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  • I need help in Indianapolis, Indiana!?

    My husband and I are renewing our vows on our 10 year anniversary this April. We need help finding a cheap cake, his tux, my shoes and the bridesmaids' dresses and shoes. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am currently looking at thrift shops since our budget is a little on the small side.

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Can someone help please?

    Here is what is going on:

    Miscarriage on Nov. 14th

    No cycle since.

    Negative pregnancy tests

    I am now running a fever (Stays around 101.0 and it just started 2 days ago)

    I have no appetite

    When I do eat, I start feeling jittery (no diabetes, tested last week at doctors office results came Friday).

    I am on antibiotics for UTI (no longer need the symptom medication, on antibiotics for 4 days).

    Have trouble sleeping (hard getting to sleep and staying asleep).

    I'm not under any unusual stress. I know you can't tell for sure what is wrong. Just looking for suggestions and or advice (not just 'go to the doctor'). I have an OB appointment on the 20th and will ask if I am still having these symptoms then.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Cycle Problems, Please help!!!!! (TMI warning)?

    I am 28 and have a problem. I have an OB appointment on the 14th but would like and appreciate any advice now.

    I had a miscarriage at 7 1/2 weeks on November 14th. I have NOT had a cycle since then. I figured 6 weeks at the most before my cycle after the m/c. I have taken 3 pregnancy tests and all were negative. I haven't had any symptoms of my cycle either. My normal cycle is around 33 days long. I have stretchy clear cervical mucus coming out in chunks so bad that I have to wear a pad (not liner an actual pad). My OB won't move up my appointment or give me advice over phone. Any one else have this issue and know (or have advice) what is going on? Thank you in advance.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Let's see if someone can answer this.........?

    I had a miscarriage on Nov. 14th. My cycle should have hit before now. I have taken 2 pregnancy test and both are negative. My cycles are irregular to begin with (33 - 40 day cycles). However, I have been EXTREMELY moody. Worse than I have ever been on or before a cycle and when I was pregnant combined! Is this normal? I mean I have been so moody that I yelled at my husband and felt like punching a wall because the internet was slow while he was in the process of upgrading the internet explorer on my laptop. I have been like this the past 3-4 days and it's really starting to get to me. I cried last night because Scrooge (the one played by Patrick Stewart) became happy! What is wrong with me? I have never been like this before. I usually just let life run it's course around me and remain mellow. I am sitting here reading some of these questions and responses and feel like throwing my laptop out the door because of some of these stupid questions that people leave just to get a response out of or reported and deleted Y!A. Can someone tell me what is going on? I can't go to the doctors for another week and a half due to my insurance not being in effect until the 1st. I need some relief as I haven't found any yet.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy after miscarriage question......any advice please?

    Please don't judge.

    I had a miscarriage on Nov. 14th. I wanted to wait until after my next full cycle to try again. However, my cycle was supposed to hit yesterday. I have no symptoms of anything, except acid reflux due to an inadequate diet (just moved and had a lot of McDonald's during the 2 week move). I am worried that I may be pregnant now as my husband and I resumed our 'active' lifestyle just days after the miscarriage (I know it was stupid to not wait longer). I know it's too early to test (my 3 pregnancies didn't show up until I was closer to 2 weeks late) I want to hear personal stories of pregnancy the month after a miscarriage. I want to know that if I am pregnant now everything will be ok with the baby and I.

    Here is a little more information if it helps (TMI warning)

    My miscarriage happened when I was supposed to be 7 weeks and 5 days. I only bled for 4 days. Not really heavy, lighter then a normal period for me, lots of clots. I had the pregnancy confirmed through blood test and the miscarriage the same way (12 days after positive blood test). The OB said it most likely was a blighted ovum (sac and placenta were there but, my body had a duh moment and didn't realize there was no baby).

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy after Blighted Ovum?

    I have been diagnosed with a blighted ovum miscarriage at what we thought was 7 weeks. We really want to conceive again but my OB isn't giving me a straight answer. I asked her 3 times and I got 3 different answers. The first was 'after the next cycle'. The second was 'whenever'. The third was '3-4 months'.

    My question is: How many of you ladies here have been diagnosed with Blighted Ovum miscarriage and when did you conceive again after the m/c? Were there any problems with the pregnancy after m/c? Thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Another miscarriage and bleeding question........?


    I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks this past Saturday night/early Sunday morning. The bleeding wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be. It was lighter than a normal period for me. I know it was a miscarriage because my HCG levels went from 60 to 35 in 8 days. The clots were small, like dime size. No cramps, no pain. I have been lightheaded and dizzy. This is my first miscarriage and I don't what is normal. Now, the bleeding has stopped completely. Anyone have advice on this? Is this normal?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How long after miscarriage..........?

    I had to go to the ER last night for bleeding. My HCG level was 35! I had blood test the Friday before last, my HCG level was 60. The doctor said it was a definite miscarriage. I was in my 7th week. I have to go to my OB this week and have an ultrasound done to see if I need a DNC.

    My first question is: I sort of know what a DNC is but have never been through one. What do the doctors do during a DNC? Is it painful?

    Second question is: How long after a DNC can we start TTC again, as long as things go right?

    Any advice is greatly appriciated! Thank You all in advance!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for HCG levels to.....?

    Go from 11 to 60 in 3 days? My HCG level came back at 11 on Tuesday and 60 today.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need answers about HCG levels.....?

    My HCG level was at 11 when I had a blood test on Tuesday. Is that normal? They said they won't do an ultrasound until the level is up to 50. What is normal? I have 2 kids and have never been told my HCG levels. I am now around 6 weeks pregnant (confirmed at doctor's office this morning). Any information on HCG levels will be very helpful.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need your opinion on this...........?

    I have taken 2 HPTs today. Both came back with very very, almost invisible, positive lines. My OB's office had me go for a blood test. I won't know until tomorrow but I couldn't wait. My LMP was 9-19-09. Cycles have never been regular. I am having acid reflux, which is out of the ordinary for me. And I'm bloated. Those are the only symptoms I am having. What do you think?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago