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  • Why is my girlfriend such a cougar?

    She's way older than me. I just don't know what I should do. It's hard for me to relate to her given our age differences. What should I do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How is my fantasy team?

    It's a 12 team ppr league with 6 points per TD pass, 1 point per 10 yards rushing and receiving, and 1 point per 25 yards passing. I had the 8th pick.

    QB-Drew Brees

    WR-Calvin Johnson

    WR-Anthony Gonzalez

    RB-Kevin Smith

    RB-Derrick Ward

    WR/RB/TE- Darren McFadden

    TE- Jason Witten


    K-Nick Folk


    QB-Marc Bulger

    RB-Leon Washington

    RB-Corell Buckhalter

    RB-Leshaun McCoy

    RB-Michael Bush

    WR-Derrick Mason

    WR-Kevin Curtis

    WR-Josh Morgan

    WR-Davone Bess

    WR-Chaz Schilens

    TE-Brandon Pettigrew

    I'm thinking that I have great running back depth, but I don't really have any top tier running backs. My wide receivers are so so. Calvin Johnson is a great 1, but Anthony Gonzalez is a below average 2. Of course Witten and Brees are the best at their positions.

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Why is the low E string producing a strange high pitch sound when played?

    I just got a MIM HSS strat about a week ago and it sounds great, but I noticed yesterday that under very high treble that the low e string produces some kind of harmonic like high pitch ring every time you play it. The ringing doesn't completely drown out the note, but it's fairly noticeable. This ringing seems to only persist in the 4th pickup position and a tad bid on the 5th pickup position.When the tone knobs are set at 0 the ringing isn't noticeable. The ringing doesn't occur in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd positions. I know that the humbucker produces a lot of harmonics, especially when playing muted notes, but is this normal? I'm relatively new to guitar and I've been playing a cheap first act guitar, so my knowledge on strats is limited. I know it's not fret buzz because I've adjusted the action as high as possible and I've adjusted the saddle. Could it just be a bad string?

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • How do you think my fantasy team will do?

    QB-Carson Palmer

    WR-Andre Johnson

    WR-Braylon Edwards

    WR-Chris Chambers

    RB-Adrian Peterson

    RB-Michael Turner

    TE-Chris Cooley

    K-Josh Scobee



    QB-David Garrard

    WR-Derrick Mason

    WR-Bryant Johnson

    WR-Ronald Curry

    RB-Justin Fargas

    RB-Fred Taylor

    I think I did pretty well. The league settings are the exact same as the yahoo public leagues. Do you see any areas I need to improve on? If so, who to you think I need to pickup or trade for? I'm playing in a ten team league.

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Why do I have brown eyes when my parents both have blue eyes?

    I'm not a genetic expert, but aren't you supposed to have blue eyes if your parents both have them. I know brown eyes are a dominant trait, but in order to have blue eyes you must have two recessive traits, right. Let's say gene B= brown eyes, the dominant trait, while b= blue eyes, the recessive trait. Since b is recessive, in order to have blue eyes you must have two b genes, like this: bb. Both parents have the bb genes, so based on that punnets square thing I should have a 100% chance at having blue eyes. 3 of my 4 grandparents have blue eyes while the other grandparent has brown eyes. What's even more intriguing to me is the fact that one of my brothers have green eyes and the other has a hazel color. I only have one brother with blue eyes. I know I'm not adopted as I look very similar to my parents in apperance (besides the eye color issue). I'm also caucasian and I was born with brown eyes, which is very rare caucasian babies to be born with. I must have a genetic mutation.

    6 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Will the Sacramento Kings make anymore moves before the trade deadline?

    That Bibby trade went down yesterday and I wonder if the Kings will make anymore moves before the deadline. Artest rumors are swirling around, along with some Brad Miller rumors. They really need a defensive force down low. Miller's just not that shot blocker we need. Ron's great defensively, but he can't defend the paint. I'm a firm supporter of trading Artest. He's been playing great, but you know he's probably going to opt out of his deal this year anyways. We're on the right track, after dealing Bibby. We dumped major salary with that deal. We got some good young talent, also. Sheldan Williams also has some good potential, still. Sheldan's not that old, and potential never goes away in a young player. Anyways do you Kings fans think we can save this season with some deals.

    8 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Who should replace Kobe in the all star game?

    If you don't know already Kobe Bryant is out of the all star game with a torn ligament in his pinkie. Somebody's got to replace him. It should have to be a guard. My top three choices would be Baron Davis, Deron Williams, and Kevin Martin. I think Kevin Martin really deserves it the most. He's an underrated player who gets very little exposure. I mean he plays for the Kings. I believe the only national televised game they've played in was one against the Cavs. Martin's 6th in the league in scoring right now. He was hurt for a month and missed 17 games because of a groin injury, so I believe he's not technically qualified for being listed in statistics because of a lack of games played. But honestly, Stern won't pick him as a replacement. I think Baron Davis will get it. Baron's one of the most exciting players in the league. His team has a decent record, and he's definitely one of the most athletic players in the game. Is it going to hurt the West having no SGs and all PGs?

    14 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • What does the Constitution not list the reserved powers of?

    I have honestly no idea on this question.

    The Constitution does not list the reserved powers of the _______

    The choices are Congress, President, state government, or national government.

    I thought the Constitution listed everything the state government, national government, Congress, and President can and cannot do.

    I really would appreciate your help. Our assignment is really pretty easy, besides this question.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Why am I having head pain?

    I'm just wondering. Whenever I shake my head side to side I experience a pain in the upper back of my head. I never have the pain any other time. I want to know what's causing this problem. I know its not a tumor or any thing like that, but could it be minor brain bleeding? I've had this problem for about a month the pain started when I just gently bumped my head on the corner of an open cabinet. The thing is though it bumped me on kind of a soft spot on my head. So do you guys have any idea what my problem may be.

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What are the adverbs in the following sentences?

    * He is particularly happy to surf, both on the Web and off the Caribbean shore.

    Would the adverbs be particularly and possibly off. I'm not sure whether off would be considered an adverb or not.

    * He lives on the Caribbean island, and he serves there as the youngest government advisor in Jamaica's shore.

    Would the adverb simply be as. I don't believe there's anyother adverbs in this sentence.

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • When can either and most be considered an adjective?

    I have a sentence for homework where I need to underline the adjectives. The sentence is "Either book that you choose is fine; she likes most anything". Would the adjectives be either, most, and fine. Would the word "that" be considered a demonstrative adjective.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How would you use these pronouns correctly?

    Okay so I need a little help here.

    In the following sentences would you say; It was SHE who remained on the island for eighteen years or It was HER who remained on the island for eighteen years.

    Here's another; The girl was left behind with her brother WHO was soon injured or The girl was left behind with her brother WHOM was soon injured

    I think the first sentences pronoun is she, but the second set of sentences are giving me trouble.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • When should you use who or whom ?

    This kind of confuses me. For example would you say Who else would be so strong? or Whom else would be so strong? Is there a certain rule you use to determine when they should be used?

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How do you do this pi math problem?

    Here's the question. I don't get it. I would like explanations please

    A signal from a walkie-talkie can be received up to one mile away. A signal from a CB radio can be received up to 5 miles away. Note the 5 mile signal and one mile signal are the radiuses of a circle. The diagram shows a small circle drawn inside a large circle. the large circle represents the CB radio, while the small circle represents the walkie talkie.

    Part a/ Over how great an area can a walkie talkie transmit a signal? Express your answers in terms of pi.

    Part b/ Over how great an area can a CB radio transmit a signal. Express you answer in terms of pi.

    Part c/ write a ratio to compare the area of CB radio reception to the area of walkie talkie reception.

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How do you build a paper tower?

    Using only 1 sheet of paper, 10 inches of tape and a pencil. The tower must be 20 inches tall and free standing. It must support itself and cannot be taped to a table or chair.

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • How would you do this translation?

    On our homework we have this translation to complete using a coordinate notation. the notation is this (x,y) ----> (x - 3, y). Don't get to confused the -----> represents an arrow. The only question I have is if the y coordinate just stays the same. For example would running this coordinate (4,9) through the formula come out as (1,9). Would the y coordinate just stay the same? Remember the formula is (x-3,y).

    6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can you get HIV from this? See details?

    I'm always cautious about this, but can you get HIV by letting someone wear your gym clothes. I've recently heard that you can. I mean this is NOT from a reliable source like CDC, but from a middle class person. I'm extremely uneducated about HIV. I've also heard you can get HIV from dried blood. I heard that if you just touch dried blood the germs transfer to your hands and if you touch your eyes you will become infected. The reason I ask about this is because we're supposed to write a report on infectious diseases in health class about myths and facts on how the virus can be transferred. I may seem dumb asking these questions but I know nothing about Hiv. It would also help if you gave me other myths about Hiv. Thanks in advance!

    9 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • what could this lump in my breast be?

    I'm a 13 year old male I'm not really overweight but I'm kind of chunky. I've noticed this lump behind my nipple or aerolas. There's not any other kind of lumps on my breast though. My nipple seems kind of enlarged, you can't really tell from first glance, and my nipple is kind of puffy ( yet again you can't tell from first glance). Any ideas of what this might be? I only have this in one breast my other one is normal. I've always heard this kind of thing is common during puberty.

    8 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • What does protocol not supported message mean?

    I got this when I tryed to do an online voting poll. I don't have any idea what it means.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What is the area of this trapezoid? Please see details?

    one of the bases is 3t-1(the shortest base) and the other is 7t+5(the longest base). The height of the trapezoid is 2t. Note that the variable t has no known value and I don't need to find the variables t value. I just need to write a polynomial expression for the trapezoid. I came up with 10t^2+4t(^ sign means to the power of 2). Here's what I did 3t+7t+5-1= 2t(10t+4) =20t^2+8t/2 (/ means divided by) =10t^2+4t

    Did I follow the trapezoid area formula right? Yet again I need to know a polynomial expression for the area not really the complete area.My final answer is 10t^2+4t

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago