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  • Why Pinoy keep harrasing me?

    For since Ive been here for 8yrs I get disrespected by some some Pinoy.There are decent respectable Pinoy here every place Ive mentioned.They also have their kids disrespect me.Young Filipinas and Pinoy keep yelling wierd threats into my Apartment-"I hear ole Joe aint staying a free say oooh"!"Ole Joe aint staying a free frame planed it"!"I hear ole Joes lifes not not a free fair for him"!In Dau Ive posted wierd drunks who tryed to frame me.In Mabalacat a Filipina Ive never met yells "fu" in my Apartment a few times.In Anunas near Clark Base a young punk kept yelling threats and bs intended to wound me for a yr and half I lived there.I was harrased in Fatima by a fat Filipina who openly mimicked me as if Im a child when she heard me from across the street.My Exgfs niece Stefany made up many lies against me that OBVIOUSLY are not true and I hesr her lies sometimes thrown at me.I REFUSED to argue with that Stefany for the first 5yrs I was with that Exgf but eventualy complained in a video I made with her Barngy there.Ive posted that also and she denied saying all of what I heard and know she was gossiping on me because NOTHING WAS TRUE!WHY do Pinoy keep harrasing me no here in Olongapo City?Next Ill post exactly where I live to expose the racist hate on this street.Why is there a culture of hate here on Luzon?

    This kid back into me as he seen me carry a broom to empty in a trash can.

    These people from across street in Dau cut down my satilite dish cable saying its a camera pointed at them.I had two cameras up because the attaker Filipina was threatening me again and they were trying to frame me with their 16yo.

    This lady selling me a grill told me its a grill but why would I want to buy something that I dont know what it is?She spread around and told me she was going to as I left that Im testy.Does it sound like I deserve that label in audio?Hell no.

    Stefanys vid.

    Read my comments at flicker site for more info.

    8 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • US Military Veterans Affairs corruption.?

    Veterans Affairs-Corruption-Gov Watch dogs?

    First of all Im reffering to Veterans Affairs in Manila Philippines.Ive had a VA Claim there forover 5yrs but it was along time since I was Active Duty. Im certain my spinal injurys were caused when I was Active Duty Navy during a Collision between a floating Crane being towed by tug boats and a moored Submarine.I was thrown up in the air atleast 10 feet.Proof of this was recieved by VA Manila on 9-15-2011 but they said they "misplaced them Deck log records"!When I use to call VA Manila for info on my claim, a Filippina in the back ground would always repeat," staying no free frame claim"! The Records "misplaced"are in block form and always involve many papers-too many to be misplaced.When Im there on my genrral check up the Pinoy Clinic workers openly gossip-"stay no free sly sex games"!Ive also heard that in back ground when I call there.Recently Ive had a ultra sound on my groin with no serious problems.So the supposed sex games couldnot bypass my groin.Ive akso been threatened by a VA Pinoy worker-"stay no free sly blogging"!Ive bloged about life here in Philippines.Manila VA is also sending my mail useing regular mail here now and not Air21.Im certain some Pinoy VA workers sabotoged my VA Claim. DOES ANYBODY KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY GOVERMENT WATCH DOG ORGANIZATIONS HERE I COULD COMPLAIN TO??THIS is the USA Veterans Affairs.

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Veterans Affairs-Corruption-Gov Watch dogs?

    First of all Im reffering to Veterans Affairs ib Manila Philippines.Ive had a VA Claim there forover 5yrs but it was along time since I was Active Duty. Im certain my spinal injurys were caused when I was Active Duty Navy during a Collision between a floating Crane being towed by tug boats and a moored Submarine.I was thrown up in the air atleast 10 feet.Proif of this was recieved by VA Manila on 9-15-2011 but they said they "misplaced them Deck log records"!When I use to call VA Manila for info on my claim, a Filippina in the back ground would always repeat," staying no free frame claim"! The Records "misplaced"are in block form and always involve many papers-too many to be misplaced.When Im there on my genrral check up the Pinoy Clinic workers openly gossip-"stay no free sly sex games"!Ive also heard that in back ground when I call there.Recently Ive had a ultra sound on my groin with no serious problems.So the supposed sex games couldnot bypass my groin.Ive akso been threatened by a VA Pinoy worker-"stay no free sly blogging"!Ive bloged about life here in Philippines.Manila VA is also sending my mail useing regular mail here now and not Air21.Im certain some Pinoy VA workers sabotoged my VA Claim. DOES ANYBODY KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY GOVERMENT WATCH DOG ORGANIZATIONS HERE I COULD COMPLAIN TO??THIS is the USA Veterans Affairs.Thanks for useful answers.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Why do some Pinoy make up lies attempting to embarrass Foriegners?

