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  • Web page help Please?

    I am not very comp smart and I would like to make a web page.

    I make and sell tie dye bags,clothes and bedding and would like to open a store on the web.

    Does anyone have any idea how to even get started?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Who thinks the Paris Hilton BS is just that BS?

    if it were you or I we would of never even gotten a delay of going in let alone to go home

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Long WEEKEND WOOHOOO!!!! Who is ready?

    are ya ready and what are your plans

    We are going camping til Sunday NO phone,comp,TV or kids!!!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you see Martin moving in the future too?

    do you think Truex will follow Jr

    15 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • WOW !!!!! I need a little help on this one?

    I just got a call from the school, seems my son wrote a paper on Columbus and got a big fat red F.

    The teacher said my son has no idea who he is.

    I asked what my son put and he said he wrote...

    He was a Putz head and brought over illness and killed alot of the natives,

    he also came back with small pox and killed more natives

    as he spoke and told me what the paper said everything my son was true

    I tried explaining to the teacher that he was right on all counts and that the paper does not deserve a failing grade

    he basicly said TUFF and it was all Wrong

    how do i get it into this teachers head THE PAPER IS RIGHT on all counts ????

    16 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Sr. and Jr. Fans Please Answer?

    Do you think Sr. is standing going woohoo or rolling over in his grave?

    I think he is clapping saying glad you gave her to boot son !!!!!

    Do you think he will drive a # 3 ?

    I do!!!

    DO you think if he gets better equipment he will start winning and blowing Jeff out of the water????

    I do

    I would love to see him be Jeffs team mate in a #3 and blow him out of the water

    How long do you give DEI before they go belly up ???

    I say she will kill the company completly in less than 2 yrs..

    with Jr. gone all her sponsers will go

    13 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • How many of you on Mothers Day?

    call your mother and visit her ????

    Or do you do it every day ???

    Do you wait for one day a yr to tell her just how much she means to you????

    My mother was not the best mother trust me i can tell you horror stories...


    for all the "mean" things she did to me and even tho we hardly spoke to each other

    All those things she did made me the person and mother i am today

    I was just thinking my mom will have been gone 3 yrs this mothers day.....

    You know she won't be around forever

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Are you a cook that stands over the stove, has the pizza shop # on speed dial?

    or is a boxed,frozen food nuker

    or a drive through supper is right up your alley

    i am a slave over the stove, i don't buy boxed,jared or frozen foods.

    i make my own sauces,pasta and breads

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • OK help me out is there something wrong with this STATEMENT?

    Nestle Agrees to buy Jenny Craig

    i just read this somewhere and am wonder what your thoughts are???

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • WOW !!!! I just saw an answer that said American Indians do not exist anymore?

    what am i then???

    If we don't exist anymore then why are there reservations still

    there is a dept in the US GOVERMENT just for NATIVES

    hmmmmm do you all see me????

    HELLO !!!!

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What Is the one thing that makes YOU go HMMMM????

    can be anything or more then one ....

    there are way to many for me to just choose one

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • when was the last time you?

    went out by yourself ???

    without your honey...

    i go out with the girls a few times a month and my honey does guy stuff

    ie hunting,fishing, games with the guys

    or are you a clingy type that always needs them with you for every little thing

    29 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • my One strange ? of the MONTH Its a If you were???

    I was just talking to a friend and she asked if I was invisable for a week what would i do?

    So I am going to ask you. If YOU WERE INVISABLE for a week what would you do???


    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Are you??????

    Are you a touchy feely person

    or someone who only shows affection once in a while?

    Is you S/O the same or different??

    How do you cope??

    I am a very touchy person and my honey bear is not. He comes from a family that does not show affection.

    Somes times i have to remember he is not that way and i never push myself on him if he pulls away.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago

    have you sat back and said What the hell did I ever do to derseve this

    i must have been a horrid spouse in a past life because my EX is the biggest Hemroid i have

    I often sit back and say what have I done in this life to keep this going..

    I thought I was a good person and have never hurt anyone on purpose, But i still have this TORTURE...

    What makes you wonder what you have done???

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • please STOP the BLAME GAME.. people kill PEOPLE NOT GUNS?

    I have been around answers for a few hrs and it seems everyone is BLAMING GUNS on the horrid shooting at V Tec

    Why do you not get the idea it is not GUNS that kill people, it is PEOPLE who kill people.

    My question is if you blame guns explain WHY???

    it seems i can't get a straight answer

    Thank you !!!!

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Show you AGE........... thanks Centurion for the idea?

    do you remember when tv was only channels 3,5,9 and sometimes 24 pbs?????

    there was no cable or satalite, no computers

    and yes for all the younger ppl


    and some of us had black and white TV'S

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Tommarow is my Birthday and i was born on a Fri?

    who else was born on a Fri

    and are you going to stay away from me because it was a Fri<wink>

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Racism Why Are there different rules for different people?

    i wish everyone would just stop!!

    We know what he said and he should not have gotten into trouble at all for it.

    PEOPLE have said bad things about others for ever and ever,

    Rappers (both white and black)say the most horrid things about white and black woman and its OK????


    comedy central is full of people saying nasty things

    is this ok ???

    none of them get into trouble and they say worse things then what Imus said.

    Why is it different because they are College kids?????

    So what, the black woman who is working 2 jobs to support her kids is still black right??

    Give me your Opinions

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago