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I am a 22 year old female who lives in Pensacola, FL. I go to school full time and am currently working towards my BA in Elementary Education. I like to swim, ride bikes, play with my dog(Black lab) and travel. My hobbies include painting, B&W photograhy, pottery- pretty much anything that involes me creating something. I was diagnosed in Feb 2007 to have endometriosis during exploritory surgery for pelvic pain. I have been suffering for years and misdiagnosed with cysts, pulled muscles, and even appendicitis. Now i am getting married and we are trying, unsuccessfully, to start a family. Now i want answers to health questions, my peers opinions and stories of their experiences.

  • Help naming my baby!!?

    I am in the process of naming my baby boy ( due in July) and i want some opinions or suggestions that meet my criteria.

    Names so far:

    Jeffrey David (dads name)



    Bailey (family name)

    We want either a family name or a unique name. Rowan and Riley are both Irish which i love and they have amazing meanings (vision)

    So any suggestions on unique names for a boy that have a cool meaning? Please list the name and meaning. or just vote on which of the ones i already have. Thank You!

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • TTC- sex every other day, why not everyday?

    My husband and i have been TTC for almost a year. we have tried every day and every other day. We usually have sex almost every day and we always have, even before we were TTC, sometimes more than once a day! I have read in some places that the whole "depleting the sperm" and "recovery time" is a myth and it doesn't matter because of the amount in it anyway. But i have also read that every other day is the best.

    Can anyone help clear this up for me or tell me what worked for you?

    13 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Getting married in Bahamas-- am i married in the US?

    I have heard different things and both wesites for the Bahamas and FL marriage laws are confusing. If i get married in the Bahamas, do i have to get married again in the US, in Florida where i live? Or am i married here when i turn in my license from the bahamas? Do we need to apply for another license in FL?? im confused! HELP!!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Live in US, but getting married in Bahamas in November-Tax question ?

    I am getting married in the Bahamas on November 23rd. We are going to be legally married there, and then apply for a marriage license back in FL, but it wont be until early december.

    My question is... Since we are getting married in 2008, do we get to file taxes together for this year? or do we not because there will be only less than one month left in 2008 when we actually get married here. So far i have been claimed by my mom because i am in college.

    7 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Increaseing chances...?

    We have been trying for a long time with no luck. My insurance doesn't cover fertility testing or treatment.... so we are in a bind. We are doing all of the things i have read about, like certain positions, timing, temp, charting.... i dont know what else to try!! please help.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • One pos and one neg HPT?

    I am two weeks late on my period and am having some symptoms like tiredness and extremely sore breast. So i bought a HPT which had two in it. Took them both this morning and.... one was positive and one was negative!

    So besides the advice--- go see a doc, which i will call about on monday, what can explain this, what can i do..... and just HELP.

    * we weren't "trying", but we also wernt preventing it. Getting married in six weeks and have been totally off all birth control for over 6 months because we want a family. I am scared because i had a miscarriage six months ago and this is how it started. Low hormone levels and that was why i had mixed results. I miscarried about a week after seeing a doc and i am terrified that it is happening again!!!!

    If i am not, why is it too early to be tested for problems? i know it usually takes 6-8 months... but i feel like we are having issues and want to get them addressed--- we want a family!! any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    ~Yes i asked this question at 2 am--- but i am asking again to maybe get more answers.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • One pos and one neg HPT?

    I am two weeks late on my period and am having some symptoms like tiredness and extremely sore breast. So i bought a HPT which had two in it. Took them both this morning and.... one was positive and one was negative!

    So besides the advice--- go see a doc, which i will call about on monday, what can explain this, what can i do..... and just HELP.

    * we weren't "trying", but we also wernt preventing it. Getting married in six weeks and have been totally off all birth control for over 6 months because we want a family. I am scared because i had a miscarriage six months ago and this is how it started. Low hormone levels and that was why i had mixed results. I miscarried about a week after seeing a doc and i am terrified that it is happening again!!!!

    If i am not, why is it too early to be tested for problems? i know it usually takes 6-8 months... but i feel like we are having issues and want to get them addressed--- we want a family!! any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • sexuality- 3 some?

    I have been in a relationship for five years. We are happy and satisfied- we just want to spice things up. We want to have another 3some….. yes another. The first was in the beginning of our relationship and things were all good. Now, we want to do it again and i am somewhat worried this time that it will affect my friendship and relationship. I think the person we want to have it with- has a thing for me and - I don’t want to ruin a good friendship when it is all over.

    ~Please, no one telling me how wrong it is or what not. Please only serious answers.

  • Steroid injections? info!?!?

    I have been diagnosed with a muscle strain in my abdomin. I was sent to a pain managment specailist and he gave me and steroid injection in the hurt muscle.

    I was so surprised to say that it actually helped. It didnt make the pain totally go away- but it has helped alot!

    I want to know how long one of these injections work for? I know everyone is different- but i want to know an average how long they last and if there are any side effects to taking things like this!

    I am also doing physical therapy and taking muscle relaxers three times a day. Anyone know of anything else i can do to compliment my treatments to heal faster or be totally ot of pain?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • good yoga webite?

    I already do my own routine of yoga that i learned a few years ago- but now that i am having severe pain and muscle tension, I want to learn more yoga postures and rutines that may be helpful.

    Does anyone know of a good website where things are broken down and very helpful? Either yoga or tia chi would work. Thanks!

    if no websites- anyone live in Jacksonville fl and know of a good place i can go to?

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Pelvic Floor- Physical Therapy?

    Finally after going to see about 6 different doctors and beong misdiagnosed tons of times- i have been sent to see a physical therapist for pelvic floor dysfrunction. I guess have a torn hip rotator muscle and i am VERY tense with muscle spasms.

    I have tried deep tissue massage and lots of other holistic therapies for pain- and nothing has worked- I just dont want to waste more money trying something that doesnt help.

    Has anyone had any luck with this kind of physical therapy? If so, what should i expect?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What does it mean to have a full gallbladder?

    I recently had a pelvic exploritory laparoscopy to diagnose endometriosis- and my ONGYN said that she noticed that my gallbladder was full, but without stones. I was treated for Endo, but it was only on my left side, and i have pain on my right side of my stomach.

    The pain is almost right next to my bellybotton and can be sharp at times, but is always there. it also radiated to my back and hip when it is bad. I have been tested for PID and i have already had my appendix removed- so it isnt that.

    Can anyone tell me why i may still be in pain- and what it means to have a full gallbladder and is it dangerous- should i go see another Doc? Is it possible to hurt my back, but not feel pain in my back, but have diverted pain in my stomach? PLEASE HELP!

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had any luck with natural healing from endometetriosis?

    I am considering having the surgery because i have been in severe pain for months- but i would like to try some herbal or natural remedies first. Has anyone had any luck at all with this- or is my only option surgery? (i refuse to take the shot)

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago