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Lv 610,752 points

Robin L

Favorite Answers6%

I am an American. I owe you no apologies nor will I accept those apologies made for me by others. If you dislike me, you dislike me not for what I am, but for what you are not. By my own sweat I have created a lifestyle which I desire for all men. To the world I have shared my wealth and given my blood, not because of obligation, but by my free will. I have fed the hungry of the world… Many have bit my hand; I used the other hand. I defeated my enemies in battle, then pulled them up from the ashes of defeat. Once strong , they again attacked; I turned the other cheek. Though I am strong, I have never used my strength to rule others. But do not misjudge me, I will not allow the fear of my own strength to become my weakness. If you wish to rise, I will give you a helping hand… But by the grace of God, and I'll first be damned, will I let you drag me down so that we may be equal. D. Ault

  • Does anyone else agree that a military tribunal should...?

    be held at Gitmo instead of trying the terrorists on American soil? It will cost the American people over 800 million dollars. A military tribunal will cost almost nothing. The officials that would try them are already on the government payroll. We would not need all the security we would need to try them here. We also would not have such a high risk of a terrorists attack during the process. Most of us don't want them here. Why should we the taxpayers flip the bill for their defence?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks that if Obama...?

    put as mush time and effort into important issues like the war and the economy as he does into fund raising and being a celebrity he might actually get somewhere. His priorities are a bit mixed up.

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Which statement is the truth?

    Obama made two conflicting statement. One before the election and the other after Acorn was exposed.

    1) I worked side by side with Acorn as a community organizer.

    2) I don't follow Acorn that closely, I didn't know they were getting all that many federal funds.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How many people out there really believe....?

    that Nancy Pelosi didn't know about the water boarding? She knew, They all knew. But remember she changes her "spots" to fit in with whatever agenda is on the table. When she was under the Bush administration it wasn't torture but under Obama it is. Maybe they should consider how many terrorists got up and walked away from water boarding and how many 9/11 victims walked away from the attack.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Now that Obama has.....?

    bowed down to the Saudi king does that mean the rest of America has to "bow down" too and let them leave foot prints across our backs?

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Americans how do you feel about....?

    Attorney general Eric Holder's announcement that many Gitmo detainees could be released right here in the United States? I think it is a slap in the face to give the very people who want us dead the right to stay here and benefit from our freedom and have another and easier shot at us. Shame on Holder and our president!

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • O.K Americans what do you think of this statement?

    Michelle Obama was on television last night talking to a group of school children. She said getting good grades have always been important to her. She said her friends used to ask her "what is wrong with you? you are acting like a "white girl" Is Mrs. Obama implying there is something is "wrong" with white girls? And I am wondering when will she talk to a group of school children of all races, So far I have only seen her in groups of all black children and obviously giving them the idea that there is something "wrong" with white girls. And all time she is at this little meeting with the children the president is on Leno making points with his "special olympics" statement. Do they have a clue?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Americans how do you feel about the following statements....?

    "No more earmarks"

    "No more pork barrel spending"

    No more business as usual in D.C.

    "No lobbyists will have a job in my white house"




    "They cling to their guns and religion"

    And lets us not forget,

    "I forgot to pay those taxes"

    "We are a nation of cowards"

    "God damn America"

    30 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about being called....?

    a nation of cowards by our new attorney general? I think it is an arrogant, disrespectful and irresponsible comment.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else called their congressman and the White House regarding....?

    the stimulus package? I just did. I let them know how unhappy I am with it and what a disaster I feel it will be.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • fellow Americans did Obama just.....?

    Make history twice? 150 million dollars on his inauguration which is more than any other president in "history" For a man that preaches change and talks about our failing economy and the fact that will "clean up" Washington DC and use our tax dollars wisely I think he went over board on this one for what amounts to a one day party. What do you think?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has anyone out there heard of this.....Maybe a scam?

    I know of someone in Arizona that was offered a deal by someone claiming that after the stock market crash of 1929 the Rockefeller family took out insurance policies on birthdays so if there was another crash people could collect and recover their money. This person told the other person that it would $4,000 to do the paper work and she would loan him the money. I say it is a scam....Does anyone know of a scam like this going around. I would hate to see this person ripped off.

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks Obama should....?

    Give up the ball cap he has been sporting lately. Is he trying to look like or appeal to all the "beer" guzzling, bible toting gun loving backwards hicks he referred to during his campaign. How can us small town people have much respect or faith in our new president that preaches fairness for all and not judging people based on color, race or religion.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Obama's?

    pick for attorney general? Where is all the change? He can't seem to stay away from the Clinton administration. Don't get me wrong I liked Clinton as a president but Obama slammed Hillary during the primaries and then in turn wants to surround himself with Clinton people. His pick of Eric Holder should pose some real hard questions to the people. He (Obama) can't seem to steer away from questionable people.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What was Obama thinking...?

    When he insulted Nancy Reagan with his statement. We expect a little more class from a President elect. I think it showed disrespect and made him look bad and it shows just how inexperienced he really is. It surprises me with all the talk about race and how important it is to see people for WHAT they are and not to judge others, and then he make such a tasteless remark for the differences in people. I think it gives us some insight into what may follow in the months to come. He is starting off really "full of himself" Here is remark and the video is on youtube, go check it out.

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama's illegal aunt.?

    What do people think of this. It seems that Obama once again does not know much as he didn't seem to know anything about Wright, Ayers and Khalidi and now his illegal aunt.

    CHICAGO – Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Saturday he didn't know his aunt was living in the United States illegally and believes that laws covering the situation should be followed.

    The Associated Press found that Obama's aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya. The woman, Zeituni Onyango (zay-TUHN on-YANG-oh), is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama's late father.

    A statement given to the AP by Obama's campaign said, "Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed."

    The campaign said it was returning $260 that Onyango had contributed in small increments to Obama's presidential bid over several months. Federal election law prohibits foreigners from making political donations. Onyango listed her employer as the Boston Housing Authority and last gave $5 on Sept. 19.

    The article is on yahoo news page if you want to read it.

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama and his church?

    I am not trying sarcastic just curious about something. With everything we know about Obama such as his ties to a racist church and a pastor that preached "God damn America" and claimed that the American people brought on 9/11, His ties to terrorists, his inexperience in politics and his flip flopping on issues, his inability to speak without stammering around the question why is so many people turning a blind eye and giving their vote to an unpatriotic candidate? Think back to his church, there is no way he attended for 20 years and listened to a pastor he referred to as a "father figure and mentor" and not know what his views were. If he didn't agree with it then he would not have kept going back on Sunday. If it would have been a white southern baptist pastor and he was preaching racial material he would be done and over with now. What is it that people are looking past? Obama does not have any respect for this country. We need a president that stands strong and loyal and shows his loyalty to our country.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • A question for Canadians please?

    Can you please explain a little about Universal health care. What services are really covered, Like Chiropratice care? Medications? Diagostic procedures? non-life threatening surgeries? Pre-natal care? On the adverage how long does it take to get an appointment with a doctor? How good is dental coverage? Does Universal health care cover eye glasss, Eye testing? I would really appriciate your inout! Thank you!

    7 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • I recently had some problems with my computer. I was able to detect most with virus scan and get rid of them,?

    But I found a thing called my program list. I was going to remove it but I am not sure what it is and what it will do if I remove it. Can anyone help?...Thank you

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Stubborn Yorkie!?

    I have two yorkie.....The first one is a one year old male. I have had him since he was a pup, He was easy to house and has never distroyed anything....Then I got a female, She is 5 months old now and I can't seem to house train her completely. I take her outside about every hour and anytime she seems to be sniffing or searching. Still no luck. she is better than she was but it is getting old. There are times when I take her outside and then within 5 minutes of returning to the house she goes potty inside. I am at whits end...any suggestions?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago