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Giving perspective on life from an educated man. In doing that, giving insight to everyday's problems and also spreading knowledge while I am too learning.

  • What are you thoughts on going to the movies and not paying for it?

    This is pretty much an open rant. I know people that do it and I know people who think that its wrong. Does the high prices justify certain actions? Rant on!

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about paying to check luggage?

    I asked this so people who are affected can rant and I can gather how people are feeling about paying to check luggage. I personally don't like it because I believe that tickets for flights are high enough but then there is an oil issue and the money has to be made up somewhere. I guess I am a little torn but I will start packing light and using the carry on.

    Also I know that there are only 1 or 2 airlines doing this right now but it won't be long before everyone is charging for checked luggage.

    Rant Away!!!

    4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the Super Sweet 16 show?

    Some people would say to me to stop "hatin" on them but it's not hate. Most of those kids are brats and they have no idea what the value of a dollar is. I couldn't believe that the parents put up with that crap. My mother would have slapped me a long time ago, oh yea that Benz that I wanted I probably wouldn't even get a picture of it.

    What do you guys think???

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How would you feel if your partner had a cold sore?

    I am very curious of this because I have dated woman that had them and I wasn't to grossed out about it. This is something that is more common than people would like to believe. It's a big difference between HPV-1 and HPV-2. My thing is if your partner had an outbreak; don't kiss and don't share drinks/food.

    Also you may want to get a test done to make sure that it's 1 and not 2.

    What are your thoughts???

    6 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • What is the purpose of relationships???

    I have been talking about this with friends of mine and they all have different opinions. I want to hear what you guys have to say..... I will let you know my opinion after I pick the best answer.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Bacon Double Homestyle Melt...?

    I was wondering has anyone eaten this sandwich yet? Because the commercial make the burger seem delicious the way those moms are trying to kill the king. Any input???

    8 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • Working at the cash register......?

    I wanted to know if any else found this a little disrespectful:

    Your working at the register and you tell the cosutmer the total they put the money on the counter. Whether they threw it or placed it nicely. The only thing I can understand is when someone is counting change, even then I will pick it up and give it to the person. Is is me or are there others out there?

    26 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • IRS and Poker Winnings????

    Ok, I am going to start off and say that; I work for the federal government and I am a little upset about this. If you win more than $5,000 you have to claim it to the IRS. What is up with that.

    I am just trying to figure out what is going on with this country where the government just "has to" have their d@mn hands in everything. Maybe I am being a little irrational but this is just ridicoulous. If you win it, playing poker or any gambling game for that matter you shouldn't have to claim sh!t!!!!.

    But I guess that's what I fight for: The land of the free, right???

    10 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Bodywash????

    I just got out the shower and I thought of a question. An ex-girlfriend of mine said that bodywash with fragrances doesn't get you clean as if you were using a bar of soap.

    I personally don't believe that's the case. What do you guys think?

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Michael Vick, what's the difference?

    I just want to know from all of you, what's the difference in the dog fighting circuit than with people who hunt animals and have them stuffed to show off in their homes.

    Not saying that it's right all around but what's the difference? People hunt and kill animals all the time, if they want that to be wrong then they might want to make a law that says just that. Give me you opinion on that.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If you could eat one thing everyday, what would it be?

    Also what are your 3 additional favorite foods?

    19 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • I have a gay friend coming to visit, how should I tell my roommate?

    Here's the deal, I have a really good friend coming into town to visit me and he is gay. It doesn't bother me obviously but I just moved in with a new roomate. I knew this guy previously to moving in with him but I don't know his position on homo-sexuality. I need to tell him out of repsect for the house but how would I bring this up?

    Should I just straight tell him " I have a gay friend coming into town" or should I find out his position on gays first. I just don't want things to become awkard between anyone.

    And I'm not gay ( I don't know if this makes a difference or not)

    13 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why can't women just be straight up, with how they feel?

    I understand to a point that some woman can not come out and tell someone how they feel, but then again that's a little ridiculous. At least I think.

    I liked this girl named Tiffany. We worked really well together and things seemed like they were ok. At this point I didn't want to assume that she knew how I felt, so I told her. Her reaction seemed neutral, with a smile. She told me that she was flattered and that she thought I was a nice guy. (At this point I should have known).

    Basically she went and told people that we went on these dates and all this other stuff. Telling them that I was a stalker and annoying. Mind you we didn't do any of that. But when I was around here she was like a different person, flirting and being nice.

    I told her that if she didn't feel the same way to just tell me and she didnt. So then I wound up looking like a phsyco. Why can't women just tell the truth?

    Note: And I didn't find out none of this stuff until she was gone.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Fresh gift ideas, for someone you like. But you don't want to come on too strong...?

    I ran into a situation. There is this woman who I work with, that I like. She is aware of the situation and she has responded well so far. The thing is I wanted to get her something for christmas before I left to go home. I don't want it to big then I don't want it to small either. Something just right that comes off as a very nice gesture if anything. I have done a couple of things already that she took well and I wanted to give her something for christmas that says " I was thinking about you". So what do you guys think. All answer would be appreciated.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it publicly accepted to pass gas in the restroom. Why or why not?

    It's funny to me. I have found out from talking to various people that passing gas in the restroom is discouraged. I am trying to figure out why. Isn't the restroom where you take care of all that type of business. I would rather someone pass gas in the restrooom rather than in the same cubicle.

    What do you guys think? Or do you have anything to say on a similar situation.

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Women in 2006?

    I just want to know if women think it's against the law to approach guys. I mean everything doesn't have to be so damn old fashioned. If a woman likes a guy then why can't the woman ask the guy out or something.

    It kills me when I see questions on here like " how can i get him to ask me out". What the hell is that. It's 2006 and I think if you like a guy then ask him out and stop waiting for him to make the first move. Sometimes guys are the one's who is shy. Personally I like woman who are aggressive, it's hot. I am not one of the shy types, I am mainly the aggressor but it would be nice for it to be the other way around. SOMETIMES

    I guess what I am trying to say is what's up with that? Why can't more women go after what they want?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • People who don't wash their hands.?

    Have you ever been in the restroom and you noticed that a certain person didn't wash their hands then later on you are introduced to them. Since you noticed they didn't wash their hands you don't wanna give them a handshake. What would you do and/or say?

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • If a woman claimed whe was pregnant by you but she wouldn't show any proof or go to a doctor, what would u do?

    Well, she claims to be pregnant with you child but she won't present any facts. One thing you haven't even know her for to long and she says she had already recieved an ultra sound. When this information was present to a lawyer and friend, they said it's no way a woman who's "4 or 5 weeks" pregnant is getting ultra sounds. Another thing you don't believe her anyway and don't believe it's your baby "if" she is pregnant in the first place. She lied about having a doctor's appointment and recently found out that she lied about a mis-carraige AGAIN. She tries to make you feel guilty by calling you and saying that she's sick and hungry but your really fed up with her games and you don't respond to any of her calls. What would you do?

    32 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago