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Lv 56,399 points


Favorite Answers14%

Not a whole lot to say here.. I am considered a brainiac by all that know me.. I tend to be very shy away from the computer, but very outspoken and opinionated in the fantasy world of Yahoo.. I am working my way through the insanity of schizo-affective disorder.. (no, not the crying for attention or use it for an excuse to explain away my problems type) If you see an answer of mine in the mental health section, I can assure you I have more first hand knowledge than I could ever want. Yahoo Answers is a good outlet for my messed up mind :) I genuinely enjoy the prospect of helping people out the best I can with whatever I may know. I have a great dislike for fake or negative people that go out of their way to ruin the fun of others on here. You know who you are. What's the point? I encourage people to do their own research and to see things from every perspective possible. I do, so can you. Smile. Get away from the computer. It is a beautiful world out there. Enjoy it.

  • How Long ... ?

    ... Have you been sitting at your computer answering and asking today?

    Off and on it has been about 6 hours so far for me..

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many hours.......?

    .. a day do you have to be logged into Y!A to have a chance at becoming a Top Contributor for P&S.

    If you are one, now is your chance to confess. :@P~

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question for therapists or adult survivors of sexual abuse?

    I have been considering the option of encouraging my girlfriend to seek some kind of professional help in regards to events from her past.

    It is a very difficult and complicated situation.

    Her stepfather drugged her mother for the sole purpose of being alone with her. She endured repeated rape and all kinds of abuse from this guy over a period of 2-3 years. He threatened her life to keep her silent. She was too scared to face him in court and he was free after just 16 months in jail. I believe she was 11-14 years old at the time. She is 22 now and just beginning the process of recovery. It has been a very

    difficult period of time for her filled with many negative coping mechanisms.

    I would appreciate anybody TRAINED in such things to offer some input. I would also like to hear from anyone that has had a similar experience and has had some kind of positive result come of it. What worked and what didn't.

    We are in a very loving, and open relationship. She would like some help.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Any dual language Oriental/English speakers around that can answer this?

    I have talked to many people from places like Korea or China or even India.. if their english isn't very good yet, they seem to have a habit of switching the order of the words around.. for instance a tuna fish sandwich becomes a 'fish tuna' sandwich or going for a bike ride becomes a 'bike ride go' ...

    The question is.. do they speak this way because that is the order they words would be written in their native language.

    My assumption is that they are just translating word for word and then not rearranging them to be grammatically correct in English.

    I don't want (or mean) to sound derogatory at all, I am just curious and trying to make some sense of it. I think it is kinda funny sometimes the way the words get mixed up :)

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Are you ready... ?

    ... For yet another Tony Stewart meltdown... he is on probation for the rest of the year... how much will his next temper tantrum cost him for a suspension.. we all know we are gonna hear him run his mouth in tomorrows news.. "Waannnuuuggghhh somebody is trying to kill me on the racetrack" :P~

    Dammit.. Yahoo wont let me put the question in auto racing?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Have you ever .... ?

    ...Stuffed your finger in a jar of peanut butter for a quick snack on your way through the kitchen? It's ok .. I can keep a secret.


    Guilty guilty guilty.. I just did about 3 minutes ago.. (shhhh.. don't tell on me!)

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is... ? and... Are you... ?

    What is... the most time you have ever spent answering a question?

    Are you... an answer in 3 words or less type..?

    Or do you take the time to write things out completely?

    I am both..

    But, I like the long answers better.. I have spent over an hour on some answers.. researching for links and writing out a full opinion.

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I just gotta ask .... What is... ?

    ..the most annoying commercial on TV right now.. the one that drives you crazy whenever you see it..

    That dumb@ss car rental commercial when they open their mouths and sing to communicate.. grrr.. instant channel flip.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • For anyone that has been diagnosed with a major mental illness (or knows of somone that has)?

    Schizophrenia/Bipolar/Borderline Personality Disorder and all of the thought or mood afflictions covered by those classes.

    >>> Serious Replies Only Please. <<<

    What is thier occupation if they have one?

    And, how long have they been at that job?

    Give me whatever you can for information without being overly specific..

    Thanks in advance for any of the replies that come :)

    19 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • If you knew for sure... what would you do??

    If you knew for sure ... the world was going to end exactly 3 years from this second and there was nothing that could be done to save it... would your plans for tomorrow change?

    I think I would start travelling and see the country.. just drive around.. and go from place to place.. stop and work for a couple days at a time to get some money and just leave again..

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If I gave you $20 ...?

    What kind of sandwich would you make me?

    29 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you own .... ?

    ... Any pairs of socks with holes in them?

    I am wearing heavy dark gray slipper socks with a rubber tread on the soles so I don't slide around on my floors.. just noticed that my big toe is starting to peek out.. they are too good to throw away .. gonna sew them, I think :)

    57 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever ..... ?

    Accidentally drank out of a soda can that had been used as an ash tray.. ?

    I thought for sure it was my soda .. but nope.. yeeeeeech .. 2 hours and 2 toothbrushings later.. I can still taste it. Pity me :)


    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many of you ... ?

    Have 2 or more screen names and plan on creating a new one everytime you want to stir up more controversy ..?

    Kinda reminds me of third grade all over again... Am I alone in this observation..? I don't understand what can possibly be gained by it..

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When did you last.....?

    talk to anything that wasn't either human or a domestic pet.??

    Talked to your food? Flowers? 'Fess Up! :)

    I barked at the door of my truck earlier for closing on my foot.

    42 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you know the gun laws in your home state?

    Here is a link to find out... just click on the map :)

    Interesting to see how crossing a state line can change everything...

    Is it time to set national standards?

    Any opinions?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What do you have....?

    Hanging off the rear-view mirror of your vehicle?

    I have a silly green stuffed alligator beanie baby thing dangling from a nylon cord noose..

    Yeah, pretty twisted.. but I find humor in it. I always say 'Ohhh.. that's Rex ..He's just hanging out'

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • For those with a Yahoo avatar as a Pic...?

    How closely do you resemble your avatar in real life?

    My skin is a little darker, and my hair is a little longer in the back... Other than that, it looks identical to me. Just like an artist was sitting here drawing a cartoon face of my own. Pretty cool :)

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Imus has joined us? ..?

    New person named Imus in the world of yahoo answers.. ahh .. amazing how media hyp can bring out the attention junkies in droves ... agree??

    Do we have a new Al Sharpton yet today? Can we get a Jesse Jackson..

    Should these people get a life... instead of creating new names to speed up the demise of this site?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does anybody use search engines anymore?

    You know .. Google.. Altavista.. the one at the top of the page you are looking at right now. Yeah, the one up there that says 'web search'.

    This isn't intended to insult anyone. I am just curious.

    I look at half of the questions here at any given moment and think that people could almost always find an answer in a fraction of the time it would take to wait for (and read) the few responses most questions would get..

    Obviously, opinion based questions can't be answered in a web browser... so this is the place for them.

    I am referring to actual research questions.. It seems there are a LOT of people around that are too lazy to look things up.

    Or, is it just me? Take a look at the list of questions when you get back to it .. I think you will get an idea of what I mean.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago