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travis R
Oblivion (xbox 360) character builds.?
I've read a few guildes on character building in oblivion.. and I have played the game a bit (a friend's character). Soon I will be making a character and playing the game pretty hardcore. I would appreciate any advice on good skill builds. I have decided on a few things already.
Race: Breton.. maybe dark elf
Birth Sign: I really don't know .. could use some suggestions here
Skills: For sure I want Blade, destruction, and Conjuration. (please add the next 4 for me considering those 3 set in stone)
.. Also I'm a bit confused on some of the leveling processes. If someone could explain the best way to level up your character while keeping it very strong compared with enemys it would be appreciated.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIs there a way to use a state refund to pay federal taxes on time?
I just filed my taxes... I owe almost the same amount in federal that I am going to be getting back from state... I can't afford to pay my federal taxes on time... Is there any way that you can have the state send your refund right to the federal government to cover your federal taxes?
5 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoworking after hours?
Where I work right now the maximum amount of hours you can work is 40 per week. They pay no overtime and will not pay for any hours over 40.
Anyway, occasionaly at the end of the day somthing will come up, and my boss will come up to me at the very end of the day and will tell me to do somthing (unload a truck, load somthing on to trucks ect. ) I do it, but it's starting to annoy me that he tells me to do these things and doesn't ask me to do it. He's not exactly the nicest person anyway, and part of me thinks that I should just say no and go home since I won't be getting paid for my extra 20 minutes worth of work. I think if he asked me to do it I would be a bit more happy to do it than him just ordering me to do this stuff. I've already done things like look at the clock right when he's telling me to do this stuff and he says things like "It's part of the job".
Does anyone think I should go to his boss or should i just grin and bear it?
5 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade agoWhat computer programs/ programming languages do you use most ?
This question is mostly for upper level undergrad students and graduate students. What programming languages and what programs would you say that you use most as mathematicians? Would you suggest to any up and coming students that they learn any of these programs prior to college or while in college?
8 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoPhysics labs in school... what are we learining?
This question is more for teachers or college profs. Through high school and college in just about all my labs: chem, physics, bio I remember blatently cheating experiments so that I could get some realistic info on my lab sheets. It got to the point to where I just got sick of doing labs because nothing ever worked out and I knew I would just fabricate data to make it look good. Do you think this happens often? And if so are our lab courses really teaching our generations of scientists to "fake it"? To this day I found all my undergrad labs were a waste of time.
2 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoLegality of opening mail in the recieving dept.?
I have kind of a wierd question.
In our dept now at our corporation we recieve lots of Fed-ex packages addresed to different people in the plants. Part of our job in the recieving dept is to make copies of packing lists that these packages arrive with to make a recored that we did indeed get it. However, many (i'd say 80%) of the packing lists are accually inside the package. We were instructed to open these packages even though they are not adressed to us to get these packing lists. This is a new thing for us and my first question was Is that legal? I really don't know, and my boss seems really uninterested in that question. Does anyone know if this is legal or not?
1 AnswerCorporations1 decade agoWorkplace politics... I wish i never said this!?
Quick story: I live in wisconsin and work in a distribution facility. Well anyway i'd say like 90% of the men and women that work there are die hard republicans. I after feeling rather comfortable in my job told one of them (during a discussion about democrats) that I was indeed a democrat and a liberal.
They call me "the liberal traitor" "damn democrat" "Socialist communist traitor" and then some. They don't leave me alone about it and it's getting to the point where i'm starting to seriously get angry about it. It has caused alot of friction (mostly on my part when i walk into the break room and hear "hear comes that damn traitor!").
My boss never does it, but he does laugh at it. I've already told them to STFU about it and called them uneducated jerks. So the question is do I quit? I can't report them... (this company has a history of firing complainers and i really think that If i started making waves i'd be out the door)
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoUndercover officers.. How exactly do you let people know you are a cop?
My question is this. What exactly is an undercover or off-duty police officer supposed to do to show they are a cop when arresting or detaining someone. I know if some dude on the street told me to "freeze police" and pulled a gun I would run like mad. I flat out don't trust people, and would never stick around to find out of he was really a cop. So what exactly are you told to do?
12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoMythbusters practices questionable science... anyone agree?
Does anyone else think that the television show Mythbusters practices the worst type of science out there? Every episode I see them not practicing even the most rudimentry aspects of the scientific method. They rarely use controls and their experiments always have variables that they either overlook entirely or put into the project without thinking of it. They even give out flat out WRONG info on the program. I've seen an episode where they were shocking eachother with electricity and said that " There is not enough current to be deadly". Don't they know that a current of even .5 miliamps can be deadly to a person? I mean comeon it seems like these guys havn't even taken physics 101!
5 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoAny Grad students or Profs out there that can explain this..Galois Group related.?
IF G is a cyclic group, there exist exactly one intermediate field I of degree k, for each integer k dividing [K : F].
Well, anyway I have to prove that. here is my problem. Our textbook hasn't expalined in any way what a Cyclic Galois Group is at all.
I do know that a Cyclic Group consists of all the powers of the generator, and that every subgroup of cyclic group is cyclic, but it's really not helping me apply this to Galois groups.
Anyway if you know of this in any way or can point me in the right direction or what theorms to look at go for it. My brain is fried and I give up for now.
3 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoThe ultimate flaw of MMORPG and online games?
My friend and I were recently talking and we realized that pretty much every online and MMORPG game has an ultimate flaw.... DEALING WITH OTHER PEOPLE!!! We are both so absolutly sick of dealing with dishonest, rude, annoying people on these games. People who go afk or just plain quit when depending on them. Or the guilds that flounder and fall because of real life issues. Who agrees with me that this will ultimatly cause the end of online gaming? I think in the next few years games will go back to the way they were. 1 person playing by themselves on their own television.
... Also feel free to tell your own stories of how people in MMORPG's or Online games have caused you to hate playing with others.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoPeter Jackson not directing "The Hobbit" because of lawsuit.?
What is your reaction to the news that Peter Jackson will not be directing the Hobbit because of a failure on the part of New-Line to settle a lawsuit with Wingnut films. (There were some profit disputes because of accounting and distrubition).
Personally I feel this is the stupidist thing NewLine could have done. They should have settled and moved on. Now they are facing some potnetial boycots and some really unhappy fans.
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agostupid 911 calls?
My girlfriend was recently out for her friend's wedding shower and they left a blowup doll in the car while they went into a resturaunt to eat. Well some lady with a kid saw it and she called 911. The cop showed up and interrupted her wedding shower and made them come out to the parking lot. Well this lady went bezerk and was like "You've emotionally damaged my child (the kid was 11)!"
Well the cop procedded to chew this lady out and say "You called 911 over this?!" I got a kindnapped child out there somewhere and you call and get me pulled off of that!!"
Does anyone have other stupid 911 calls that they have heard of out there?
11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhat is your worst interview?
I have been doing alot of interviews lately, and I have been really getting annoyed at some of them. I have found that I can tell within 5 minutes of interviewing at a company If I really wanna work there or not. The last one I was at was for a warehouse manager, and they didn't even give the manager an office. I comented on how they were supposed to work with out a desk and a computer and the interviewer told me that they liked to keep everyone in cubicles to create a "team atmosphere". I laughed and got up and said thanks and walked out. Do you really think this company will learn and change or will they just keep loosing qualified people?
Also feel free to write any of your bizarre experiences in interviews.
2 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade agorecently told my girlfriend a secret.. if a guy told you this how would u feel?
When my current gf and i first started dating (were dating at 18) I told her I wasn't a virgin. (lied) She was my first. I finally let her know this (we are both 27) and at first all she did was blush. She said I totally blew her mind. I have noticed that she has been acting different toward me lately... what do you think she is thinking right now.. what would you think if a guy told you this?
10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowoman is being VERY loud during lovemaking.?
My girlfriend and I live together (both 27). She has always been very loud during lovemaking (screaming). Yes I do enjoy it and i'm happy she enjoys it. We live rather close to another house and recently our new neighbor (he's 29) came over and talked to me. (his wife made him come over). Well after some akwardness he finally told me that his wife isn't happy because they have kids in the house and they hear us. I totally understand his point and I have tried to tell my gf about this. She did manage to quiet down just a tad (i had to put my hand over her mouth once) but I don't think it's enough. She seems kind of put off that I have had to tell her to be a bit more quiet, and it's affecting our love life a bit. She tells me that she just can't help it that that is the way she is. Really I want to know if she is just saying this .. does anyone know why she just can't be a bit more quiet? should i move? Like i said it drives me wild but it is becoming a problem.
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoyes this is about sex...?
Ok I am dating this girl that cannot reach climaxe from penetration,(she never has and she is 27).. She can reach it from other things. Does anyone know somthing that can solve this? It's not really a big problem from her perspective, but ya know i'd like to be able to help her have one from that if I could. Any suggestions would be appreciated... please don't be retarted.
10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy do all you girls go for the gangsta types????
Ok is the deal with girls saying they want all this (nice, charming, good looking, sensitive) stuff from guys, but they end up going out with the wanna be gangsta types? Very seldom do these so called "gangstas" have any of these qualities. In my opinion it's immature and all you girls that promote these kind of qualities by dating these dorks need to get with the program. Don't you realize all your doing is setting yourself up to get treated like crap, like a whore, and more than likely your "gangsta" guy isn't gonna be able to support you. So girls let me know ... Agree/ disagree?
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo I have the right to take her back?
About 4 years ago I was dating this girl on and off (we remained friends with benefits the whole time). The last night we saw eachother I told her I wanted to be serious and she basically said no... Anyway she got married to some other dude within like 2 weeks of our last date and she moved with him accross the country..... Well now she's back living in my city and we have been talking about our past quite alot lately (she's still married but really not happy about it). We both have admitted to eachother that we think about eachother alot. Her husband is a lazy do nothing and she is considering a seperation. My question is ... what do i do? Do i sit by and wait and see what happens or should I be even talking to her? Do I tell her to leave him?
Right now i'm just really having these feelings that she moved back here because of me.. (it was her decision to move back from accross the country)...
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago