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  • RISC vs CISC instructions?

    I'm making a short basic game on the differences of RISC vs CISC. I know RISC has simpler instructions than CISC etc but what can I use to show this visually? I want to let the user drag and drop pseudo RISC and CISC instructions then run the program and see which completes the task first, which uses more memory and which uses more power. The values don't have to be accurate as its just for a basic understanding. What instructions can I use though? I thought RISC doesn't do multiplication but it seems like it does

    What basic (math) instructions does CISC have that RISC doesn't? 

    I was planning to give a user a math problem and let them solve it using RISC then CISC instructions so they can compare how the 2 differ.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design2 weeks ago
  • Wheeze when vaping?

    Sometimes when I vape I get a slight wheeze for like my next few breaths. After like a minute or two it’s fine. Has it happened to anyone else and should I be worried? (I’m not an ex smoker and get a post nasal drip sometimes)

    5 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago
  • Can someone help me with friend problems?

    I’m 18 and I’m having some problems with my friends. I can’t go and see a counselor about it so can anyone her dm/email me to give advice or something?


    1 AnswerFriends3 years ago
  • How to shape eyebrows Men?

    Where is my eyebrow supposed to start and end in relation to my face?

    1 AnswerMakeup4 years ago
  • How yo lighten skin?

    How can i lighten my skin with decent results. I read somehwere using lemon juice and baking soda, any tried this and did it work? I want to lighten my face and arms, i heard that your true skin colour is how it is under your arms cause that doesnt get exposed to the sun, and id like to get my arms and face to that shade (lighter if possible) . Any suggestions? Also if anyone knows a whitening cream that works

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • Why is everyone hotter than me?

    'm a 17 y/o guy and everyone else just looks so much better than me. I grew like a short beard like this and everyone says I looks good with it, but what else can I do. Like when I go clothes shopping I just think that I'll look crap in everything and don't end up getting anything nice. Also I'm super nervous/scared about getting a nice hair cut. What do I do? I've got like literally 0 self confidence at the moment and it would really help a lot if I could get my appearance right. If anyone wants pictures to try give a couple tips, can you email me or send me a message via Yahoo. Thanks a lot

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why is everyone so much hotter than me?

    I'm a 17 y/o guy and everyone else just looks so much better than me. I grew like a short beard like this and everyone says I looks good with it, but what else can I do. Like when I go clothes shopping I just think that I'll look crap in everything and don't end up getting anything nice. Also I'm super nervous/scared about getting a nice hair cut. What do I do? I've got like literally 0 self confidence at the moment and it would really help a lot if I could get my appearance right. If anyone wants pictures to try give a couple timed thanks a million

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • How to get into Stanford?

    I'm currently in 11th grade and I want to apply to go to Stanford once I've completed Grade 12. But like what marks do I need cause in the country I'm in we don't have GPA or SAT etc. we just get our marks after each term and for our mid year and final exams. I haven't gotten the best of marks I'm high school cause I find university level physics and math more interesting (weird I know haha) but next year I'm gonna really push and get an A for my year average. I also learn a lot on my own and in class for physics and IT even though I'm not getting the highest when the teacher is talking about someone I usually know waay more than the rest of the class. I also taught myself programming. Would I have a decent chance of getting in?

  • Does humidity make your hair wavy?

    I'm a guy an I live in a very humid area (coastal city and its always sunny and hot) my hair when it's short is straight but when I grow the top it gets slightly wavy, is this cause of the humidity? If so how can I prevent this?

    2 AnswersHair5 years ago
  • Solenoid engine on bicycle?

    I wanted to use a solenoid engine to power my bicycle. I wanted to get maybe a 4 cylinder or V8 3D printed solenoid engine and then use it to turn the bike wheels via a friction drive. I know it's unnecessary to have a 4/8 cylinder but it quite cool. I found this which I want to 3D print would it be fine?

  • Use Raspberry Pi as switch?

    How can I use my raspberry pic as a switch. So like how can I connect it between a battery and a LED strip or electric motor and then control it and is it possible to adjust the current going to it so I can make the motor go slower and faster. (I know this can also be achieved by switching it on and off very quickly and then adjusting the timing to get the desired speed)

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware6 years ago
  • Cast single piston engine?

    I have technical drawings for a small single piston engine which I was going to get killed and use on my bicycle. Turns out it's going to be really expensive so I was thinking of 3D printing the parts and then casting them, will this be fine?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation6 years ago
  • Completing the Square - Parabola?

    When you complete the square for a parabola and for example you end up with y= x^2 + 1 -1 -3

    How do you get it to (x+1)^2 -4

    Here's a pic

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Help with Quadratic Equations with fractions?

    Here's a pic of the questions in the textbook and the answers from the textbook. I've no. 3 wrong so far and no. 4 something weird is happening cause I get -X(squared) and +X(squared) and they both cancel out.

    Please help I've got a math exam on Tuesday.

    Here's a link with th pics

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Help with hairstyle?

    I have pretty much the same type of hair as Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) maybe a little thicker, but how do i make it look like how he had it in Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix? Do i use gel, wax or some other stuff

    also like he's hair here, its sorta like a messy style is this a layered cut and what would i need to put in my hair?

    1 AnswerHair6 years ago
  • What is the confederate flag?

    What exactly does the confederate flag symbolise and why is it 'disliked' quite a bit. I know it was apparently used in the American Civil war but other than that I'm not sure.

    4 AnswersHistory6 years ago
  • How much power would this engine produce?

    I wanted to get an engine like this made

    I'm either gonna use to to power my bicycle by connecting it to the wheel or use it to power a generator to charge batteries and use that to power an electric motor to turn the wheel. Would this engine produce enough power to power a bicycle at a fast pace, I'm still gonna be peddling I just want this to give some extra power.

    2 AnswersEngineering6 years ago