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George W. B

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  • Collecting small claims judgements?

    Had a sue a former friend for money borrowed. I won the judgment in small claims, they soon bolted out of state in hopes of avoiding paying the judgement. Now my question is, how do I track them down (I know where they work) and collect? Is a Collection my best option?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Friend borrowed money, hasn't paid?

    OK, so I have a "friend", I use that term lightly now adays due to this matter....anyhow, she was on very hard luck, or so I thought, borrowed $2500 from me promising to pay it back in 3 weeks. Well, that was almost 3 years ago. Each time I ask her when she's planning on paying it back, I get a sob story, which I've been able to verify is complete crap. I even offered to let her make payments as low as $20 a month, just as long as she started to pay it back....never happened.

    So over the past year or so she's been offering up sex, no relationship, just sex. And lazy sex at that, she tends to just lay there, puts in little effort. I'm getting to think she's got the mind set that if she keeps offering me sex, I won't push the issue. Well, this week I'm opening a small claims suit against her for the money, sex or no sex, the friendship is over and I have no interest in having sex with her any more.

    What would you do?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Small Claims? How if address is not known?

    OK, stupid me, I allowed (someone I thought of as) a friend to barrow $2500 from me in order to buy a car she desperately needed. She promised to pay me back in no more than 3 weeks. Well that time came and went, numerous excuses were thrown out....first it was she was waiting for a payment of child support her ex owed her (numerous months worth as she claimed), then she claimed he was fighting that, then it was when income tax refund came in....that came and went. Then she insisted she would start making monthly payments...again, never happened. I've made numerous attempts at collecting the funds and each time I get an excuse or a promise.

    Now I'm done with it and just want it repaid, so I'm looking at small claims. Problem is, she moved from her last location for which I have no idea what the new address is (I know her old addy).

    How do I file a suit if I don't know her current address?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • At what point does the court stop screwing over the father?

    That's right!

    Been divorced for over 10 years now and my ex has been in contempt most of that time.

    She has failed to pay me her share of child support on time, typically 2-3 months late, sometimes as late as 6 months! She has moved our daughter out of state 3 times and each time has failed to notify me or the court of such until months later or when it gets discovered.

    Here we are again, she is two months late and counting in paying me her share of child support expenses (she owes me 25% of our daughter's airline ticket for vacation...a lousy $100) and she's also moved out of state 3 weeks ago as I found out through my daughter telling me. When I requested my ex inform me of her new address (I needed to send my daughter a package), she refused and instead gave me her old address saying the package will get forwarded. So as it stands, to this day, I have no real idea where they are. I know what state they are in, that's it.

    This is typical for my ex and each time the court lets it slide even though by law either of us is required to notify the other and the court of any change of address that causes a child to change school districts. Being a guy, you bet your butt if I was to do these very same things, move out of the area (with our son...we have split custody) and not notify her or the courts and/or go months to pay child support, I'd be behind bars and the judge would have thrown the book at me for it. But if I was a mom, nope......a never ending supply of "get out of jail free" cards are issued.

    Domestic courts in this country are BS and they heavily favor the female!

    It's time for equal justice damn it!

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Can a person's IP address be tracked by IM?

    Let's say you are using Yahoo IM chat, can either person get the other's IP addy from that process?

    2 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Do I create a payroll to pay myself?

    Just started an LLC and am trying to get all my ducks in row for an upcoming contract assignment.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm thinking even though I own and run the business, I am also an employee and thus I need to create a payroll in order to pay myself a salary out of the income from the business, correct?

    Basically let's say the contract is for $100,000 a year, I want to pay myself a salary of say $50,000 a year, the other $50k stays in the business account to cover expenses, etc. while I pay myself my salary, I also deduct all required taxes, etc. just as my employer I correct in this thinking?

    Any suggestions on software to do all this, something along the lines of Quickbooks, but cheaper or at least less restrictive as they've become heavy on fees for basically any service you use now.

    2 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • Getting custody, need legal help!?

    Been divorced for 8 yrs, I have had custody of our oldest for the past 6 yrs while my ex has had custody of our youngest for the same time frame. Our oldest is 18 and heading off to college, our youngest is 10 yr old, female. My ex is remarried and living 2000+ miles away, thus I only get to see my daughter for about 5 weeks a year. Over the last two yrs she has been telling me her step-father has become increasingly annoying to her. He has a short temper and doesn't treat her the same as his own two kids when they are with him. She states that her mom and him have regular fights/arguments about 2-3 times a week to where she has to run into her bedroom, lock the door and "hide" because she's afraid he will come after her. I've since given her a cell phone so she can either call me or 911 if need be.

    My daughter has also mentioned that I don't "fly off the handle and yell at her" if she does something wrong, like her mom and step-dad do...that I sit her down and talk to her and figure out what she did wrong, why and how not to do it again. Basically I accept that kids will be kids and things don't always go perfect. Her mother has never been able to do that. If our son was playing in the dirt when he was younger, she'd get all upset that he was a bit dirty, make him come in and clean up and have him go right back into the dirt.

    Her mother is on anti-depressants also. At the same time her mother has implanted the idea into my daughters head that she shouldn't even think about wanting to come live with me because I'm a man and I'd have no ability to handle "girl issues" like her mom could. My daughter fully accepts that and stated that if I was married, she'd then consider coming here.

    Another issue is her mother has moved her 4 times in the last 7 yrs and they are currently looking to move yet again. Each move but one has been to a different state, thus my daughter hasn't been able to make any long term friendships and knows it's not worth doing now because she's figuring on having to move again and doesn't want to lose yet another friend. I on the other hand have been at the same job and house for the past 8 yrs.

    My daughter has no family where they live whereas if she was here with me, she'd have her brother, grandparents and uncle and of course her father, much better schools and a safer, more stable place to live.

    Basically I need to know what I need to do to consider a custody battle and turn the tables in my favor in a court that still heavily favors the mother (isn't it damn time the courts become fair on these matters?). What do I need to document? For how long? What are my chances? I'm am also currently paying 75% of my daughters expenses.


    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • The truth of HC Reform?

    Let's step back a bit and admit the following:

    When the history books are written about 2010 the Democrats will exclusively get the credit for passing health care reform and that they did it without a single Republican vote.

    Just like when we look back on Social Security and Medicare we can see that it was the Democrats that made it happen with extreme opposition by the Republicans.

    If the Democrats pass health care reform on Sunday they will forever have the bragging rights

    for being the ones that made it happen. I suppose that is why the Republicans are scared to death

    that health care reform is going to pass.

    If Bush bothered to attempt this on his watch, each and every Repub voting "no" today, would have voted "yes" then for the same reason. The GOP can not let this pass or they will be dead in the water for years once people see the truth.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Beginning to hate my iPhone!!!?

    Here's the issue(s) that I can't seem to find anyone that knows how to fix:

    I have the "camera roll" directory that shows 5 photos but only shows 2 photos ( the other 3 being listed are actually saved videos, but since it doesn't show these videos, I can't select them.

    Thus leading me to my first the heck do I delete these files? Is there a way to wipe clean the "camera roll" directory on the phone?

    I have it synced to iTunes on my PC, but for the life of me I can't find how to list what's on my phone. I was told I would be able to do this and then delete all files in the "camera roll" directory.

    Which leads me to problem number 2....when I synced the iPhone and PC, it created another directory called "quick cam", I assume from the PC. Now, how do I delete this directory from my iPhone?


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Good Lord who is she?

    Have a look at this Acura commercial.....who is this perfect specimen of a woman?

    That face is to die for alone. Damn!

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Can I claim an unrelated adult roommate?

    I have a friend that was hit hard by the current economic situations.

    She was on the verge of living on the streets, so I offered to help and let her "rent" a room of my house.

    Well, she's still looking for full time employment and isn't able to offer any money for rent, food, etc.

    She's been living with me for just about 6 months.

    Can I claim her as a dependent on my taxes for 2009?

    She does have a part time job so I assume she'll be filing her own taxes this year also.

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • There's 18 yrs between them?

    She was born in 1982, he graduated high school that same year, now he is looking to start a relationship with her.

    I can pretty much figure guys here will be all for this, but what about you girls?

    He's a decent looking guy, her? She's very attractive.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • OK, this is for the women here...young n older?

    I have a friend who's daughter is 20 yrs old, has a child and is pretty mature compared to others I've seen at that age these days. She's decided to start dating again after going thru some rough times with her ex. Anyways, it seems she's leaning towards a guy who is 45 yrs old. He hasn't attempted to do anything more than chat with her about the issues she's gone thru. I guess she's confided in him and they have built up a friendship. He hasn't shown any interest in her other than this chatting friendship but she is admitting to me that she's having deeper feelings for him and doesn't know if she should pursue it or not in fear of losing the friendship.

    I know how I feel about it and I can guess what her mother would feel about it (she doesn't know yet).

    My question is, would you feel about it? If you were her, would you pursue it?

    Again, this guy has no clue how she feels about him. I kinda think it might catch him way off guard.

    Let's hear your 2 cents girls.

    And please guys, just the girls on this one huh?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Help! I need to earn $10k?

    Please, this is a serious matter, I'd prefer only serious answers.

    I work full time but due to the economy, in order to retain the job I have, I've had to take a pay cut (as did everyone else in the company). There's no "end date" as to when this pay cut will end. All I know is a few years ago we had to do the same thing and it lasted about a year.

    I'm in a huge bind because unlike the first time, I'm not able to swing the pay cut for any length of time.

    I need to make the above mention amount in order to save not only my house, but also custody of my son. I can deal with losing the house, but not my son and his mom is chomping at the bit for me to lose the house so she can claim I can't provide a decent environment for him and thus gain custody.

    Earning the $10k would solve this issue at least until I either find a better job (like there's a lot to choose from in this job market) or until my pay rate come back to normal. Mind you, when my pay readjusts, I will not be getting the lost salary back, my pay just goes back to what it was. All that income is gone, just as it was the first time I went thru this.

    So please, I'm asking for help. Don't tell me about these online survey scams either. I need a legitimate way to earn this amount. I have no problem doing actual work for it either. I'm just out of ideas and time.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Underaged on Adult web sites?

    In a followup to an answer I posted along these lines elsewhere on Yahoo Answers, I am just wondering if my thinking is correct.

    I've noticed what seems like a bunch of underaged people visiting an adult website chat room(s).

    Typically I know there are some people that will post to other chatters an invite to view their cam (adult rated of course). Now, what I want to know is, if it's an adult website where each visitor is required to agree with the site's terms and thus claim they are in fact an adult, can the person who is in fact an adult and say on cam get into legal problems if he's actually showing his cam to a minor that was on that adult website?

    I would assume he would be if he knows the other person is in fact or admits to being a minor prior to allowing them to watch, correct?

    What if the adult never bothers to ask the other person's age considering they already claimed to be an adult upon entering the web site? What if it's a fantasy deal where the other person is playing the part of a minor?

    I feel these issues are not very well spelled out nor understood by a lot of people, including me. Can anyone clarify?


    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Domain name (not) available?

    OK, I'm having a "deet dee dee" moment...a few years back I'm pretty sure I registered a domain name for my currently defunct company. BUt now I want to start it back up again and thus want to use that same domain name. It's been about 4 yrs since the site was up and running and I figured the domain name would have expired by now. Problem is, when I go to register the domain name, I'm told it's not available but when I type the addy in, I get a "page not found" error.

    How do I find out who owns this domain name or if I still do and if so, how can I reactivate it?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • EX-wife takes part time job, I have to pay more Child Support?

    OK, my ex-wife purposely quit her full time job to take a part time, sales (real estate) commission only job so I'd be on the hook to pay hr more in Child Support. She is remarried and thus can do this and still be supported by her husband's income. I on the other hand remained single and support one of our 2 kids.

    My question is, why do I get punished because she has the luxury of not working whereas I don't? What is the rule on this if any?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • The truth about the "liberal media" - a must read!!!!?

    Bill Kristol: ‘The press isn't quite as biased and liberal. They're actually conservative sometimes,’ Kristol said recently on CNN.

    In the spring of 1995. ‘I admit it,’ Kristol told The New Yorker. ‘The whole idea of the 'liberal media' was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."

    Read that last one again folks.

    "The whole idea of the 'liberal media' was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."

    So from now on you all know the truth. Whenever a Righties screams "librul media", you'll know it just an excuse and a diversion from Republican failures. There's no doubt about it now, one of their very own admits this.

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can anyone from the Right please explain the "teleprompter" deal...?

    ...without being an a$$wipe?

    Serioulsy, I see it here all the time....that "Obama needs a teleprompter"....that "the teleprompter tells what Obama has to say", etc.

    Do any of you really, honestly think Bush 1, Bush 2, Reagan, et al never used a freaking teleprompter? If so you are sorely uneducated.

    No offense, I'd just like to know why such a lame attempt at an insult has gained so much ground with the that the best you can come up with?

    Now, let's see how many decent Righties can reply without insults.

    27 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago