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Lv 43,374 points

Mommy of Thomas

Favorite Answers9%

I'm a 26 year old mommy of two incredibly handsome boys. Im currently pregnant with baby boy #3, due in May 2011. I've been with their father for 9 years and couldn't ask for a better father for my children. I formula feed and am proud to do so. I also believe in getting my children vaccinated. And I personally dont think that letting your children cry for a minute or two will kill them. I'm on here to get answers and to share my knowledge of what being a mommy has shown me so far! If you dont agree or dont like one of my answers, please be an adult about it and dont send me rude immature messages.

  • What can I do to speed this process up?

    I'm 38 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. I need this pregnancy to be OVER!

    My back hurts so bad I can barely move & I just cant take it anymore. I have a lot of pressure in my pelvis.

    Im only 1cm dilated & my cervix is still "thick".

    I need to speed this process up! Help!!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 29 weeks pregnant & slipped on the ice?

    Im 29 weeks pregnant and slipped on the ice this morning. I landed on my buttocks & it wasn't a really hard fall.

    But since then I'm having the worst pain ever in my pubic area. I can barely walk it hurts so bad. I'm thinking I bruised my pelvic bone.

    The baby has been moving like crazy & I'm not cramping or spotting.

    Should I be worried?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need help with a name for my baby boy?

    Im 22 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby boy.

    Im having the hardest time coming up with a name. The only name I relatively like is Jackson. But its so common & I'm not so excited about it.

    My other son's are Thomas Michael (named after their daddy) and Brody Andrew.

    I want something that will somewhat go with their names. Nothing to crazy but nothing blah either.

    Suggestions please. Thank you!

    12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Is a fetus' heartbeat slower when they sleep?

    Just wondering.

    Im currently 12 weeks 2 days pregnant. I had an ultrasound 3 days ago at 11 weeks 6 days.

    The baby's heartbeat was 163 bpm but he/she was sleeping.

    Just wondering if it would be higher had the baby been awake?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Kind of freaking out .. What is causing this?

    My 6 year old son has been doing this really weird thing with his eyes. He CONSTANTLY raises his eyebrows & rolls his eyes to the top of his head. This just started like a month ago.

    I've asked him numerous times why he does this & he keeps telling me its because his eyes hurt. So I've taken him to 2 different ophthalmologists & both of them said that his eyes and vision are perfect. There was no reason for either one of them to think it has to do with his eyes. One ophthalmologist even suggested that it could be behavioral.

    I did notice that he doesn't do it as much when he doesn't notice I'm watching him. He gets plenty of attention so I don't think its an attention thing.

    I'm just one of those paranoid parents who wants her children to be perfect & it kills me to think something could be seriously wrong or not curable.

    He does have an appointment with a neurologist in October.

    I'm wondering if this could be the on set of turrets syndrome?? What do you think? Am I putting too much thought into this??

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What could be causing this?

    I got my period on May 12th.

    My boyfriend and I did have sex a few times within the next weeks unprotected (the pull out method.) But we didn't have sex during ovulation as I keep track.

    Well I ovulated a week ago and my breasts are so sore that it hurts to drive over a bump in the car and I've been having random on & off cramping.

    Im not due for my period for another 8 days and I NEVER get any symptoms before hand except headaches. And I don't remember my breasts ever feeling this sore.

    I took a PG test this morning & it was negative.

    Could it be early PMS?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is this more for a boy or girl?


    Im not pregnant but just wondering what people think about the name Bailey. My boyfriend and I are going to start trying for another baby in July.

    If its a girl, I want to name her Bailey Addison. My boyfriend thinks Bailey is for boys.

    Whats your opinion?

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • when to start disciplining?

    I have a 19 month old who is fresh fresh fresh!

    He screams on the top of his lungs if he doesn't get his way. He will purposely hit his head on something if he's mad. He hits everyone.

    I obviously tell him no, and remove him from the situation.

    My question is .. when is it ok to start time outs? Is he still to young to understand the concept of a time out?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How to get my 1 1/2 year old to break old habits?

    My 1 1/2 year old son has ALWAYS slept in our bed.

    We bought him this gorgeous toddler sleigh bed and I want him to sleep in it. Only problem is (this is all my fault, I already know this) he still goes to sleep with a bottle (he ONLY has the bottle for bed, he NEVER has it during the day. He only gets sippy cups during the day.) And in order to get him to sleep

    I have to lay down with him. And he STILL wakes up like 3 times a night.

    My question is .. How do I break these bad habits? I want him off the bottle for bed & I want him to sleep in his own bed. Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong for thinking like this?

    As of right now I have two amazing healthy little boys who I wouldn't trade for the world.

    But lately I've been thinking I want to try for my girl. I've always wanted three children and I feel like I just know my next baby is going to be my girl, obviously knowing it very well could be another boy which I would be totally ok with. A healthy baby is really all that matters.

    Anyways, I feel like I've been shown "signs" that Im going to have my girl. For example, I had a dream two nights in a row that I had a baby girl (and it was the same baby girl in both dreams) and her name was Bailey in both dreams, this is a name I've never even considered for my girl but I must say it's grown on me.

    Then I brought my son to preschool and I hear a mother saying "Bailey its time to go" so I instantly looked and it was this beautiful dark haired little girl. Just like in my dreams.

    My other thought on this subject is that you only live once. My wish is to have a baby girl, but I'm never going to know if I don't try for her. I've made up my mind that whether this baby is a boy or girl, I would get my tubes tied regardless because I don't want more than three kids even if their all boys.

    Am I crazy for thinking like this??

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby gates and stairs .. What kind do you use?

    I have the weirdest stairs ever and I cant find a gate that works.

    My stairs have a post at the bottom and on the other side it's just a wall, but on the bottom part of the stairs there is a piece of molding that sticks out so no gate will stick to the wall.

    Brody is a HUGE fan of climbing up the stairs and right now I just have a cheap plastic Safety 1rst gate that we slide in between the rails of the stairs.

    Well he's a smart little guy and figured out how to slide it himself and gets up the stairs.

    I need suggestions on gates that would work for us.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Brody turned 1 today .. Am I supposed to feel sad?

    Brody turned 1 today at 4:07am. I cant believe how fast the year has flown by.

    I'm feeling kinda sad though. I guess it's because he's my last little baby. I don't plan on having any more kids so I'll never have that little baby ever again )0:

    Anyways did anyone else feel down on the day their baby turned 1?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Resources for my nephew who is a "little person"?

    I have a 4 year old nephew who was born a dwarf of "little person".

    Lately he's been wanting to ride my sons bike but cant reach the pedals as he has a short stature and his legs cant reach. So my boyfriend went out and bought him his own bike and put wooden blocks on the pedals to make it so that Tyler could reach the pedals.

    Tyler's parents are really young so they are kind of clueless as none of us have ever experienced this before.

    Anyways my question is does anyone know of any websites or places that are a good resource for little people? Or any tips for making his life as normal as possible?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who thinks this?

    Honestly sometimes I think the "trolls" are funny.

    Like the one that's named Fajina, that is so funny. Or the one that just posted that question about the toy with pink hair but it was really a TROLL!

    And honestly some of their answers crack me up. I guess I'm one of the only ones left with a sense of humor!

    And yes, I know they do not so funny things too.

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Who watched 16 and pregnant last night?

    The one with Catelyn and Tyler.

    OMG I was hysterically balling my eyes out!

    I know that in all reality it was the right thing for them to do, and the baby went to a really sweet couple but still I could never imagine carrying a baby for 9 months then giving her away. I just cant imagine holding my daughter knowing I'm not taking her home.

    So my question is .. How does a person mentally prepare for something like that?

    17 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Am I being selfish for wanting to do this?

    Ok heres the deal:

    I was a stay at home mom for almost 3 years. I have two boys ages

    4 1/2 and almost 1 (turning 1 next week). The begining of the year I was offered a job at my previous place of employment with a salary that I couldn't refuse. So I went back to work part time.

    Well lately I've been thinking that I want to stay home again. I mean Brody is turning 1 and I just feel as though your kids are only young once so I'd like to enjoy it. I worked full time from the time Thomas was 3 months old until he was 2. I feel like I missed out on a lot with him. I dont want that to happen with Brody too.

    So anyways, the reason I'm asking is because the money I take in does help out. It gives me money for the week and it helps out with household things like groceries, diapers, paper towels, etc. But we can survive and we have survived without me working (barely survived but survived.)

    I did talk to my boyfriend about this and he told me to do what I feel I should.I just feel like I'm being selfish.

    Am I being selfish for wanting to quit and stay home with my babies?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to get baby completley off the bottle?

    My son will be turning 1 on July 23rd. I would like to have him off the bottle shortly after that.

    My issue is he still uses the bottle to fall asleep for naps and at bedtime and he still wakes up at night for the bottle. He does NOT have the bottle during the day, only sippy cups.

    I want to break this BAD habit of falling asleep with a bottle. But Im afraid its too late, damage is done.

    Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Suggestions on a fun first birthday .. ?

    I'm not talking about his birthday party, I'm talking about the day he actually turns 1 (July 23rd) which is a Thursday.

    I took the day off of work and I'm trying to think of what to do with Brody that day.

    Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 11 month old and his sippy cup .. ?

    My 11 month old hasn't figured out that he needs to tilt his head back and tip the cup when he wants a drink.

    I'm always having to tilt his head back and hold his cup so he can drink.

    I don't ever remember having to show my oldest son this.

    Is this a common issue with kids and sippy cups? Anything I can do to help him get the hang of it?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Alternatives to drinking milk? And the questions don't stop ..?

    I've already posted a few questions about my almost 1 year old not liking milk.

    Well I took some of your suggestions like trying chocolate/strawberry milk. I've tried soy milk, lactose free milk. I've tried those pediasure drinks, heating the milk up. All with no luck.

    He will eat yogurt (well a little bit of it anyways) but he hates cheese.

    I'm just worried that he's not going to get enough calcium or vitamin D

    My question is, if I give him a multivitamin would he be ok with that as an alternative to the milk?

    And I have another question .. my son is also VERY sensitive to anything cold. He wont drink or eat anything cold. Like when I give him bottled water from the fridge in his sippy cup he makes this face and then refuses to drink it. Or when I give him yogurt at first he refuses it because its cold, but then he'll start to take bites. I dont get it.

    Is this normal and what can I do?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago