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If tobacco will get graphic labeling, why not condoms, candy, corn sweetners?
That's right, truth in packaging, unwanted parenthood, rotted teeth and gum disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity? Seems only fair, after all the law is supposed to treat all equally. Then maybe they could label ethanol as causes asthama, allergic reactions, lower fuel mileage, higher maintenance costs, removes body paint, causes higher food prices (directly and via livestock feed prices), less diversity in crops, etc. etc.
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIs yahoo censoring answers these days?
Seems like people are having trouble asking or answering politically sensitive issues?
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDo you support a two year mandatory government service law? Age 18 to 42? As the article notes Charlie Rangell has always thought reinstating the draft would end war, but generally volunteer forces give less trouble than conscripted ones. Serving in a world war to protect your homeland is one thing, but the vague definition of letting the President (D or R) the power to declare anything a national emergency and order people to report for duty is a dictatorship. Obamacrats aside, let the libertarians, anti-war protestors and old hippies answer this one, because it could just as easily be a republican in office who uses this. I mean the left forgets, all these powers Obama grants to himself by executive decree creates a precedence whoever sits in the White House will be able to draw upon, that is not how our government was meant to work. It is dangerous to our freedom and liberties.
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoHow many people will The Washington Post expose to reprisals?
Will they feel any guilt? Apologise to victim's families? Pay any damages? Or will it just create more sensational stories for them to cover? When Pres. Clinton cut off payments to "unsavory characters" and the informants sold each other out, destroying intelligence gathering networks, did anybody realize that electronic surveillance alone does not replace humans? Even after 9/11? Our government is so compromised by pro-communist, pro-anarchist or pro-fundamentalist people who have worked decades to get into those positions, not everything the government does can be entrusted to anyone individual. Not even for the sake of a Pulitzer Prize. When people start dying I believe the line between journalism and espionage has been crossed. there are people vowing to bring the jihad here from the Middle East, they don't need the Washington Post giving them names and addresses.
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWell they pass the VAT after the November elections?
Remember the VAT the democrats denied any thoughts of, that Pelosi now admits is on the table? While inflation itself is a Value Added Tax, a oficial VAT makes everything poor and middle class America buys everyday more expensive, nothing exempt, maybe they say you and I won't even notice, but who has a penny to spare? Groceries have already shot up in the last year, Cap and Trade will make it worse because lots of energy gets used in food production, transportation, storage and retail. Then inevitably someone will say the answer to food prices will be price control, which leads to shortages and then ultimately nationalization when a food shortage crisis occurs. How about we just keep all food and food production tax free? Oh back to the main issue, will the VAT and other unpopular legislation get rammed through after the november elections by lame duck democrats?
4 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhere did GM get 3 billion to buy Americredit Corp?
If their GMAC financial arm is still billions in the hole to the USA, did GM buy Americredit to replace GMAC if it has to fold, go under, bankrupt, because it can't repay the debt? How did the corporation that now claims to have repaid all it's debt to the USA (accounting trick) get 3 billion dollars all of the sudden? Now that they are too big to fail, and lendors see the government backing of GM, they can get easy credit? How does this benefit anyone but GM if GMAC goes under? Why is NO ONE talking about this? Money issues are boring?
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIf the three American hikers were kidnapped by Iran from the Iraqi side the border, why isn't the UN involved?
Simply put, if agents of one country cross a border to kidnap people from the other side it is kidnapping, hostage taking, wrongful imprisonment, an international incident and grounds for military action if diplomatic actions fail, IF we had anyone in Washington with balls that is. Why isn't our government demanding their immediate release, apologies and maybe even restitution from Iran's frozen assets here? The longer they dither on dealing with Iran the stronger they grow, castrate them now or face a nuclear mad bull later. Clearly, they will come after us, just as they did those hikers. Anyone have a better idea?
8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoIs it legal to treat US citizens differently according to their religous affiliation?
Muslims and certain other religous groups get to opt out of Obamacare, Christians and Jews do not. Not that much of Obamacare passes constitutional muster, but seperation of church and state means people of different religions get equal treatment, other sections of the constitution say no one may be discriminated against by creed. So how is this supposed to be legal? Might does not make right. In otherwords, those exempt from Obamacare are Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, White House staff, cabinet secretaries, the congressional staff who wrote Obamacare, or work for a leadership office or congressional committee, Amish, American Indian tribes, criminals, Scientologists, Christian Scientists, and Muslims. And why, if it's such a great plan, why do the ones who shoved it down our throats exempt themselves from it?
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoAre we ready to deal with this?
It's what Iran boasts of being able to deliver, with it's missiles and "peaceful" energy program
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoAre they pushing for socialist/communist takeover of farms next?
Yahoo has up a ABC newstory on the "outrage" over the destruction of strawberry crops in Florida? I'm sure you know people who will starve to death now that there are less strawberries available. When there is a glut of food production, either the government buys it up to send overseas, or it rots because shipping/distribution costs outweigh any profit for the farmer. My grandparents had to dump peas and potatoes in the woods during the last depression because they couldn't afford to ship them. Now ABC is harping on this "anger" they found speaking to a couple of people at a free meal center who felt the government should takeover the situation. In teh early 1800's the british government felt teh need to closely regulate food production, the had the "corn Laws", taxes on bread, etc. and it wa sonly these policies and taxes which forced people to rely on potatoes for most of their diet, the real blight on the population was their government, not a virus on potato plants. This is one reason they aren't suppose dto tax food here, farmers are supposed to be exempt, but property taxes, inheritance taxes, and the taxes which raised the cost of everything they buy, especially energy needs, the ethanol nonsense raising feed crop prices on dairy/meat producers and causing scarcity of other crops, the list goes on and on of ways the government is putting our farmers out of business, while opening the doors to cheap questionable foods from overseas. Farmer's markets have become to popular, so the government wants to clamp down on anyone who sells so much as a drop of milk, a potato or berry to someone else. Right now they are trying to put cooperative farms, where everyone works for a share of produce, under USDA control. I'm not trying to rabble rouse, I'm trying to warn you, nationalization of farms leads to starvation, grow your own food, learn how to preserve it, and store it safely, yes I mean "hoard".
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhat is the best country to take up dual citizenship in?
If your native country is the USA, and like millionaires who take citizenship in Isreal, Ireland, Panama, Costa Rica, or some tropical island nation to avoid US taxes and regulations? Supposedly you can't run for elected office in the USA if you hold dual citizenship, but it would appear that no longer applies.
1 AnswerGovernment1 decade agoCommunists vs. Insurance company lobbyists? Is that what the health care reform became?
I live in a house with people registered to several different parties so we have been getting automated phone calls from both sides. yes, reform is needed, but not turning the IRS into the federal security bureau for health insurance. At the same time I have no love of insurance companies, but if anyone has "sold us out" to big corporations, it is the ones who signed on with Obamacare, like AARP, who are given sweetheart deals as a result.
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoIf Obamacare becomes law, you are unemployed should you cancel surrender life insurance policy for cash now?
Because new requirements may be different than your current policy, and if 2% of your income is nothing, wouldn't it be advisable to cash out now? Of course if many people decide the government plan is the better deal, they will cancel anyways, insurance companies will be forced to liquidate assets, and this will hit the markets, securities, mutual funds and bonds, like a tidal wave, even gold, which often gets sold when other assets are weak, could plunge. So maybe it's time to liquidate my IRA account from when I had a job, as well? This is not a political debate, this is hard core economic reality, a question of financial survival, cash out now and apply for welfare and food stamps unless I get a job in this wonderful economic recovery I can't seem to find?
4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoIs Obama's amnesty for illegal aliens plan how he expects to keep the democrats in power come november?
Will this irretrievably alter the structure and constitution of our government if they can force through legislation, such as mandatory healthcare (subject to monthly IRS review) or jailtime, that directly confronts not just the founder's intent but the actual wording of the US Constitution? Will it allow democrats to stay in power long enough to replace US supreme court judges, to rubber stamp approval of whatever the White House wants?
16 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoIf the Federal government has to bail out states, isn't putting people on medicaid instead of medicare a scam?
They claim Obamacare will save the federal government money, but they are kicking people off medicare, the federal program, and onto medicaid, paid by states and local counties thereof (hence the push by urban areas for "ruralfication of the urban poor", to get them off their welfare rolls), when the states go to the federal government for aid, just an accounting trick? Less federal aid means higher state, county, town/city taxes and fees to make up for shortfalls. If they tax businesses and wealthier citizens enough, they pack up and leave, and all the burden falls on the middle class and working poor. Even if you have no income, you pay all kinds of sale taxes ane fees for any kind of commercial, recreational, etc. activity, which won't hurt someone on a government salary but really takes a bite out of the wallet of a person on limited income. It all adds up to more taxation of the poor the way I see it. What I want most is Uncle Sam to get his foot off my neck.
4 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhy would Rahm Emanuel get in the shower naked with an alleged pervert?
Everyone skips right over this one, was Rahm hoping for another tickle fest or what?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhy did the BBC but no American news agancy report Obama's health report mentioned too much alcohol?
While the USA news reported the medical opinion Obama should quit smoking, only the BBC reported the doctor also suggested he cut back on his drinking. Why was the US news censored?
4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoWhy can Charlie Rangel keep officee being a tax cheat but Patterson must resign for free baseball tickets?
When the guy who sits as chairman of teh house ways and means committee isn't being honest abouit his taxes, his net worth, his foreign homes, etc. but Kerik was hung because they said a contractor undercharged him for work, put him into bankruptcy and forced him into plea bargain, and Patterson gets in trouble for accepting baseball game tickets? Has anyone else noticed Andrew Coumo has advanced his career by his bosses having scandal issues mysteriously break and force resignations? Like Henry Cisneros, Eliot Spitzer, and now possibly Gov. Patterson. And no one sees a conflict of interest in letting Coumo investigate his poltical rival?
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoThe Washington Post says the high cost of milk is due to greedy farmers?
This explains the impaired reality of the Post when it comes to economics in general, thanks to things like the ethanol fiasco, poor imported food regulations, unfair foreign subsidies, labor laws, etc. all the dairy farmers I know are losing money, some as much as $5,000 a month. How exactly is that "greed" when they are losing money and will either be forced to sell out voluntarily or foreclosure. Those who were talked into PDRs (purchase of developemental rights) to "preserve open space" or protect watersheds have found out they destroyed most of the equity in their farm when they want to borrow money. So just how does any sane, intelligent person say that dairy farmers' greed is responsible for the high cost of milk?
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoIsn't it funny Obama has killed so many words and phrases? Yes, I expect Bush killed some too, but not the first year, and anyways some words or phrases like "ginormous" or "my bad" should be sent erased from memory, recordings or literature. Substituting "undocumented workers" for "illegal aliens" is about like "it depends on what your definition of 'is' is." I think it shows people are already weary of hearing him speak.
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago