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  • Warping a Loom-Shortcuts?

    I'm new to weaving on a rigid heddle loom. Is warping a loom supposed to be so labor intensive? Anyone have any advice to make it easier? I have a 32" loom but only warping a scarf right now.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Aggression-Curable or Simply Manageable?

    Granted there are several types of aggression,do you think a dog can be cured of aggression or do you simply have to manage the dog by controlling and avoiding whatever triggers the behavior?

    Personally,I feel there is no cure for aggression as it is part of the dogs temperament which is genetic. However, a dog that exhibits aggressive behavior can live a fairly normal life if the owner takes an active role in recognizing triggers and works with desensitizing the dog or avoiding the triggers all together.

    What are your feelings on this?

    If you found yourself blessed with an aggressive dog would you be willing to take whatever extra steps it takes to make the situation work or would you surrender the dog or euthanize it?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think is more dangerous?

    An unsupervised dog walking around a child or an unsupervised child walking around a dog? Many dogs are re-homed because they bit a child. It seems to me if more children were educated about how to respect a dogs space and body,there would be far fewer bites thus fewer re-homing or euthanizing of dogs.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the main role of your dog?

    My dogs are my companions/friends first but also serve as protection (tool). Many people see there dogs as toys or possessions to be had and have very little emotional bond. What is the primary role of your dog? Companion/Friend? Tool(protection/work)? Toy/Possession?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • So You Think You Want To Breed Dogs?

    Here is a Questionaire that was written up by J Johnson regarding breeding.


    Breeding involves, the Conception, the gestation, the aftercare of both the ***** and the puppies and ensuring that the ***** is caring for the puppies.

    Breeding also includes the placement of the puppies, the responsibility to take the puppies back into your home and re-home them if there is a problem with thier original home.

    There are many responsibilities that go hand-in-had with breeding (not all listed above, obviously) and if you are not ready/willing/able to live up to them, do not consider breeding!

    The Questionaire

    Setting yourself up right

    What does dog conformation refer to?

    How can you test if my dog has the correct conformation?

    What important points should be considered on a dog's pedigree?

    How many championships should be listed in a pedigree prior to breeding?

    The beginning of the season

    When will a ***** first come into season?

    Should a ***** be bred on her first season?

    How old should a ***** be before breeding commences?

    On what grounds should a ***** not be bred from?

    On what days is a ***** fertile?

    How long is a *****'s season?

    Breeding the dogs

    On what day's should a ***** be bred?

    What is a studmaster and when should they be used?

    On what attributes is a stud dog selected?

    What health testing should both the dam and dog have prior to breeding?

    How old should a dog be before he is used at stud?

    What are the responsibilities of a stud dog owner?

    What are the important contract items to have in a breeding contract?

    On what grounds should a dog be neutered?

    What diseases can a dog get while being bred?

    When should a dog be allowed near an in season *****?

    How does the breeding actually take place?

    Does there need to be a tie for a breeding to have taken place?

    What is AI and when should it be conducted?

    Who should conduct the AI and what specific precautions should be taken?

    Why is the stud dog turned during a breeding?

    How many times should a ***** be bred?

    Can a litter have more than one father?

    Where must a ***** be kept while she is in season?


    How long is a *****'s gestation?

    What special diet should the ***** be fed while in season, and while pregnant?

    Under what special circumstances should additional calcium be fed to a pregnant *****?


    What are the signs that a ***** is going into labour?

    What is the best type of whelping box arrangements?

    Where should the ***** be when she whelps?

    What are the signs that the whelping is going well?

    What are the signs that there are problems developing?

    When should a c-section be performed?

    What is primary inertia and the implications?

    What is secondary inertia and the implications?

    What is oxytocin?

    When should the vet be called for help?

    Should calcium be administered during whelping?

    What does green fluid indicate?

    How long should it take for a ***** to whelp?

    What is the incidence of puppy deaths in each litter?

    What is a breach birth, how often does it happen, and what are the problems that can result?

    What are the implications for a pup born out of the sac?

    How do you ensure that each placenta is accounted for, and what do you do if they are not?

    What should be done with the placenta?

    How do you resuscitate a dead puppy?

    How do you clear fluid from a puppy's lungs?

    How many extra set of hands should you have at a c-section?

    When should oxygen be administered to puppies?

    When should puppies first fed from the dam?

    How do you check for cleft palate?

    How are puppies who are deformed managed?

    Caring for the mother

    What should the dam be fed while she is looking after puppies?

    What are the signs of infection in the *****?

    Caring for puppies

    What are the signs that the puppies are progressing well?

    What are the signs that the puppies are in trouble?

    What is mastisis and how is it treated?

    What do you do if the dam's milk does not come in?

    How do you bottle feed a puppy, and what do you use?

    How do you tube feed a puppy?

    How can you tell if a puppy is feeding well?

    How can you tell if a pup has received enough milk?

    How can you check to see if a pup is dehydrated?

    What is fading puppy syndrome and how do you rescue a puppy from it?

    What are the common problems to be aware of when raising the puppies?

    When do you introduce "real food" to puppies?

    Why should puppies never be given "baby food"?

    Why should puppies not be given grains to eat?

    Should puppies be vaccinated?

    Should puppies be wormed?

    Under what conditions should a puppy be culled and how?

    Under what conditions should a puppy be wormed and/or vaccinated?

    Placing puppies

    How do you choose puppy buyers?

    What responsibilities do you have as a breeder for those pups?

    What sort of guarantees are you going to offer th

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago

    I directed someone here to visit when they asked about finding a breed specific pup. YA sent me a violation notice stating I was soliciting by posting Has anyone else here in YA pet forum found themselves in violation for posting info about a pet rescue?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • DogfoodAnalysis?

    Does anyone know that is owned and operated by regular pet owners just like us? In fact,it is a small panel of pet owners who interpret ingredient lists and decide if they are good or not. Several of the panel members don't feed kibble . They are RAW/BARF feeders only. Please learn to evaluate what you are feeding your dogs and do not take a panel of none expert strangers advice as being the only answer. DFA is a good tool to get started with but learn for yourselves what and why a food is good or isn't.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago