some help on cookies(on the computer)......?

    i am trying to delete my cookies on my work computer & i need step by step instructions on how to do so. i have an Emac.

    thank you

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • what was the original music?

    for smallville -superman the early years.

    not "save me"- there was a song before that .

    thanks :)

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • anybody know any short witty jokes to write in a farewell card?

    someone is leaving @ work. i need some witty one liners to write in his card.

    17 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • 5 more riddles for if they are hard?

    11.What am I?

    I can be long, or I can be short. I can be grown, and I can be bought. I can be painted, or left bare. I can be round, or square.

    12.Aaliyah gave India as many pounds as India started out with. India then gave Aaliyah back as much as Aaliyah had left. Aaliyah then gave India as back as many dollars as India had left, which left Aaliyah broke and gave India a total of £80.00. How much did Aaliyah and India have at the beginning of their exchange?

    13.there are Two convicts locked in a cell. There is an unbarred window high up in the cell. No matter if they stand on the bed or one on top of the other they can't reach the window to escape. They then decide to tunnel out. However, they give up with the tunneling because it will take too long. Finally one of the convicts figures out how to escape from the cell. What is his plan?

    14.give me an eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end.

    15.Something very incredible happened on the 6th of May, 1978 at thirty-four minutes past twelve a.m. What was it?

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • 10 riddles for you! star if they are hard?

    1.What are the next three numbers in this sequence?

    8, 12, 9, 7, 11, 13, 8, __, __, __...


    If you take away the whole part, you will still have some left. What is it?


    Which is the odd one out in the following group?

    1. cm

    2. cl

    3. cg

    4. ch

    4.Little John, Robin Hood and Friar Tuck were hiding from the Sheriff's men in Sherwood forest.

    They had been hiding up a tree for days and were down to one last apple left to eat. Being a kind and holy man, Friar Tuck said that Robin and Little John could share it between them. Robin promptly sliced the apple in half and asked John which half he wanted.

    "The bigger half of course," replied John hungrily.

    "Ye mean the biggest half surely," retorted Robin angrily. "Use the King's English, ye big oaf."

    "It's bigger."

    "No it's biggest."

    A verbal fight ensued until finally Robin turned to Friar Tuck.

    "Good Friar, are ye not an educated man?"

    "Yes indeed Robin" replied the Friar.

    "Then settle this. Which of us is correct?"

    "Neither of ye actually, my friends."

    Why isn't either of them correct?

    5.As Mr. Smith's birthday approaches, he starts to collect leaves. On the first day of the month he collects one leaf, on the second day he collects two, and so on. So by his birthday he'll have collected 276 leaves altogether. On which day of the month is Mr. Smith's birthday?


    There is something within the riddle below, but what?

    Your fall I will mirror,

    I am a last defense

    To halt the chilling terror

    Of a deadly quick descent.

    Never can I be your pet

    Or your trusted friend,

    But I should you ever forget

    Then you will find your end.

    Use me through my roping

    And find the solid path,

    My success you should be hoping

    Or taste an earthly wrath.

    7.Paul is 20 years old in 1980, but only 15 years old in 1985. How is this possible?

    8.What has roots that nobody sees, and is taller than trees. Up, up it goes, and yet it never grows.

    9.I have four wings, but cannot fly, I never laugh and never cry; On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with little sound. What am I?

    10.A man and a woman were driving in their car when it broke down. The man decided to go for help at a gas station a few miles back. He made sure nobody was in the car, rolled all the windows up, and locked all of the sedan's doors. He went off, but when he came back, his wife was dead, and there was a stranger in the car. No physical damage was done to the car, so how did the stranger get in?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • how does a relative become removed from the family?

    you know when they say "twice removed", i don't get it.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • hardish riddles............?

    1.A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and points it at him. The man says, thank you and leaves. Why ?


    The 2 Doors

    You approach two talking doors. One door leads to the City of Truth, while the other door leads to the City of Liars. You do not know which door is which. You are able to ask only one question to determine which door is which. The door that leads to the City of Liars always speaks lies, while the door that leads to the City of Truth always speaks the truth. You want to go to the City of Truth. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to the City of Truth?

    3.A man is lying dead with a backpack on, face down in the desert. What happened


    The paragraph below is most unusual. How quickly can you find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so ordinary you'd think nothing was wrong with it - and in fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is unusual though. Why?

    "Gatsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hill's manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway's night shopping crowds. Gatsby, walking towards that group, saw a young girl, back toward him, just finishing a long, soulful oration ... "

    The above passage is taken from the book "Gatsby" written by Ernest Vincent Wright in the late 1930's

    5.What has 5(sometimes 4) hands but is normal

    6.The music stopped. The woman dies. Why?

    7.Three lives have I.

    Gentle enough to soothe the skin,

    Light enough to caress the sky,

    Hard enough to crack rocks

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • what do you think of this?


    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what do you hate more?

    the adverts where crisp packets,chewing gum wrappers & burgers (B.K/McD's) etc,stay completly perfect & not wrinkled or messy in anyway


    bad actors/actresses in soaps.

    (if so name your worst one)

    i hate roxy in eastenders

    btw did anyone watch gone baby gone?

    what a load of bollocks, the acting was diabolical.

    have a nice weekend :)

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • riddles can you solve? 10 points for 1st correct answers?

    1. A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man

    made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?

    2. How did Mark legally marry three women in Michigan, without divorcing any of them, becoming legally separated, or any of them dying?

    3.Which is the longest word in English?

    4.Paul’s height is six feet, he’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?

    5. When is it bad luck to meet a white cat?

    6.Complete this sequence of letters: o, t, t, f, f, s, s, _, _, _.

    7. What do the letter ‘t’ and an island have in common?

    8.There was a man one night. He started to run straight forward. Then he turned left. Soon after, he turned left again. Then he started running toward home. When he got home there were 2

    masked men waiting for him. Who were they.

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • funny or not? star if you even smile :)

    are these granny/grandad jokes?

    what do you think.

    how does herpes leave the hospital?

    on crotches

    a man says to his wife: " i don't know how you can be so stupid & so beautiful @ the same time"

    the wife responds: "god made me beautiful so you'd be attracted to me and stupid so i'd be attracted to you.

    2 ducks go on their honeymoon & stay in a hotel. as they are about to make love the male duck says: "oh we haven't got any condoms, i'll ring down for room service". he calls reception and asks for some condoms to be sent up.

    "ok sir" the woman says,"shall i put them on your bill?. "of course not" says the duck."i'll suffocate!!!"

    what goes in hard & pink & comes out soft & sticky?

    bubblegum :)

    13 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • how many times have you answered this riddle/seen it posted?


    I live above a star, but i never burn. I have 11 neighbours but they never turn. My initials are p q and r & sometimes s. What am i?

    it is really irritating me.

    does it get to you?

    honestly (no exaggerations) I have answered/seen it posted on Y!A about 30 times this month least twice a day on the days i have been on it.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what really annoys you?

    the plumber is here (@ work) & he has been here since 2pm. all he has to do is install a new tap & make the toilet flush. he is charging £99.88 (vat excl) per hour. he still hasn't finished& i just heard him say to a colleague that he will be leaving @ 5.

    what a p*** take!!!

    if this was @ home i would tell him to f*** off as he is trying to (obviously) get more money. he made a 15minute journey to "get new" parts take 35mins.

    as you can tell i'm annoyed. :{

    31 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help pls.any suggestions?

    the problem is my ever-growing jewellery collection. this includes costume jewellery too. i need a place to keep it all.@ the moment it's in an old box that had my boots were in it but there is no space left. i desperately need something to hang my necklaces/braceletson :)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what do you think of this?

    my brother just showed it to me & i cried of laughter.maybe it's just me?! watch it to the end.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • some riddles for you?

    1.I have hands that wave at you,

    Though I never say goodbye.

    It's cool for you to be with me,

    Especially when I say, "HI."

    2.What does man love more than life?

    Fear more than death or mortal strife?

    What do the poor have, what the rich require,

    And what contented men desire?

    What does the miser spend, the spendthrift save,

    And all men carry to their graves?

    3.When I am filled,

    I can point the way;

    When I am empty,

    Nothing moves me.

    I have two skins,

    One without and one within.

    What am I?

    4.You can have me but cannot hold me;

    Gain me and quickly lose me.

    If treated with care I can be great,

    And if betrayed I will break.

    What am I?

    5.You do not want to have me,

    But when you have me,

    You do not want to lose me.

    What am I?

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago