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Lv 31,725 points


Favorite Answers14%

Split my time between USA, UK and Greece. Adore my somewhat nutso Greek cat who travels with me. Enjoy movies; Oriental, Indian, Italian, and Greek food, and flower arranging. Think Amy Winehouse is fab, Rehab amazing song...fave movie Jodhaa...enjoy writing books on health and seeing and teaching clients worldwide. Don't like animal cruelty or exploitation. Think racism and religious intolerance must end, genetic testing proves we all have the 'original Adam and Eve' genes, so we are just one family really!


    i keep getting email addresses appearing when i go to put adresses in my fields, i have no idea who they are, then they get in my address book. it all seems to be done automatically. then an X appears next to the name and i can click on it to erase .... annoying

    2 AnswersCalendar and Contacts7 years ago

    I now hate Yahoo because they keep changing things...

    1/ how do i delete FOLDERS i have emptied ? and why when I open the list is it all garbled and top of each other?

    2/when i go to put an email address in an email for automatic entry I now get lists of people i do not even know, or email addresses i deleted years ago: HOW do i get rid of them? they don't even come up in my contacts list???

    3/ sometimes i am asked to sign in again every few minutes while i am writing emails. tells me i have timed out or something like that...nonsense!

    grrrrrrrrr. thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail7 years ago
  • what is wrong with Yahoo?

    What is wrong with Yahoo, it only gets worse by the years. Now I am signed it, it shows I am 'in' and every 5 da*mn minutes it asks me to sign in again, but i am still signed in, then it rejects my correct password, by closing this that and other stuff--i am still signed in--i do my emails without putting in my p-word!...blazing insanity.

    then they have changed the whole emails formats. where is the font size choice for 18? now it ranges small to xLarge? why do i have to have an email page background like a lake i cannot SEE through, or an ugly pale gray one if i want to see anything at all.

    where did the lovely stationary choices go?

    why are the colors for text now so few, so dark, as well as highlights, there used to be light pastel choices, like pale green, peach, pink or lavender. now they are so DARK they blot out words?

    my contacts list cannot be made alphabetical anymore, it starts with B names, then E, then hops to M, then to A etc.: all over the place.

    It used to be so nice to write emails, now it is just a buggered mess, that is annoying, slow, no pretty stationary, a lot of the emoticons are gone, like a rose i used to pick.... down the left side it used to have an ASK on the menu choice list of where to go list. GONE.

    who is constantly changing everything? with no warnings at all. IF IT AINT BROKE, DO NOT MESS WITH IT!!!!

    AND there is NO way to change it back to what it WAS!!!

    ALL of these changes, and more, SUCK.


    I was violently sexually assaulted on 5th May at HMO in los angeles during a vaginal ultrasound by female tech whom i suspect is a sexual sadist. reported to several at HMO, doing their usual cover up. HMO ER 7th--cover up. Went to police sex crimes division on 8th, they are supposedly "working the case". 11th st john's ER because everything is feeling worse, including intestines down there ..she damaged an existing coccyx/sacral spine injury and nerve damage to bladder injury worse, losing use of legs; a buzzing ache since the assault. so traumatized. no idea what to do, where to go next. any advice appreciated. no nasty replies please.

    5 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago

    I was violently sexually assaulted on 5th May at HMO in los angeles during a vaginal ultrasound by female tech whom i suspect is a sexual sadist. reported to several at HMO, doing their usual cover up. HMO ER 7th--cover up. Went to police sex crimes division on 8th, they are supposedly "working the case". 11th st john's ER because everything is feeling worse, including intestines down there ..she damaged an existing coccyx/sacral spine injury and nerve damage to bladder injury worse, losing use of legs; a buzzing ache since the assault. so traumatized. no idea what to do, where to go next. any advice appreciated. no nasty replies please.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago

    I was violently sexually assaulted on 5th May at HMO in los angeles during a vaginal ultrasound by female tech whom i suspect is a sexual sadist. reported to several at HMO, doing their usual cover up. HMO ER 7th--cover up. Went to police sex crimes division on 8th, they are supposedly "working the case". 11th st john's ER because everything is feeling worse, including intestines down there ..she damaged an existing coccyx/sacral spine injury and nerve damage to bladder injury worse, losing use of legs; a buzzing ache since the assault. so traumatized. no idea what to do, where to go next. any advice appreciated. no nasty replies please.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Yahaoo avatars HELP, where are they found, once created?'s no answers to my avatar Qs is driving me nuts. so much for paying for an account. their help pages are NO help. there is no general Index...

    I have somehow made 3 avatars but i do not know where they are stored or how i access them so i can actually use one of the little things. the one i was using vanished from view when they updated the way my mail page displays. i want to put it back, 2 1/2 wasted hours later i still cannnot find them.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • Olympics without Commentators?

    The irritating NBC TV Olympic coverage is awful. Any chance their commentators and interviewers could Mute themselves? I sure do! the coverage is great in silence, just wonderful hardworking athletes doing their best.

    no inane comments like "how did you feel when you lost?" ..or.. "why did you lose, why didn't you swim faster?" Yes, silence is Golden, or Silver, or Bronze, or even 4th or 6th. Um how about interviewing foreign country winners? How about actually announcing which country came FIRST, before you all launch into "Team USA gets the Silver!!" Hellooo NBC! There is a WORLD, our world, of athletes at the London Games, how about some EVEN unbiased reporting? How about stopping the babbled babble that you 'know' what an athlete is thinking while doing a routine!!? How about leaving out opinions on who couldn't possibly take the Gold before an event even begins? How about leaving the losers alone, they are already sad and devastated, and yes they did their human best? What insensitive pomposity. Get off your fat opinionated butt and try the bars yourself.

    YES my MUTE button is ON most of the time, because every time I turn it off, hoping...I get the same old drivel. NEXT time could some other network please cover the Olympics, and mostly in silence????

    3 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • How can NBC TV be this bad?

    The NBC coverage of the Olympics--at least in LAX is BAD as far as I am concerned. Myopic coverage. "Team USA, Team USA" is all we hear. We don't see shots of other athletes winning, or getting their medals or interviewed--let's run off and talk to the USA team member who lost or didn't even place. Pathetic. Point: USA volley ball vs Argentina, the announcer says "we don't know anything about the Argentina women..." -- Well WHY not? Because you were too darn lazy to act like real reporters and research their lives???? NBC is rude, no grace, refusing to report on many many events, it is one sided to the point of ad nauseam. What about all the judo events, many OTHER nation flag carriers are in judo events? How are athletes from Russia, China, Bahamas, Japan, Arabia, GB, Pakistan, India, Germany, Brazil, Greece, Bermuda, France, Spain ETC ETC ETC doing? Archery? Shooting? What else are we NOT seeing in Los Angeles?? It is day 2 and already I am ready to barf due to this boring, annoying incomplete coverage. Archery? Shooting? Puke.

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • olympic unbiased tv coverage?

    The NBC coverage of the Olympics--at least in LAX is BAD as far as I am concerned. Myopic coverage. "Team USA, Team USA" is all we hear. We don't see shots of other athletes winning, or getting their medals or interviewed--let's run off and talk to the USA team member who lost or didn't even place. Pathetic. Point: USA volley ball vs Argentina, the announcer says "we don't know anything about the Argentina women..." -- Well WHY not? Because you were too darn lazy to act like real reporters and research their lives???? NBC is rude, no grace, refusing to report on many many events, it is one sided to the point of ad nauseam. What about all the judo events, many OTHER nation flag carriers are in judo events? How are athletes from Russia, China, Bahamas, Japan, Arabia, GB, Pakistan, India, Germany, Brazil, Greece, Bermuda, France, Spain ETC ETC ETC doing? Archery? Shooting? What else are we NOT seeing in Lo Angeles?? It is day 2 and already I am ready to barf due to this boring incomplete coverage. Archery? Shooting? Puke.

    2 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • censorship by Yahoo ?

    almost EVERY time i try to forward an email which has some negative info or photos about Obama, it will not save as a draft, nor send. it happens 98% of the time. does anyone have proof that "send" automatically censors, based on words used? the way the govt apparently follows what we say based on trigger words. thanks.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • what is the best way to sell jewelry?

    i want to sell most of my jewelry because i just can't wear it anymore--serious health problems--and have no heirs, what is the best way to do this? where in los angeles area without getting ripped off by the purchaser????? any suggestions from those who have done it would be great. thanks!

    1 AnswerLos Angeles10 years ago

    I have spine damage of some kind involving nerves, what kind of scan is needed to show possible nerve being pressed on by spine, or twisted, whatever? doc originally said MRI then changed his mind. he also said only reason for MRI with contrast would be if previous surgery in same area. I have had severe pain since colonoscopy in March, went to ER next day, put on morphine for pain, end of June back doc put me on 24 hour release morphine ... worse each day. spine area involved is coccyx and hip join in the area and sciatic nerve.... MEDICAL EXPERT ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE.

    2 AnswersInjuries10 years ago

    First, this is no joke, I am desperate. My husband is a violent abuser, it used to be physical, now he threatens, is verbally abusive 24/7. According to studies constant verbal, mental emotional abuse is worse than physical. He is a "multiple", manic depressive, refuses Rx, self medicates with Dexedrine and smoke, when he comes down is meaner. His 3 Drs, 1 a shrink, are no help, refuse to help me in fact. He has a DV record in HI. I went to the LAX cops, they told me he can scream verbal abuse 24/7 and unless he hits me, they can do nothing. I called the abuse hot line to confirm this.

    He is 79 and a violent Godzilla, I am 59. So, I live in a state of constant PTSD from abuse. I am very ill fighting thyroid cancer again [gone to other body parts], weak from diverticulitis, gastroparesis, diarrhea, have uncontrolled diabetes type 1.5 LADA, my chronic leukaemia may be back leg bones hurt, lymph nodes are all swollen, my spine was injured 17 May when I had a colon & endo scope by my HMO, i can stand for only 5 mins to cook my meals, barely walk, am on morphine for the injury. 1 of his Dr said the stress is so bad it caused 75% of my hair to fall out in 2010--no i am not menopausal. My liver has 4 masses, the pain is terrible, it is swollen to 3x normal. I have Dupuytren's disease from diabetes damage in both hands and doing anything is very hard, holding anything like a knife to chop food is nigh impossible, i wear braces and tape my thumbs daily.

    I am too ill to work since 2004, can't get SS Disability as he & his accountant--behind my back--didn't pay my SS for 10 years when i had income from a book i wrote, + client consulting, they reported it as HIS income not mine; discovered this in 2005 when i went to apply, they have not made it up to date, I have no money to do so and come from a foreign country with no taxes, so it's hard for me to understand. he is a cruel narcissistic sociopath with 3+ personalities [diagnosed]. I am a foreign born wife according to Immigration he cant treat me this way. my immigration lawyer one of LA's top ones, his friend, has refused to help me. He also has early dementia (scan) which makes him violent and forgetful, so he loses the house phones and screams at me to "find them you fu*&iNg B**t%h!"... he forgets I have told him something, so I get more vile verbal ranting raging abuse, when he argues i "never told" him. he leaves the kitchen and bathroom in a filthy disgusting mess which i have to clean, several times a day. with stomach damage I must make special tiny meals of foods he is not meant to eat; he's on another diet. he eats his that i have made--all organic from scratch--then eats mine to be mean, leaving me nothing, his shrink has told him not to do this; so i get in the car, using a cane, go to a grocery shop, late at night for food to eat, or Panda till 10pm as their noodles and chicken i can eat. Sometimes my pain is so bad I do not get to sleep till 5AM, knowing this, he wakes me up as he "cant find" something, or he just screams and snarls as he is in a bad mood, she's been annoyed on the phone, he is on a downer from Dexedrine and smoke, whatever, so he takes his raging out on me instead of the one who annoyed him. his ex wife has bothered us for years, she is his best friend, he is paranoid i will try to break that up, so he screams about that, based on his paranoid suspicions and "feelings" that I have said something, which i have not as i can't stand her backstabbing me, and want nothing to do with her. I have fevers so I turn the A/C on in the living room where I sleep, he turns it off and opens the front door so all the cold air goes out. i have to crawl out of bed, close the door, turn A/C back on. He turns off the light behind me I am seeing by. He turns the light on to annoy me if i am asleep. Yesterday, he gave me a "surprise present". it was a MacBookPro, i was dumbfounded at its beautiful silver shape, said "wow", after days of constant abuse this was really confusing. THEN he gives me his evil satisfied gas-lighting look, and says "yes it is much lighter than mine, it'll be easier for ME to carry around. you can have my old one". you have to understand my computer is about to die (Apple confirmed), and so is his current one, he referred to as his "old one. get the picture on mental cruelty as a blood sport?!? ALL of the above is the TIP of the iceberg. Relatives all dead. No $, nowhere to flee with my cat.

    SO, seeing as LA's Finest won't help protect me from being driven to the edge of sanity and worse health, their abuse team wont talk to him; nor will his doctors, nor the lawyer or any of his pals whom I have already begged for help via his upstanding "Men's Group", I would like to appeal to a nice Crime Boss to protect me. Just send some gorgeous man with 23" biceps to say, "Mr. Husband

    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates10 years ago
  • Protection BY Crime BOSS?

    First, this is no joke, I am desperate. My husband is a violent abuser, it used to be physical, now he threatens, is verbally abusive 24/7. According to studies constant verbal, mental emotional abuse is worse than physical. He is a "multiple", manic depressive, refuses Rx, self medicates with Dexedrine and smoke, when he comes down is meaner. His 3 Drs, 1 a shrink, are no help, refuse to help me in fact. He has a DV record in HI. I went to the LAX cops, they told me he can scream verbal abuse 24/7 and unless he hits me, they can do nothing. I called the abuse hot line to confirm this.

    He is 79 and a violent Godzilla, I am 59. So, I live in a state of constant PTSD from abuse. I am very ill fighting thyroid cancer again [gone to other body parts], weak from diverticulitis, gastroparesis, diarrhea, have uncontrolled diabetes type 1.5 LADA, my chronic leukaemia may be back leg bones hurt, lymph nodes are all swollen, my spine was injured 17 May when I had a colon & endo scope by my HMO, i can stand for only 5 mins to cook my meals, barely walk, am on morphine for the injury. 1 of his Dr said the stress is so bad it caused 75% of my hair to fall out in 2010--no i am not menopausal. My liver has 4 masses, the pain is terrible, it is swollen to 3x normal. I have Dupuytren's disease from diabetes damage in both hands and doing anything is very hard, holding anything like a knife to chop food is nigh impossible, i wear braces and tape my thumbs daily.

    I am too ill to work since 2004, can't get SS Disability as he & his accountant--behind my back--didn't pay my SS for 10 years when i had income from a book i wrote, + client consulting, they reported it as HIS income not mine; discovered this in 2005 when i went to apply, they have not made it up to date, I have no money to do so and come from a foreign country with no taxes, so it's hard for me to understand. he is a cruel narcissistic sociopath with 3+ personalities [diagnosed]. I am a foreign born wife according to Immigration he cant treat me this way. my immigration lawyer one of LA's top ones, his friend, has refused to help me. He also has early dementia (scan) which makes him violent and forgetful, so he loses the house phones and screams at me to "find them you fu*&iNg B**t%h!"... he forgets I have told him something, so I get more vile verbal ranting raging abuse, when he argues i "never told" him. he leaves the kitchen and bathroom in a filthy disgusting mess which i have to clean, several times a day. with stomach damage I must make special tiny meals of foods he is not meant to eat; he's on another diet. he eats his that i have made--all organic from scratch--then eats mine to be mean, leaving me nothing, his shrink has told him not to do this; so i get in the car, using a cane, go to a grocery shop, late at night for food to eat, or Panda till 10pm as their noodles and chicken i can eat. Sometimes my pain is so bad I do not get to sleep till 5AM, knowing this, he wakes me up as he "cant find" something, or he just screams and snarls as he is in a bad mood, she's been annoyed on the phone, he is on a downer from Dexedrine and smoke, whatever, so he takes his raging out on me instead of the one who annoyed him. his ex wife has bothered us for years, she is his best friend, he is paranoid i will try to break that up, so he screams about that, based on his paranoid suspicions and "feelings" that I have said something, which i have not as i can't stand her backstabbing me, and want nothing to do with her. I have fevers so I turn the A/C on in the living room where I sleep, he turns it off and opens the front door so all the cold air goes out. i have to crawl out of bed, close the door, turn A/C back on. He turns off the light behind me I am seeing by. He turns the light on to annoy me if i am asleep. Yesterday, he gave me a "surprise present". it was a MacBookPro, i was dumbfounded at its beautiful silver shape, said "wow", after days of constant abuse this was really confusing. THEN he gives me his evil satisfied gas-lighting look, and says "yes it is much lighter than mine, it'll be easier for ME to carry around. you can have my old one". you have to understand my computer is about to die (Apple confirmed), and so is his current one, he referred to as his "old one. get the picture on mental cruelty as a blood sport?!? ALL of the above is the TIP of the iceberg. Relatives all dead. No $, nowhere to flee with my cat.

    SO, seeing as LA's Finest won't help protect me from being driven to the edge of sanity and worse health, their abuse team wont talk to him; nor will his doctors, nor the lawyer or any of his pals whom I have already begged for help via his upstanding "Men's Group", I would like to appeal to a nice Crime Boss to protect me. Just send some gorgeous man with 23" biceps to say, "Mr. Husband

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • yahoo classic. how do i switch back. i HATE beta mail?

    the general message i presume we all got was you can try beta mail and then switch back, with NO instructions on how to return to the old style. i hate beta so much i have got no work done all afternoon. grrrr.

    if anyone knows how to switch back ps tell me. i have sent 3 messgaes to yahoo to no avail and the usual bs form letter no help reply. note the word 'reply'.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Angry Muslims in London, UK?

    recently i received photos of angry protesting muslims on a 'peace' march. they are demanding beheadings of those who insult Islam, propose Britain will get her 9/11 soon ...

    has it occurred to anyone these extremists are likely--with the entire world watching on TV--to blow up the wedding of HRH William and Kate, plus the rest of the royal family and everyone else on the invite list???

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • what's wrong with OPRAH ?

    I just read January "O" magazine. Shocked! Millions of people are out of work, broke, losing houses, unemployment cheques have run out, medical is being cut, the Rx companies and HMOs price gouge same drug here is $70 a month and $4 in Europe, people are committing suicide when they can no longer hold on and it is apparent that Oprah lives in a very big unreal reality: her own.

    "O" promotes a $1490 evening dress with $795 shoes! Cotton shirt $365, silk vest $385, horn cuff bracelet $4,000, wedges $825! Sautéed shrimp recipe, thousands of people can't even afford the basic food groups! I have no money, savings gone, have not worked in 7 years due to dire calamitous health, can't get SS disability, my Rx to keep me alive costs $1000 a month a friend pays for ... Oprah, you are so far out of touch with current reality your magazine and its entire content is now obscene.

    [i posted this as a Comment on her web site but she censored it.]

    4 AnswersTalk Shows1 decade ago
  • Abused wife, any shelter help?

    my health is very frail, so much so that i have not been able to work in years and have very little money saved. my Rxs costs a small fortune each motn. i cannot get ss disability. do shelters ever take women who have almost zero money, no prospects for working and need to get away from a terribly abusive husband? or are we just supposed to leave home, wander the streets with no rx and die? we are both celeb writers ...

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • emerald green feces... why?

    in the past 4 months i had many bouts of diarrhea for days, painful [not gas], explosive, barely made it to the bathroom, and 4 that were bright emerald green.

    in each case my meal passed from one end of me to the other end in under 45 minutes and NO green veggies had been eaten, nothing green at all in fact. i have an enlarged liver at 25cm with 4 masses in it that have not been biopsied but i have been told they are ''fatty''. does this green colour link with whatever is wrong with the liver? i do not drink alcohol.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago