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Meow Meow
Can my Mom lie and say I am suicidal and force me into a psychiatric hospital?
I am an 18 year old female senior in high school and of course I have no choice to live with my parents because I am still in high school. I take one medication called "Zoloft" for anxiety and some depression and it does fine most of the time. Well I ran out of Zoloft three days ago and the doctor is out sick so she hasn't refilled it yet and my Mom freaked out on me saying that I was being irresponsible for not taking my medication like it's any of her business. She literally said she was going to lie and say that I was going to kill myself so I would be forced into a psychiatric ward. If she did that I would not graduate high school because that's two weeks of absences. So I freaked out and I know that if they have any reason to believe you are suicidal they will have cops escort you to the nearest psychiatric facility, it happened to my friend. But I swear to God I am not suicidal I have plenty of reasons to live like my friends and family, my high school graduation and promising future. I've had a major homework load and I've been in my room attacking it and my Mom says I'm being withdrawn and depressed. I stayed home from school yesterday because of severe period cramps and came home early because I threw up do to my period and she thinks I'm faking it all! She won't believe anything I say, she thinks my mental health is her business I know you older adults giggle but I am an adult now and I want my mental health private. My Mom says she has the right to know! Help me!
4 AnswersMental Health5 years agoPainful, clogged ear?
I'm Eighteen and ever since I was little my Mom taught me to clean my ears with Q-tips, well today I found out the hard and very painful way. I shoved the wax too far into my ear and now it's sore, painful, plugged and I can't ear very well. My Mom keeps doing rounds of peroxide and she even applied aloe Vera into my ear. Every time something goes wrong, if I so much as sneeze.. my Mom is automatically insisting that I go to the 24 hour medical center. It is rather painful and it's like throbbing. Maybe I damaged something.. oopsie.. Should I wait out a couple days and keep using the peroxide method and if I'm not better, call the doctor on Monday or should I seek the medical center?
2 AnswersFirst Aid5 years agoWhat are some good movie/video making websites for free?
I have a Chrome Book so the Windows movie maker doesn't work on my computer. I tried Wevido and they are pretty good but my video is longer than their time limit and I don't have the money to pay for it. It's for school, I need to make a video for my anti-bullying project and I interviewed a lot of students and teachers for it and even the two asst. Principals. So it needs to be professional and free to use. Any good ones out there? Even a free trial would be good.
3 AnswersSoftware5 years agoAre my stitches ready for removal?
I had three stitches in my finger on Sunday night and the ER doctor said five days. My doctors appointment is today and my wound looks pretty closed up but it's a bit sore. I can't bend my finger back all the way yet, but that's probably because of the stitches restricting it. There's no blood, and no pink skin, just soreness. Will they be ready? I don't want to waste the doctor's time if they aren't..
10 AnswersInjuries5 years agoCan I take a shower with stitches in my finger?
Last night around 9:00pm I had to have stitches in my finger thanks to a can of cat food. I was super careful all through the school day to not get my finger wet well dissecting and working with clay. I told the teachers I wasn't able too and they surprisingly accepted it. I felt so needy today when another student had to help me clean off clay brushes and work the clay for me. Tomorrow, can I take a shower and get back to working with clay and such? I do have medical gloves, but I don't know if those are good enough. It's just three little stitches in my finger and it's covered with medical tape. Should I be okay?
1 AnswerFirst Aid5 years agoIs it normal to feel fuller faster when eating Vegetarian?
I'm new to the vegetarian diet and I'm a lacto-oval and I am a pig, I normally eat a lot! I can sit there and eat a whole bag of chips no problem, and eat several cakes and such but recently when I started eating fried Vegetables and noodles, rice, and cheeses I've noticed that I don't eat near as much and I get full faster. Is this a good thing? Since I've cut out most junk food, and I'm not constantly snacking. Is this a good sign? Or should I do something different? I'm an eighteen year old girl who is 5'7 and 155 pounds and yes I am trying to loose ten to fifteen pounds but also be healthier in general. So getting fuller faster? Good or bad?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years agoHow to deal with an angry teacher?
I dropped a teacher's class two weeks ago and now that teacher won't leave me alone. He's the strictest teacher at my high school and teaches Algebra 2 and Advanced Math like Trig and Calculus. I took Algebra 2 but my Guidance Counselor pulled me out because I wasn't doing very good at all and she had me sign papers for a personal curriculum. My locker is right by his classroom and he's always making remarks like,
"You're not going to make it in life without Algebra 2"
"You're just scared of me"
"You're mentally too weak to handle my teaching style, good luck in college"
"Professors are much worse"
and the dirty looks.. oh my goodness!! I tried to go other routs to avoid him, I've tried explaining that it was nothing personal it was a decision made by the guidance counselors. He just yelled at me and stomped into his classroom. I told my Mom and she wants to call the school because he's being unprofessional. But they won't believe me I don't think. That teacher has been reported so many times and nothing has ever been done. So what to do? I'm eighteen years old and I plan on going into early childhood education next fall. I try to handle my problems myself like an adult but I don't know what to do? Should I just ignore it?
3 AnswersTeaching5 years agoHow do I break my bad eating and unhealthy habits?
I'm an 18 year old female and I'm 5'6 and 150 pounds. I am still in high school for senior year and about to go to college to early childhood education. Let's face it.. I have very bad habits. I am a soda addict! I have to have pop/soda all the time! If I don't get it, then I get super cranky and extreme fatigue. I am also a fast food addict because I am too lazy to get up and make a sandwich or cook some noodles as sad as that sounds. I live in Michigan and Michigan is in winter season and it's cold, depressing, dead.. you really can't do much exercise outside and I have no money for a gym membership and even if I did I'd be too self-conscious to go to a gym. I'm always dehydrated, my cholesterol is five points too high. My teeth are in horrible shape. My problem is, every time I try to confront my parents, and my Mom is diabetic.. they just scoff and continue to drink pop none stop and buy pizza and such. I ask for more fruits and veggies. They say it's all too expensive and that we can't afford it. I would get a job but social security doesn't allow me to get a decent job. I just know that if something doesn't change now, my Mom and Dad who are older people could face deadly consequences, especially with my Mom being a type two diabetic. As for myself who is still young, I need to change now before it's too late.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years agoHow do I get control over my mental health?
I need some support. I am eighteen years old and about to finish my senior year of high school and go into Nursing school. So my mental health includes OCD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Social Anxiety. I had a therapy for a year with a wonderful young therapist but last November she felt it was time for me to go on my own. I was super attached to her and letting go of my therapist has been a real struggle because I have a hard time accepting that it's okay and that I do have the strength and knowledge on how to depend on myself and not others. My therapist taught me meditation, breathing, and coping strategies but I guess I've been kind of stubborn with letting her go and just realizing that I am an adult now and I need to start depending on myself.
I do take medication, I take 40 Mg of Zoloft and it helps me to speak up more and stop and take a moment to take it all in. I want to start to use the skills I was taught, and maybe even look up more skills and teach myself. I no longer want my mental health to affect the people I care about and I want to live happily and almost normally. To go into Nursing school I do definitely need to work on my social anxiety with actually presenting in class more often and asking questions and for help. I know how to do this but I just don't know where to start? I want to be able to create my own sunshine even on cloudy days where my mental health is attacking more than usual.
Any support out there?
3 AnswersMental Health5 years agoWhat is wrong with my Vagina?
For the last few days I've notice a real strong odor, almost like a skunk coming from down stairs. I am a virgin and I am Nineteen. I've also had a burning, itchy feeling that started a couple days ago that goes off and on. Now I am a little freaking out because last night, I had a random for no reason what-so-ever, no masturbation, no touchy feel.. but an orgasm like sensation. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to discuss my anti-depressant medication. Should I mention this? My Mom says there's something seriously wrong and needs attention ASAP and it's freaking me out a little. Any tips?
2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years agoAm I at risk for being overweight?
I am a 19 year old female and I'm 5'7 and 145 pounds. I have B cup breasts, some stretch marks on my inner thighs and a pouch tummy and my butt is on the bigger side. My doctor said my cholesterol was five points below what it should be and she keeps telling me to go for walks and get that exercise in. Like she's hinting at me.. I do have back aches sometimes but I don't appear overweight I just look sturdy. But do I need to cut back on the soda and maybe walk home from school more often? My Mom, she calls me "Chunk" I'm also on antidepressants and they are known for weight gain. Any tips?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years agoWhat does my house have to look like to host an exchange student?
My Mom and I have applied for a chinese exchange student a couple days ago to a program called CETUSA and Monday is our house inspection and I'm super nervous and my friends aren't helping. My home is not very nice in general, it's clean and comfortable but there are a few stains from hair dye on the sink, a couple paint mishaps on the floor, and nail holes in the walls and I guess my friend Alissa was denied a host sister because she had stains in the carpet, nail holes, sloppy paint job. I am sitting here crying my eyes out because if that's true, I can just forget having a host sister. I am working so hard to make our room so pretty and perfect with cute bedspreads for our twins beds, letting her have her own wall to decorate and shelving. Still our house isn't magazine perfect and I'm terrified! Here's the messages my friend left me about how perfect the house has to be.
My home is over 100 years old and everything works as far as plumbing, water, lights, gas, electric. It's not magazine or t.v perfect, anything but, but it's comfortable. Should I even try to apply for an exchange student now?? Is this all true?? I mean no wonder it's hard to find homes for students if they expect a perfect t.v/magazine house. Not too many people have that..
3 AnswersStudying Abroad6 years agoQuestions on Hosting a Foreign exchange student?
So the last couple years my daughter has been tutoring and working with exchange students and I thought it'd be really neat to host one. I'm just worried about the house expection. The student will share a bedroom with my daughter. Our home is small, and over 100 years old. Everything is up to code but things are dated. We have a clean house but again things are a bit dated. Everything does work just fine and we have heat, air conditioning. I'm just worried that because our house isn't very flashy that they won't let us host a student? Can that hurt our chances? The Student will have a bed of her own, a nice study space, and closet space along with a dresser and some shelving units. Will our chances be hurt if our house isn't flashy?
4 AnswersStudying Abroad6 years agoDoes having a filling adjusted hurt?
I had a filling done today on a front tooth to a rather large cavity and it's extremely sharp and sore. So I called the dentist and they're making me come back in for an adjustment? I have a phobia of dentists as it is and cavity fillings are torture enough! Is an adjustment just as bad? Do I have to be numbed again? They said something about the filling being too high or that I'm biting on it. What's happening?
1 AnswerDental6 years agoHow to deal with a lot of a lot of hair?
Okay, let's make this clear. My hair isn't curly, it's extremely straight and thin but yet I have so much of it. It's chin length right now and it maybe short but there's tons of it. It doesn't poof, it frizzes. I can't curl my hair without a salon help, there's just too much hair to curl. Static is my hair's favorite thing to do. I don't even have a hair type unless straight, thin, but a lot is a hair type. Even the hair dresser commented on how much hair I had when she curled it for prom with three curling irons. Any tips on dealing with this?
3 AnswersHair6 years agoWhy am I such a monster during PMS?
I am the meanest person ever during PMS! I am seventeen and have periods every 20 days since I was 11. I am so mean! I scream, I yell, I hit people, I throw things, I just snapped at my friend the other day because she hung out a girl who bullies me. I snapped and told her to F-off, now I lost her forever and now everyone hates me. Even the school counselor is mad at me. I told my therapist I was mean, she recommended birth control. I'm not a mean person in general, just only during PMS. Yesterday, my brother tripped and accidentally hit me. I punched him...
I want to cry because I am so mean and I never meant to be. I am just very very angry during PMS. What can I do?
3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years agoJust for Fun, let's compare my school subjects to the Hogwarts School subjects!?
My friend was being silly yesterday and wrote "Potions" on her Chemistry Binder even though we're hardly ever in the lab mixing anything. So I wanted some help comparing my classes to the Hogwarts classes! Let's have some fun and compare my classes to the ones at Hogwarts.
Government: I was thinking History of Magic
Anatomy and Physiology: ??
Chinese 1: Ancient Runes
Senior English: Divination, because they had to write papers on their futures and keep dream journals??
Painting: ??
Algebra 2: ??
Study Hall: ??
I think it'd be really funny to label all my folders and notebooks in Hogwarts school subjects! Any ideas??
Thank You!!
3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years agoWhy am I so nervous about my Prom?
So today is my Junior prom, my first prom since only Juniors and Seniors are allowed unless invited by an upperclassman. At five, I have to be at my friend's house for professional pictures. I'm a single girl going with a big group of all my socially awkward single girl friends. Getting a date.. it's less of a chance than winning the lottery. So we all just paired up together and picked partners to buy corsages for. Last night I had a bad dream that once I got to my friend's house, they had no idea who I was and I end up not going to prom :/ even recalling that dream makes me want to throw up. I'm never this nervous for homecoming and snowcoming dances. I made my salon appointment at the very last minute because I thought I could do my hair myself, but turns out I can't, and I'm afraid that once I get to the salon, my appointment won't matter or something. It's raining today, so all pictures will have to be taken inside unless the rain stops. I'm nervous that my makeup will mess up. How do I calm myself down? I'm supposed to be exited?? Any tips?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoIs it wrong to leave your family?
I'm seventeen years old, and I am almost eighteen. I am a girl with one year of high school left after this one. Last night my severely bipolar Mom, and I got into another brutal argument and I finally told her that as soon as I get my diploma, I was leaving the family. I'm not going to leave them for good, I'll still contact them through email or such, but I just can't live with them anymore. I need to go find my own life, figure myself out after high school. That is why I plan on college a couple states away. My family is full of the mental illness, most are bipolar, and my older brother is sociopathic tendencies. I have BPD according to my therapist, but not severely. Nothing an anxiety medication can't help with. My life have been a roller coaster, dealing with my Mom's severe bipolar disorder, her cheating on my step-dad for another abusive man. I just can't live here anymore. I need to leave, and want to leave, I've dreamed of leaving ever since I was a little girl. My therapist is supporting me, my school guidance counselor also supports me, but my Mom last night told me I was a biggest selfish ***** she's ever laid eyes on, and if she could get away with it, she'd kick my *** out now. I don't have the best grades, I have B's C's average. High School is hard when to come home to my family. Is it wrong to leave? My Mom said she'll disown me :'( What should I do?
4 AnswersMental Health6 years agoWill the school nurse hold some IBUprofen for me?
I am a seventeen year old junior in high school, and I had to get two adult molars pulled yesterday and I am extremely sore from it. I take vicodin which was prescribed by the dentist but that's like an addictive medication and not allowed on school property. So I was wondering if I had my Mom give the school nurse a couple IBUprofen tomorrow morning, if she would be able to hold them for me into later in the school day when the vicodin wears off, and I could go down to the office and take the IBUprofen after lunch or something , because today I was almost crying in my 4th hour because the vicodin wore off. I can't miss too much school either. So is it legal if my Mom brings IBUprofen in and says it's okay?
1 AnswerOther - Education6 years ago