    Heres the liar niece of my Exgf.This liar has made up every lie you could possibly think of against me!I had told her and my Exgf that Spain was invaded and taken over by 15 Different Cultures in Ancient History.They know Im mostly Kelt which was one of the first invaders of Spain.Now I have idiots at SM saying near me"stay no free sly Spainish Kelt frame"!Ive NEVER said only the Kelts invaded Spain!Do a google search on the origins of Spain.Even white guys are saying this as if because a Filippina says it that means I realy said that!Just a bunch of liar fools to make up lies,even the white Expats to go along with it!

    5 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • Why do some white Expats have their head up Pinoys ***?

    First of all Im white and from what Ive read most white men who live here agree to the fact theres Pinoy here who love to give us a hard time.Yesterday as I went in SM Olongapo a big white guy starts yelling bullshit at me that he says I posted here and saying Im editing my audios.The guy is a fool and common sense tells us my audios are NOT edited.That includes the drunk lady I had lived near and NEVER met before she started yelling fu into my apartment in Mabalacat!This guy is a jack *** and Ill post his voice in near future threatening me.He may get picked on a little less but we all have taken bs from some Pinoy here.This man is a disgrace to his race!

    Heres a clip of me getting challenged by Pinoy Ive NEVER met before with last one being the drunk lady.Ive got hours an hours of this drunks voice throwing fits on my Security audio.Only a total reject hates his own race when he knows we get harrassed sometimes here!

    This was at 630am kid stomped outside my apt and no doubts his parents taut him!

    3 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • Why do half Pinoy love to harrass us Foriegners here in Philippines?

    Ive lived here for 8yrs with my wife and 2kids for the lower cost of living being a lower payed Disabled Veteran.Half These people love to search for ways to wound us or scare us with threats theyve made up.Of course this is just a very very small fraction of what Ive been thru here.Most threats are whispered or yelled in your Apt or crowds.Very difficult 2record.Ive only been recording for 3months.If we ever try to complained about their insults were called magalit or very hot tempered and that is gossipped around as if true and half these people love to gang up because that gives them a lame excuse to harrass us.They yell at us "heh Joe in very disrespectful manner.If we were to ever call one a Flip then they would probably kill us.All the challenges their were 5-10Pinoy there even when the teenager challenged me.I NEVER met any of these people before!Half the bad ones sometimes teach their kids to harrass us.

    This is outside my Apt at 630am.His parents obviously taught him.

    8 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • Why do Filippinoes have their kids harrass us Foriegners?

    This mp3 is a young kid stomping outside my Apt at 6:33am yesterday morning.You can here the birds chirp at that early time.

    Heres a teenager sitting with about 10 older Pinoy in tgeir 20s and 30s.No one told teenager to shut up.

    Heres a kid who was grabbing me and following me saying, "why you so scared"?

    Heres a kid telling me Im fat as I went in my gate.Its what a nieghbor lady called me the day before so he thought it could wound me.Im NOT fat at all but the neighbor lady who first called me that is.Weird!

    Heres one of a young 20something father teaching his 2yr old to yell in my Apt in the disrespectful manner they usualy yell thatvto us,"Joe"!Thats what they call us white Americans.

    Heres one from the same your fat kid.This time hes rudly demanding I tell him why Im here in the Philippines.There were several adult Pinoy there and no one told them to shut up.Sir does not mean they can be rude.

    My wifes even 7months pregnent as they all know!

    I have some more but yous get the point.Why do Pinoy have their kids disrespect us Foriegners?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • USA Veterans question?

    I have had a VA Claim for 5yrs trying to prove I was thrown up in the air during a floating crane and Submarine collision which destroyed my spine and gave me arthritis in my knees shoulders.Altho it took yrs for my injurys to get tjis bad.Ive got this letter from VA Manila that says I have 2appointments for compensation and pension.Does that mean Ive won my Claim and they will give me a rating based on my injurys?VA Manila had sent me a letter that they recieve deck log records in 2011 for top side watch who seen me fly up atleast 10feet probably 15feet but VA Manila wrote they missplaced them records.Sounds like they found the deck log record and agree thats what caused my injurys.My lumbar L3-L6 has chronic nerve damage with only grade 1spondiliosis-Im not supposed to lift anything.My c6 an c6 has serious spondiliosis with minor nerve damage that gives me migraines all the time!My knees pop out and need them strechable braces and both swell out like baseballs if I walk too much.Both my shoulders pop out but my right shoulder got operation in 1996. I should be 100percent because Icant work and recieved Socisl Security Disability instantly. Am I right?Does this mean Ive won my claim?I should be 100percent but Ive heard statments from VA-its not like your an amputee!Any experienced opinions?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • USA Veterans question-I was sent a letter for 2appointments at VA Manila Clinic?

    I have had a VA Claim for 5yrs trying to prove I was thrown up in the air during a floating crane and Submarine collision which destroyed my spine and gave me arthritis in my knees shoulders.Altho it took yrs for my injurys to get tjis bad.Ive got this letter from VA Manila that says I have 2appointments for compensation and pension.

    Does that mean Ive won my Claim and they will give me a rating based on my injurys?VA Manila had sent me a letter that they recieve deck log records in 2011 for top side watch who seen me fly up atleast 10feet probably 15feet but VA Manila wrote they missplaced them records.Sounds like they found the deck log record and agree thats what caused my injurys.

    My lumbar L3-L6 has chronic nerve damage with only grade 1spondiliosis-Im not supposed to lift anything.My c6 an c6 has serious spondiliosis with minor nerve damage that gives me migraines all the time!My knees pop out and need them strechable braces and both swell out like baseballs if I walk too much.Both my shoulders pop out but my right shoulder got operation in 1996.

    I should be 100percent because Icant work and recieved Socisl Security Disability instantly.

    Am I right?Does this mean Ive won my claim?I should be 100percent but Ive heard statments from VA-its not like your an amputee!Any experienced opinions?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Why do some people here in Philippines try and rip off us Foreigners?

    Hello Joe862 points (level 2)AskAnswerDiscoverYahoo!Other - Society & Culture

    Your Open Question:Why do they sometimes try and over charge or give us a product thats NOT what its suppose to be here in the Ph?

    This lady tryed to add almost a kg of cheaper Philippine meat with 2kg of more expensive Austrailian sirloin WHILE chargeing me as if it was 3kg of all Austrailian Sirloin. The 3kg of supposed Austrailian was going to be ground for me but I caught her.This lady was giggling to other SM Hypermart workers.Of course it was motivated by the fact us Foreigners have more money than average Filippinoe and these people that do this are filled with jealous hate. .These people that do this here dont care about fact we worked our whole life before coming here. This wasin Olongapo at SM Hypermart.You can here the male saying "NO NO"!Only after he sees I know this lady was adding what looked like cheap Philippine blade steak.Australian is alot more expensive!

    This lady at Greenich Pizza in Harbor Points Mall in Olongapo had tryed to make me buy large drinks and charged me for a Deluxe Pizza when I only ordered the 100 peso cheaper Hawaian!They do this only to us Foriegners!

    To: BS your initials are correct.A question is NOT trolling if its backed by mp3-fact and I only say some Pinoy.There are over a thousand-Joes here but most dont have as hi best answer percentage as me.Half my answers Im disagreeing with the question.So when I help someone they like my answers.That is NOT trolling BS.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why do they sometimes try and over charge or give us a product thats NOT what its suppose to be here in the Ph?

    This lady tryed to add almost a kg of cheaper Philippine

    meat with 2kg of more expensive Austrailian sirloin WHILE chargeing me as if it was 3kg of all Austrailian Sirloin. The 3kg of supposed Austrailian was going to be ground for me but I caught her.This lady was giggling to other SM Hypermart workers.Of course it was motivated by the fact us Foreigners have more money than average Filippinoe and these people that do this are filled with jealous hate. .These people that do this here dont care about fact we worked our whole life before coming here. This wasin Olongapo at SM Hypermart.You can here the male saying "NO NO"!Only after he sees I know this lady was adding what looked like cheap Philippine blade steak.Australian is alot more expensive!

    This lady at Greenich Pizza in Harbor Points Mall in Olongapo had tryed to make me buy large drinks and charged me for a Deluxe Pizza when I only ordered the 100 peso cheaper Hawaian!They do this only to us Foriegners!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why do Pinoy have their kids harrass us foriegners?

    I have been harrassed alot more by kids here than just these vids an mp3 but I never carryed a recorder on me.

    The first 2vids are self explanitory.I had to shut off my door buzzer because them kids wouldnot stop ringing mine and the white guys buzzers.There parents must have known because everyone seen them keep doing that and Pinoy love to gossip.If I was to call anyone a name or swear I would be in trouble here with the frame happy barangays.

    The mp3 3boys asked me a few times what am I doing here.There parents were there and never told them to stop.With the atmosphere here and the way Pinoy think were all peds them kids were being disrespectful and their parents told them to ask that.It woild be different if a adult came up and talked to me and asked that politly thou.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Why are there soo many rude racists here in the Philippines?


    I was hit in the back of my neck hard by a punk at SM Clark in the food court a couple years ago.Of course none of the Pinoy would tell me who threw it but from the angle where it hit my neck and the fact this punk was the only one who was giggling when I said-"only a wussy punk throws gum at someone behind their back"!


    This lady was drunk half the time and lived next door to me.She would yell fu in my Apt and gossip bs intended to wound me.Imature stuff-I heard he really realy like dog so theb I heard his dog smacking as if---.-I heard hes supposed to be very small down der!Instead of he-cecl would say my name.I had attempted to say hello to her a few times when I first moved in and she snuffed me and told the other Pinoy she knows I hsve a crush on her.There were all kinds of immature made up lies intended to wound me so I eventualy moved out.

    I could post about 10 others who harrased me here since Ive lived here near the old Clark base with my GF.Why do these people try and wound us white foriegners???

    8 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago