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I'm 20 years old. I love when my advice and suggestions benefit others, so I'm always wanting to help people whenever I can. I love to write and help others with their writings. If you like my ideas and/or advice and think I can help with anything else send me an email or IM if I'm on. =]

  • If I'm given an iPhone...does it need its own plan?

    I received a hand-me-down iPhone and wanted to put my SIM card in to get it going. My family's current cell phone plan includes Unlimited texting...if I switch to this iPhone...will that go away? Does an iPhone have to have its own texting plan? I was getting confused while trying to register it through iTunes. Might we have to contact AT&T to figure this out? Thanks for any help.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Would it be too confusing...?

    ...if in a book series one character had two different names?

    The way I've written it, the second book of this series actually takes place before the first. Almost 20 years before, but the two books involve some of the same characters. In the present day book I have a character who I'm calling Steve...but in the 20 years ago book I want the main character to call him a nick name. Both books are third person narration, so I'm not sure if I should only call him the nickname when it's being used in the main character's dialogue, or if I should refer to him as the nickname in all references. I'm thinking of the only-dialogue reference, but just wanted a second opinion. I'm not personally aware if other author's have done this in other series. So thanks for any suggestions and help :)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What are some different types of smiles?

    I write a lot...stories...etc....and as I've been writing I've found myself feeling kind of repetitive when characters smile. I usually use words like "smile" "grin" "smirk" "beam"...or might be a "sad smile" or soft/gentle/amused...etc........but I still feel like there could be other ways to put it. So does anybody have different types of smiles they use when writing...or even if you don't write...are there any ways of describing smiles that you've seen in books that stood out?

    Thanks a million :)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Help me place a movie quote?

    There's a quote that popped into my head, and I just can't place it. I'm pretty sure it's a movie quote, and this may not be it exactly, but this is the gist:

    "If someone asks you if you've seen a movie you say yes, even if you haven't seen it, because if you say no, you'll have sit through a painstaking summary of a movie that you didn't even want to see in the first place, or worse, a movie you did."

    Thanks to anyone who can help me. This is really bugging me! lol

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Where can I find the Security Key to connect to the internet on my computer?

    A friend of mine wants to connect to the internet at my house, but my parents don't know where the password is. However, another friend once found her connection password on her computer, and I think I've done the same, but it's been so long that I can't remember where.

    Does anyone know where to find it? I've found a list of different numbers and letters, but I can't tell which is which, or if any of them are one, and I know the password is just that, a series of numbers and letters...or maybe just numbers.

    Any and all help is appreciated! =]

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to make JVC video files compatible with WMM?

    I just got a JVC Everio camcorder and have been working today on getting the files onto my computer. They imported into iTunes, which it said it was going to do in the instruction book, but from what I can tell, the files are basically useless there if I want to use Windows Movie Maker. Is there a way that I'm not seeing to get the files to be compatible with the Maker? I can get them to play on Windows Media Player, but in WMM I get close to nothing. I've heard there are converting sites for that kind of thing, but I was hoping to avoid that. Thanks for the help!

    3 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Do laptops need specific battery chargers?

    I've had my laptop (a Medion akoya) for a little over a year now. During the last week or so, the charging cord has been acting weird. My screen keeps flashing between dim(not plugged in) to light (plugged in) even while the cord is plugged in. So I'm thinking there's something wrong somewhere in the cord. It's being tempermental today. It needs to be positioned just right for it to I'm thinking I'll need to replace it soon. Well, I got my computer at Aldi when they had a special on them, so I can't very well go back there to try to get a new charger...but my question is...does it need a charger specific to it's make and model? This is my first laptop so I'm not sure about things like that. I'm considering trying to see if a different laptop's charger will work...but since I didn't want anything bad to happen. I thought I'd ask.


    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Could it be time.....?

    For the past year and a half or so, my family has been taking care of my grandparents' dog. She's almost 15 years old and a full bred black lab.

    Since day one, she has panted practically nonstop every day. The only time she isn't, is when she's sleeping. Aside from the fact that it's INCREDIBLY annoying, that doesn't seem too healthy.

    Her legs don't work like they used to, especially the back ones. She can barely make it up and down the stairs of our porch (of which there are 4) and occasionally will fall on her way down them.

    Now, within the past two weeks, she has peed in the house about 10 times now. The vet said it could be a bladder infection....

    But I'm wondering...could it be time to put her down? She just seems to be getting worse every day...and we're wondering if it could just be that time. I thought I'd just ask on here to get the opinion of other people who have had to put pets down in the past.


    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What would you name someone who seems like an angel (character name question)?

    I thought of this story idea last night, and I started writing it, but then I realized I wanted to make sure I had the names of the two main characters set before I really got into it. (Sometimes I don't and I just refer to them as He or She or Girl or Guy until I find a good name)

    Anyway, the girl's name I want to figure out. She is a very soft spoken girl. She's angel-like and the people of the town she lives in refer to her as the ghost girl, because nobody really knows who she is and she will just appear along the roads sometimes. She's about...16 or 17 I think, and she's very at peace with things even though she really shouldn't be.

    So I was looking up names, and I was looking up names relating to "light"...and the two that I'm kind of thinking about using are Meora (which I'd pronounce as 'May-ora' Don't know if there's another way) or Alena.

    So Meora or Alena...those are my two working I'm wondering what you people think and if you have another idea for my angel girl.

    Another question, I think I'm making the main character guy's name be Ben, but I'm not sure what I want it to be short for. Not Benjamin, I know that, but something else like maybe Benedict, Benson, or Benard or something...

    Thanks! =]

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Would dust cause my laptop to overheat?

    The past couple of days, my laptop has been dying without warning. At first I thought it was because of the new program I put on my computer. It was the software for a camcorder, and every time I tried to watch the videos from it, it would die. Then it started dying even when I wasn't using the program.

    A friend suggested to me that maybe it was the cooling fan that was having problems. The computer has been overheating very rapidly no matter what surface it's on, even when I was holding it so there was plenty of room for ventilation. I can hear it running so I don't think it's broken, but I took the back off my laptop and looked at the fan and it's pretty dusty.

    So my first question is:

    Is that what's most likely making my computer over heat and die so quickly?


    If so, what would be the best way to dust/clean it? I thought maybe vacuum or Q-tips since it's a small space.

    Any help is appreciated. The computer isn't even a year old yet, so it's really confusing me about why I'm suddenly having problems with it.


    12 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What is homecoming exactly?

    I know homecoming (at least from my experience) has been that once a year time during high school where there's a huge game...and then a dance...and there's a king and queen....but I was thinking about it and why is it called homecoming exactly? I guess I've never understood that...or don't think I do.

    Thanks to anyone who helps.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • DarkFever by Karen Marie Moning....good book?

    A couple of months ago a friend and I were visiting a former high school teacher. Twilight got brought up and she had read them and loved them and then recommended to us the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning.

    So my question is, has anybody read it? If so, is it a good book?


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Twilight related Question?!?

    I wasn't exactly where to put this, so since it's involving Twilight, I'm putting it here cause I thought it might attract some readers...

    My sister and her friend want to go out on Halloween as Rosalie and Emmett, but they aren't sure how to dress. I've told them basically just nice clothes and since it'll probably be really cold, she can sport a nice jacket and maybe he can go for a hoodie/jacket thing like Emmett has in the pictures.

    So my question is, what other suggestions do you Twilight fans have? Take into consideration the fact that these are two twelve year I'm not expecting them to wear something too fancy...or too mature for their age...but I could just use the advice to pass down to them. Anything that could probably be managed from a typical wardrobe or even if you have good pics(other than the one of them all standing there with Rosalie in the silver jacket) of a Rosalie/Emmett type outfit would be so helpful!


    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If you have a few minutes, could you read this?

    Nearly a year ago I came up with an idea for a story that will somewhat be explained in the following. I didn't get much farther than the first chapter...but lately I was thinking about going back to it. So I was hoping some of you could read it and give me your input. I'm leaving a portion of it out because of the length...but I kind of just want to know how the writing and the idea sound.

    The Higher Powers

    In a small room, a conference room of sorts sat eight beings. Although they looked like humans, they were far greater. They were the higher powers, much like angels yet not quite the same. They watched over the world and tried to influence what they could. Because of the complications of the world, the increase of tension and the decrease of peace, the influence of these powers had decreased as well. But on this day, they have gathered for a meeting and Alem, the leader, tries to begin.

    “Attention! Attention, people please can we get this meeting going?” Alem yelled over the hum of voices. The murmur continued and Alem looked around with a furrowed brow. “ATTENTION!” he bellowed. The room went silent and all eyes were directed toward him. “Thank you. Now, I have called this meeting because an important matter has come up. Karma, Dior, I believe you two have an announcement to make.” “Yes, thank you,” Karma said as she stood up. “Just recently,

    Dior came to me with important news. I was unable to verify it until I myself took a look into the future and found that it indeed was of the highest importance.” “And what is this so-called important news?” said a sour voice. “The important news, Kasim,” said Dior, “is concerned with Melanie Stevens and Seth Miller of the USA.” On a large screen that hung from the wall appeared the faces of a young girl and a young boy. “Kids?” Kasim questioned. “Well, teenagers, but yes,” Dior confirmed. “What could be so important about two kids?” Kasim barked. “Calm down, Kasim. You’re supposed to be able to control anger, why don’t you try controlling your own,” Asmara said. “Well, Miss Lovey Dovey, when you have to deal with as much anger as I do these days, it takes awhile to relax!” “Well then take a few deep breaths and…” “Don’t tell me what to do. I am very well capable of…” “ANYWAY!” Alem yelled over them, “Karma, Dior, please continue.” “Thank you,” Karma continued, “these kids are destined to be together, and the fate of millions of people depends on it.” “Then what’s the problem?” Kasim snapped. “Well,” Dior started,” the other day I was cleaning out old files in my office to take to Pravat, and I found a file lying under my desk from a month ago that said they have broken up.” “So what’s the problem? Kids break up, I would know, I hold the records of their fights.” Kasim snapped. “Then you’ve seen the file?” Dior asked. “I see all of the files like that, but what is so special about these two?” “That’s what we’d all like to know,” Alem asserted. “Well when Dior came to me, I took a look into the future and as it turns out, forty years from now a virus will spread throughout America, and these two are to be the ones who create the cure, saving millions of lives.” “What happened to them?” Asmara asked. “Well,” Dior said, and on the screen where their faces had been, they watched:

    *this is a summary of what happens on screen: Melanie and Seth stand together in the halls of their school just before parting. Seth claims he has to work on his chemistry project with his partner...but when Melanie tells this to her best friend Chelsea, Chelsea isn't so convinced. They soon find Seth together with his lab partner (who turns out to be a girl) kissing in the hallway...Melanie confronts him and after a fight they break up..*

    “That poor girl,” Asmara said, “she truly loved that boy.” “Yes, but now neither of them will even speak to each other,” Dior said. “Well then what are we to do?” Asha asked. “That’s why we are here today. To figure out a plan.” “Well why doesn’t Asmara here just make the two kids fall in love and then wha-la the future is saved!” Kasim crudely said. “I’m not Cupid, Kasim! I can’t just shoot them with a dart and they’ll be in love! You know our powers don’t work like that!” “Oh calm down!” Kasim shouted. “Both of you please! Your constant fighting is not going to solve the crisis at hand. Now, does anybody have a suggestion?” Alem bellowed. The room fell silent. All concentrated on a plan, but the silence was broken when from the back of the room a voice chimed, “Perhaps.” Everybody looked toward the back of the room. “Yes, Amser?” Alem said. “If the children were put into a position that caused them to have to work together, perhaps…” “That would allow the flame of their love to be rekindled,” Asmara finished. “Precisely,” Amser whispered. “Well what do you suggest?” Alem asked. Amser clasped and unclasped her hands, her eyes focused with thought. “If they were forced to relive one day over and over, and time would only go on o

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • In Twilight, When and Why did Carlisle come to America?

    I was just thinking about it today and couldn't remember exactly. I know it was to study medicine (right?)...but the other details I'm a little unsure about. It's been a couple months since I've read the books.

    Thanks for any help!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why is it difficult to see stars in a city?

    I know it can either be from pollution, too much light, or a combination of the two...but is there are specific term for that? I'm just wondering because I thought I remembered learning what it's called when there is too much light to see the stars, but if there is a term for that I can't remember what it is.

    Thanks for any help!

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Which would be a better idea for a story?

    I'm thinking of writing a story and it involves magic...and a girl who's going to be possessed by a (fairly evil) spirit unwillingly(meaning a group of people perform the ceremony to call the spirit into her) ...and I can't decide if someone should save her during the process...or save her by somehow being able to bring her back in control of her body and together they're able to kind of vanquish the spirit...

    Which sounds better? Or do they both sound lame/stupid...

    Any help would be great...

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If you like pirates(or are just good with creative thinking)....can you help me out?

    Okay, I'm writing a story...and it's actually a sequel to another that I've written....and unfortunately, this one isn't really being written as...fluently? should I say, as the first in, I keep having writer's block...I mean I have the idea in my head...the general idea....but now what I a reason for the things to be happening...

    I'm going to try to be as vague as possible while still being specific enough to get my point across..

    The story/ies...are kind of about pirates...not completely...but it does involve them....and what I need in the second a reason for a pirate captain to kidnap an ex-pirate...I'm avoiding curses at all costs(I don't want my stories to be that similar to Pirates of the Caribbean) and the other things I was thinking are revenge (but why?) or maybe an unsettled debt of some the ex-pirate needed a huge favor of some sort....and now the new one is coming back for his payment so to speak...

    so if any of you have any ideas...I'd REALLY appreciate them..these stories mean a lot to me...and I'd hate to stop writing because I can't think of one little detail...(not that I'd actually be able to stop'd just make it way more difficult)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do I say? What do I do? ugh...boys...?

    This is my first question on here it goes...

    There's this guy who is a friend of mine, and for many years I really liked him, but I am a very introverted person and not open about that kind of thing. And after awhile, I told myself to stop kidding myself and move on with my life, especially now that high school is over. Plus I hadn't even talked to him in months, but then all of the sudden we started talking again. Not very often, but more often than we had been. And it is just really messing with me because after years of liking him and now I'm trying not to anymore, it's becoming hard...and he's suggested we hang out and stuff...but it's never happened and now I don't know what to do. I really like talking to him cause we seem to have a lot in common, but whenever I try to...I freeze...and I have a limited of ideas of what to say to start conversation...stuff other than "hey whats up" "hows it going" etc...So I guess some of my questions are, what type of things do I talk about? Do you think he likes me? Friends have told me he probably does, but I just can’t believe that. Any advice…suggestions…words of wisdom…are appreciated..

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago