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  • What is the point of elections now?

    The Democrats can't seem to hold a free and fair election with Black Panthers standing at the door, ACORN, SEIU trying to rezone congressional districts to favor Dems, Bundling schemes, hundreds of uncounted ballots found in the trunk of someones car, Al Gore trying to discount absentee military ballots, paying off campaign debt with Stimulus money. It is becoming to the point that the Govt. if far worse than what King George did. What would constitute time for the last resort?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Transformers 2 critic reviews?

    How many of the reviews on transformers 2 were policially motived? Yes, it makes Obama look bad, but Obama has spent so much time doing actual things that make him look bad. it seems to me the movie was just going along with what the truth is. I think this is a case of art reflecting life for a change not the other way around.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • And,,,Ughhhhhh.....Ughh....?

    Is it possible that Obama is the stupidest man alive? At least when Bush spoke is was somewhat coherant.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For those that want Conservatives/Republicans to get out since the disagree with Obama.?

    You do realize Conservatives make up nearly 90% or more of your Military, Police, Firemen, Border Guards, etc

    You know the people that guard you while you sleep.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do people really want a government that one side has control of all 3 branches?

    Obama president, Nancy Pelosi house, Harry Reid Senate

    Potentially 3 Judges leaving the Supreme court

    Things will become majority rule without the consent of the minority. At least that is what the democrats have been against for years.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • For those who think Taxes should be raised (Obama style)?

    Companies are taxed for thier profit

    They are taxes for the supplies to make the product

    The engineers that design the product are taxed for thier wages.

    The company is tax for the property to make the product on and

    -permits to build the building the make the product in.

    The employees that make the product are taxed for thier labor.

    The shipping is taxed for gas and labor

    Then the customer is taxed for state and local sales tax.

    After all that the company has to price their product to make a profit after taxes.

    How is this in any way reasonable or help the consumer with prices of products?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Barack Obama is elected?

    Will white americans be able to speak negatively about the president like many speak about Bush currently without being labeled racist?

    IE if he pulls troops out and Iraq becomes a bloodbath, Another terrorist attack on America, or 6 dollar a gallon gas?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama supporters?

    I would like to know more about his policies. Can you name one of his policies that doesn't mirror Hillary's besides immediate troop removal from Iraq?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • At the risk of sounding Chavanist?

    Why do women regress into low self esteme in a relationship?

    For example. I was reciently dating a woman who i had great respect for. We were freinds first. She had a lot of confidence in herself and was a very opinionated strong woman. After we made our relationship more than friends she became very self concious about everything. If I didn't call her for a day. She would get upset. If I didn't want to have sex with her after a long day at work and just wanted to go to bed she would ask " Why do you not find me attractive anymore?"

    I don't want to sound like what some would call a pig, but I really would like to know why this happens to me more often than not. Am I simply dating the wrong women? Or is there something I might be doing?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Petreaus Testimony?

    Did any of you libs who are accusing him of lying actually watch it?

    He was asked if his positive testimony would send his SON into Afganistan or Iraq. The answer is Yes it will.

    Are you so damn dense that you think someone would purposefully send their SON into something they don't beleive in.

    Are you that stupid or do you only believe what tells you?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • is not affiliated with the Democrat Party?

    They have the same ideals and they essentially say the same thing? The reason I am asking is that I have been told a couple times has no affiliation with the democratic party.

    Anyone know if this is true or is there a real paper trail that ties the two together?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Concerned with the Anti American sentiment in the world?

    Could someone give me a list of the good things America does?

    I know the US gives more aid and provides more than any other country, but I would like to see a list (Links if possible please) of things America does for the world.

    Anything you can provide that shows is still still a good country Something that shows the anti americans aren't justified and should start taking a look at all the good things America does for the world.

    IE No the US did not sign Kyoto, However the US has reduced it's carbon emisions (Not conviced Global warming is man made, but clean air is a good thing) while just about the entire rest of the world continues to expand on it's own pollution.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Anyone else getting sick of Questions and Answers about Ron Paul?

    Honestly I wouldn't vote for his blame America speech, but if I hadn't made up my mind already about him. There is no way I would ever vote for someone who's campaigning people pretty much shove themselves down everyone throats.

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What does everyone think of people like this?


    "Message: I'm an honorably discharged USAF veteran (1983-1987) AND I have been serving my country as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer for the last NINE years and I can still manage to walk.

    Sorry to hear that you were such a sad excuse for a seaman that you couldn't even manage to do you job without permanently disabling yourself! Hopefully you didn't get anyone else killed with your ignorance and incompetence.

    Understandably you are bitter and angry over your failiure in the military, which explains why you lash out while hiding behind a keyboard at patriotic Americans that still serve this great nation, while all you do is load up your adult diapers and whine!

    Don't worry there gimp, as long as MEN like me are around to protect you, you don't have to be upset and afraid all the time. "

    I have a right to call him a traitor right? I am a disabled vetran who was injured repairing an SH-60 and he calls me a Chicken hawk and a sad excuse for a sailor?

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why do people insist there have been 655000 Iraqi deaths?

    There has been ONE study that said that. All the rest have said 65000 to 150000.

    Iraq Body Count 52146 Nov 06

    Iraqi Casualty Count 19480 Nov 06

    Iraqi Health Minister 150000 Nov 06

    Brooking's Institute Iraq Index 62000 Aug 06

    UNAMI 27881 Oct 06

    The Lancet 793663 July 06

    The Lancet has a history of 'Yellow' Journalism and is the only source for the high death numbers in Iraq.

    See Controversial Articles

    No death is a good one but it is completely unacceptable to lie about the body count to emphasis a point.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What exactly did Bill Richardson say last night?

    COOPER: You say U.N. troops. Does that mean American troops?

    RICHARDSON: United Nations peacekeeping troops, and that would primarily be Muslim troops. We need a permanent U.N. peacekeeping force, stationed somewhere.

    Unlike in the Second Sudanese Civil War, which was fought between the primarily Muslim north and Christian and Animist south, almost all of the combatants and victims in Darfur are Muslim

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would America's Executive and Legislative branch function better if they were subject to the UCMJ?

    (Uniformed Code of Military Justice)

    I think so. Although we might lose alot of congressmen and women to FT. Levenworth and court martial before they figure out what conduct unbecoming means.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Anger problems?

    I am normally fairly calm and willing to tolerate most things that bother me, However I am having more and more difficulty controlling my anger when it comes military decenters.

    I am former navy and have 2 honorable discharges. I had to leave military service due a knee injury while in service.

    I am now in college and having lots of problems with the students and teachers over their political views.

    It has even reached the point that I left a class and didn't return due to the teacher's assertion that all US military members are mercinaries and terrorist.

    The more classes I take the more I come into contact with these people (Usually general classes like History, English, ect) and it seems like the subject always comes up about current events. ( No I am not bringing it up, I had a history teacher refer to Bush as He who must not be named and Sec of State Rice as a traitor to her race?)

    Does anyone have advice on how I can deal with this and still get through school?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What laws are Satire defended under in the US.?

    For example, If I made a toilet paper with the likeness of Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, Susan Surandon. Would that be protected speech?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago