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waiting in expectation

  • how do i make this stop?

    my son who is now 71/2 -started soiling his pants every day after his 7th birthday.He's been to the peditrician,psychiatrist and now sees a psychologist-he was potty trained at 2 1/2 and i had no issue with this until his 7th birthday.Two months later dad moved out-and the divorce occured-my son will keep himself clean during visitation with dad-he says because he is afraid dad will spank him again-in working with the psychologist he feels that is not the answer-time outs-washing his soiled items and having to sit in front of washer dryer until they are clean-but still he continues-yesterday it was three times each time more/worse than the prior-ive talked with him about the teasing that could take place-the possibilitys of loosing friends-yet he still responds with I just dont care-I dont want to use the bathroom and thats feeling frustrated and beside myself with the behavior/attitude does anyone know why this is happening?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • deep concern for 7 year old child who refuses to use bathroom-help?

    my son , two weeks after turning seven began to soil his pants everyday.Ive done time-outs,making him wash it out-having him sit in front of washer/dryer until clothing is cleaned -removed toys,ganes and even took bedroom away-slept in quest bedroom(no toys)It has become increasingly worse he is in counseling-yesterday three times he purposely soiled his pants.No matter what i say/do he continues to it.He will sit in it all day at school when it happens there-his response to all of this is I just dont care-I dont do it at dads because im afraid he'll spank me-but at moms she doesnt spank so I dont care-I dont want to have to use toilet to go.anyone have any ideas,clues-please help-

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • In 1996 I injured my back working in home health care-I had surgery,thearapy chiroprators but unable to work-?

    SInce then i devolped three nore herniated disks,suffer with fibromyalgia,arthritis,rsd and constant muscle at the time i was 24 and weighed 112 pounds-needless to say the lack of mobility has causes the weight gain.Now even though if Im standing still one may not know the imparments I see in peoples eyes the disgust of the wight gain.Yes it went up now in a 12/14,I do what Iam capable of and sometimes try to push harder but I really pay for it-I ask myself-how will I ever attract another person-I dont over eat-i tend to eat one meal a day-meat veg.and side.But When others come in my direction they seem to go far around me-Im not hideous-just a little rough around the edges.However I have the warmth and compassion in abudence-Im strong in my faith and live my life accordingly-but I never get a second look after awhile it does hurt.Im 36 doing thebest I can-are there really people out there who will see me for what is in my heart?or am i simply destined to be alone?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • in two days my divorce will be finalized after three years of mental/psychological abuse and cheating help?

    In two daqys it will be finalized.Ive waited a long time-he stalled for a year on signing the papers-played games with the lawyer-found out he was cheating for over two years,the endless lies/fabricated stories-the failure of a tox screen-a hidden secret fpr nearly twenty years of involvment with a murder over drugs-he claimed states evidence-comes easy when mom and dad still bail you out at thirty.So,why do I feel sick,scared and alone.Even though he had lived here-the last year and a half he lived in the other side of the house-now it seems too quiet-I fear for my son whos 7-the influence he may have-Some days I fear for saftey itself-I met him at 19 and now 36 never having gone astray myself i feel a little lost and scared any suggestions on how to get threw this and be able able to stand up and no longer fear him or his words-or how to be brave to survive and make it for me and my son?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Stopped marital relations 3 years ago-05 faked cancer-06 quit job-07 returned to work-then said see ya?

    try this again..........He gave up and emotionally left three years ago-but remained co existing in same house-stopped spending time with young child-says he has to work and doesnt have time to be a dad-finally leaves in 07 after bieng caught cheating,lying ,stealing from both his child and myself-now he wants to be a dad two days a month-that's sure to make a differance-he does not even call the child-he is too busy-that's what he says-so meanwhile a seven year old little boy looses his dad in tears how do you pick up the pieces?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 7 year old started messing his pants-saw m.d.,psych-asks why cant i just sit in it is there help-takenaway 0 ?

    everyday its the same three to four times a day he messes himself.He lies about-then when found out wants to know why cant i just sit in it-it started about three months ago-getting worse-others becomming very aware-Ive tried to encourage-reteach HELP

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Does anyone out there have children /experiance/teaching skills who are high functioning autism and aspbergers

    Need to find help resources to help seven year old child who is portraying more intense features of these conditions-the school system is unwilling to help-I know that this epidemic is on the rise-someone must have the knowledge to point me in the right direction

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Child 7 recently-3 ,omths ago began mrssing his underwear every day anyone know why?

    given the facts-in oct of 07' he was diagnoised with asperger's and high funtioning autims-he excel in school work second time this year he's been on the pricipals list-yet has only one friend in his class which accumitivly has 344 children in his grade level.I had him examined by his physician who gave him a powder mix-fiber-to help with the cimstipation he is suffering with.Each day it is the same thing i may ask him 8 times in a day if he is clean he always says yes but at shower he's full of dried feces.He even changes his outerwear leaving the dirty undies on till shower then yells and screams because he wont wash so I do it and he says it hurts-your trying to kill ,e.I have told him you are ruining the skin,the kids will tease and hus answer is I dont care.Granted the last year and a half my ex and i remained in the house trying to get the little one stable-but since dad moved out two months ago-it is a daily battle-I dont kmoow what else to do anyone have ideas?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • yesterday would have made eleven years anniversary-and it was a dead day in the water-yet he keeps hanging out

    He knows i have hired a lawyer who is drawing the papers-the first ones he did in july but didnt submit them-now iam tired of playing his waiting game and i want him out of where i live and my personal life.He has repeatedly told me that the reason he"FELL OUT OF LOVE WAS 1-i was not as meticulous cleaning the home after child was born-who has time-i did not put the towels away right-i did not load or empty the dishwasher correctly-or put the dishes away right.well i thought he married me 11 years ago to be his wife not his mom-but he still wont leave the house-he uses the third bedroom as his .Its been a year since we slept in the same bed 10 months since maritail relations-according to him adults in long tern marriages do not need to have physical response towards another.I m fairky sure he has been with someone on the side- The phone calls/numbers the calls at 12 at night-so what makes him stay-is it just to tick me off or make me jealous-wich wont happen after the last threeyears.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • is it possible for a person to claim to har voices,see animals comming at him to bite,be dx as psychotic ?

    put on genodin a week later recant and said it was a lie to get sympathy,now claiming he thinks he is suffering from aspbergers syndrome 7 year old son recently dx-as i look back at the manipulation,the control issues-where to go not to go who to talk to or not-got really angry when i pushed further into my church and envilving my son in any activites for his age-yes my son is having some struggle with the social end of it but he is comfortable w/the church leaders him and i have been going over five years-and needless to say my son's father hates that i go to church and take our son he sayd im not comfortable there-i often ask myself how can you not be comfortable in the safest place in the world.The divorce papers should be given tomarrow-its been a steady down hill-quitting work/not even looking for emplyment for nine months i supported the family on s.s.d. and assistance from the state.The sad part hes a state correctional worker who had no problem leaving everyone to dry-divorce ?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • He played the game pulled every dirty trick-now he says i think i have aspbergers-our seven year was just dx 2

    hes been playing games with taking 52 days off from work in 05,in 06 the maritial relationship was burreling down the tubes-in 07 august-he claims voices and rats then recants-now after reading an article in the paper today his mom tells him honey i think this is what you had as a child only i didnt know.The divorce papers are to be deleivered tomorrow-and there isnt even one ounce left inside of me due to the nature of his lies,stealing,cheating and just plain meaness how wrong i was you think you would know someone but the last years have been torment and the last foour months terror-he's thrives in keeping me in fear-he has been caught following me to the store,stealing money from my purse and our seven year old piggy bank-and now he wants to claim its because of aspergers-not to mention that this dx was recent for our seven year old and hes having challenges-the to be ex wants to use this as a crutch what to be forgiven-does anyone understand this?can anyone help?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • high functioning autism/aspergers being treated with abilify-child still hitting self-whacking head -help?

    recent dx.7.self diciplines by hitting self punching things yelling screaming says just kill me -beat me till i die-my life is miserable.He been on abilify fpr1 1/2 months first two weeks great-than it began to fade till he is back at aquare one-anyone out there have similar experiances with meds?or diagnosis and behavioral issue/Acedemically he great carry a 96% avg. but unable to keep it in check emotional/mentally-anyone with similar experiances or stories please write /give direction/outcomes thank you

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • he's 7 wants to explode the school -im mean to make him go what to do?

    This morning after making his breakfast ad preparing his lunch i came into the living room were he was wathcing tv.He finished his breakfast.At that point i told him it was time to get dressedand it engage the wrath from hell 'he started stomping around and screaming its your fault i have to go to school-you just want me out of the house so you canhave the house to have party's while im at school.You are making my life miserable------------help

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • have you had the novasure pocedure doe?What were your results?

    I had the novasure procedure done 16 months ago.Until September of 2007 i had no menstual cycle.In sept.I had some bleeding/low abdominal pain for three days.Then it stopped now almost three months since any showing.Is this commen wuth the novasure procedure?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • how long after a divorce is finalized[ITS BEEN OVER FOR THREE YEARS JUST NOT LEAGALLY] before its okay tostart

    after eleven years of marriage the last three there was no relationship there but stayed in hopes of being able to give child a good home-but now the papers are in the works for the divorce and im not sad about it-its like a new chapter in life is going to unfold-how much time would seem right before dating-and no i dont mean jumping in the sack.Hoping to find a great connection that will endure,hope,be faithful and honest

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago