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  • I need some help about my daughter's climbing...?

    My daughter is 13 months and 2 weeks, She sleeps in a playpen because My mom has her crib and won't give it back.

    She already walks and runs everywhere but now she's starting to climb everything! Chairs, Couches, Everything. She can even get stuff off the kitchen counter!!!! I didn't think I had to worry about this til she was 2 but geez this lil girl gets into everything!

    Yesterday I went into the room and she was in her playpen. She got right up, Climbed over the side, and threw herself on the floor, She then got up and started smiling and running towards me! She's probably too small for a bed but How do I keep her in her playpen...Should I buy a crib? I dont know what to do..I was a climber like her when I was a baby.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is it really that hard to put together...? Birthday present question.?

    My lil girl, Lexi, Is going to be 1 in 6 days. We got her a pair of DC skate shoes, some socks, a couple toys, and other small items. I also got her Planet 51 on dvd (She loves that movie!) and Alice in Wonderland on Dvd. Her last present is a 30th anniversary pink Cozy coupe.

    It might not make it here before her birthday (the 14th). Going through the reviews I've noticed alot of people complaining about how long it actually takes to put it together and how difficult it is.

    So Is it really that difficult? How long does it take? Any extra tips in order to put it together?

    I really want to put it together myself because her daddy gets excited and likes to not use the instructions because he "knows" what he's doing, lol. Hopefully it will come before her birthday so I can have it already put together for her last big birthday present.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does anybody have this toy?

    Fisher-Price Happy Songs Coupe Foot-to-Floor Ride-On

    If so how is it? I was going to buy a Cozy Coupe for my daughter but Idk this one looks alot cuter!!!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is your baby's fave. toys?

    What is your LO's favorite toys?

    What toys are you planning on buying for his/her bday or Christmas?

    My LO's fave toys are...Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Tea Pot and her Fisher Price walker lion. She loves all the Fisher Price stuff.

    I just bought my daughter the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Vacuum and the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Camera. She is going to love the camera because she always tries to take mine.

    For her 1st birthday I'm going to buy her the LeapFrog light up drum, The Leapfrog Learning table, and the potsy the pan. She is totally bored of her toys that she has now.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How long does a notarized...?

    Okay, I plan on getting married to my daughters father. Please dont tell me marriage is a big responsibility, I know it is a big responsibility.

    We plan on getting married really soon in Vegas, Nevada. In order to get married in Vegas when your underage you need a affidavit of Consent that is notarized with the minors full name, The minors parents full name that is signing, The minors birthdate, and the consent of course. and you need your birth certificates and social security cards.

    Well Last year I think in November I got the document notarized and signed by my dad (I was 16 and still am) I am turning 17 on Nov. 1st. Well before we had a chance to get out there and get married I got pregnant in December and If I get married I loose my insurance that I have off of my parents so I couldnt just get married and have no insurance (My daughters well being was much more important) I just had our daughter Sept. 14th and I am about to turn 17 on Nov 1st. Do my question is, Is the notarized affidavit of consent expired? Do they become expired at one point? Do I have to get another one?

    We're trying to plan now because traveling with my daughter will be alot harder than just us two. I cant find any info online about when it expires. We live in California so I did get the affidavit notarized in cali, I dont know if that makes a difference. I just dont want to go out to vegas and have to turn back because its no good!

    Please Answer! Thank you very much!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Jogging stroller thats ipod adaptable?

    Okay, Christmas is coming up and I want to get a Jogging Stroller that's Ipod adaptable and has speakers in it. So I can listen to music and jog at the same time.

    My baby is only a newborn right now - but you can start jogging at about 6 months so she'll be about 3 months at christmas. Anyway My mom is buying it for me and her grand baby so price isn't really a problem (She makes Alot) Does anyone know of any type of stroller like this?

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Just for fun: All you pregnant mommas!?!?

    Here's a little survery for fun -

    How far along are you? - I'm 37 weeks tommarow.

    When are you due? - Sept. 13th

    How old are you? - Im 16

    Are you having a boy or girl? Or twins? - I'm having a Baby girl!

    Have you picked out a name or names? - Yes, Lexi Elaine.

    If you don't know yet are you planning on finding out? - I already found out!

    Is this your first? If not how many kids do you have? - This is my first.

    Are you having cravings? If so, What? - mmmm Right this moment a popsickle sounds great!

    Are you having any symptoms at the moment? - Yep, I'm starting to get really tired lately!

    Is your boy/girl kicking at the moment? - She was moving around not to long ago! It's a lil cramped in there now!

    Are you suffering from horrible skin problems or do you have that pregnancy glow? - ACNE!!! Errrrrr!

    Are you done with babys room? Or are you just getting started? - Yes, The baby's room is ALL done and I've washed everything except her bedding!

    Did you have a baby shower or plan to? If so how was it or how long until you have yours? - I didn't have one.

    Do you plan on a epidural or C section or natural? - Natural.

    Do you plan to breastfeed or bottlefeed? - Breastfeed!

    Do you have any belly pics or ultrasound pics you want to show off? If so add them as you please!!!!

    Okay! So I hope you had fun!!!! And Congrats to all you mommas out there!!!! It's kind of long but I thought it was a break from all those "AM I PREGNANT" questions.

    29 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ultrasound question? (pic included)?

    Okay, For those who know me. I am 34 weeks and 6 days pregnant with a baby girl.

    But now Im getting worried that she isn't going to be a girl! And Now Im getting scared because I bought EVERYTHING in PINK!!! Ya...This is my first so I went overboard!

    Well I wanted to know does this look like a girl to you?

    I know usually girls have the lines..I just want opinions!

    Can you all show your girl ultrasounds also!

    I just really need to be reassured..(Btw I know it says baby girl I just want to make sure...Im kinda freaked since Im so close)

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far along do I look? 10 pnts for the first correct answer?

    How far along do I look?

    10 points for the first correct answer!!!

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ready or not mommas??

    Hey everyone! How are all of your days?!?!

    Im really excited. Im 32 weeks and 2 days with my first! (a baby girl!!!!) I finally feel ready! I have the crib, the mattress, the bedding set, the recliner rocking chair, the dresser, This cute Carters diaper bag with the clear lining in it so I can clean it, I got my Graco travel system, Snuzzlers for the stroller and car seat, Tons and tons of cute girl clothes, A filtration infant tub, huggies diapers, wipes, bobby nursing pillow with a cute cupcake slipcover, I scrap booked some cute things in frames for the walls, A swing, play mats, Pretty much EVERYTHING!!!! except a breast pump...but that's next week! But I have everything else but that.....

    I just wanted to share that...I guess Im really excited!

    Are all you expecting mommas ready??? And how along are you all???

    Have a great day all!!!

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My mother being in the Labor room?

    Okay I have a question...My mom is all pissed at me because I don't want her in the labor room when I give birth, To tell you the truth I really don't want anyone in the room when I deliver. She doesn't get that, but now she wont talk to me at all. Shes the type of person who holds a grudge.

    I Just don't like others seeing me in pain. I don't know.

    Should I just give in and tell her she can be in the room. She's acting like a child. I just don't want her to be in the labor room and touch me and crap. I don't even let anybody touch my stomach and I don't let her touch me at all! I just hate being touched...except my boyfriend....but I don't know what to do. I don't have a good bond with my mom or a strong bond with my dad. Im 32 weeks right now, So Ive been thinking about this alot.

    Any advise?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does Wrecking Balm tattoo fader really work?

    Im wondering has anybody personally used Wrecking Balm Tattoo Fader Products to fade their unwanted tattoo? And has it worked?

    Was your tattoo black? Or dark? What size was your tattoo?

    Was Wrecking Balm worth the money their asking?

    If you used a different product that worked can you please leave the website or name?

    Thank you for all you answers.

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Does Wrecking Balm tattoo fader really work?

    Im wondering has anybody personally used Wrecking Balm Tattoo Fader Products to fade their unwanted tattoo? And has it worked?

    Was your tattoo black? Or dark? What size was your tattoo?

    Was Wrecking Balm worth the money their asking?

    If you used a different product that worked can you please leave the website or name?

    Thank you for all you answers.

    1 AnswerTattoos1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy Dreams?!?!?

    this isnt a question,

    Im 22 weeks pregnant with a girl, and i have the most craziest dreams ever and i just wanted to give all the other crazy dreamers a look at this....

    It tells the meaning of your dreams...theres a big long list!!! check it out!!!

    Congrats and good luck to all

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • AFP screening test qs?

    First off I just wanted to ask Did anyone decide to get one done? and what were the results?

    I just wanted to share that I got one done even though i was kind of thinking about not doing it, And Im so glad I did. Im now 22 weeks, I just got the test results and My baby Girl is perfectly healthy. No down or anything.

    I would recommend doing this, If it would have came back positive for something I was going to get a amniocentesis done and I was going to prepare myself and educate myself of down syndrome, and other diseases.

    Good Luck to everyone!!!! Hope you all have healthy pregnancys.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who's due in September?!?!?

    I just wanted to know, Im due September 14th. With a baby Girl.

    That makes me almost 22 weeks, I want to see my baby soooooooo much! I cant believe I got like 18 weeks more to go....thats forever!!!!

    Does anyone else feel like I do?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Abortion ?s in the pregnancy section???

    Seriously this is probably my hormones talking, But seriously The pregnancy section is not really a good place to ask about how much abortion cost and what type of abortion method should i use....

    Im 21 weeks pregnant with a baby girl that i cant wait to hold and i cant even think of someone killing a unborn baby.

    I mean cmon we are here because We are pregnant and decided to KEEP our innocent unborn babies..

    We didnt decide to not take responsibility and just kill a innocent human being...Go to the clinic if you want to know about abortion and what not. Dont ask abortion ?s to pregnant woman hoping for a healthy pregnancy or woman TTC. Some people on here would consider being pregnant a blessing and here these people are taking advantage of it.

    Seriously Dont post abortion ?s in the pregnancy section...thats just rude.

    Does anybody else feel this way or is it my hormones????

    18 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Strollers and playmats?

    Okay I wanted a little input since this is my first baby. Im 20 weeks along almost 21, I just found out Im having a girl...which I am completely thrilled!

    I would like to know about personal experiences with Graco travel systems...any or this particular one.

    I've been researching alot and I just would like some of you moms to help me out here.

    And playmats....which one would you think is better?


    Please and Thank you!!!!

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Im 20 weeks and It is a .....?

    Girl! This isnt a question...I just wanted to let everyone know that I just found out yesterday that im having a girl and im sooooooo happy!!!!

    just wanted to share that!!! Im going to name her Lexi Elaine!

    20 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy Survey?! Just for fun!?

    How far along are you? 20 weeks

    Are you having a boy or girl or twins? I'll find out in 2 days!!!!!!! I cant wait!!!!

    Did you have pregnancy symptoms? OMG YES, all day sickness...and it finally went away!

    What do you crave to eat? Pizza, and pasta

    What are you going to name your baby? Lexi Elaine...if its a girl...Seth Eugene...if its a boy

    Is there anything people do now that your pregnant that bugs you? Yes Touch my stomach..i hate that!

    Whats the best thing about being pregnant? No periods, and in the end i get to hold my baby!

    Have you chose a theme for the nursery? Yes, winnie the pooh! I probably should start buying tho!

    What was your first baby gift? My aunt crocheted me a baby blanket. its being shipped as i type! i cant wait to see it!

    This was just for fun...Thanks for answering...Good luck to all of you!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago