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  • 2012 Ford Fusion MyKey?

    I just recently got my 2012 ford fusion and the volume limit on mykey is really annoying me since it‘s set so low. I had options (i think) for mykey before with the same key i‘m using now, but now it dosn‘t give me the option to turn off or do anything regarding mykey on the set-up options where it should be? I saw how to do it and all in a few places but it dosn‘t have the option for me... it‘s the admin key for what I know of (only key it has). But is there a way to change the mykey info without the admin key for a 2012 ford fusion? Or how I set this key as an admin key (mykey).

    2 AnswersFord1 month ago
  • Stream with OBS, OneCast, and Twitch is lagging on MacBook...?

    I ve tried a bunch of stuff but my stream still lags on the OBS/Twitch. I have it going to a Mac with OneCast, then through OBS to twitch. It doesn t lag on OneCast nor my game.. Just when it hits OBS, it start lagging badly.. anyway to fix it? I changed a bunch of settings that were suppose to help it but nothing. It s not an old MacBook neither.

    2 AnswersSoftware2 years ago
  • Element collecting holder?

    I've been trying to buy all the elements on the periodic table (chemistry major) but I'm not sure what to permanently place them in. I have them in this form of make-up case thing that's lined up for now (to recreate the shape of the table). I just want to see if there's a better looking thing I could keep it in. Perhaps a shot glass holder that's in the shape of one, or an actual table made for it. The only tables I've found were like $1000 because it came with some elements.

    2 AnswersChemistry2 years ago
  • Macbook air won‘t stay on/turn on normally.?

    The power button won‘t work on my macbook air but when i do the combination of them (shift, command, alt, power button), it turns on but shuts right back down

    (Not positive if thst was the correct combination since i‘m not looking at it right now.. but that specific type of combination).

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks3 years ago
  • Why wont air come out of the vents in my car?

    It’s a 2005 chrysler 300 touring (3.5L engine). I replaced the blower motor, blower motor resistor, and replaced the fuse in the fuse box as well. Also, I checked the connector for the air volume knob... but still won’t work, the temperature control works perfectly. What else could it be??

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • Chrysler 300, 2005 blowing fan fuse?

    I ve replaced the motor for the blowing fan within the passenger seat s dashboard but didn t work. Then tried to replace the fuses within the engine bay and the one in the trunk. The last fuse box would be in the driver s side dashboard but before I try that one, is there anything else that might cause the fans to not blow? A/C has no problems nor heat (before this problem). I just can t find any diagram of that specific fuse box (lack of manual).. so I m hoping someone has an idea of what It could be before I search for the fuse box layout all night.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • How to establish my major's concentration?

    Im currently in the last semester for my sophomore year at CCRI (community college of Rhode Island) and my major is science but it states "no concentration." How do I gain my major's concentration? Do i need to take certain classes or such? I have no background information of this so it might seem like a stupid question.

    P.S; I wish to concentrate in Bio-chemistry. If they don't have it, than chemistry.

  • Could somebody please solve this equation?? I have tried over, and over and cannot get the right answer!?

    (The division signs are meant to be fractions.)

    Solve for X:


    p.s ; This is not homework, I'm trying to study for my future exam on the subject and i can't seem to get the answer he has provided for the problem!

    2 AnswersHomework Help4 years ago
  • Would a language count as an elective?

    My degree (Associates of Science) has no requirements for me to earn any foreign language credits but yet it still adds on credits to my transcript. Would it be counted as an elective?

  • How do i pick electives? (College.)?

    Im in the Science program for CCRI and I'm i need at least 3 electives to complete my associates. How do i know which classes are electives and how do i know what to take? Any examples would help!

    p.s; Im meeting an advisor tomorrow for help but i was hoping to add a class tonight before they all fill up!

  • Could you order a firearm online before letting the FFL know?

    I already was told that they do online orders. Although since the holidays, by the time i can tell them, the christmas sale Im recieveing will be past on the firearm site. Would it be bad to order it and just let them know the next time they're open?

    3 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation4 years ago
  • What happens if you fail the initial test for the US Navy bootcamp?

    When you first go into the US Navy, and you arrive at bootcamp.. what if you can't bare to run the 1.5 miles fast enough? Perhaps you can't make the minimum for it. Would you be discharged back home or do they give you training until that final test still?

    I have little knowledge of what you do until the end of bootcamp so sorry if this sounds like an awkward question.

    3 AnswersMilitary4 years ago
  • What happened to the minecraft $5 deal?

    While online on my xbox one account, it shows the regular price rather than the $5 deal even though i had it for xbox 360? Did i miss the deal like i think? Also dosn't show the deal while logged onto the xbox marketplace site.

    2 AnswersXbox5 years ago
  • Minecraft Xbox 360 to Xbox One transfer?

    If i were to transfer a map from xbox 360 to xbox one, would the map become the bigger sized map that the xbox one version has or would it stay the same? I know this was answered awhile ago but i can't find the answer anywhere for recently. I heard they were trying todo it but that was months ago.

    2 AnswersXbox5 years ago
  • What could link this tattoo?

    I have this tattoo on the top of my arm going down, I want to expand the tribal but don't have any ideas on how to make it look good. Any good pictures of tribal that could go good with it? From the bottom going down, or the sides going out (or both.)

    Its not letting me upload the image I intended but heres the link to it ( ) If it lets me after this, i will upload it also.

    1 AnswerTattoos5 years ago
  • What will make drinking fun again?

    Iv been drinking for 3 years now (Social drinker three times a week.) When i first started drinking i was with friends and it was the best times of my life, now when i drink with friends, its like nothing and we just get talkative, not fun. Please don't say theirs nothing, at least mention one thing that could help.

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago