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Favorite Answers8%
  • Low appetite for the past 3 weeks?

    I caught a cold 3-4 weeks ago. Although all other symptoms have been gone for 2 weeks, I still have a decreased appetite. I do get hungry sometimes, especially in the morning, but I get so full after eating a normal-sized meal I don't want any food at the next meal's time. Otherwise, I feel fine. Is there anything I can do?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What would you think if you suspect/found out a classmate was anorexic at the beginning of freshman year?

    Would you still treat her like everyone else and perhaps be friends with her, or would you avoid her?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • My left arm always goes numb when I type on my laptop?

    it recovers quickly when I leave it hanging

    any suggestion of why this happens?

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Grammar Question--please help?

    1. "The Self-Government Association of the College is the first of its kind in the entire country."

    2. "The Self-Government Association of the College was the first of its kind in the entire country."

    Which is correct if the Association still exists at the particular college but other schools now have similar organizations?


    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Is this sentence grammatically correct?

    "Even though he is neither tall nor handsome, still he charms many girls."

    Is it okay to have the word "still" (even if it's a bit awkward) or must it be removed?


    5 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • People who got into Ivy League colleges please answer?

    Did you have a consultant/advisor from an education centre targetting Ivy League applicants?

    If yes, how useful was it?

    Many thanks!

  • I'm slim but I have some back of arm/tricep fat?

    I'm 5'3 and 99lb, so I'm a bit underweight. However I have some fat at the back of my arms/triceps. Is it common for skinny people to have some flabby parts there?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Let's vote---Yale or Stanford?

    If you were to pick either, which would you go to? And why?

    For me it's Yale, just because of gut feelings. :)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What is your dream college?

    1. Harvard

    2. Yale

    3. Stanford

    4. Princeton

    5. MIT

    6. Cornell

    7. Columbia

    8. Brown

    9. Duke

    10. UPenn

    11. Other(s)

    Mine is Yale!!! <3

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • People who have gone to Yale/know others who have gone to Yale please answer?

    Yale is my dream college.

    Can you please tell me your/whoever you know who's gone to Yale's stats?

    Grades, SATs, extra-curriculars, volunteer services, work experience, personal essays, etc.

    Is it necessary that you have significant leadership positions?


  • Are my SAT scores good enough for Yale/Stanford?

    Critical reading: 760

    Math: 760

    Writing: 680

    Total: 2200

    I know my total is fine, though not particularly competitive for such top-tier universities. My worry is my writing score; I'm afraid it's not gonna look very good to have one part under 700.

    According to Yale's website their middle 50% for all three parts are about 700-800, while Stanford's gives no such information.

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing10 years ago
  • People who go/went to Wharton?

    Hi, I'm interested in Wharton and would like to hear your experiences.

    Why do you think you got in?

    What were your GPA or IB / A-levels grades?

    SAT I and II?

    Did you have outstanding leadership, sports, or music, etc.?


    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • People who go/went to Wharton please answer?

    I'm interested in Wharton and am applying this fall. Can you guys give me some tips?

    I mean, why do you think you got in?

    What were your GPA/ IB / A-levels grades?


    Did you have outstanding leadership, sports, music, etc.?

  • Are my SAT I scores good enough for top universities?

    So I just got my June SAT I results.

    Critical reading: 760

    Math: 760

    Writing: 680

    I want to apply to universities like Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UPenn (Wharton).

    Although my overall total of 2200 is fine, my writing part isn't. Will it matter that my scores aren't very even? Will it hurt my if i have a 6xx for one component?

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Does Oxford look at SAT scores?

    SAT I and II?

    I really want to get into Oxford University, and am wondering if good SAT scores would give me an advantage over other candidates. (I'm applying to both UK and US universities, so I have to take the SATs)

    Can anyone please answer? Thanks!

  • Does your lower ab swell during period?

    just wondering if my period is to blame

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • SAT score out of 1600? Why not 2400?

    I see that many statistics for average SAT scores of various colleges take 1600 as the perfect score instead of 2400. Which two components of the SAT are counted then?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Do you think this guy is anorexic?

    So here's this guy in my year whom i have never seen eating for the entire year since i came to this school. He's very skinny, though not to the point of being outright skeletal. He's also quite pale, but since he's white that may be just his skin color. He doesn't hang around with others very much, and his friends are mostly nerds who achieve really high grades. He doesn't appear to have emotional problems though. Also, he seems quite stable, not losing weight continuously.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Will I gain weight if allow myself some "forbidden food" occasionally?

    I have been strict with my diet. If I start, for example, eat an ice cream once a week, will that make me gain weight? Let's say it has 500 calories, does that mean i'll gain a pound in 6-7 weeks and if so will that continue?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • So confusing: Does he like me in a romantic way or not? (It's long but pls read!)?

    We are both 16-17. 5 months ago i rejected him once, cos he had been following me around everywhere and tried to ask me out once and everyone was talking about us, though he never confessed he loved me. He seemed hurt for a few days and then we were no very close for a few months. Recently somehow we became really close friends, even closer than before, and we text each other every day. It was he who started the texting thing, and he even started calling me honey and typing <3 occasionally. Then today in a text he told me he felt very awkward while waiting for the bus cos all people around him were couples.

    I thought he was hinting at sth (maybe he was?), so i said,

    "Haha, you want a girlfriend too?"

    "It depends who it is. You want a boyfriend?"

    "Haha you're right =3=' "

    "I rejected a girl at my churh and someone in year 10."

    "I think I did the same thing 5 months ago, quite exactly."

    "Haha you're right =3=' " (he has this habit of imitating others)

    Later...he again,

    "No, actually i don't want a girlfriend. I just want someone to spend time with."

    "Are you telling the truth. There's sth not quite right about your statement."

    "Miss lie detector, you have been faulty at once. Im not the guy 5 months ago. i have accepted the inevitable fact that i will be rejected, i refuse to hope for more, and i embrace the present situation. There is much more in the meaning of the world than pursuing the unpursuable. I could for instance be doing math, playing the piano, or having lunch at a cafe!"

    "Omg you sound like some absurd hero. lol Well that's not the same thing as not wanting someone you love and someone who loves you back. That's quite impossible. The good thing (and sometimes the bad thing) for guys is that girls are mutable!"

    "So what do you advise me to do"

    "I dunno, depends on what you want. And man, think for yourself!"

    "I don't even know what you were talking about lol what did you say was impossible?"

    "Don't ya think it's quite impossible to not want to have someone who you love and who loves you back?"

    "Really I just want to hang around with you. Stop confusing me with the word love! And I'm mutable too. I never quite understand myself. O.0"

    And then still later...

    "We can be very close friends without being a couple."

    So that's basically our text conversation today. I don't know if i have fallen in love with him, but im sure i like him at least. And i sorta want him to confess his love for me and ask me to be his grilfriend (if he really wants that, of course). I think I have even made things quite plain already. I was almost like "Hey guy the fruit is just in front of you, it's all for you to take!"

    What do you think about the whole thing? So what does he feel about me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago