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Lv 59,543 points

1 free American

Favorite Answers8%

I am a 35 year old happily divorced man with no kids and a good income I am a patriotic american with old fashioned values and an excellent work ethic I believe in God, the constitution and the bill of rights

  • how can I prepare rutabagas for eating?

    this will be the only dish, I don't want to mix it with anything else. do I roast it? bake it? boil it?

    do I have to remove an outer layer?

    what are the steps used in preparartion of these root vegatables

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • if people want to elect a woman for president why not this woman?

    her ideas and philosophies are in line with what is best for this country as a whole and she is not a marxist like the other woman

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • can anyone help me with this?

    I just read thru the constitution again, i did not see where it allowed the federal government to establish universal healthcare or to redistribute the wealth I have earned or will earn thru unneccessary entitlement programs or corporate welfare

    I also found a part that said certain rights were inalienable, which means the government cannot touch them, so why are so many of my freedoms restricted by the government?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • why can we not seem to convince anyone that the fairtax should be passed immediatly?

    hr 25 is the best and most fair way to fund the government

    the only drawback is that politicians will not be able fund their wasteful pork barrel projects like a bridge to nowhere

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I am now rich, who wants some free money?

    I was just sent this email, I have never heard of the party who sent it to me but they must know me somehow, today truly is my lucky day


    My name is Mrs Jane Mayon,I have decided to donate what I have to you.I

    was diagnosed for cancer for about Few years ago,immediately after the

    death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for.I have been

    touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband

    to the you for the good work of God, rather than allow my relatives to use

    my husband hard earned funds ungodly.I am suffering from a long time

    cancer of the Lungs which also affected my hearing ability and my brain,

    from all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite

    obvious that,according to my doctors they have advised me that I may not

    live too long, this is because the cancer has gotten to a very bad stage." woohoo I get 10 million bucks

    its party time now

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • has anyone heard of HR3343 the comprehensive health care reform act?

    I read thru this and found it to be a good idea, much better than anything else I had seen and was wanting to hear the opinions of everyone else on it (cause you know I value your opinions as long as your an american)

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • if obama or clinton called for a complete ban on guns today?

    how many of their supporters would defect to the other side?

    would you continue to support a candidate that opposed the constitution?

    I don't want to hear about how it won't happen or how only GW does this, I want to know what your rtesponse to your candidate would be if he or she did this

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • how many people here support a total ban on guns?

    I don't mean half measures like registration or only banning assault rifles but all guns, get every single gun that is owned by private citizens out of their hands and only allow the police to own guns?

    44 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • if the liberals are wanting to raise taxes to pay for the mass of entitlement programs that they want?

    why don't we devise a voluntary system of taxation, where everyone pays a minimum and the liberals who want to fund all of these ridiculous plans can opt to pay a larger portion of their income to cover those expenses? this way everyone is happy, I don't have to worry about my taxes being jacked up to pay for garbage that I will never use or want and the liberals can feel good about themselves and see their pet programs funded

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why do some people keep saying ron paul is?

    a racist?

    I am a Paul supporter and I have seen no evidence of this, where is the proof or is this more BS to try and smear a great man?

    keep your opinions to yourself on this one, I want solid proof

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • for us citizens that are old enough to vote?

    would you vote for a president or congressperson based upon their stated or past history concerning firearms, ie supporting a pro gun control candidate or an anti gun control candidate and which way would you vote?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • question for people control enthusiasts?

    since your "facts" about firearm ownership and saftey are all based on junk data, why won't you step up and admit the only reason you desire a disarmed society is to facilitate a socialist revolution that cannot suceed when decent people own firearms?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • why do some people?

    especially yankee democrats, seem to think that all southeners are white men and members of the klan?

    do they not realize that a huge percentage of southern people are african american and female and that most southerners are not members of the klan?

    why do they assume that an african american or a woman cannot get any votes in the south?

    this is the 21st century people, being white is not a crime, yet, and not all southerners vote the exact same way

    other than superior food and accents and better looking women, we are no different from the rest of america

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • question for new hampshire democrats?

    are you ashamed of yourselves for voting for hillary yet?

    for those that voted for any other democrat, are you ashamed of yourself for voting for a democrat?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • how can americans vote any other way?

    if you consider yourself a patriot, how can you possibly vote for someone that wants to abolish our constitution?

    why won't you wake up and realize that the clintons or obamas or romneys or mccains are just bad for america?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How many liberals are willing use force?

    to strip law abiding americans of their rights when whomever they choose as the next president tries to outlaw certain freedoms that are guaranteed by the constitution?

    what I am asking is are you willing to step up and do what it takes to make sure every conservative obeys without question or will you just hope someone else forces them too?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • is this fair? my spouse and I are in the process of a divorce,?

    when she moves out (later today) I will give her one of the cars we own (its the paid for car)

    I will also pay for 6 months insurance on the car

    she can take anything from the house that she wants, with the exception of my clothes,if there are things she wants I will keep them for her at no charge

    I will assume all debt that we aquired in the marriage

    and I will keep the house with the mortgage

    her mother keeps insisting that I also pay her $1500 per month in alimony until she re-marries (if ever)

    and keeps accusing me of being freedy and selfish

    we do not have children between us and have been married 10 years

    31 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • a question about martial arts?

    I have a severe medical problem that will not allow me to take any type of impact below the knees without causing temporary disability, is there some type of martial art that relies more on upper body strengths than lower body?

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • question about tobacco cessation?

    concerning the use of smokless tobacco, how long does it take for all nicotine to leave the system ( I drink at least 1 gallon of water daily) and my weight is 265 lbs and dropping

    I had been using 1 yo 2 cans of smokeless tobacco a day for the last 15 years

    has now been 48 hours without

    and once the nicorine all leaves the system will the cravings diminish?

    5 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • needing recomendations for shoes?

    can anyone reccomend a good running or cross-training shoe, preferably a low cut profile that will hold up to a large man's use

    I would prefer not to pay more than about 75 to 80 usd but need some that will last at least 2 to 3 months

    3 AnswersRunning1 decade ago