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  • Getting a personal property tax waiver?

    So I tried to register my new car today and apparently I didn't have my personal property tax waiver...just real estate. However, when I looked into it, I would have had to declare on January 1, 2011 and I bought my last car March 18th, 2011. I also was not sent a bill last December to pay on anything and they could not find me or my car in the system. Now that I'm reading up on it, I would have to bring the car title or registration with me to be able to get the waiver...however, that car was totaled on 3/29/12 and has since been sold to another person for work at his auto body shop and he wanted to keep all original paperwork (which seemed fine at the time). How do I go about solving this problem since I don't have those documents any further and need to plate my new car by 5pm Monday!

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Just failed emissions test...can solution really be this simple?

    I bought a car from a private owner on Friday 5/11 and everything checked out until I did safety and emissions to go and get the car registered. The car passed safety with flying colors and ended up failing emissions. The tech said that the main reason is that the computer was not recognizing the catalytic converter (had been replaced in January 2011) and that it could be due to the computer being reset or having disconnected the battery. I just got through with an e-mail conversation with the owner and he stated that the car had passed emissions in March 2012 but that he had replaced the battery shortly before the car sat in the driveway for 2 months. The tech at Firestone told me that the car needed to be driven in all different conditions to be able to recognize the catalytic converter and that it was as simple as driving the car for a week to and from work (sans plates or tags). Is it really as simple as just driving the car to get the computer to recognize the catalytic converter and that replacing the battery could be the cause of me failing the test? Any answers would be helpful in finding the best way to handle this (I go back next Saturday 5/19 for my free re-test).

  • Should I go to the ER for psychological help?

    When my son was born 2 1/2 years ago, I fell into a very dark space. I was alone by myself for hours on end with him and sometimes he would just cry for most of the time my husband was gone. Unfortunately, something started then that I really don't even know how to explain. It goes even beyond normal parental rage. It's like I would feel like doing ANYTHING for him to just be quiet and go to sleep. The feeling was overwhelming and felt like I would burst if I didn't act on it. I would sit on the couch for a good hour or 2 or go smoke a whole pack of cigarettes while these horrible thoughts were going through my head and I would cry uncontrollably. I hate to say it, but I acted like I was okay through that whole time and gradually things got a little better but for some reason, I've had an ongoing difficult relationship with my son.

    Now, I have not only my son but my 8 month old daughter who is more precious to me than anything in the whole wide world. But since she'd been home for two weeks, those thoughts in the back of my mind and that feeling beyond rage when she won't be quiet or calm down after trying everything has returned. I thought it was long gone but now it's back and it's absolutely overwhelming because I come home from work and take care of them both on a daily basis. It has morphed into throwing or hitting things or yelling at the top of my lungs to try to take the edge off that bursting rage feeling. While my mom says that all parents get that "parental rage" thing, I feel that this is different. I have not been able to talk to my husband about it because in his culture things like mental health are just not spoken about...especially in a culture where it's not uncommon for women to have any less than 4 children! So, with nowhere to turn to, I can only think of turning myself into the ER and seeing what they can do for me. It really makes me wonder if there's something wrong with me since my birth mother had schizophrenia and my birth father also had some sort of mental illness. What should I do? Do I try to battle it out by myself and potentially end up hurting the most precious people to me or do I drive myself to the ER and get professional help?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What can I do about my 6 month old who throws up everything we have fed her?

    Yesterday evening, my 6 month old daughter was sleeping peacefully when all of the sudden she let a fountain of vomit go. Now, usually it's due to her angle or whatever during feeding but it had been 2 hrs since feeding and this was not just a little spit up (our rug is at the cleaners as I'm writing this). Then it happened again in her crib and it was tinged a little yellow which I have to assume was phlegm. My mother in law was taking care of her today while I worked and she even threw up the banana we mushed for her and the electrolyte solution that we gave her. I just want to know what I can do to make it stop so she doesn't have to be hungry and in pain anymore.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 6 weeks postpartum and no period yet?

    I had my daughter on 8/28 and bled for 3.5 to 4 weeks. I'm now 6.5 weeks postpartum and haven't had my period yet. My husband and I have only slept together once or twice since getting cleared by the doctor last week and we've used condoms AND I got a depo shot till the Mirena arrives at the Dr's office. With my son in 09, I bled for 4 weeks and then at exactly 5 weeks, I got my period back. This time, the bleeding lasted a shorter amount of time and I've had little to no discharge or any other sign that I'll be getting my period soon. Anyone else been in this situation? (And no...I'm not breastfeeding)

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • How long does Pitocin take to wear off?

    On Thursday, I went to my hospital's Evaluation Unit because I was having contractions very close together. While there, the baby's heart decceled and they transferred me to L&D about an hour later for monitoring. Around midnight, they had decided to augment my labor to get baby out as safely as possible. They put me on Pitocin at that point and I tried Stadol to help with the pain and so I could get some rest. However by 2pm Thursday, the pain was unbearable and I still had not moved from 4cm and was told that a c-section was not an option at 37 weeks. So, I had them take me off of the Pitocin so that I could go home and try to rest. Well, the contractions went away last night and now they are back and are getting fiercer and sharper by the moment (even worse than some I had at the hospital). How long does it take to get all that Pitocin out of my system or is it possible that these are my own contractions?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • What blood tests are done for pre-eclampsia?

    Today I had my 37 week doctor's appointment and my feet have been a little swollen lately and I've been admitted to the hospital twice for intense pain in my chest near my ribs and for the past 2 weeks, I have had at least +1 protein in my urine. Now, I thought that pre-eclampsia was something that usually got diagnosed much much earlier in pregnancy. However, the doctor ordered labs to be done and blood was taken. What tests are they performing that would tell them whether or not I have Pre-E? Anyone with experience on this topic?

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Should I have called my doctor?

    Last night, I was watching TV and being 28 weeks pregnant, had to interrupt the TV to take a pee break. Everything went normal except that when I wiped the toilet paper was tinged pink. About 30 minutes later, I began having these little cramps (felt worse than Braxton Hicks) that never amounted to anything. Now, the pink discharge never came back and the cramps are almost completely gone this morning. My question is whether I should still call my doctor to let them know know what happened last night.

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Why does it hurt me when my baby moves?

    For the past couple of weeks, there's been something that has worried me about my baby's movement. There is a spot on my right side (not even on bone or anything) that when she is laying there and I nudge her gently, it actually hurts me. I feels like I'm basically pressing flesh and muscle right up against her bony little body and grinding on it...which hurts! Is there a a reason for this as this didn't happen at all with my son?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • I am 27 weeks pregnant but only measuring 23 weeks? Scared...?

    I had my 27 week doctor appointment today and not only had the heart rate gone down into the mid-high 140's (normal has been around 158-165), but I was measuring 4 cm too small. Now, I have a son and never had any problem with small measurements and up until this appointment, I have been measuring spot on (I was 22w 6d last time and measured a little over 22 cm). The doctor scheduled me for an ultrasound next week and I am scared because my mom had a co-worker who was measuring small in the 3rd trimester and she ended up having a stillborn baby at 38 weeks. So, I'm more than a little frustrated with my body and with my doctor for not telling me more. However, my baby's movements have been regular, but I can't help but think that something is wrong. Any thoughts?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Should I call the police next time my neighbors are making excessive noise?

    So, I live in the city and I understand that noise comes with that. I am used to the sirens, but what I am not used to is the neighbors across the street who just moved in and have no respect for anyone else. Pretty much everyone on the street gets along and turns everything loud off by 10 pm (earlier if I pop my head out to let them know that my 20 month old son is asleep). However, these new neighbors have a family member who owns a motorcycle and parks it behind a car with a very sensitive alarm. Nearly every single day since they have moved in, the husband has turned on the motorcycle and revved the engine as loud as possible to trigger the car alarm and it works every single time. He does this at least twice a day (I would probably say that he's drunk just from seeing the 4 beer cans stacked on the car). I have gone over there repeatedly to let him know that anytime after 9 pm is unacceptable because my son is trying to sleep. The wife continually promises me that he will stop, yet, just 10 minutes ago, I had to go out there again with a very upset 20 month old baby to tell him to knock it off. At this point, I have tried being nice and have written them letters. Should I be getting the police involved next time it happens?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Almost 18 wks pregnant with baby #2 and haven't felt any movement?

    I'm worried at this point because earlier on in the pregnancy, there was a hard spot where the baby was laying and I would push it and it would go away and come back like a baby would. However, for the past 2 weeks, I have not felt anything and really have no more pregnancy symptoms. At my 15 week appointment, they found the heartbeat with a little bit of a struggle as the baby had moved from the right side to the center and probably wasn't in the optimum heart-listening position. But since then, I have felt nothing and my only symptom is heartburn (which isn't saying much cuz I have it even non-prego). My next appointment is in 13 days. What should I do...or should I stop worrying? (Only reason I worry is because less than 3 months before I conceived this baby, I had a miscarriage at about 7 or 8 weeks and we didn't wait the 3 months to get pregnant again.)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Are these good cramps or bad cramps?

    Tomorrow, I will be 17wks pregnant. Pretty much all of today, I have had this persistent, deep in the uterus cramping that feels like I do right before my period begins. Along with that, I have felt nauseous. Believe me, I know the difference between gas pain/constipation and cramps and these are cramps. While they are not painful, they do make me worry because I did lose a pregnancy in late September of 2010. There hasn't been any bleeding, but it really feels like the first day of my period right before the blood and the really bad cramps begin. Should I be worried or is this just my uterus expanding?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What should I do with my two job offers?

    I had 3 interviews this week. One of the companies called me yesterday evening and offered me a position that is only like 10-15 hours a week and under $8/hr. I accepted the position thinking that I had not gotten the other two positions and I began training this morning. However, right after exiting training today, I got a call from the job that I was realllllly excited about and they were offering me a position that is $10+/hr and commission and I would make more (which would help since I am having a baby in early September). What should I do? Should I try to combine the two positions or which one position should I pick? Please help!

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What should I do for my parents' 30th wedding anniversary?

    My parents' 30th wedding anniversary is coming up on August 22nd, 2011. I am trying to start planning the party now as I will be almost 38 weeks pregnant at the time of the party. I'm looking for some creative ideas for this party. Any ideas/suggestions?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Can I use my parent's car insurance to buy a car?

    I have been covered under my parent's car insurance since I was 19 years old and still am. I did buy auto insurance for the new car that I am picking up today from the dealership. However, that insurance does not start until 12:01 am tomorrow morning. As I am still under my parent's insurance, can I use that insurance as proof of insurance when I go to pick up the car this afternoon?

    Buying & Selling1 decade ago
  • How can I get taken off my mother's health insurance?

    After Obama passed the health care bill, I found out that I was still covered under my mother's insurance (even though I am married and have a child). Now that I am pregnant, Medicaid is saying that I first have to present her insurance card for them to be billed before Medicaid will cover anything. However, I cannot afford to pay anything that her insurance doesn't cover. How can I get taken off of her insurance plan so that I don't have to end up paying huge bills because they don't cover maternity and I've already explained this to the Family Support office?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 4 tests and I'm thoroughly confused now! Am I or aren't I?

    On Thursday, I took a pregnancy test at the urging of a friend. The test came out positive. The next day, I took the second test in the box and it came out positive, yet much fainter. However, when I called my doctor, they wanted paper proof from either Birthright or Planned Parenthood. I went to Birthright first thing on Saturday morning and did the test with the first morning urine. Unexpectedly, the test there was negative. I bought the First Response Early Result 2 pack yesterday and both came out positive. I also went for a follow-up at Planned Parenthood and am waiting for the results of my blood test to come back. How is it possible that 4 home tests are positive and the one done at the center was negative? Could I really be pregnant and their tests are just faulty or something?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Boarding a domestic flight with an expired ID?

    My fiance and I are going to be going to Orlando for our honeymoon and I have been looking at flights. We only have one problem, his ID is expired (he does not drive) and has no passport. His ID has been expired since 2005. Will we have any problems at the airport?

    5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Why won't my car start?

    I've been having trouble with my car lately. Yesterday morning, I went to turn on my car and...nothing! It was complete whirring or clunking or whooshing. However, the lights in the car and the radio still all work. I know for a fact that it can't be gas related because I have 3/4 of a tank. What could be causing this? We're baffled and would like to get a few ideas before pouring a bunch of money into this.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago