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  • I have been diagnosed with Diverticulitis?

    I pretty much feel like I'm going to puke all of the time. I don't eat seeds, nuts, corn or anything else they tell me not to. Why do I always feel like this?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I have a Rat Terrier, he is 10 yrs old?

    I have been the sole provider for this dog. I have done EVERYTHING for him. He's my Baby. Now, he pees in the house, RIGHT in front of me. He's tried to bite me when I try to put him outside to "go" and he growls and bares his teeth when I try to put him to bed at night! He bit me the other day, but not hard enough to break the skin, I'm afraid of him now. I don't understand why this is happening???

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Financial aid for computers?

    Is there financial aid for people with low income to help purchase a computer needed for kids schoolwork?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • My husband is an alcoholic...?

    ...I am one too. I drink because it's the only way I can spend time with him. I WANT to stop, but he doesn't, or won't. I WANT to get help for myself, AND him, but he won't have ANY parts of it.

    I'm afraid that if I get help, and he doesn't, it will be the end of our marriage...

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • A question for other stylists...?

    What do you do when a child sits in your chair, you have gotten instructions from the parent as to how to cut the child's hair- they are still standing up your butt, no matter where you move, they are in your way. You offer them a place to sit (out of your way) but they decline.

    I am confident in my work, as I've been a stylist for ten years, I have no problems cutting hair of all ages, but the encroachment can seem unbearable at times. After offering a place to sit, what else can you say, that is tactful, to get a parent out of your way? I am not the only stylist in my salon that feels this way...

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • I just saw the movie The Dark Knight... (C it in IMAX!)

    I saw it in IMAX(AWESOME!), well worth it! My query is this: Had Heath Ledger not died months before this film was released, would it have been the record breaking, box office smash??? I've always been a fan of his work, but can a movie released posthumously have an effect on its' sales at the box office???

    Also, what about the controversy surrounding Bale? Could this have had an effect as well???

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What am I supposed to do when my husband has given up?

    My husband has been diagnosed a diabetic. He won't take his meds and he doesn't check his glucose level, ever!

    He drinks almost everyday, and God knows what else!

    I have BEGGED and PLEADED for him to fly right, but he won't stop!

    He has a son, parents that LOVE him, I LOVE HIM! But he WON'T change his ways!!!

    I don't know what to do anymore. I have played every card I know of...

    It HURTS to be with someone that seems to have a death wish when his life is SO perfect!!!

    I want to go to his parents, but he would NEVER forgive me!!!

    My husband doesn't think that he has problem, but from what I have read, his neglect could cost him his life!!!

    I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Species Saved???

    Why is it that Clinton was known for his infidelities, but not for the 500 some odd species that he protected???

    Why is it that no one knows that Bush Sr protected half as much???

    Further still, why doesn't anyone know that Bush Jr has only protected 60 some odd species in his 2 terms???

    I am a new activist, but I have always voted. I am confused, dismayed and disgruntled.

    I want to be an integral part in our conservation, I just don't know how to get started!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Trailor Park Trauma?

    My coworker just moved into a mobile home estate, trailer park, WHATEVER you want to call it! The State of New Jersey requires her to register her home with The NJ Motor Vehicle Services. It is not an R.V., it does not have wheels, it hasn't moved anywhere EVER! How does NJ MVS get a piece of the action when she pays lot rent? Don't the owners of "The Estate" pay property tax and isn't that factored into your lot rent???

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • When will I be good enough for everyone else???

    I have worked my butt off to be a better person than when I was younger!!! I have suffered for many of my sins of the past!!! I work hard, I am honest, I help all of the people that I can, WHENEVER I

    can AND STILL it's one bad thing after another!!! I can't take it anymore!!! PLEASE don't tell me to look to God because I have TRIED to be a good Christian and it's gotten me NO WHERE!!!

    I am TIRED of feeling completely helpless...

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Drum specialists...?

    I just bought a house. The lady I bought the house from left a set of drums that she said her son used. She left them for me saying she didn't know what to do with them, her son has died. She said her son bought them in 1975. They've been packed nicely, my neighbor played drums in marching band, he said they are in great shape! According to my neighbor, they are a complete set. I don't know what to do with them. They are white and they are Rogers brand. They look nice, I don't want them to go to waste.

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • I am a step-mother?

    CLEARLY, I was raised very differently than my husband, and it is causing problems in regards to his son. I LOVE his son, he's a GREAT kid, but he has no responsibility. My husbands' mother did EVERYTHING for him, and my parents taught me to be independent.We had chores before we could play! We have shared custody of him, he is a great student, but he has NO responsibility!

    I work full time, on my feet, all day. I clean up after his father everyday(this pisses me off too), but his son is following in his footsteps!!!!!!!!!

    I was taught to clean up after yourself! We never had a dirty toilet, or sink, we always emptied or filled the dishwasher! I clean on my day off, I cook, I serve the meal, I am the LAST one to eat, and I CLEAN UP AFTER!!! I HATE IT!!!! I feel like a maid!!!

    My husband accuses me of coming down too hard on my stepson if I ask him to clear the table!

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Barry Bonds?

    Are all the pitchers he plays against going to INTENTIONALLY walk him for the rest of the season??? Are they going to walk him all next season also??? Why aren't there any major league pitchers out there with the stones to say "I can throw him out!"??? If you ask me, any pitcher worth his weight in salt would try to throw the guy out! After all, your not supposed to be in it for the money, you're supposed to be in it for the love of the game! Not to mention the fact that you're depriving the FANS of real baseball! It's bad enough these players will not sign an autograph unless they are being PAID to do so! What happened? Professional players have bloated salaries and even bigger bloated egos! Guys like Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, and Roger Maris are probably rolling over in their grave at how bogus their successors are behaving!!!

    10 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Discoloration under my arm?

    Brownish in color, started off the size of a quarter. Now it has spread in a u-shaped pattern, but doesn't itch and isn't raised. I'm 39, never had this before, but it has spread, any ideas?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Slow Computer?

    I am fairly new to computers. We have windows xp, we have yahoo mail. I do a disc clean up often, and we have registry fix which I do more than disc cleanup. My husband probably has 300 emails in his inbox, does this effect the speed of the computer at all? Is registry fix hurting the computer? We're almost DIAL UP slow and my head is thisclose to popping off!


    11 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • copyright infringement?

    I've heard all of the answers about pitching commercial ideas, what I want to know is how to protect my idea from being used by others!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Accused of being Gay?

    I am a hair stylist and I have a family of clients that I have grown fond of. The boy is going into 7th grade this year and told me today, while I was cutting his hair, that the other boys at school make fun of him and accuse him of being gay. I have grown to be very fond of this family, and it KILLED me to hear that he is being tormented this way! He is a good looking boy and has a personality that matches his good looks! He is very sweet and kind, which is unusual for boys his age. All I could think of to say to him was 'Next year will be different, they'll move on to someone else.' ... HOW LAME! What I wanted to say is fight back, but I am not a family member, I am thier family stylist and it's not really my place to say anything! I know my place with clients, but what I said was just so generic! All I wanted to do was make him feel better and crap came out of my mouth because I couldn't say what I really wanted to say! What CAN I say without violating my boundaries?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Idiot NEIGHBOR with CAR ALARM!?

    It's Spring. People sleep with windows open. We live in a small neighborhood, basically no crime to speak of. The guy is a drunk and passes out while his car alarm sounds off every time a car goes by!!!! Any recourse??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • I had a very specific dream...?

    I dreamed that my Father died. He is my only reamaining parent. My mother died when I was 15, he has since remarried to a wonderful woman.

    I have a stepson, whom I ADORE! He is into baseball my husband coaches him. The dream was that my Dad died and my husband would not come to his funeral with me in another state because it was a crucial point in the season and he said he had to stay with his son. I had this dream 3 days ago and it's really bothering me! I LOVE my stepson, we have a great relationship! I don't know why I had this dream.

    11 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • I don't think I have a chance.?

    My mom died of liver cancer that started in her colon. She was 51. My Father has heart disease and has had 2 quad bypasses, he's 79. Two years ago, he had skin cancer removed.

    I am 39 and scared to death to go to the Dr. I have a few moles that itch lately and have changed shape recently. I have many more all over my body. My right side is making gurguling noises like my Moms' did before we found out she had cancer. She died in 1984. My husband wants me to get it checked out, but I would rather not know. I've seen what the treatments can do to you, and I don't think that I am strong enough to handle it. I don't think that my husband is either. I wouldn't want my Dad to know either. Should I just let it go?

    23 AnswersCancer1 decade ago