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Favorite Answers13%
  • What to wear to the Clubhouse Restaurant in Oak Brook, IL?

    I'm a city girl and very rarely venture out to the burbs for anything but I've been invited to a dinner In Oak Brook at some place called The Clubhouse. Soooooo has anyone been there? What should I wear? Is it very posh like Tru or Charlie Trotter's or just regular? HELP!

    6 AnswersChicago1 decade ago
  • Jewel-Osco Thanksgiving Day Hours?

    Does anyone know how late Jewel's is open until tomorrow? Specifically, the one on Irving and Cicero is possible. I tried their website but didn't find anything.


    Chicago1 decade ago
  • Need a book recommendation...?

    I'm reading 'Straight Man' By Richard Russo right now and I think it's hilarious. I've read other books by him but I guess I'm looking for something funny and satirical like 'Straight Man'. This reminds me a bit of Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon so something similar to that would also be good.


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Panera's Spinach and Bacon Souffle?

    Does anyone have a good recipe that is pretty close to Panera's breakfast souffles? I prefer the bacon and spinach one but the four-cheese one would be great also. Thanks!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • World Watching the SuperBowl ??

    Does anyone know how many countries watched the Superbowl? My son needs this for school.


    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Found an IPOD but it won't work?

    I found an 20 GB IPOD last week on the street by a bus stop. Pretty neat find! I charged it but it won't turn on. Can I take it to the IPOD store to have it checked out or does it need to be registered in my name?

    I don't want them to think I stole it or anything.

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Which stores have the sales Black Friday?

    I have 9 kids to shop for this Christmas from ages 2 to 12 so I really need to get the most bang for my buck. I haven't had the chance to go over the sales flyers. Would everyone please tell me which stores have the best early bird sales for toys this Friday? and any examples would be really appreciated. I'd like to limit to 2 stores tops. Thanks!!

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • What do you feed a pet turtle?

    My son was given a tiny little turtle as a gift along with food pellets but it doesn't seem interested in eating them. What else besides food do turtle need? I have no idea how to care him/her.

    13 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • My IUD came out..could I be pregnant?

    My IUD was dislodged last night during sex and it came out completely today. What are the chances that I might be pregnant? I've had my IUD (the copper kind) for almost 4 years now and I've never had any problems. I'm kinda of freaking out right now and I won't be able to see my doc until Monday the earliest.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago